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14753328 No.14753328 [Reply] [Original]

Once you leave, enter the “workforce”, and become a “productive” member of “society” (society in 2020 doesn’t truly “exist”) the “lit” lifestyle begins to die, no?

Gone are the days when you can lounge and read after your american lit class in the humanities building’s common area (which has complimentary hot beverages) then later visit your philosophy prof during unofficial (specially reserved only for distinguished pupils) office hours not to discuss the upcoming assignment, but just to shoot the Shit with such a knowledgeable, cool person.

Today’s also a sunny spring afternoon, there are colorful hammocks and beach blankets on the grass, there are tanned coeds legs and all smiles in the courtyard. You meet up with your creative writing club at the quadrangle: free flowing discussions about (insert literary canon authors) and the state of contemporary lit (without anxiety about your futures) and you would ditch your next class (but you have all the time in the world, and then some, so it can wait). You love attending your courses anyways. Perhaps you’ll catch the free screener tonight with her, or maybe you’ll catch up on that novel, work on your short story, whatever, it can all wait till later.

>> No.14753348
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Yes, life is over if you submit to wage-slavery and waste the best years of your life slaving away for mega-corporations for forty plus years until you’re permitted to retire, now old and decrepit – useless to the system. Most wage-slaves will never realize this or will fail to act on it even if they do notice this, failing to think an alternative is even possible. In truth most of them are what Aristotle called “natural slaves” who are content with a life of slavish labor for others, since fundamentally they’re subhuman living tools.

Embrace the aristocratic ideal of leisure and contemplation. I plan to go live in a shack in the woods eventually à la Ted or Chōmei. NEET masterrace

>> No.14753447

>I plan to go live in a shack in the woods
can you even wipe your own ass without mommy's help?

>> No.14753451

>thinking I won’t bring my wiper with me into the woods

>> No.14753457

Why would I want to read in a public building full of edgy kids instead of reading in my quiet house? Eternal students are the biggest fags

>> No.14753472
File: 47 KB, 550x407, E6FFA536-3646-4AB5-B43A-88620E8A78F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Why the fuck would I waste my mid 20’s to early 60’s being a cattle slave. Your 20’s-40’s are the years you have before you body begins to shut down(in your 50’s - but probably earlier if you are a wage slave.)

Go on welfare. Move to a cheaper state or country. Whatever you do, don’t be a wage slave.

Embrace your 20’s to 40’s. Yukio Mishima even said that there is little to no reason to live after your 40’s, as your body(and inevitably your mind and spirit as well) will become decrepit. This is why boomers are all scum. They wasted their youth only to become soulless, broken(physically, mentally, spiritual) monstrosities.

>> No.14753526

I have become decrepit at age 24 and I've never been a wageslave.

>> No.14753568

Get out of the city(or even worse, the suburbs.). You are super young.

>> No.14753569

fix your diet and lift weights and you'll be fine. your body is fucking invincible until you turn 30, you can undo virtually all damage

>> No.14753582


>> No.14753599

You know there are other alternatives to being an office cuck? Learn forex trading and if you can't handle that (which I can't blame you, it's not for everyone but still worth a shot), go become a tradefag or something. At least you do something useful instead of meaningless abstract work for Mr.Shekelstein.

>> No.14753601

its guys like this that prove some people are just peasants by nature. i don't even mean this in a bad way, this guy is a total bootlicking fag besides the peasant blood.

>> No.14753617

If you spend 30 seconds on /fit/ you will realize no amount of lifting can solve mental illness.

>> No.14753693

I pretty much wasted my undergraduate years in a business bug degree and a few years working a normal wageslave office job. I desperately wish I could start all over in something worthwhile and go right to graduate school.

>> No.14753769

>Yukio Mishima even said that there is little to no reason to live after your 40’s, as your body(and inevitably your mind and spirit as well) will become decrepit
This. Become a NEET and die a beautiful death.

>> No.14753776

>not neeting and starting uni in late 20s

>> No.14753997

Wish I >>14753693 had done this. Once you get your degree, it is essentially chiseled into your epitaph for eternity.

>> No.14754113

It’s closer to 35 actually, unless you completely disregard your health and eat complete shit. A lot of the top level special forces people(ie the guys who killed Osama) were 30-35. Early to mid 30’s is when your strength and everything peaks.

>> No.14754119

Can’t you still go to grad school? How old are you? If you are in your late 20’s to early 30’s you won’t look off or anything going.

>> No.14754130

I’ll be 27 soon. I could go to graduate school but the thing is I think I would have to basically get a second bachelor’s degree first because I just have absolutely no interest whatsoever in continuing my major, which doesn’t exactly lend itself to many other fields, and also because my grades were quite poor.

>> No.14754147

I thought that you can just go into whatever master program? I’m only 22 though (finishing my BA Spring 2021) so I’m a brainlet when it come to this stuff.

If you do need another Bachelors, do you just have to do upper division courses or how does that work?

>> No.14754193

No. That’s the kind of bad advice I was given in undergrad so I never worried about it. Some programs have no requirements. Some have have certain course prerequisites. Many have GPA requirements. For example, the philosophy department at my Alma Mater asks for a minimum 3.2 GPA in last two years to admitted for the MA.

>> No.14754211

Do continental philosophy, nigga

>> No.14754216

I would most likely have to do only the core courses so approximately 2 years worth of courses max. I’m also lucky in that I can basically have my employer pay for it but only part-time so more like 4 years max in that case.

>> No.14754225

That’s not bad. So you’ll probably be 30-31 by the time you graduate. That’s about average, based on my interactions with MA students where I’m at (and the previous uni I was attending.)

>> No.14754230

Those are the requirements for continental philosophy, which I don’t meet.

>> No.14754238

Try to find a uni with lower requirements

>> No.14754246

For the MA yeah, but I’m talking about 2 to 4 years for a second bachelor’s which would be the prereq for an MA. So I’d be 29-31 before starting the MA, not finishing.

>> No.14754253

I entered wageslavery by working @ uni researching. Just started though so I'm not drained yet, although six years of severe mental issues have nearly beaten me to a pulp anyhow.

>> No.14754254

I would but I don’t know how I’d pay for it. The only reason I’m considering this Uni is because I have tuition mostly covered there if I go part-time.

>> No.14754263

Oh I see. You should still probably do it. Channel the metaphysics, nibba

>> No.14754331

Why are philosophy classes in uni called philosophy and not history of philosophy? Philosophy is not something you study after all.

>> No.14754336

You can’t even do that if you live in the UK because of a thing called “planning permission” FML

>> No.14754366

My concern, to be honest, is that these programs are generally worthless, of poor educative quality, and at this point just don’t make sense for my current trajectory. If someone were to look at my record on paper as someone who stumbled through what basically equates to just a commerce degree, then switched to a philosophy degree, which he probably wouldn’t go on to use, it wouldn’t make very much sense especially at my age. I don’t even want to be a professor or anything nor do I think there would be that much of an educative benefit, though I’m sure there would be some and I still value that much. I just want to write poetry and read/write philosophy. I just know all too often that authors without graduate level education aren’t taken seriously.

>> No.14754446

1. You are only 27

2. You are only judging things ona quantitative level. I suggest you read “Sun and Steel” by Mishima.