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/lit/ - Literature

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14752067 No.14752067 [Reply] [Original]

>"It is hard to fathom how they got here but the West Virginia Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation is charging inmates to read!"

>"As part of their contract with a private company inmates are provided “free” tablets in which they can access Project Gutenberg, an emporium of free, public domain texts."

>"The prison system receives a 5% commission on the revenue from this program.

>"Oh, and the average wage for a WV prisoner is 30 cents an hour."

>"Of course, there are layers of censorship too! how-to guides (carpentry, starting a business, repairing small engines, etc.), contemporary fiction, popular mysteries and sci-fi, African American literature, Native studies, recent autobiographies—will not be available."

WTF? Reading is a basic human right (just like medical care/education) and should be available for everybody. Also censorship is against the constitution.

>> No.14752068


>> No.14752085

>WTF? Reading is a basic human right (just like medical care/education)
No they are not, pinko.
>censorship is against the constitution.
Not when you've been convicted of a crime it isn't, comrade.

>> No.14752095

epic bootlicker moment

>> No.14752097

It's the state of America. Corruption from top to bottom.

>> No.14752111

Welcome to the real world, kiddo.

>> No.14752116

be in prison
>Work 10 hours
>Get exercise time (1 hour)
>Mealtime for 1 hour
>Get it stuffed up the ass for another 2 hours from psychopathic prison roommate
>sleep for eight hours
>mealtime plus shower prep, 1 hour
>alas get to read for 1 hour.

>> No.14752120

Just because that’s the case now, doesn’t mean it’s right and has to continue. You can change things that are bad.

>> No.14752121

Accepting the status quo without ever striving to better life in general doesn't make you mature, it makes you weak. You shouldn't be charged for reading in prison, simple as.

>> No.14752124

As if prisoners are actually interested in reading.

>> No.14752126

>free” tablets
they getting coomed on

>> No.14752129
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You don't actually pay to read, do you, /lit/?

>> No.14752136

I read what I want for free. If I want to own and be able to access the material without having to rely on a PC or any other device then in that case, I do pay to read.

>> No.14752144


>> No.14752146

This isn't "bad." Prisoners are leeches.
You know who doesn't pay to read in prison? People that aren't in prison.

>> No.14752150
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And they said ebooks would lower the cost of reading. If you really care you should just donate your old books that you don't want anymore to your local prisons.

>> No.14752168

That's just horrible. Seems to me the inmates could end that system pretty easily by collectively refusing to use this service for a few weeks. I bet the company comes around real quick when there's no money coming in at all.

>> No.14752192

>he thinks only the deserving go to prison
I thought this was the smart board

>> No.14752194

>Burgers have issues to treat people humanely

>> No.14752203

Do inmates get access to other donated books or just the tablet?

>> No.14752213

You aren't supposed to ask questions, stop thinking for yourself.

All prisons are required to have a on-premises library accessible by most if not all prisoners.

>> No.14752241

I think this is a very shitty thing.

>> No.14752249


>> No.14752251

they must have a lot of dudes locked up if they care about $3 an hour to read a fucking book

>> No.14752255

More like welcome to shithole America, faggot

>> No.14752258

Setup a charity to purchase entertainment for people unfit for society then

>> No.14752263

You could just post your wishlist.

>> No.14752282

>At the same time, these companies lobby prisons to eliminate in-person visits, paper mail, and even libraries in the name of safety, contraband interdiction, and cost-savings. This replaces the prison-administered systems that encourage rehabilitation and smooth re-entry with private systems designed to extract large sums from prisoners' families. As bad as prison-administered systems are, the private systems can be worse -- and when you combine them, you get the worst of both worlds: prisoners who violate the vendors' terms of service get sent to solitary.

>> No.14752302

>using charities to deal with systematic problems in legislature
Not going to work.

>> No.14752304
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And niggers have the gall to get uppity when they ask them to stop peddling crack or engaging in other criminal behaviors. We're trying to save them from this nightmare.

>> No.14752313
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Do americans really?

>> No.14752330

They don’t give them to the prisoners. Donations aren’t allowed. No idea what they do with the books though. My guess is keep or sell them.

>> No.14752331

They get amazingly great, full coverage health care, free schooling and access to various training programs, room and board, library, all for free, regardless of what horrible crime they committed.

But charge them to access Guttenberg and it is stomping on their rights?

I am more upset by the fact that because I have not murdered anyone, I have to work my ass off to get what they get for free.

>> No.14752336

Good. Criminals don't deserve a fair treatment. Prisons are for punishment, not rehabilitation.

>> No.14752348

>I have to work my ass off to get what they get for free
Unless you're a moral crusader goody two-shoes you won't have any problem with stealing from someone and then reporting yourself to the police. Heck, just go into a police station and start shit, your Utopia is literally step away.

>> No.14752385

I did not say prison was a Utopia, but it is not as bad as most make it out to be. If you did not diddle a kid and have nothing to do with gangs, you are essentially left alone.

Also, prison has less harsh punishment than Utopia.

>> No.14752392


>> No.14752401

What's your excuse for not being there and how is it not preferable for the avarage wagie if it is like you say?

>> No.14752452

>designed for rehabilitation
>costs already billions
>overcrowded (in America)
>30% of all people in prison are innocent (in America)
>take away one of the few opportunities for people to turn their life around

Why are Amerimutts so dumb?

>> No.14752502

start your own prison and run it your way, be the change or shut up.

>> No.14752565

Change can be affected in many ways. Can't believe people on the literature board would defend charging prisoners to read, but I guess it comes down to muh edgy and inflexible "rule of law" or whatever. Access to education significantly reduces recidivism. If you want convicts to be functional citizens when they get out (instead of just going back to being criminals), they have to be able to read and learn while they're in prison.

>> No.14752575
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>he reads on a tablet

>> No.14752716

god dude you're so fucking boring

>> No.14752771

>private prisons
>designed for rehabilitation
good one

>> No.14752785

>WTF? Reading is a basic human right
Things aren't human rights just because you or the retarded UN say they are. No, you do not have a right to have access to books. And as a prisoner, you have no rights at all. If it were up to me everyone in the prison system would be breaking their backs in lead mines, Roman-style.

>> No.14752818

>If it were up to me, I would've been decapitated in the 15th slave revolt this week
I wish it was all up to you Anon.

>> No.14752823

rightoids are such retards

>> No.14753137

People join prison gangs to avoid getting raped, you idiot. The deal is: get beat the shit out of you and raped minimally to avoid having all the gangs rape and beat the shit out of you. Prison gangs are protection rackets for your life and o-hole.

>> No.14753142


>> No.14753175

Reading is objectively not a basic human right, and neither are medical care or education.

What the hell do they teach people "rights" mean now? Here's what a Right is: If the government didn't exist, you'd still have it. Everything else is a privilege.

Government ceases to exist? Well, I can say anything I want, worship whatever I want, and carry a gun wherever I want. Ergo I have a RIGHT to freedom of speech, freedom of worship and freedom to bear arms.

Our compact with government is that we submit to governance in return for RECOGNITION and protection of these rights. We submit to the rule of law, but we are guaranteed the right to speak, the right to worship, the right to keep and bear arms, we are guaranteed a right to a trial by our peers, a right to privacy, etc etc.

But when you start demanding that the state pay you just for existing--provide you with education, healthcare, reading materials, whatever, while those are good and desirable things and I am not saying that we shouldn't have them, they are OBJECTIVELY not rights, and no amount of repetition or lying on the matter will change that.

>> No.14753185

sounds like this will be the future for kindle as a whole (as well as a lot of other services). a subscription service that charges you by the minute. they already charge you 10 bucks a month for unlimited access, it only makes sense that eventually, once all forms of ownership are abolished and replaced by subscription/rental setups, the market will continue to move towards a higher degree of efficiency.
(1950)buy it for life>>>>(2010)pay by the month>>>>>(2030)pay by the minute

>> No.14753191

the white ones can.

>> No.14753205

In pretty sure my local jail has a free library (USA South) and wasn’t there that one convict who learned about law in prison by reading and got all the way to the Supreme Court about being given a state lawyer or something? It was in the 60’s I thought.

>> No.14753291

Prisoners read way more than the general population you ignorant fuck. They don't have the luxury of other distractions.

>> No.14753336

Let's do the math on this.
To buy a hard copy of the sort of books I'd want to read on 30 cents an hour, I would have to clock about 80 hours of work and spend none of that on commissary.
For the same price as the book, at 5 cents a minute, I would get 8 hours of reading out of this program - again, spending nothing on commissary for 2 or 3 weeks.
It depends on the book, but I don't like the sound of having only 8 hours to read them.
But ultimately I don't think the 5 cents a minute reading rate is the main point at which these prisoners are getting shafted. The 30 cents an hour is.
Part of the blame is on having a private prison system with companies trying to maximise their profit margin.
The other part of the blame is on the prisoners landing up in that system in the first place.

>> No.14753344

Gideon Vs. Wayneright

>> No.14753367

>Boomer gets btfo and doubles down on the "country" that he "built" with his "bare hands"

>> No.14753368

>third-world hellhole is hellish
You don't say?

>> No.14753376

epic nonargument from ignorance, please an hero i haven't seen one good post out of you this entire thread

>> No.14753378
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>Welcome to the real world, kiddo.

>> No.14753384

It is, which is why we know from crime stats and victimization reports that there's actually an UNDERincarceration problem in the US - more people should be in prison

>> No.14753430

Stop being poor

>> No.14753444

>Here's what a Right is: If the government didn't exist, you'd still have it.
>Government ceases to exist? Well, I can say anything I want, worship whatever I want, and carry a gun wherever I want. Ergo I have a RIGHT to freedom of speech, freedom of worship and freedom to bear arms.

I legit can't tell if this is ironic or not.

>> No.14753466

This is depressing to even think about.

>> No.14753475


>Here's what a Right is: If the government didn't exist, you'd still have it.

Prisoner rights are different, as the whole premise of a person being in prison presupposes a government exists.

>> No.14753488

rofl this is bait right?

>> No.14753490

holy fuck

>> No.14753502

>12th grade social studies provided me with enough knowledge of politics and morality; I don’t need to think for myself

>> No.14753514

100% of niggers should be in prison. dirt prison

>> No.14753531

If you think America has a "underincarceration" problem you should check out Europe, despite all the fudging of the numbers several countries crime rates are beginning to exceed America's.

>> No.14753555

What action(s) does a government take to grant one the right to free speech?

>> No.14753616

killing/imprisoning anyone who doesn't want people to subvert their society. free speech only matters to faggots.

>> No.14753684

I honestly don't care about illiterate niggers rotting in prison.

>> No.14753920

How fucking dumb can you be. Letting this shit be normal is how they are going to put YOU in prison for thought crimes. Then you will be the one working for 8 hours to read one page of state approved literature on a kindle.

>> No.14753928

Guess you don't want to effectively rehabilitate people.

>> No.14753946

I'm white and live in a 95% white county, I'm not going to jail. Literally only druggies, wiggers, niggers, and spics go to jail in the US

>> No.14753967
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It's really difficult to actually be sent to prison, and particularly difficult to get a lengthy sentence of more than a year.
People who are serving very long sentences have done horrible things so I don't feel much sympathy.

Also pic related: don't forget most inmates are niggers and niggers will ALWAYS find a way to fuck things up so it's no surprise when their liberties are restricted.

>> No.14753971

I agree. This is fucked up. The inmate should be able to read. Not allowing them to is cruel and unusual punishment.

>> No.14754035

A lot of them inflicted cruel and unusual punishment on others so they should reap what they’ve sown.

>> No.14754207

>Here's what a Right is: If the government didn't exist, you'd still have it.

How can someone be this retarded? I thought Hobbes covered this shit. The only reason you have a right to anything is because the government exists.

How does one not learn anything past first grade civics?

>> No.14754223

>what are statutory minimum sentences
>what are the federal sentencing guidelines
>what are drug schedule levels

Are you retarded as well?

>> No.14754228

a lot of them just got in a bar fight or some shit probably. basically any kind of violence is deemed unfit for society even if you weren't trying to kill the guy. this is why most men who are actually masculine end up in jail at some point.

>> No.14754286


>> No.14754289

I'm sure they're allowed to read just about any paperback they can get their hands on. A digital tablet with internet access is a bit different.

>> No.14754290

You don't go to big boy prison for a fistfight unless you're caving someone's skull in while they're down.
I knew a lot of frat guys in college who either fought or knew fighters when they'd have nights out, and it'd always be a fine and a few anger management classes, because it was never anything more than throwing a few punches. Same deal with most drugs, my brother's been pulled over wasted drunk with POUNDS of weed, and he never saw a night in jail for it since it was his first offense.
Not saying the system doesn't need a lot of reform but most people doing long sentences have done serious shit.

>> No.14754300

sounds like a bunch of white dudes that can afford lawyers.

>> No.14754304 [DELETED] 


>> No.14754306

Prisons are full of readers, there's not much else to do

>> No.14754307

>frat guys
lol, opinion discarded. WASPs are above the law.

>> No.14754312

Not really surprising, the US prison system is essentially a business for the profit of the contractors involved.
See >>14752282
>systems designed to extract large sums from prisoners' families
That's what it is about.

>> No.14754323

I steal books from libraries and book stores so I don't have to pay

>> No.14754329


>> No.14754432

Fun series of cases about when you do or don't have a right to an attorney. There's a book on it called Gideon's Trumpet.

Also another book to make this /lit/ instead of just /pol/ complaining about blacks is The New Jim Crow.

>> No.14754441

>DUI with intent to distribute
>no jail time
Ok Chad Thunderpedigree

>> No.14754443

Also just found a pretty rad 1950s documentary about the case SPONSORED BY SHELL OIL COMPANY ON CBS

>> No.14754481


>> No.14754495

In yuro law school we are taught that
Rights, conventionally, are things the government protects, not ones they provide
The new "social" rights are more hopeful promises than something you're actually expected to fulfill

>> No.14754499

But that guy is a commie not a rightist

>> No.14754515

In amerifat law school we aren't taught jurisprudential ideas unless we specifically take the class itself. They try really hard to be apolitical. For example, labor law classes don't ever talk about why unions are important or the historical context of labor, they only go over the procedural aspects of unionizing and collective bargaining. I made girls cry in jurisprudence because I'd argue how absolutely garbage natural law is, I remember particularly calling lawyers without historical context being "indoctrinated mercenaries" upset a lot of people.

>> No.14754521
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The more i expose myself to right wingers, and right wing media, the more im convinced Mao Zedong was right...

>> No.14754523

anon, go on chapo

>> No.14754526
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>> No.14754591

Maybe dont do shit that gets you locked up

>> No.14754609

How does someone stop being black?

>> No.14754616

Can you?

>> No.14754627

By getting a job and becoming a productive member of society.

>> No.14754632

>I steal books from libraries
This is actually laudable. Libraries have been garage-selling and pulping classics for a long time now. They replace them with popular novels and video games on the rationale that getting people into a library and getting them to read -anything- at all is their only purpose. A good book is probably safer in your care than in a public library.

>> No.14754656

I thought black unemployment was at an all time low?

>> No.14754660

False flag or brainwashing?

>> No.14754814

damn, I wish I knew how to read

>> No.14754820

>getting charged to read free books
>institutions that are complete shit compared to European counterparts
>welcome to the real world
You’ve let the GOP / woke media (being preoccupied with being non woke over being right) completely brainwash you into holding retarded beliefs

>> No.14754833

Checked. Don't do the crime of you can't do the time, bub

>> No.14754842

Ironic coming from a commie

>> No.14754881

Freedom isn't free, commie.

>> No.14755414

Then it isn't really freedom.

>> No.14755985

Nothing is free.

>> No.14755993

This is the future. If you're buying soon to be doctored by AI 'e-books' to reduce 'carbon emissions', you'll deserve your open air labor camp.

>> No.14756018
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>Here's what a Right is: If the government didn't exist, you'd still have it
If the government didn't exist force would be the only law.

>> No.14756027

I would force you to stop the faggy anime crap or die.

>> No.14756134

he literally called someone pinko as an insult you brainlet

>> No.14756174

Anon what the fuck is the point of preventing inmates from reading? Wouldn't that be better for them and cheaper than the other shit?

>> No.14756229

>blah blah blah i don't like the world won't someone please do something about it
>gah jeesh i just feel so bad about all of the evil out there

>> No.14756247

Look up negative liberty vs positive liberty
Hobbes was cool, but forgot that sometimes you trade one freedom for another.

>> No.14756277

Only because the government has started counting pimping, dealing drugs, and robbing whitie as professions

>> No.14756370

Is there literally anything Americans won't do to make money?

>> No.14756649

Prison is pretty fucking silly. If someone didn't do something bad enough that they should be executed immediately, locking them up in a cage for years isn't going to help anything. Just beat the absolute fuck out of criminals and humiliate them publicly. Break a couple limbs. What's the point of keeping them locked up? To keep them away from society so they don't commit more crimes? Exile them. It's cruel and unusual to keep people locked away for years and years. It doesn't solve any problems.

>> No.14756659

Force is already the only law it just has bureaucracy to decide where it gets used.

>> No.14756686

Will you FUCKING RETARDS stop and think, just for a minute. It's 5 cents an hour to read from tablets. It doesn't say anything about how they can't read paper books if they choose.


>> No.14756715

>prisoners who violate the vendors' terms of service get sent to solitary
peak capitalism

>> No.14756739


>> No.14756776

I have 300 gigs of pirated pdf books

>> No.14756779

I thought this was awful until I realized it's fine. Hear me out:
This program pays for itself. The alternative isn't letting them use these kindles for free, its no kindles at all. And if the kindles are scarce, then that means that only the people who value them at more than $3 an hour will read them. Charging people for scarce luxuries makes poor people have less of them, but it also means that sometimes someone who really needs it will get it instead of someone who only kind of wants it. So it's a trade-off.

>> No.14756811

This guy is someone's dumb libertarian uncle.

>> No.14756822

This is a great response, thank you for the chuckle

>> No.14756833

Minute, not hour.

>> No.14756866

Look all we get it, libfags: nonviolent prisoners should be treated humanly, blah blah blah.

The bottom line is: mass murderers like Theodore Kaczynski not only need to be shut off from the prison library... unfortunately they need to be executed post-haste.

Sorry leftists: Ted K needs to go.

>> No.14756869

Rush Limbaugh, everybody!

>> No.14756874
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>> No.14756882

The amount of tax money that gets spent on shit. Public welfare and well literal shit, as in pooper-scooping after the homeless. I cant imagine that the money for this couldnt be reallocated from some less deserving leech on society.

>> No.14756887
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Fuck niggers and fuck jailbirds

>> No.14756955

lotta feds in this thread so time for a reminder that crime is imaginary and breaking the law is a good thing

>> No.14757004

>people unfit for society
that's at least 75% of 4chan users

>> No.14757017

and gym coaches

>> No.14757502

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

>> No.14757587

>contemporary fiction, popular mysteries and sci-fi, African American literature, Native studies, recent autobiographies—will not be available."
Unbelievably based, is there somewhere I can donate to support and spread these programs?

>> No.14757592

getting them young, I see

>> No.14757606
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>> No.14757626

>performative contradiction

>> No.14757632


>> No.14757700

>work an hour so I can read for six minutes
Why even work at that wage?

>> No.14757705

Hitler would have agreed.

>> No.14757768

Well not in America, where private prisons are run for profit

>> No.14757811


>> No.14757822

Brainwashed individual false-flagging.

>> No.14757836


>> No.14757931

And so the pendulum swings further and further.

>> No.14757941


>> No.14757962

Rehabilitation is a Reddit meme, it would probably work in a mono-ethnic high trust society, but in a place like America rehabilitation can hardly work. Harsher punishments are the way to go.

>> No.14757971

Yeah all of those ultra-nationalist homeless people in skidrow won't stop defending our nations problems.

>> No.14757972

>60 minutes * 5 cents a minute = 30 cents an hour
Who says niggers can't do math?

>> No.14758016

Fremdscham inducing.

>> No.14758055

Who are the people who care so much about criminals and what they do in jail?

>> No.14758100

Because they eventually make their way back into society, and if there is no effort to rehabilitate them while they're incarcerated, it increases the likelihood of them committing crimes upon release, thus perpetuating crime.

>> No.14758111

...and Jamal is going to be a model citizen because you let him read 'native studies.' Got it.

>> No.14758135

America is such a fucking joke.

>> No.14758136

This is why we need to stop releasing them. Longer sentencing and the death penalty need to more realistically applied if we're ever to have a peaceable society.

>> No.14758148

Fucking cracker

>> No.14758193


>> No.14758253

I care about this specific issue because it's almost exclusively affecting white men.

Stop larping.

>> No.14758264
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>> No.14758275

Spare me the next round. It's tiresome.

>> No.14758311

I understand that you've built your whole personality around contrarianism and pretending to be a hardass for "the good of society" but just fucking give it a rest. And you probably fancy yourself a Christian, too

>> No.14758312
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Suck it

>> No.14758319

You are.

>> No.14758329

I understand you're so steeped in system indoctrination you can't imagine that being a sincere opinion, but many people actually hold it.

Here's another opinion you won't believe is sincere: segregation is better for whites and blacks alike, they're much more criminal without it, and jews must be removed from power so we can reinstate it.

>> No.14758336

No, I believe you're sincere. I also think you're a retard who is above all eager for a scapegoat

>> No.14758338
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Nothing in Christianity has ever suggested that everyone can or should be saved. It doesn't take a genius to realize who are the negative elements of our society and that they already receive and squander far too much sympathy from fools.

>> No.14758341

You do realize...they've actually committed crimes, right?

>> No.14758362

He's not a critical thinker. He just subscribes to the ideology he was told they hold.

"You think $BadThing you must have $CharacterFlaw" is neoliberal argumentation 101.

>> No.14758394

>pretending to be a hardass for "the good of society"
leftists heh

>> No.14758483

Yeah, crimes like possessing weed and talking too loudly in an officer's direction.

>> No.14758496

>west virginia
you realize these people are probably mostly white, right?

>> No.14758514


>> No.14758516

>ok sure it's against the law but I think it like..shouldn't be, man
>and anyway cops are all authoritarian monsters out to get us!
You really are a fucking idiot, huh?

>> No.14758533

You are the true dumbass for thinking that law is infallible. What the fuck is the Supreme Court? Washington is full of retards like you, the only difference being they have charisma and political savvy.

>> No.14758539

>As part of their contract with a private company
found your problem, it's kikes

>> No.14758637

>if you don't openly advocate for criminality you think the law is infallible
You really are a fucking idiot, huh? Every drug dealer and degenerate in jail isn't MLK.

>> No.14758640

I hope you don't actually believe this. Prisons focused on rehabilitation have been proven to reduce recidivism, which reduces both crime and cost as a result. Harsher punishments produce nothing but more suffering and most expense

>> No.14759227

Let's "unpack" this, shall we?

88 percent of the US prison population is housed in state prisons (1,274,600 people). 37.5% of that state prison population is black. Bailing out every drug prisoner tomorrow would get you down to 37% - a half a percentage point reduction. That's your "epidemic", your "New Jim Crow" (by the way, it's a terrible analogy because slavery could only dream of having the widespread support of the black community that tough-on-crime policies have).

Multiple analyses and meta-analyses prove that large racial disparities in criminal offending, not racism, explains why more blacks are in prison proportionate to whites and for longer terms (a 1987 analysis of Georgia felony convictions found that blacks frequently received disproportionately *lenient* punishment, a finding which has been replicated numerous times including in a 1994 Justice Department survey of felony cases from the country's 75 largest urban areas which showed that blacks actually had a lower chance of prosecution following a felony than did whites and were less likely to be found guilty at trial. To the extent that they receive harsher prison sentences upon conviction, this is almost always a reflection of their prior records or of the gravity of their offense - minority violent crimes routinely exhibit levels of depravity generally reserved for the most sociopathic white criminals, a fact often left out of crime statistics).

60% of those in prison for rape or sexual assault do less than two years. If we freed everyone from prison tomorrow except the 25% who are in on murder, manslaughter and sexual assault, the US would STILL have an incarceration rate higher than that of almost every European country.

According to FBI uniform crime data from 2018, of the 11,514 homicide offenders whose race is known, 55% were black (remember, they constitute 13% of the population).

The staggering declines in violent crime during the 80s and 90s correlated directly with rising incarceration rates. For each year after 1991 until 2000, crime dropped consistently in every region of the US - rural as well as urban, rich neighborhoods as well as poor. By 2000 most serious crime rates had dropped by more than 35%. This is literally the only public benefit of the 1990s where the poor and disadvantaged were greater beneficiaries than the rich - impoverished minority males benefited from less risk of both victimization and offense.

You have to be delusional to believe that putting more people in prison for longer periods of time has done anything except lower crime rates in the US.

>> No.14759256

Why do Americans support this shit besides being braindead from propaganda? Look at the bootlicking in this thread alone from burgoids and tell me America does not deserve nuclear holocaust.

>> No.14759265

He's just signalling that he has the opinions of properly educated people.

All white people, no matter their political morality, actually know blacks are violent and stupid. We know they do because of the Dupree/Fisk study, the universality of white flight, and the way all of us surreptitiously avoid groups of black youths on the street.

>> No.14759284

>>and anyway cops are all authoritarian monsters out to get us!

That is true, though. It's like joining the American military. You willingly join a force that is involved in the oppression of anyone deemed against the state. You willingly partake and endorse this. States, by their very nature, are authoritarian and any agents of them are just an extension of that authoritarianism.

tl;dr ACAB

>> No.14759293

The worst thing about European exceptionalism is that everything you mock us for is your future. In many ways you already have it worse. If you openly question the Holocaust you go to prison. If you openly criticize Muslims you go to the prison with the Muslims.

None of this applies if you're in a Visigrad country of course. Then you're B A S E D. So fucking based that you have to move to L O N D O N to find work as a waiter.

>> No.14759297

>burgoid speaking like he knows what happens in Europe or could even point out L O N D O N on a map

>> No.14759306

Struck a nerve eh. I don't resent you, though. It's tough love.

>> No.14759314

>he's afraid of literal teenagers
Lol what's the worst they're gonna do, call you a pussy?

>> No.14759315

You just have absolutely no idea what you're talking about so your blabbering has no effect on anything. It's also irrelevant. America is a shithole. I'm trying to figure out, beyond propaganda, Americans accept and support this absolute shite. What happens here isn't up for debate.

>> No.14759327

Nerve gas.

>> No.14759334

Whatever fags, gargle my nuts

>> No.14759340

just right-wing

>> No.14759352

And I'm trying to figure out how you could think that having violent animals physically removed from our neighborhoods and executed when possible is anything other than totally awesome

>> No.14759353

right-wingers have brain rot

>> No.14759355

be prisoner,have 17 years to waste,copies out in manuscript the greatest works of literature from a project gutenberg prison e-reader and circulates them among the prison literati,years go by and another man has figgured out how to bind the lose pages into a book,the prison now has a clandestine scriptorium

>> No.14759356

The best thing about your post is you avoid them too.

>> No.14759366

>What happens here isn't up for debate.
That's true. Everything I said about the state of Europe is irrefutable.

>> No.14759372

Lol no I don't

>> No.14759382

Errybody gets a lawyer you mouthbreather.

>> No.14759383
File: 57 KB, 468x624, 1553968562091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an insightful reply! I really appreciate your viewpoint now.

>> No.14759385

You shall not oppress your neighbour...but you shall love your neighbour as yourself: I am the Lord

—(Lev 19:13, 18)

Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in his commandments!...He has distributed freely, he has given to the poor; his righteousness endures forever; his horn is exalted in honour

—(Ps. 112 (111): 1, 9)

He who loves gold will not be justified, and he who pursues money will be led astray by it. Many have come to ruin because of gold, and their destruction has met them face to face. It is a stumbling block to those who are devoted to it, and every fool will be taken captive by it

—(Sir. 31: 5–7)

Come now, you rich, weep and howl for the miseries that are coming upon you. Your riches have rotted and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver have rusted, and their rust will be evidence against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have laid up for treasure for the last days. Behold, the wages of the labourers who mowed your fields, which you have kept back by fraud, cry out; and the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts. You have lived on the earth in luxury and in pleasure; you have fattened your hearts in a day of slaughter

—(Jam. 5:1–6)

Just pick neo-paganism and stop kidding yourself, you embarrassing idiot.

>> No.14759388

It's true, our brains have atrophied from not having to perform Herculean intellectual gymnastics like trying to prove that incarceration has nothing to do with the unbelievable crime drop of the last 30 years, or pole-jumping over the overwhelming evidence for the Occam's razor conclusion that the people in prison are largely repeat violent criminals and habitual thieves

>> No.14759417

Sometimes I think the reason blacks are so disproportionately violent is anger at the fact that no matter what they do they can't avoid blacks like everyone else does, being themselves of the nilotic persuasion.

>> No.14759523

Ahahah you do.

>> No.14759545

If only. American blacks are mostly western Africaniods.

>> No.14759863

LMAO I was going to take a pic of this very same billboard in provo. The distopia is real

>> No.14760514

based law and order poster

>> No.14760550

Only if they have money.

>> No.14760602

I don’t even know where to start with how wrong you are. Pick up a fucking book. Any book. Just once. Please.

>> No.14760603

Is the height of your ambition
To be good and willing slaves?

>> No.14760625

Smh at the trannies overreacting to a non-story.
The prisoners can still read books for free, they only have to pay to use the tablets.

If you want them to have free tablets too, you're free to donate them. But we know you want, don't we?