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14749807 No.14749807 [Reply] [Original]

Any good books about the protagonist dropping out of society?

>> No.14749815


>> No.14749844


He walked a mile to bring his laundry back to mommy, thereby still participating in society.

>> No.14749852

He said books, not true stories
I mean in actuality he probably just wanted us all to read that long-ass screencap but I'm not doing that shit

>> No.14749870


Here, let me force it on you in a shorter version. The post was typical angst, but the basic idea was that "dropping out" is not "a problem", but a valid solution to the problem of society. The poster then described a personal situation in which he keeps a basic job (technically not fully dropping out, but the closest practicable thing for many), pursues his own interests, shuns the rest, and is actually happy to boot. A validating idea since I've organized my life in a similar way. t. not the OP

>> No.14749889

There is a book called the Tale of Terraqueous. Not very popular but one of the main characters leaves his society in search of truth. I'm not sure if that's what you were looking for.

>> No.14749894


>> No.14749926

this guy doesn't know true loneliness. it eats away at you no matter how schizo you are, and if you have even co-workers that you're friendly with it will stave off the loneliness, but if you are truly alone, you will lose sanity. i get that a lot of people have no "true friends," and that sucks, but having anyone to talk to even if they are normie as fuck is better than no one at all, or just your supervisor at work. social interaction is a basic human need and you will go nuts without it.

>> No.14749931

A good mother and a good son

>> No.14749936

Let me hijack this a tiny bit. Are there any books on how to actually drop out of society? I'm particularly interested in how to avoid contributing to it. Only thing I can think of myself is Aaron Clarey's books, but I read them all already.

>> No.14749943

he didn't drop out of society at all, he went into the "woods" for the express purpose of writing a book to gain himself higher social standing as an author.

>> No.14750061


I do my shift, go home, and read, write (on here, among other things), and drink. I haven't interacted with a friend in about four years. I talk to the parents on the phone once or twice a week, and see them a few times a year. Overall, I feel pretty good.

>> No.14750184

you talk to people at work and on here, that's not true isolation.

>> No.14750196


True, and the anon above referred instead to "loneliness", which is a distinct thing. He did later conflate loneliness and isolation in the rest of the post though.

>> No.14750235

hmm thats kind of an interesting topic: the distinction between loneliness and isolation. personally, i conflate the tow, but i also think that being forced to be around people who are nothing like you is even worse than physical isolation + 4chan. i only went like 2 months without internet at most when i buried my laptop and threw my phone into the ocean to get rid of porn, and during this time i think i really went nuts because i would just knit all day. i knit and listened to this same song on repeat off an mp3 player. that and read obviously. mostly stiff about living off the land, stuff you could never really do without money, because you have to buy land and pay taxes and shit and you have to comply with whatever laws are in place for camping. also my boss is awful. one of the most awful men i have ever known, even worse, somehow, than my own father, and this even more greatly impacts my sanity because i can't escape him. he is a frail old man who just had major back surgery and if i stop working for him (as his sole employee) he will basically be fucked. my morality is what tethers me to him and makes my life a living hell. i pray to God almost every day that he just wons the lottery so i don't have to work for him anymore, but even my relationship with God is one i have destroyed, so i don't see Him doing me any favors. i would greatly like to kill myself or at least go to prison and be done with society as i know it.

>> No.14750297

You can always restore your relationship with God, anon.

>> No.14750340

i know, but i don't really want to in my heart at this time. i don't want to be a faggot who just abuses the sacraments to coom and shit. the urge to fap is too strong in me and my will to change isn't strong enough to earn me the sanctifying grace that i need to be saved.

>> No.14750350

If you're happy, you're doing God's will upon the Earth. Don't worry so much, just surrender yourself to God and His designs .

>> No.14750364

Truly based and redpilled. Unfortunately, many people can't simply be happy doing that though. People who can never be content with what they have but have a gaping void inside themselves that they are trying to fill: sex, money, power, violence become means to this end. Despite how much I read the Dao De Jing and other similar works, meditate and try to separate myself from petty emotions, I will never be able to suppress this will (call it the death drive). We truly are a self-destructive evil species.

>> No.14750365

there's no way of determining what is or isn't God's will.

>> No.14750688

Could have read this in a woody allen script somewhere, so kikey and nuerotic

>> No.14750735

Not really. Extroverted people go insane. Introverted people simply become depressed. Everyone has a difference tolerance level, though. I've had friends, but now chose to remain alone. I've been this way for near a decade. People have nothing to offer me. I have always had trouble relating to them. At the worst, I am only mildly depressed, but this has been the case even when I wasn't friendless. The only time I ever feel motivated to socialize is when there's a pretty woman around, desu. I can't help it.

>> No.14750913
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Yes, the one by Berkley? The best part is the character, who is of course (you). Go see your doctor and call up a disability lawyer.

>> No.14750961

True stories can be written in books.

>> No.14750967

Yes but fictional stories in books are crucially not ruled out

>> No.14751150
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My Side of the Mountain is an old children's book that covers this topic in depth.

>> No.14751199

Brave New World?

>> No.14751209

Irrelevant, he didn't say no true stories so go cry somewhere else.

>> No.14751210

Joker (2019)

>> No.14751233

Industrial Society and Its Future

>> No.14751243

>there's no way of determining what is or isn't God's will.
Nature/Creation is God's will. Evil is every step that we take contrary to His design.

>> No.14751253

That's exactly why I'm right lmao
OP asked for books
I responded with a book that is not a true story
An anon criticized my recommendation because Walden was not a completely true story
I pointed out that he said "books"
You said "true stories can be written in books" because for some mysterious reason you thought that was a useful or relevant thing to say
I told you that "true stories" =/= "books" because "true stories" excludes stories that aren't true, which "books" does not
Did I make that clear enough for you or do you need me go slower

>> No.14751270
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>> No.14751286

Also, I'm not the same poster that said "whatever makes you happy is God's will". That's dumb.

>> No.14751451

you realize being a schizoid is just how some people are wired and only considered a pathology in the west
not everybody "needs" social interaction, but you shouldn't be taking advice from strangers on internet in the first place so all of this is a non-issue

>> No.14751454

Forthcoming: Leave Society by Tao Lin. Be there or be square.

>> No.14751473

>and I am happy, i lead a fulfilled life

>> No.14752239
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there is only one author

>> No.14752261

still didn't read, lol

>> No.14752277

You sound like someone who hasn't laughed sincerely in years.

>> No.14752400

That's Father Zosima.

>> No.14752416

The happiest years of my life were the ones in which I went for months barely speaking a few hundred words.

>> No.14752425
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>> No.14752436

>everyone works exactly the way as I do
>everyone has to be an NPC to be happy

Yeah, no.

>> No.14752458

I wish I could just be by myself. I'd want a little apartment and a computer and internet, and some basic food, etc. And I could just stay in there with the blinds closed and never leave until I die.

>> No.14752471


are you considering online interaction though? image boards, IRC, etc. can go a long way towards staving off feelings of loneliness and provide a decent substitute for IRL social interaction.
I can’t imagine anyone sane being happy in complete isolation. It’s not how were wired by evolution (in ancient hunter-gatherer tribes, people spent but a tiny fraction of their time alone).

>> No.14752499

>are you considering online interaction though?
In those years I was also not posting on 4chan and basically just playing old PC games when I came home from working in an empty room for most of the day.

>> No.14752510


>> No.14753103

i meant more like God's will for your life. besides following the commandments and teachings of Tradition and Scripture, its basically impossible to really know what to do. or maybe this is just a symptom of the present culture, where no one really has any defined caste or anything. maybe it was really easy to know what to do back when you were basically just a farmer or a nobleman who could do whatever, but now its just like what the fuck. i don't feel comfortable involving myself in society in any way, i see any participation as evil, to varying degrees, but its so hard to drop out completely if you don't already have money, which in order to get you have to commit evil by usury, or validating a usurous system, and i really don't feel any desire in my heart to become a monk or something. basically all i want to do is overthrow society, but how the fuck can you do that without divine authority? i don't think you can morally participate in society and i don't think you can morally destroy it either. basically we're fucked until God directly intervenes. basically the boomers completely fucked us all over and we can't do anything about it, we have to suffer for all their sins.

>> No.14753135

I'm too much of a brainlet for that one. It's so damned dense.

>> No.14753145

peak mgtow

>> No.14753190

I fit the schizotypal mold and I completely agree with you. The other responders don't understand the degree of isolation you are talking about. I completely dropped out of interacting with other humans for 30 straight days and it culminated in an episode of psychosis and intense loneliness. Complete means complete, no job, no small talk, not a hundred words--zero words. I probably went a two week stretch before the end without uttering a single word. All while still being surrounded by the trappings of modern society but so far away I wasn't even here. The difference between 0 and 1 is infinite.

>> No.14753195

Did you interact with people online (anonymously or otherwise)?

>> No.14753234

In the beginning, yes. Towards the end, no. The last 10ish days were a fugue of little to no sleep and monomaniacal fixation on ideas. I wrote feverish gibberish and oscillated between a feeling of lurking despair just out of the sight of my awareness and epiphanatic ecstasy. The despair lurked in my periphery of being, if that makes sense. It's hard to "feel" despair when you are in the throes of ecstasy, but you are always aware of where it is staring at you from--threatening to shatter your fragile indulgence.