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File: 117 KB, 1024x768, arthur_schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14747166 No.14747166 [Reply] [Original]

>Fixes Kant.
>Fixes the Greeks.
>Fixes the Upanishads.
>Fixes theism.
>Wittgenstein and Nietzsche are absolutely butt destroyed at him, call him all kinds of shit.
>Both fail miserably to refute him.
>Describes reality better than all the canon of science combined.
"B-but he is a p-pessimist, we can't teach this shit in our philosophy course, quick someone please find something more palatable, let's also make up he was a virgin so people respect him less".

What did the entirety of academia and most of mankind mean by all this?

>> No.14747171

*fixed nothing
Was an aspie
I can see how he appeals to other aspies for cope but not how a functioning person would like him. Hope u get some meds anon

>> No.14747178

>B-but only s-schizos could think reality is bad. Reality is good, right? God loves me and everything will be OK in the end?

>> No.14747441
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based, pointless struggle though. even if he were correct, evolution doesn't care about the truth, it does't care about anything. but only life that reproduces keeps existing, if that entails being in denial about reality then so it will. so humanity is forever "doomed" to think that life is good.

>also, look at this dude

>> No.14747669

>>Wittgenstein and Nietzsche are absolutely butt destroyed at him, call him all kinds of shit.
And to think that both had so much influence. Especially Nietzsche. When I look at modern world I see Nietzsche everywhere, as if it was build up on his work. Just imagine if he hadn't renounced Schopenhauer. What great philosophy we would have had instead of French sophism. What great works of art instead of avant-garde and abstract "art".

>> No.14747684


>time is a feature of the human mind
>the nature of the world is striving


>> No.14748161

he was a crypto buddhist

>> No.14748188

>If we turn from the forms, produced by external circumstances, and go to the root of things, we shall find that the Buddha, Eckhart, and I all teach essentially the same.
Doesn't seem so crypto to me.

>> No.14748268

which Eckhart is he talking about?

>> No.14748289

"autistic" is just hebrew for "profound white man"
you will always be a willing cuck slave

>> No.14748295

Meister Eckhart.
>only that the former [the Buddha] dared to express his ideas plainly and positively, whereas Eckhart is obliged to clothe them in the garment of the Christian myth, and to adapt his expressions thereto.

>> No.14748426

Was listening to this fuck tell me about ants that when cut in half, their bottom half with their stinger and their top half with their jaws begin to fight. Bulldog ants. But I can't find any other citation for this claim.

>> No.14748432

>let's also make up he was a virgin so people respect him less
literally no one outside of 4chan does this?

>> No.14748443


>> No.14748527


These pics looks like he's gone from an ignored child supressing emotions, with no love from his parents, to a full psychpatic spiritual philosopher that would never knife you in the back (because he has followers to do it while he watches you from the front).

>> No.14748535
File: 143 KB, 449x675, Arthur_Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot his Chad phase.

>> No.14748547

The thing-in-itself is tits and ass manifesting itself in numerous ways.

The above statement is as philosophically well-reasoned and cogently argued for as is Schopenhauer's claims about the will.

>> No.14748564

We can see the wide eyes already present, the cold blue.

He is beautiful, because that's what gets the people to first look at you. Then you strike, and you talk, say what they want to hear. And you fuck them right into the poossy.

You can still take a glimpse of his juvenile self, the child that seeks love for what he is, but as his adult pic shows, he burrowed what could be save to become the philosphing Heachi Shopenhauer, the most iconic character of Tekken Macht Tournament.

>> No.14748593

So you haven't read him

>> No.14748624

lmao, he stopped his thought at evolution.

>> No.14748672

I don't get how people can become "depreseed" from reading him, yes, his philosophy is at its core is pessimistic, but its not as if he throws these truths into the air and fucks off, he offers genuine solutions that help remedy the pain and suffering that life inherently is.
Also some parts of his philosophy are genuinely beautiful, and help you appreciate the true beauty that humans can create (3rd book of will representations). Humanity has done him a great disservice but as >>14747441 said, its only natural, his philosophy can only truly be appreciated by a few, and personally, I prefer it that way.

>> No.14748729

I agree. I personally find his philosophy very very comforting. It actually cured my depression.

>> No.14748753

His followers are all crypto-Buddhists in that case. All Schopenhauer did was expound Eastern thought in a Western context.

>> No.14748764

Inadvertently, yes. He wrote his book before translations of Upanishads were around. It's actually a very beautiful moment in history of philosophy that two unrelated traditions reached the same conclusion.

>> No.14748886

>Wittgenstein and Nietzsche are absolutely butt destroyed at him, call him all kinds of shit.
lol what?

>> No.14748903

>What great works of art instead of avant-garde and abstract "art"
have you ever thought that maybe art is just 2deep4u?

>> No.14748908
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>> No.14748928
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>What did the entirety of academia and most of mankind mean by all this?

Well anon it comes down to the different views on truth.

Idiots believe the truth will set them free
Normies think the truth will drive them mad
and the Wise know that the truth hurts.

Why can't people teach about him? Because he told the closest version to the truth that there is.

>> No.14749024

Nietzsche must be rolling in his grave. The philosophical principle of the Ubermensch has been so deviantly twisted in order to support all knds of artistic, moral and intellectual degeneracy. It makes me so fucking mad that people actually celebrate nihilism and treat it as a complex, liberating philosophy, when all of his work is founded on the objective of surpassing it.

>> No.14749068

>implying he had the slightest clue about the upanisads
>ignoring he is just great from the perspective of a decadent civilization

stop making daily threads about this guy ffs. ok you jerk of to him, you worship him daily. we get it. now, stop looking for validation in a fucking anime internet board. if he is so great, why do you need to throw it at the face of others? go invoke his soul in your room, BY YOURSELF.

or at least make useful threads introducing him to potential readers.

>> No.14749121

I'm not OP but some of these daily threads you mention were probably mine. Why do you find a few people discussing (or as you say, worshiping) their favorite author so objectionable? It's not like we're spamming 15 threads at a time and invading other threads like the followers of another figure (pbuh). We're peacefully doing our own thing and it's quite a pleasure for us. If you don't like it, simply don't enter the thread. I hope schopiebros will continue to make these threads.

>> No.14749177

Sciences don't aim to discover or learn anything, rather to predict phenomena. You have also realised that academics are a joke, well done. The fact that they were so buttmad, and the fact people refuse to teach him, both stem from the fact that most of philosophy is brainwashing/deliberate ignorance and most of philosophers are either fishing for money or borderline schizos secretly knowing they are living a lie. If everyone just accepted the truth, there would be no need for meaningless debates, that is philosophy.

>> No.14749324


Taking a class on him at a top 10 U.S. university as we speak, so he's not entirely ignored

>> No.14749329

Based. Which university? Does the prof specialize on him?

>> No.14749336


NU, prof. specializes in German philosophy

>> No.14749356

Everyone who hasn't actually read him thinks he had such a pessimistically jaded black and white worldview when in fact he was incredibly nuanced, empathetic and ahead of his time.

>> No.14749361

>He is Vice President of the Hegel Society of America.
Not sure how I feel about this but nevertheless based.

>> No.14749417

t. read the wikipedia article on him

>> No.14749422

except he didn't

>> No.14749444
File: 95 KB, 883x1300, 10374691-yoga-black-man-on-the-beach-over-blue-sea-and-grey-sky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw im an ass vs titties cosmic dualist
everything is a manifestation of ass and titties, om shanti shanti shaniqua mufugga

>> No.14749454
File: 1.09 MB, 1280x3857, DOTE Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14749458

shit new tekken looks lit, fukin eddie mayne

>> No.14749463

> empathetic
Very true anon:
>"The conviction that the world, and therefore man too, is something which really ought not to exist is in fact calculated to instil in us indulgence towards one another: for what can be expected of beings placed in such a situation as we are? From this point of view one might indeed consider that the appropriate form of address between man and man ought to be, not monsieur, sir, but fellow sufferer, compagnon de misères. However strange this may sound it corresponds to the nature of the case, makes us see other men in a true light and reminds us of what are the most necessary of all things: tolerance, patience, forbearance and charity, which each of us needs and which each of us therefore owes.”

Also reading WWR for the first time resulted in the most profound shifting in my world view and even evoked some of my deepest emotional reactions to any work of literature. I now view everything in a Schopenhauerian lens down to the personal interactions I have with people.

>> No.14749464
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is schopenhauer just self-help

>> No.14749480

A bit too forward but a good article. It's funny how normie psychologists tried to make sense of that essay and how badly they failed.

>> No.14749488

That's his essay on how to attain happiness and pleasure as much as possible. A great essay, but by no means his main work.

>> No.14749590

>However strange this may sound it corresponds to the nature of the case, makes us see other men in a true light and reminds us of what are the most necessary of all things: tolerance, patience, forbearance and charity, which each of us needs and which each of us therefore owes.”
Very beautifully said. Before reading Schopie, I was honestly just a selfish egoistic asshole. Quantitatively, I used to score very low agreeableness but now it's a bit more than average. He really changed how I treat other people.

>> No.14749700 [DELETED] 

If we're speaking of the personal benefits of his philosophy, he also tempered my romantic sensibilities significantly which had previously been a significant source of torment.

From WWR vol. 3:

>"Thus here, as in the case of all instinct, the truth assumes the form of an illusion, in order to act upon the will. It is a voluptuous illusion which leads the man to believe he will find a greater pleasure in the arms of a woman whose beauty appeals to him than in those of any other; or which indeed, exclusively directed to a single individual, firmly convinces him that the possession of her will ensure him excessive happiness. Therefore he imagines he is taking trouble and making sacrifices for his own pleasure, while he does so merely for the maintenance of the regular type of the species, or else a quite special individuality, which can only come from these parents, is to attain to existence. The character of instinct is here so perfectly present, thus an action which seems to be in accordance with the conception of an end, and yet is entirely without such a conception, that he who is drawn by that illusion often abhors the end which alone guides it, procreation, and would like to hinder it; thus it is in the case of almost all illicit love affairs. In accordance with the character of the matter which has been explained, every lover will experience a marvellous disillusion after the pleasure he has at last attained, and will wonder that what was so longingly desired accomplishes nothing more than every other sexual satisfaction; so that he does not see himself much benefited by it. That wish was related to all his other wishes as the species is related to the individual, thus as the infinite to the finite."

He truly was an educator for all epochs. His works remain a lucid exposition of the implications of a well-reasoned metaphysic and ontology for the human being.

>> No.14749703
File: 82 KB, 419x610, a87a8c6d01b6f081adea81b3d564cf24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks your path

>> No.14749718

If we're speaking of the personal benefits of his philosophy, he also tempered my romantic sensibilities significantly which had previously been a significant source of torment.

From WWR vol. 3:

>"Thus here, as in the case of all instinct, the truth assumes the form of an illusion, in order to act upon the will. It is a voluptuous illusion which leads the man to believe he will find a greater pleasure in the arms of a woman whose beauty appeals to him than in those of any other; or which indeed, exclusively directed to a single individual, firmly convinces him that the possession of her will ensure him excessive happiness. Therefore he imagines he is taking trouble and making sacrifices for his own pleasure, while he does so merely for the maintenance of the regular type of the species, or else a quite special individuality, which can only come from these parents, is to attain to existence. The character of instinct is here so perfectly present, thus an action which seems to be in accordance with the conception of an end, and yet is entirely without such a conception, that he who is drawn by that illusion often abhors the end which alone guides it, procreation, and would like to hinder it; thus it is in the case of almost all illicit love affairs. In accordance with the character of the matter which has been explained, every lover will experience a marvellous disillusion after the pleasure he has at last attained, and will wonder that what was so longingly desired accomplishes nothing more than every other sexual satisfaction; so that he does not see himself much benefited by it. That wish was related to all his other wishes as the species is related to the individual, thus as the infinite to the finite."

He truly was an educator for all epochs. His works remain a lucid exposition of the implications for the human being of a well-reasoned metaphysic and ontology.

>> No.14749734

How would Hegel respond to Heidegger? Didn't he somewhat deconstruct the logicalism of Hegel?

>> No.14749749

what the fuck is this nonsense

>> No.14749756 [DELETED] 

Very well said. It's even more amazing considering he wrote this before Darwin and his theories, so I imagine at the time romantic feelings weren't demystified and were still viewed as instincts serving to ensure the species' survival. But I have to admit even though I know this I still have trouble tempering my feelings.

>> No.14749761
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>Fixes Schopenhauer

>> No.14749763

Very well said. It's even more amazing considering he wrote this before Darwin and his theories, so I imagine at the time romantic feelings weren't demystified and still weren't thought as instincts serving to ensure the species' survival. But I have to admit even though I know this I still have trouble tempering my feelings.

>> No.14749783
File: 756 KB, 1244x400, oceans 4(chan).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one book man strikes again with another predictable and inane thread.

>> No.14749804

What the fuck are you talking about? To understand Schopenhauer you have to read KANT himself, who serves as a gate keeper and plebfilter, so every schopiebro is already a proven patrician.

>> No.14749825

A piece by the best philosopher of this era, those prior, and those to follow.

>> No.14749830

>But I have to admit even though I know this I still have trouble tempering my feelings.

We are only human anon. What I have found though is that when I feel the love instinct return and fixate itself upon a particular person of desire, I will meditate upon the feeling for a few days and seek to understand its source and nature. The image of that person then presents itself less and less as time goes on, and when it still does, I push it to the side and with a bit more ease every time. If a person can build fortitude against this over-idealisation of another human, I truly believe they become amongst the most powerful of minds. For have such matters not driven others to despair and literal madness?

This is not to say that you should not pursue romantic interests. If you do, see them for what they are and not the personal saviour that our culture seems to encourage us to view them as.

>> No.14749876

Thank you, anon. I will keep your words in mind.

>> No.14750056
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>Retroactively unfixes all.

>> No.14750117
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Not during an hypothetic realization of our animalistic nature, but while yet as too animal, only mortal, the human race achieves any sort of divinity, althought it's manifested exclusively while absent from the Divine.

>> No.14750123

Thanks for the bump. I appreciate guenonposters trying to promote Schopenhauer.

>> No.14750693

I really doubt he understood Buddha

>> No.14750701

Why is that?

>> No.14750738

Buddhism is so Kantian at its core but it lacks a western style philosophical rigor and foundation. Buddha didn’t come up with one himself and he has many texts attributed to him that are all spoken in parable or poetically. It’s a mix of Kant and Mach to be honest which is weird to say.
But really the intellectual Buddhist texts are in Sanskrit and way closer to Kant than any of these guys would want to like.
It comes off to me as fashion to show how smart he is compared to his dumb bourgeoisie friends. I just don’t buy that he had access to Buddhist philosophy in a real way. More in a star bucks frappacino San Fransisco liberal kind of way.

>> No.14750749

I don't understand where the problem lies. Schopenhauer is himself Kantian and claims that in a rigorous Kantian framework he found the knowledge to which Buddha refers.

>> No.14750769

And Schopenhauer's writings was almost completely undiscovered until he was in his 60's and he knew this. It doesn't make sense to say he was trying to fashion show when no one even knew he writes philosophy.

>> No.14750779

Schopenhauer was a hack. I'd much rather hear about Mainlander as the proto-Nietzschean link between idealism and later continental thought. What parts of his philosophy were not already contained within Kant and Hegel's? Or even Spinoza's? His only hand was in being secular, but Nietzsche could easily have existed without having to cuck this aspie out the canon.

>> No.14750792

The Last Man my friend, he already called all of this shit.

>> No.14751135

>Was listening to this fuck tell me about ants that when cut in half, their bottom half with their stinger and their top half with their jaws begin to fight. Bulldog ants. But I can't find any other citation for this claim.
This. Not him, I also went looking for a video of this and coudn't find anything unfortunately. :/

>> No.14751168

Keep coping, aspie

>> No.14751310

Did he have any soteriology? Buddhism gets pretty cringe and ultimately pointless without Nibbana.

>> No.14751431

the consolation of philosophy is exactly as worthless in Schopenhauer as it is in all eastern thought. The genius in his works is his perception of man, but he couldn't save him

>> No.14751544


>> No.14751605

Mainländer is a tryhard faggot with nothing to say

>> No.14751692

>"autistic" is just hebrew for "profound white man"
Lol. The mental gymnastics you are capable off.. If only you were able to pull a fraction of that off with your body.
(I'm saying you're fat.)

>> No.14751697

>When I look at modern world I see Nietzsche everywhere
You might just be retarded

>> No.14751713

>Fixes the Upanishads
More like 'rips them off'. Like all the Greeks did as well.

>> No.14751763

>anon, please go outside with me for just 15 minutes. I've been very patient with you dear, ever since we found out about your severe autis-

>> No.14751779
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>The thing-in-itself is tits and ass manifesting itself in numerous ways.

>> No.14751792
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Schopenhauer is just daoism for retarded edgelords

>> No.14752618

well, I'm going to go FIND ONE and see for myself. I will upload the video.

>> No.14752687
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>> No.14752765

>dating the upanishads to BCE
you're guenonfag, right?

>> No.14752813

Compared to good philosophers, yes. Compared Schopenhauer he was good.

>> No.14752938

exactly. The last man, as the other anon said, is everywhere...

>> No.14752981
File: 21 KB, 319x500, images (79).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow this sequence:
Schopenhauer -> Nietzsche -> Evola

>> No.14753001

Actually an interesting take, except for "muh edgelords".