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14744288 No.14744288[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

reminder that mind is inherently connected to body,and thus a weak body shows a weak,impotent mind. Philosophy, and intellectualism in general, is a cope for people with weak,slavely bodies. Why the fuck should I listen to someone who can't even take care of the body they reside in?

>> No.14744295

>still lives in the material world
>still lives in the cave of shadows
>still doesn't believe in transcendental dualism
Why post here man. Lift weights or something bro.

>> No.14744310

I guess that excludes every philosopher except the greeks

>> No.14744313

Camus was an avid soccer player and woman fucker.

>> No.14744314

Post body so I can take your post seriously

>> No.14744326
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>muh material world muh Plato, I'm so transcendental
try starving yourself or not drinking water because you've totally divorced yourself from muh material world. Why don't you just kill yourself if you're above the material world? you're a nerd who talks about muh platos cave to cope with the fact that you're an unhealthy being out of touch with your instincts and that you can't get pussy.
I post on here because the nerds and pseudo intellectuals need to understand that body is connected to mind

>> No.14744328
File: 79 KB, 1024x793, 1024px-Ernest_Cadine_1920b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amazing thing is he achieved that natty. Talk to gymbros today and they'll give you a list of the anabolics and hormones that you HAVE to use to get that kind of bulk and definition.

>> No.14744338

>try starving yourself or not drinking water
They literally couldn't. They don't even have the discipline to NOT do something.

>> No.14744343

post physique

>> No.14744347

Ok buddy

>> No.14744350

Plato was ripped when he was young but knew the body was a lie. Enjoy your life in darkness anon. >>14744338
>not to do something
don't split infinitives anon

>> No.14744352

Transformative-generative grammar.
Checkmate, incel.

>> No.14744357

Nonsense, when you die the air in you brain disperses into the sky and is pulled by electro-magnetic radio waves into a new flesh prison.

>> No.14744365

I don't subscribe to new-age tranny grammar.

>> No.14744379

I agree to some extent but people like Hawking show that there can definitely be variables.

>> No.14744380

Sounds like you’d love Plato

>> No.14744387
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You do and the fee comes out of your hide one way or another.

>> No.14744389

>not a philosopher

>> No.14744524
File: 50 KB, 341x512, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chad nationalism is nothing more than a cope to deny that you have been fully assimilated by the left.

>> No.14744535

>A man who starts to jump and run for the sheer joy of jumping and running and who stops when the mood has left him is entirely different from the man who enters an athletic event in which, under guidance of technical rules and with the use of time clocks and measuring apparatus, he jumps and runs in an attempt to break a record. The high pleasure that swimming and diving give us is due to the touch of water, its crystal freshness, its coolness, purity, transparency, and gentle yielding. This delight, obviously, is of no significance in contests where professional swimmers perform. For the purpose of such contests is to find out which swimmer has the most perfect technique and consequently reaches the goal faster than the rest. Training for record-breaking is essentially an intensification of will power aimed at complete mastery over the body which has to obey mechanically. Such an effort may be quite useful and effective. But the more the training for, and the breaking of, records become ends in themselves, the more sterile they grow.

>The physique of the modern athlete betrays the one-sided training to which it is subjected. His body is trained, but it is anything but beautiful. The body-building, as effected by specialized sports, does not achieve beauty, because it lacks proportion, something a body devoted to special training no more can have than a mind narrowed down to highly specialized interests. When the sports-trained body is considered beautiful, it is due not merely to the absence of a trained eye, to insufficient study of the nude. No, an appraisal of this sort also expresses the fact that the human body is judged by mechanical criteria such as muscular dimensions and, in particular, by the specialized training it shows. These criteria, however, lack appreciation for the quiet, effortless fullness of beauty; they do not consider relaxed easiness or charm and grace. These viewpoints are deficient inspirituality as well as in sensuality. Unbalance and exaggeration of physique as bred by modern sports are most striking with women. Both their bodies and their faces acquire hardened, sterile traits. Modern sports are incompatible with any kind of artistic life and activity; they are essentially unartistic and unspiritual by nature.

>A comparison suggests itself between the sportsman and the ascetic, who is also a professional, though in quite a different sense. The training of the sportsman has an ascetic trait, and through all sports we find a certain puritanism, a strict hygiene of physical habits, which controls sleep, nutrition, and sex life from the viewpoint of efficiency. Sportsmen are not a group of people who exuberantly express their abundance of vital energy, but a tribe of strict professionals who rigidly economize their every ounce of strength, lest they waste a single motion of their money-making, famemaking physique.

>> No.14744554

oh wow thanks for the opinion. Mind dropping a link to your system of thought that has been fleshed out by novels, plays and essays? Thanks.

>> No.14744577
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What this means is that your weak mind suggests a weak, impotent body, no matter how 'aesthetic'.
Your inability to see such simple logic refutes you as an eternal chadcel. Now go curl in the squat rack while you boast that ball shrinkage is worth the other gains.

>> No.14745065


>> No.14746168

That was my first thought, ultramanlet. What kind of intellect does it suggest? What is the ideology of a manlet?

>> No.14747068

Nice philosophy

>> No.14747176


>> No.14747232

>Why the fuck should I listen to someone who can't even take care of the body they reside in?
Why should I spot for someone who never read a book in his life?
If you're not /fit/ and /lit/, you're not worth my time.

>> No.14747270

Body builders are the worst parasites in this species. They create no technology, they create no infrastructure. Have you ever seen a body builder working in a laboratory? In a construction site? Lifting bags of food on a shipyard? Of course not.
To dedicate that much time to his own image, he must have a reasonable amount of money to spend already, and he must consume the food, space and other resources that could feed 10 or 20 thinking/working minds.
Being a body builder is the absolute extreme of narcissism, including the whole bullshit about "This is so my mind is healthy". You trying to become Narcissus and kiss your own penis, or fawning over the bodies of other muscular males, is not some kind of new philosophy. You contribute only to your own ego, and nothing to the species.

>> No.14747288

They breed, you idiot. Which is 5x better than anything some grubby little toymaker in silicon valley ever did.

>> No.14747311
File: 71 KB, 638x359, fisherian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you rather have 10 children in a hut somewhere having to yank buckets of shit out of a latrine or live in a society where your comfortable computers and air conditioners are designed, built, shipped and installed by "grubby people" who do actually relevant shit?
Grubby people also breed, otherwise they wouldn't exist in such large numbers.
Body builders (I doubt you are one) are just sad consequences of Fisherian runaway theory. They are however too stupid to realize this. Doing a healthy amount of exercise is far better and more intelligent than being an image obsessed body builder.

>> No.14747318
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>They create no technology
God bless them.

>> No.14747346
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Read Schopenhauer and pic related, all we can reasonably claim about our bodies is that there is nervous stimulation present, so why bother trying to improve your body? The mind is just the body's way of augmenting the sensitivity of our CNS through the torture-chamber of cognition. Pain is the least of it– becoming conscious leads to jealousy, depression and despair. The universe WANTS us to kill ourselves. Bipedalism was a mistake, the vitruvian man is a fucking joke

>> No.14747359

where is this from

>> No.14747370

What a bunch on nonsense purported by a weak limbed faggot. Shopenhauer was no better than Fagel

>> No.14747440

> They breed
Not after all those steroid shots they don't.

>> No.14747487

This cope won't save you from getting your head kicked in by a nigger confronting you on a street corner

>> No.14747598

Despite the fact that you aren’t a physical giant, you can at least curate a strong psyche and mental fortitude?

>> No.14748550

I have a similiar body.

>> No.14748557

What about Stephen Hawking?

>> No.14748803
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>> No.14749542
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>> No.14749547
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>> No.14750110

Thus thread is literally tumble weed levels of empty.

>> No.14750669

Deadlift levels of cope.

>> No.14750716
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>> No.14750726

>Why don't you just kill yourself if you're above the material world


>> No.14750727

Their job is literally being a walking billboard for a nutrition/supplement/preworkout/etc company.

>> No.14750791
File: 266 KB, 905x881, 1579870776996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any boxer or similar martial artists would kill that guy or any gymbro. This is a thinly veiled self improvement thread. Bodybuilding is retarded and boring. It makes more sense to learn how to fight rather how to do the same lifts. No high level fighter looks like they're roided. In general some of them are dyel. Actually almost any athletic discipline doesn't require you to build muscle mass for the sake of it. Mountain climbers maintain lean figure because more weight is difficult to lift up faces of cliffs. Any game with team play involved doesn't really have anyone that looks like a gymbro. Maybe rugby, but they're typically too fat to look like they're trying to sculpt their body. My point in the end is that physical activity is recommended, but picking up a specific athletic is more rewarding than doing lifts. Serious philosophy or study of anything often requires massive time investment, there's a good reason why any important philosopher couldn't give a fuck about being a gymbro while they're advancing whole of civilization lol.

>> No.14750849

I'll also add that no amount of lifting will make you not be a manlet or ugly. One should naturally have a good body. By naturally I mean that they must be born right in the first place. By naturally their mind has to be inclined to do anything at all. As in, if they're healthy, they've probably engaged in some sports or another or picked up a physical pastime. If not, they'll at least eat right and not destroy their bodies with garbage. To understand, think of the average person that gets a girlfriend, do you think they read some PUA garbage and had to get a check list of things to do? No, they probably haven't even heard of anything like that. Body lifting is fucking boring. Professional level is ugly as shit. Most of people in gyms are boring retards that only lift to get some sluts at the club. Actually, getting said sluts requires to be born with certain criteria, but I doubt you'd understand any of that. Also imagine training so hard to look buff and intimidating when a single kick to your jaw of a cross is enough to make you fall down and crawl on the floor like an infantile retard because you forgot that gymbro=/=actual physical ability.

>> No.14750880

Athenians were training to go to war lol. They were training because it meant maintaining their liberties and comforts. It was a difference between being a slave and a master. It wasn't about being a self help retard trying to achieve a higher PR while being the male equilavent of a peacock. Even in modern military a single bomb can devastate a whole city, do you seriously think that military people roid and train for the sake of it? They do train, but they train for a specific combat function.
Neither will lifting. Once talking is done, can you actually fight? Take any roided faggot strongman ( more interesting discipline than pure bodybuilding BTW) or top contender bodybuilding contender and put them in a ring with at least an amateur level heavyweight boxer and who do you think will lay down on their back within first 3 rounds?
They fucking don't. Fucking some sluts on contraceptives and using condoms isn't the same as trying to breed lol. >>14744328
Who the fuck is even this guy? Who do you think people remember, a top athlete in a REAL physical discipline or let's say a conqueror or some faggot manlet doing some unimpressive shit?

>> No.14750898

Fuck your pussy philosophers.

>> No.14750900

Niggers, specifically black and latino people that spend copious amounts of their time lifting weights at the gym with the goal of impregnating women, are living proof that your statement is in most cases false.

>> No.14750909

You're not entirely right, but you get the right idea. Bodybuilding is the most feminine physical activity imaginable, equilavent of woman spending hours taking selfies and using makeup. Real men take on a specific sport, with strength, agility and endurance being a requirement and a clear result of said activity, not the end in itself, but MEANS. Take Muhammad Ali or Alex Honnold. Legendary fighter and a guy who climbed a massive rock face without any single protective gear. Are you trying to tell me you wouldn't take them seriously because they can't do your pr and don't browse fit lol? Go fuck yourself you stupid cunt. I rest my case.

>> No.14750923

Lmao the fucking cope in this thread is golden.

>> No.14750936


I could physically disable you AND then fuck you in the ass because I was born tall and strong while having actual martial ability. How do you cope with that?

>> No.14750981

Rofl. I actually lift and read and write in my spare time, even managed to write a whole novel. You're just acting like a petulant child, like most of you are in this thread, because you can't bench at least 180 or curl 40 pounds.

>> No.14751016

Notice how none of the people shilling this /fitlit/ nonsense ever post their body.

Additionally, they always misappropriate Nietzschean terminology. The will to power is not an anthropromorphic concept. It creates its own values out of chaos. Aspiring to the values of others is simply wishing for the triumph of reactive forces. Nietzsche characterized people like Hobbes who tried to primitively portray "power" as some sort of will, as being obsessed with historical representations of it. Body building is the worst sort of this historical representation. It does not create its own values it obsesses upon past ones.

>> No.14751079

>Neither will lifting. Once talking is done, can you actually fight? Take any roided faggot strongman ( more interesting discipline than pure bodybuilding BTW) or top contender bodybuilding contender and put them in a ring with at least an amateur level heavyweight boxer and who do you think will lay down on their back within first 3 rounds?
I specifically said a random nigger on a street corner.
How many amateur level heavyweight boxers are there in your city, and what are the chances that if you end up in an unavoidable physical confrontation, it will happen to be with one of them?
You're probably one of those people who thinks Bruce Lee could beat a 6'4 non-martial artist, "because he's fast"

>> No.14751084

I can, but that is beside the point. Point is that you're an utter retard and permanently scarred from being born a retard/faggot/manlet/uggo or just being OP and now need to make these same shit post threads every day to feel better about the "progress" you're on.

I actually travel most of my time and fuck my girlfriend. Sometimes I masturbate all day. Sometimes I play stupid video games. Sometimes I read all day. I honestly don't give a fuck about what you do or are doing on your side because you're a bore and a retard. Most of my life is filled with me doing whatever I want to do. I didn't lift a single weight when I first fucked a girl in her throat and made her worship me. I've done everything I wanted despite having done many things that would go against the self help and improover mindset.

>> No.14751088

you're definitely fat

>> No.14751104

Bruce Lee is an overrated hack that hasn't fought anyone. Weight classes are a thing for a reason. Who knows how many. It's not written on their faces if they box or not. Why do you even think that weight lifting is somehow gonna pull you through a street fight? All the body lifters and strongmen that have tried combat sports wound up completely btfo for the same reason. Also the average person doesn't lift lmao. My point is that lifting in itself for the sake of it is a) gay b) retarded and c) lame.
Hilarious thing if I was I'd still manage to get my dick wet, while for you to get that you needed to download AT LEAST 10 motivational pictures and spend years completing mental gymnastics that is self improvement.

>> No.14751129

>Have you ever seen a body builder working in a laboratory? In a construction site? Lifting bags of food on a shipyard?

>> No.14751132

Nietzsche couldn't lift himself onto a horse.

>> No.14751139
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>can't bench at least 180
kek how much of a manlet are you?

>> No.14751167

Are you improoving though?
(Someone post the improover meme)

>> No.14751238

Said while using a computer. Sad and myopic. Gay too.
All that definition, but still can't help ugly and short.
Improving in what sense? That I'm better at things and have more material assets and pleasures? Yes. I prefer to say I'm changed, as change being the only constant. My main issue with self help and improovers is that they're extremely self deluded. While their lives might have changed for good, they're masturbating to some idea of greatness and a mental fantasy of being as such, while anyone with any measure of greatness has never made a checklist to complete to achieve that said greatness or tried to "self improve" into it. Taking on difficult things, mentally or physically, is in itself demanding enough that unless there isn't drive to be disciplined, goal oriented and persistent those things will never be possible. One has to have the right wiring in the first place too. Take on as much as a retarded mongoloid will ( like OP) on higher mathematics, they will still never even discover a fraction of what Gauss for example has. In physical realm as smug as OP is, I can guarantee he wasn't born with any exceptional trait or talent, that'd why he is stuck lifting weights. Anyone with talent moves in a specialisation. Having fighting talent means going into fighting sports. Having good coordination and agility team sports probably. So on. Lifting weights is actually a dead end for most people unless they're tall and have good proportions in the first place. I'm fortunate enough to naturally excellent body, good height and attractive face. If I lifted weights I'd look exceptional. My problem with doing that is based on 2 thoughts:
>doing it for girls (99% why people do it)
They don't really give a fuck about your body unless you're fat. If you're not handsome or/and very short, they don't give a fuck how sculpted you are. If you're tall and handsome, you already have the tools to fuck 90% of women provided you're not a complete pussy ( personality does matter, but not in the way most people think). Lifting is just a bonus unless you become a roided freak.
>real reason : time required and investment
There's only so many hours in day. I'd rather read or study something like mathematics. Even with physical sports I'd rather box or climb because it's more technical and gives you way more confidence for obvious reasons. Being in good shape is merely result of same activities. Honestly even masturbation is more exciting. With getting a girl not being an issue in the first place, I do sports because I have interest in cool shit, not because of some self help pseudo philosophy to feel smug on here about. OP is total faggot and autist guaranteed. Polfag too I bet.

>> No.14751242

>that unless there isn't drive to be disciplined, goal oriented and persistent those things will never be possible
unless there is*

>> No.14751256

I always feel like I can think clearer when I'm in shape, but most smart people I know of almost never work out, and most dumb people do

>> No.14751257

>I-I'm not fat, b-but even if I was...
Says it all

>> No.14751300

I'm not, but sure thing big boy. When will you address any of what I've said, you mouth breathing retard?
Sweating and physical activity makes you clear headed, iirc there's studies linked to that. Reason why most smart people don't is because they're too busy doing something difficult and time consuming. Imagine Newton being all "Agh jeez fuck this math shit I'll lift weights to be respected by some faggot 300 years later!" or Genghis Khan thinking "Mhm maybe I should stop trying to conquer the world and build the biggest empire in the world and lift these fucking weights bro, some gymbro will love me for it ten centuries later!". What is more hilarious is these faggots saying they don't take anyone who doesn't work out seriously when no one takes them seriously OR gives a fuck about what they think is important or not.

>> No.14751326
File: 108 KB, 629x233, socrates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another translation of the quote, doesn't seem to imply military or civic duty.

>> No.14751339

well there's working out in a gym then there's things like practicing old martial arts

>> No.14751348

Camus didn't like being called a philosopher. If you knew the finer details of his life, you would understand why.

>> No.14751396

wish i could post that webm of chick mirin conor murphy over her manlet bf with gyno in a gym

>> No.14751401

fake, gay, and above all, not literature

>> No.14751402
File: 103 KB, 800x343, fitlit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fitlit/ was the greatest board of all time

>> No.14751408

That's probably the most you've heard from Aristotle. Do you know who wrote this quote down? In what book? What is the full context of it? It is about going to war.

>> No.14751417

weight classes are not a thing in street fights

>> No.14751422

Thanks for exposing yourself as a retard so we can all disregard your coping autism

>> No.14751434

Of course, but you're better off being bigger.
So have you read the full passage by Plato or not? Answer my question fittard.

>> No.14751439

On noticing that Epigenes, one of his companions, was in poor condition, for a young man, he said: “You look as if you need exercise,1 Epigenes.”

“Well,” he replied, “I'm not an athlete, Socrates.”

“Just as much as the competitors entered for Olympia,” he retorted. “Or do you count the life and death struggle with their enemies, upon which, it may be, the Athenians will enter, but a small thing? [2] Why, many, thanks to their bad condition, lose their life in the perils of war or save it disgracefully: many, just for this same cause, are taken prisoners, and then either pass the rest of their days, perhaps, in slavery of the hardest kind, or, after meeting with cruel sufferings and paying, sometimes, more than they have, live on, destitute and in misery. Many, again, by their bodily weakness earn infamy, being thought cowards. [3] Or do you despise these, the rewards of bad condition, and think that you can easily endure such things? And yet I suppose that what has to be borne by anyone who takes care to keep his body in good condition is far lighter and far pleasanter than these things. Or is it that you think bad condition healthier and generally more serviceable than good, or do you despise the effects of good condition? [4] And yet the results of physical fitness are the direct opposite of those that follow from unfitness. The fit are healthy and strong; and many, as a consequence, save themselves decorously on the battle-field and escape all the dangers of war; many help friends and do good to their country and for this cause earn gratitude; get great glory and gain very high honours, and for this cause live henceforth a pleasanter and better life, and leave to their children better means of winning a livelihood. [5]

>> No.14751441

“I tell you, because military training is not publicly recognised by the state, you must not make that an excuse for being a whit less careful in attending to it yourself. For you may rest assured that there is no kind of struggle, apart from war, and no undertaking in which you will be worse off by keeping your body in better fettle. For in everything that men do the body is useful; and in all uses of the body it is of great importance to be in as high a state of physical efficiency as possible. [6] Why, even in the process of thinking, in which the use of the body seems to be reduced to a minimum, it is matter of common knowledge that grave mistakes may often be traced to bad health. And because the body is in a bad condition, loss of memory, depression, discontent, insanity often assail the mind so violently as to drive whatever knowledge it contains clean out of it. [7] But a sound and healthy body is a strong protection to a man, and at least there is no danger then of such a calamity happening to him through physical weakness: on the contrary, it is likely that his sound condition will serve to produce effects the opposite of those that arise from bad condition. And surely a man of sense would submit to anything to obtain the effects that are the opposite of those mentioned in my list. [8]

“Besides, it is a disgrace to grow old through sheer carelessness before seeing what manner of man you may become by developing your bodily strength and beauty to their highest limit. But you cannot see that, if you are careless; for it will not come of its own accord.”

Can you PLEASE stop quoting this shit for once when you've no idea what it is talking about in the first place?

>> No.14751442

being an unattractive slob means that I feel less compelled to spend time that I could spend studying in the pursuit of idiotic females. So it all balances out

>> No.14751443

you're a level 1 contrarian, I was making better bait in high school. the fact that this thread got 80 replies shows that /lit/ is beyond repair

>> No.14751488

Firstly, I'm not OP
Secondly, you are fucking retarded
I know that passage is about being prepared for war, but if you weren't so dedicated to slandering fitness for the sake of coping, you would realise that the quoted section can stand alone out of context anyway
>Besides, it is a disgrace to grow old through sheer carelessness before seeing what manner of man you may become by developing your bodily strength and beauty to their highest limit. But you cannot see that, if you are careless; for it will not come of its own accord.
It literally starts with "besides", meaning that this justification for physical fitness can stand separate from the previous ones. So quoting it out of context doesnt even change its meaning
Why are you so dedicated to opposing strength training? Are you really so slovenly and envious that you cant admit that a strong body complements a strong mind?

>> No.14751513

I'm not slanting fitness are physical activity in general. I'm saying thinking that bodybuilding makes you some sort of a god is fucking retarded and delusional.
You must genuinely be retarded if you think that Socrates thought that reaching height of beauty and physical strength is being a tanned, roided gymcelling freak. Healthy for Greeks meant something entirely different altogether, with your humours being in line and you not having some holy god caused affliction. And the context is important. He isn't advocating doing this for its own sake, if anything, it's detrimental because physical fitness and strength doesn't just mean good PR, it's also having martial prowess not to be taken as a slave and good health in general.
>opposing strength training
I'm not, but if you think that it alone makes you some sort of a god among men you're deluded. Strength should be used for a specific purpose, not strength for its own sake, as in what I do, boxing and climbing. I can't climb as well if I'm too heavy, neither can I box as well then because you need SERIOUS cardio to survive an entire fight.
Can you already stop same fagging and larping I'm out of shape lol? For the hundredth time I'm physically fit, I just don't lift weights because it's boring.

>> No.14751582
File: 1.76 MB, 2300x4025, Herakles_Farnese_MAN_Napoli_Inv6001_n01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People admired bodybuilding in the 4th century BC, deal with it.

>> No.14751590

Also the whole premise of this thread is that unless someone lifts or is physically strong, they shouldn't be taken seriously. That means 99% notable human achievement is nothing according to some incel that is OP.

>> No.14751601

Equating Ancient Greek athletic achievements with modern bodybuilding is so retarded that I truly wonder if someone can be so stupid or I'm merely baited.

>> No.14751604

This is literally the physique of a natural body builder plus a couple percent bodyfat.

>> No.14751620

It's an idealised statue, anon. It does look better than most of roided out freaks you have as bodybuilders now. Even golden era bodybuilding looks like shit honestly.

>> No.14752551
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>> No.14752571

not a word, big guy