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File: 207 KB, 1152x864, 9AFF0E7E-8442-426F-9DAB-5DEC8EFD1067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14741985 No.14741985 [Reply] [Original]

Books to cope with the fact that you were given a shitty modern early education being taught liberal arts, media studies and sociology instead of an aristocratic one studying theology, ancient Greek and fencing?
I feel like the boomers destroyed so much with their cultural revolution, why is our culture so cancerously anti elitist now?

>> No.14742027
File: 386 KB, 507x549, brainfried.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brain is fucked. I thought your pic was a broken typewriter from the thumbnail

>> No.14742072 [DELETED] 

Theology is hokey.
Greek is massively overrated. Only thing worth reading is maybe Homer. There are waaay better things to read in English, French, Spanish, Italian, German. Greek women are nuts. The country is garbage. The language is grating. No good music. They haven't contributed anything in 2000+ years.
And I did fencing.

>> No.14742116

Theology is hokey.
Greek is massively overrated. Only thing worth reading is maybe Homer. There are waaay better things to read in English, French, Spanish, Italian, German. Greek women are nuts. The country is garbage. The people are brain dead religious nuts that have neocon politics so there is no one worth talking to. The language is grating. No good music. They haven't contributed anything in 2000+ years.
And I did fencing.

>> No.14742151
File: 119 KB, 429x600, 1579279214989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theology is hokey.
Greek is massively overrated. Only thing worth reading is maybe Homer. There are waaay better things to read in English, French, Spanish, Italian, German. Greek women are nuts. The country is garbage. The people are brain dead religious nuts that have neocon politics so there is no one worth talking to. The language is grating. No good music. They haven't contributed anything in 2000+ years.
And I did fencing.

>> No.14742168


Are you from a wealthy and prominent family? If not why are crying over not being able to LARP as a bourgeoisie schoolboy? You can just read into these subjects autonomously and avoid all the self-fellating trash of «muh elitism».

Most people on this site are middle class, I don’t know how you all spend so much time drooling over classical prestige instead of just contributing to the cultures in front of you. Enjoy these times where you can or live like a worm piled under the dirt of nostalgia / romanticization.

>> No.14742329
File: 73 KB, 682x960, do over using pictures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP, but a thought in this current has crossed my mind already. Based on increases in how much raw information is easily available and how much money is spent per student, it would be a very simple and easy thing for every American school child to become a genius by Renaissance standards.
There's no reason why everyone K-12 couldn't become fluent in Latin, Greek, Mathematics, Science, world history, ancient and modern Philosophy, and have total knowledge the works of Homer, Ovid, Virgil, Chaucer, Dante, Shakespeare, Milton, Goethe, Blake, the Bible, become an expert at some classical instrument of their choosing, and reach the peak of physical fitness
Instead, every new innovation to schooling makes it worse. Most kids in my high school classes could barely sound out words and read at a rate of two words per minute. They got rid of logical ways of teaching math and came up with these new convoluted methods that you'll never use. At my high school there was one philosophy class you could take as an elective. When learning about Rome in my social studies class, you wanna know what Roman literature we read? Was it Ovid? Was it Virgil? Was it Cicero? Was it Julius Caesar? NOPE! WE READ THE FUCKING HUNGER GAMES BECAUSE IT WAS A "MODERN PARALLEL TO THE GLADIATOR MATCHES!" A FUCKING YOUNG ADULT NOVEL SET IN A FICTIONAL DYSTOPIA THAT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH ROME WHATSOEVER! I'M STILL MAD ABOUT IT
That was the only time in my life where all my teachers were free and I could devote at least eight hours a day to education, and it was basically wasted. I know some smart people who hated school, I know some dumb people who hated school, I've never met a smart person who enjoyed school

>> No.14742366

reminder that people who were given aristocratic education were
>believers in classical physics (retroactively refuted by Einstein, Schrodinger and Copenhagen school)
>believers in psychoanalysis (retroactively refuted by modern psychology)
>believers in classical economics (retroactively refuted by Keynes and Cambridge school)
people who were given aristocratic education were often propounders of insufferable verbiage in writing, Mill is a great example of that. there is nothing inherently good in aristocratic education just as there's nothing inherently good in modern education, brainlets will be brainlets and actual intellectuals will find their way

>> No.14742405

the answer is that righteous men need to be in charge of society at the highest level all the way down to the lowliest school teacher. this can only be accomplished violently, it will never happen as a result of ideology or policy.

>> No.14742507

Because I was forced to spend an obscene amount of time in my formative years doing something deeply unnatural and having societal failures intentionally try and drill into me servile personality traits. At the very least I would have liked to get some actual value out of it

>> No.14742529

the way i look at it, at least we learned a lot about what not to do. basically i trained myself to do the opposite of what everyone else is doing and it has payed off in droves to my development as a man. really i think thats the best we have to go off because there are no living positive male role models to learn from.

>> No.14742548
File: 60 KB, 287x425, ted talk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>early education
retroactively refuted by Ted Kaczynski
>115. The system HAS TO force people to behave in ways that are increasingly remote from the natural pattern of human behavior. For example, the system needs scientists. mathematicians and engineers. It can't function without them. So heavy pressure is put on children to excel in these fields. It isn't natural for an adolescent human being to spend the bulk of his time sitting at a desk absorbed in study. A normal adolescent wants to spend his time in active contact with the real world. Among primitive peoples the things that children are trained to do tend to be in reasonable harmony with natural human impulses. Among the American Indians, for example, boys were trained in active outdoor pursuits---just the sort of things that boys like. But in our society children are pushed into studying technical subjects, which most do grudgingly.

>> No.14742554
File: 65 KB, 540x540, yet you can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but for everyone with self awareness like you, there's a ton more who look at stuff like this and just blindly accept it

>> No.14742557
File: 113 KB, 688x623, 1573233272078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>believers in classical physics (retroactively refuted by Einstein, Schrodinger and Copenhagen school)
>>believers in psychoanalysis (retroactively refuted by modern psychology)
>>believers in classical economics (retroactively refuted by Keynes and Cambridge school)
You're trolling but I'll bite. "Retroactively refuted" means disproved before it came into existence, it's not just a fancy way to say "disproven" or "BTFO". I mean the whole concept is a total Guenonposter meme, but still, shitpost correctly.

>> No.14742567
File: 39 KB, 300x433, Guenon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "Retroactively refuted" means disproved before it came into existence, it's not just a fancy way to say "disproven" or "BTFO".
retroactively refuted by Guenon (pbuh)

>> No.14742573
File: 1.13 MB, 2769x2077, 57CC6A81-5007-42AB-B67B-856DAC8FAFCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're trolling but I'll bite.
Why are you responding to obvious bait that was really low quality and everybody was happy ignoring? What do you gain from this?

>> No.14742574
File: 249 KB, 1216x1661, 09a5896cf8cfc3d5ee489b145733abfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it when a monkey retroactively refutes me!

>> No.14742581

well, like i said earlier, we have to seize control of the situation violently. its the only way to change anything.

>> No.14742583

it will never happen in an integrated school system where students are dragged down to the lowest common denominator

>> No.14742587

Real answer: outside of posting on /c/ a couple times, I'm almost halfway through my daily browse of 4chan and I haven't made a single post. All the threads are so bad. I just want to post some stuff but I've had no other opportunities man.

>> No.14742603

what do you expect during the middle of a weekday?

>> No.14742617

I do this most days of the week. It's my hour or so of me time before I grind out more schoolwork. There are many days where I'm posting in well over 10 threads and making some good banter or interesting discussion.

Thank you for reading my blog btw!

>> No.14742622
File: 50 KB, 461x591, dear jack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course it never will, I just hate that the resources are there and nobody will do anything to help our students.

>> No.14742632

>differential equations
>higher math

>> No.14742644

the real answer is to just get rid of factory farming and let the retarded students become local farmers

>> No.14742687

I went to a private catholic preparatory school and we were forced to take classes in catholic theology, philosophy, latin/greek, at least one modern foreign language, and at least one classical instrument. I can honestly say it was an extremely valuable experience looking back but I know plenty of others who had that experience but seem hardly educated at all.

>> No.14742722

>tfw i almost went to a catholic school but wouldn't let my mom send me there because i was afraid of not knowing anyone
she ended up making me go to a trade high school anyway and i didn't know anyone anyway. now i'm a fucking stereotypical drunk blue-collar irish-heritage massachusetts catholic instead of a learned catholic.

>> No.14742729

>she ended up making me go to a trade high school anyway and i didn't know anyone anyway. now i'm a fucking stereotypical drunk blue-collar irish-heritage massachusetts catholic instead of a learned catholic.
New Bedford or thereabouts?

>> No.14742753


>> No.14742774
File: 401 KB, 353x548, 8DBA2A5D-E138-4895-8D73-0A6EA3B4B919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting a liberal arts education instead of a liberal arts education

Anon, it seems you didn’t get much of any kind of education. You could go to a liberal arts college right now and major in Greek and theology while training with the fencing team. From you other posts it seems more like you think there should have been a straight and clear path to success laid out for you. I don’t think such a thing ever existed really. Plenty of upper class men back in the day ended up with jobs and prospects they weren’t happy with.

>> No.14742795

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ysBMZSzpp8 is pretty good

>> No.14742827

Oh you're way up north, lol. I'm from RI and I study at a school filled with these rich Catholic Irish people.

>> No.14742851

This the whole philosophy of modern society if you think of it. It's all going downwards. It's not just in the US.
It's the direct opposite of perennialism. I'm sure you'd like it.

>> No.14742861


>> No.14742957
File: 26 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you want to live in a secret society or something? Fuck boomers though.

>> No.14743012


>> No.14743029

When will you realize that you're only regurgitating retarded sentiments from your elem school teachers? Maturity reaches when you find out Hitler, while he hated jews, loved black people and Ohio.

>> No.14743074

no shit, but read the owen bio. He says hitler didnt snub him, unlike the american president

>> No.14743079

Say whatever you want, but don't use fake pictures to support it.

>> No.14743122

>"Retroactively refuted" means disproved before it came into existence
No, that would be "preemptively refuted". "Retroactively refuted" means the opposite - aka, just refuted.