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14740486 No.14740486 [Reply] [Original]

its not a nice fate is it

>> No.14740527

Sounds like a paradox
If you truly hated people you wouldn't mind being alone
I think the truth is rather that you hate yourself, but you're too scared to admit it so you project your own feelings onto others

>> No.14740537

>If you truly hated people you wouldn't mind being alone
Or, he pines for some ideal and his avoidance is because people don't live up to it.

>> No.14740539

>You're an arachnophobe huh, I bet you secretly want to fuck spiders.

>> No.14740545

Imagine those footjobs.

>> No.14740547

My secret is out!

>> No.14740554
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don't you?

>> No.14740592

do not worry anon
soon the loneliness too will fade

>> No.14740782
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>> No.14740850

Swift said somewhere that though he loved or liked an individual person here and there he hated mankind. Perhaps what's needed is a friend or two, anon. At any rate I wish thee well, and don't think your condition so bad a one for the practicing of some art.

>> No.14741074

terrible comparison
>you hate spider huh, then why are you upset when you're not around them?

>> No.14741081

Then stop hating, you insecure faggot.

>> No.14741083

I'm lonely but not sad!

>> No.14741093
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>tfw people like me
>tfw people want to be my friend
>tfw don’t find any enjoyment in being around these people
>tfw self segregate myself
>tfw can’t find anyone to relate with
>tfw crushing desire to have a companion slowly kills my spirit
>tfw you know there are people out there but they are all shit stains and fart-huffers
>tfw all you can do is find random internet friends and pretend you don’t care about not having a presence in the real world
I’m just... I’m ready to die.

>> No.14741460

Youre determined, then? Would imagine a thread like this only serves to consolidate such a position. I'm sorry.

>> No.14741492


>> No.14741533

not OP, but I long for a significant other while at the same time hating women
the issue is that my standards are too high, I'm in love with the idea of being in love with something that doesnt exist, and that thing is my perfect ideal of a woman. It's not that I hate the thing I want to love, I want to love a thing that doesnt exist, only the second rate version of it does, which probably exacerbates my misogyny

>> No.14741537

It’s okay. My method of death is more complex than a device by my own hands and it’ll be worthwhile

>> No.14741542

Unironically read the Bible.

>> No.14741561

how would that help?

>> No.14741587

>I'm in love with the idea of being in love
It's about how to do that without your peepee.

>> No.14741626

iunno, sounds kinda midwit desu

>> No.14741657

This usually occurs when people are misguided about their ideals. Either because their ideals are too arbitrary, based on their own personal criteria, which is essentially a form of narcissism (which is the rarer problem); or based on unrealistic expectations, something that they themselves can't live up to, a form of, to use the harsh term, hypocrisy (which is the more common). It doesn't appear as hypocrisy to them though, because they have an inner world which allows them to understand whatever actions they do, while condemning the actions of others because all they have to judge on are appearances, which leads to the natural assumption that people are intrinsically bad. To combat that you need empathy: you need to realise that others are essentially very similar to you, and they have inner worlds that could potentially justify the actions that appear bad to you.

>> No.14741700

Sorry, to add to this, the problem of narcissism really requires the opposite solution, because with narcissism people may believe that other people have exactly the same thoughts/ideas as them, so they should act how they act. They don't realise that other people have different circumstances and individualities that lead them to act in the way that they do and think, so can't empathise with them properly. So the best way to interact with people is the middle ground between seeing them as in a lot of ways similar and human, but also realising their different circumstances and individualities that lead them to different lifestyles.

>> No.14741761

I don't hate people, I hate my eternal virginity and the unreality of existence.

>> No.14741786

A kind of art project? No irony intended.
Though I have trouble with people I don't really hate them- or perhaps I do and whatever it is that allows me to cope cleverly conceals itself from my conscious awareness. I do however experience bouts of volcanic anger on occasion but I keep these entirely to myself: it somehow motors me positively in other directions.
I take it that youre a bright person who has experienced that though intelligence is highly valued in children, it is both stupidly feared and stupidly envied in adults?

>> No.14741787
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I guys should look up Avoidant Personality Disorder.

>> No.14741793

learn to love yourself first before you attempt selflessness in a relationship. if that's what upsets you then i'm sad to say that its a closed loop, my friend.

>> No.14741876

nah, you're just afraid of people. now go back to r9k

>> No.14741942

Suit yourself

>> No.14741948


Good posts summarizing the importance of empathy, understanding, and compassion. More people could stand to think about these elements when exploring themselves and their world.

>> No.14741992


I'm in the same situation anon. I've stopped participating in a lot of "friendships" since I was uninterested. Only people I can talk to are one or two on the internet.

>> No.14742423

This is no hate I can or even want to solve. It is a sad state of affairs and (too much) love reveals it. Unity. Some part of me will always hate it. It's not that I can't love myself and be at peace in oneness, I can. But I have tasted of things that are sweeter than the truth. Another soul. Other worlds. The truth is dark and bitter compared to sweet temptation.

>> No.14742595

Sensory experience is not the crucial test of reality.

>> No.14742640

Why do you hate people, OP?

>> No.14742649

i don't hate people, but I prefer to not interact with them outside of my job.

>> No.14742952

Nah, I’m just going to suicide by passively enraging someone to the point they try and kill me. But I relate to disliking people. I used to want to relate and like others, but growing up kinda removed that naivety. And yeah, most adults just put in the bottom line effort and it’s aggravating. You have no competition and you feel out of place. Glad you get it
Yeah, friendships are just stressful when there’s nothing but the “friend” part holding them together. It’s so superficial and meaningless, especially when you just can’t relate to them.

>> No.14743256

Well, you'll live some time yet unless of course- good God, youre not some femanon?

>> No.14743345

>tfw I think most people are boring
>still have a desire to interact with people occasionally
>go out to a social gathering
>it’s boring af because no one is really that fun to talk to
>go home
>a little while later, I want to socialise again

How do I stop this vicious cycle? I want to create meaningful relationships with people, but 90% of people bore me.

>> No.14743440

you'll be fine, anon
A billion people comprise that 10% that doesn't
Hunt 'em down

>> No.14743503

Nah. But yea, just biding my time now.