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File: 124 KB, 1445x839, 2020-02-17 10_36_14-Richard Dawkins on Twitter_ _It’s one thing to deplore eugenics on ideological, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14738965 No.14738965 [Reply] [Original]

Any decent reading material on the topic of eugenics?

Seems like it's coming back from the grave yet again and I know jack shit about it beside that it was becoming popular in the West in the 1930-s, and the commies opposed it, and then Hitler happened and the topic became a taboo

>> No.14738992
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(((they))) are hugely in favor of eugenics, it's just kept in house.

You'll find very little serious literature on it because of the connection to hitler (who was a big nerd trying to turn germanic people into aryans/ elves.)
Also post modernism, aka professors trying to fuck their students, has done a lot to drive eugenics into the dark.

>> No.14739004

Yeah, just read a history book or any treatise on prehistory and anthropology. The strong survived, the weak died. Eugenics worked for literally millions of years until humans developed excesses of food and resources to begin acting on our natural altruistic and compassionate feelings towards the less capable.

>> No.14739045

A realistic eugenics policy should be...
>sterilize criminals
>incentivizing intelligent, healthy, non-criminal people to have children
No need to racialize it or bring beauty and aesthetics into the equation, healthier people will inevitably be the more beautiful ones with a few generations of good breeding anyway

>> No.14739055
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>>incentivizing intelligent
>No need to racialize it

>> No.14739083

That’s so the normies accept it anon

>> No.14739091

fuck that the world would become boring and gayer than it already is

>> No.14739094

You can't even institute meritocracy in a company without being labelled as literal Nazis by the nu-press. Anything hinting at incentivizing intelligence and non-criminal behavior would be branded racist by the media in a heartbeat and would lose all steam before it could even gain traction.

>> No.14739129

the world is a big place im sure there is a safe place to perform eugenics away from the public eye and hopefully breed what starts out 100 iq women who would turn into breeding cattle and 130 iq college men into a breed of human to rival the aristocratic families of Europe in 150 years but in that time it could be pointless see crispr Neuralink etc

>> No.14739135

read john glad he has a two books on the subject hat i know of and his books are free

>> No.14739519

>he wants to sterilize the unabomber and ted bundy
Yeah alright let's give this law abiding code monkey basedboy cuck children because he is a good boy :)

>> No.14739557

Read Intelligence, Genes, and Success by By Stephen E. Fienberg, Daniel P. Resnick, Kathryn Roeder

>> No.14739651

The timescale alone makes eugenics completely impractical, at least on a human scale. It would take several generations to have moderate results, and who's going to dedicate the time and money to something that is not completely likely to succeed? We practice eugenics on animals because they live much shorter lives than us. You cannot do the same to humans. What would you even try to produce? A smarter class of humans? Is it even possible to breed for intelligence? What would happen to the program if there was a flaw, say they had a higher risk of heart disease? Breeding animals works because they are expendable (excepting maybe racehorses) and because you are able to see results in just a few years. Nobody is going to waste money for 20 or 30 years to see a small chance of improvement in humans. To even make a widespread change, the timescale would have to be raised to perhaps hundreds of years, at least for a significant part of the population. In short, eugenics for humans is not practical. And that's without touching on the moral implications.

>> No.14739677
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>Is it even possible to breed for intelligence?

No every species is equally smart

>> No.14739694

>>sterilize criminals
>anyone who gets in a barfight gets sterilized
>nation of cucked numales ensues

>> No.14739698

>that's without touching on the moral implications
There are also moral implications for not doing it.

>> No.14739706

the whole thing is basically an excuse for abortion and killing retards so you don't have to wipe their assholes for them. maybe a few ubermen will get bred but it will never be on a massive scale, mostly its just remove the "bad" and not "make everyone chad"

>> No.14739718


>> No.14739744

>It would take several generations to have moderate results
Bro you could drastically increase the average IQ in a single(1) generation. Think about it. Just literally sterilize all the stupid up to slightly smart people, get the smartest 10% of women to have like 20 kids each with the smartest men, the results would be staggering.

Of course im sure theyd end up all mentally ill and weird physically, but the Jews seem to make that work

>> No.14739859

>Encourage genetically desirable demographics to reproduce.
>Discourage or prevent genetically undesirable demographics from reproducing.
>Next generation has more desirable traits, as well as less undesirable traits.

What's not to get?

>> No.14740042
File: 39 KB, 400x400, 1581861231178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A realistic eugenics policy could be made from the following points:
1. Legalize polygamy. There's no reason successful men shouldn't take several wives, and most women would be better off sharing a decent man than taking a lout.
2. Lower the age of consent to fourteen. Self explanatory.
3. Give free homesteads to any family with three or more children.
4. Create a foreign legion of desperate third world militia members to join. Stick them in bumfuck nowhere and give them a chunk of land in bumfuck nowhere to settle down in after they've served their time. Send whores up there to keep them busy (and give the whores an eventual husband as low-life and decrepit as they are), and occasionally let them take a long weekend with holiday bonuses in major metropolitan areas so they can cuck basedboy city-slickers out of their genetic inheritance.
5. Lessen the negative effects of divorce on men, but have the state provide for women with children. This way even single women will have incentive to become mothers, while men wont be discouraged from taking a wife.
6. Make land ownership multi-generational, so that grandpa has a harder time selling the family farm if there are a couple young grand-kids around that wouldn't otherwise have land.
7. Incentivize people to live in the country side, either by tax breaks or economic stimulus.
Basically incentivize people to breed, reduce barriers to reproduction, and keep a healthy influx of virile ex-war-criminals so the gene pool stays strong.

>> No.14740083

A degenerate, unintelligent society is ultimately better for intelligent and powerful people and families though.
As long as you (assuming you are intellegent) make sure you marry an intellegent and upstanding woman, and you teach your kids to also be intellegent and upstanding citizens, then they will ultimately reap the benefits of that in a far greater way that if they grew up in a society where everyone else is also like that. A society of untermenchen allows the ubermenchen to take their rightful place above them.

>> No.14740108

Desirability is dependent on ideology though, which would invalidate Dawkins claim.

>> No.14740117

communism has basically morphed into an elite class consciousness that believe in the scientific management of civilisation and the earth, offloading menial labour onto a slave class (asia) in order to support the real working class ie master intellectual class of crypto communists, jews, aristocratic europeans. Basically hegels master slave dialectic forming before the rise of gog and magog in response to wealth and opportunity disparity.

>> No.14740133

About the only smart thing economists ever said is, when a metric becomes a target it ceases to be a metric. The straightforward problem with eugenics is that we've mostly succeeded at using it to make animals fatter and dumber, and more homogeneous. Increasing homogeneity probably isn't good for humanity. The subtler problem is that the measure used to assess who to breed will degrade over time, which will only accelerate humanity becoming fatter and dumber.

>> No.14740144

>2. Lower the age of consent to fourteen. Self explanatory.

I get that in the thought experiment you disregard current morals / social norms, but is there any biological advantage to having younger mothers, or is it simply to accelerate the process by having shorter generations?

>> No.14741225

5 is weak but I agree overall

>> No.14741833

so basically just sterilize niqqers