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File: 148 KB, 1242x1540, kermit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14738736 No.14738736 [Reply] [Original]

He's gone

>> No.14738740


It's over

>> No.14738760

I'll wash my penis in his memory.

>> No.14738763

yes, he went to russia. he'll be back eventually.

>> No.14738767

No one leaves Russia alive.

>> No.14738771


>> No.14738797
File: 954 KB, 835x1125, 1527556305871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peterson has literally martyred himself out of love for you pathetic creatures. Have some respect. He is a great man in my opinion.

>> No.14738821

he tried to sell me a signed rug for 2 grand.

>> No.14738832


>> No.14738983


>> No.14738989

what's this pic from?

>> No.14739000

good riddance to human filth I hope the slavs rape every hole in his body

>> No.14739005

the rapture. he acted as if god existed.

>> No.14739022

my diary desu

>> No.14739025

Yeah that's what happens when you buy into retarded fad diets that poison your kidneys.

Also, Peterson really wasn't the amazing philosopher that everyone on 4chan seems to make him out to be. He got famous purely because he stood up to retarded college kids and trannies but beyond that there wasn't anything all that enlightened about him. Intelligent, sure, but in most of his debates or lectures you can tell he's scatterbrained as fuck and really has no idea what he's talking about half the time.

He's a hypocrite too. Going on about hurr durr muh tribalism bad and then fawning over Jews and bringing up the Holocaust constantly even when it has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand.

>> No.14739114
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>> No.14739130

I hope he now makes a book on complete esoteric disorder when he re awkens

>> No.14739134

His daughter is so hot

>> No.14739163

If he can write.

>> No.14739180

Slav'd. Is Peterson a russoboo? Her daughter's name is Mikhaila, and she married a Russian man.

>> No.14739184

>Peterson really wasn't the amazing philosopher that everyone on 4chan seems to make him out to be.
4chan has plenty of edgelords like you (yes you, naziboo) who have always a problem with him.

>> No.14739201

You fags have been way too mean to him on a a personal level. He seemed like a guy trying to be genuinely good and out to do what he thought was genuine good. He got caught up in the tide of things far beyond his grasp that he never asked for.

>> No.14739220

based and peterstein pilled

>> No.14739227

fuck off faggot

>> No.14739236
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>> No.14739261

No, criticizing the man for his lack of study or foresight is one thing but this reveling in his suffering and collapse for it regardless of his intentions is childish ideological battleground nonsense, or just plain edginess.

>> No.14739296

>Is Peterson a russoboo?
Between that, the soviet propaganda he's so fond of, his particular boner for Solzhenitsyn, and the fact that he went there to detox, you might be on to something.
One or two of those alone can be brushed off, but all of them at once?

>> No.14739307

He's going to wake up from his coma and be a based schizo Jungian again.

>> No.14739324

He'll be back. This man lives to be a spiritual leader. His own mistakes / hardships will make him a more interesting one.

>> No.14739397

is peterson just sir john from the new pope?
>possible fraud
>drug addict
>randomly elevated into immense popularity
>philosophy is milquetoast
then, the question is, who is lenny?

>> No.14740127
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He will rise from the coma with revelations from jung and finally drop the Christian cimic and go full balls deep into alchemy and expound a myth that will be a true spiritual renessance for the west

>> No.14740138

He named his daughter after Dostoyevski, read a book faggots.

>> No.14740147


>> No.14740156
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a living saint

>> No.14740477

I thought that was a penus lol

>> No.14740483

the bible

>> No.14740558

Dostoyevski's name wasn't Mikhaila.

>> No.14740581

But why doesn't he just clean up his room?

>> No.14740658

I'd lick the white hairs of his anus.

>> No.14740673
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Let it come to pass my brother

>> No.14740687


>> No.14740689

nobody cares moralfag

>> No.14740716

Which one?

>> No.14740747

his wife's.

>> No.14741194

Can you imagine if he had actually named her after Dostoyevski? Her name would be Fedora.

>> No.14741204

his middle name was Mikhailovich, so she's technically named after his dad but whatever

>> No.14741335

I having sympathy for your cultural enemies is always a mistake. /pol/ celebrated Ignatiev’s death, and it’s perfectly fair for the left to do the same with the likes of Peterson or Limbaugh.
Stop being such a sentimentalist.

>> No.14741337


he was a materialist wrapped in a thin veneer of spiritualism.

>> No.14741348

Three threads for this dork

>> No.14741351

He's fine, you idiots.

>> No.14741354

>wasn't the amazing philosopher that everyone on 4chan seems to make him out to be
Kek, you're fucking delusional. Everyone treated him as a self-help author, very few people treated him as a psychoanalytic figure, and absolutely nobody treated him like a philosopher.

>> No.14741370

>Mommy! Why are you spanking me for stealing a toy!? B-but Timmy steals toys too! You're not allowed to criticize me for stealing if Timmy does it!

>> No.14741419

I don’t think it that’s exactly analogous to the situation; revealing in the misfortune of your opposition is healthy behavior for any politically thoughtful person. As a side note, the character of your analogy betrays the exact kind of sentimentalism you should abandon.

>> No.14741448

Stop being a political bugman.

>> No.14741528

Political identity is and always will be more meaningful than whatever ideological notion of “humanity” you’ve been fed.

>> No.14741549
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You're absolutely right, anon. This board could never listen to such thinking, it's just the way they are, but you are right.

>> No.14741568

what diet should be pursue?

>> No.14741595

I don’t know why people made such a big deal about it. If you don’t want it then don’t buy it. Simple.

>> No.14741625

The fact that he tried to sell it is a sign of his character you fucking retard.

>> No.14741661

There is nothing more ideological and bugbrained than droning a political identity.

>> No.14741727

Colony insects are genuinely superior to human beings.

>> No.14741731

Yooo butterfly. Wtf?

>> No.14741817

He spoke against transgender ancomms. He deserves to die in agony.

>> No.14741829

A well balanced one that's nutrient rich and light on carbs.
Unless you do strenuous physical work all day, you shouldn't take in that many carbs as your ancestors did.
Find a caloric intake that allows you to maintain body weight equilibrium. To avoid overconsumption, eat slow to allow your stomach time to transmit hormone information to your brain that you are full; this process takes about 15-20 minutes to communicate between hunger and satiation.

Pretty much a good heuristic is to just stay away from carbs if you can and to eat slow.

>> No.14742140


>> No.14743150

You can have Zizek signed rug for free.

>> No.14743161

I felt bad for laughing. Oh well.

>> No.14743233


>> No.14743268

great band, u like throbbing gristle?

>> No.14743364
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Wtf are you saying? I'm not a fan of his but what he says actually helps some people. I wouldn't celebrate the death or suffering of a person just because I disagree with them.
The only way to see the good in someone's death would be if they were responsible for the death of many people (For example: Stalin, Hitler, Mao, etc.) and I don't think there are many people on this planet who fit that category. So no, it's just not being an asshole.

>> No.14744657

I guess everyone who's ever sold anything is a massive egotistical dickhead then. You fucking retard.

>> No.14744666

You guess correctly.

>> No.14744717

How the fuck does a supposedly intelligent man almost kill himself with a benzo addiction? Anyone can spend 2 minutes of researching and find that benzos are serious shit beyond very short term use.

>> No.14744724

>Thinks it's impossible for a smart person to make a foolish decision

>> No.14744739

guess taking downers everyday was more fun than being the king of incels.

>> No.14744750

There's still a lot we don't know about what's actually gone on with JBP. This is doubly true because of his obvious inclination to exaggerate his own medical problems.

>> No.14744753


>> No.14744754
File: 136 KB, 733x818, 1581981763984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If other side behaves like retards, I should behave like a retard too

>> No.14744766
File: 52 KB, 800x450, roll safe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in order to beat the retard, you have to think like a retard

>> No.14744781

You know, even though I think this guy was a hack, I also appreciate some things he's done. He really did get a bunch of shitbags to get their shit together. I think if he just stuck to talking about jung and nietzsche and shut the fuck up about pomo, he wouldn't have fallen so far out of grace. I cant wait for a documentary to highlight everything about him, the good, the bad, the cringe, with Adam Curtis narrating.

>> No.14744802

My sides on norbit

>> No.14745138

the cost is merely hidden in the bill from the exterminators

>> No.14745274

Oh he'll be alive, but never the same

His psycho daughter said he still can't fully speak or even walk without help. Forget the neurological damage, he'll never even recover physiologically. He should've done a proper taper program in Canada or the US. A lot of brain damage caused by benzos actually happens as a result of getting off of them, so for some people staying on them for life might actually be healthier. Either way, they're the devil.

>> No.14745282

Narcissistic maniacs. Simple as.. One need only look at the transition in his fashion sense over the years to see where his real interests were... Himself

>> No.14745289

His favorite author is also Dosto (big surprise)

>> No.14745305

post of the century, more damage in one sentence than zizek in 2 hours. I tip my JBP daughter to you sir.

>> No.14745309
File: 313 KB, 935x568, maxresdefault(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From middling professor to drug addicted millionaire celebrity "thinker" in three years. The clothing says everything.
Say what you will about zizek's ego, he certainly didn't start dressing like an asshole the second he got famous

>> No.14745313

so it was a publicity stunt just as I predicted, now just fucking wait. he'll change his ways and start catering to the leftists telling them to wash themselves.

>> No.14745318
File: 273 KB, 1200x1200, apucryng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14745319


>> No.14745322

Should have bought it it will be worth well over a million now that he gone

>> No.14745323

he's just dressing like Roger Scruton why you gotta be mean

>> No.14745325

You can just tell by his eyes that he's a completely broken man

>> No.14745328

Money cant buy taste

>> No.14745331


>> No.14745407
File: 70 KB, 500x425, Roger_Scruton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's just dressing like Roger Scruton
Anon Scruton is leagues ahead of JBP. Look at this picture... The ruffled hair, the worn down sweater, the loose collar. He oozes casual sophistication. He's had that sweater for ten years and it is still timelessly perfect.
Now look okay Peterson again. Zoom in on his... sweaterjacket? What the fuck? Why does it fit so tightly? Why is he wearing a sweater under the jacket? Why does it have two collars? What the fuck is going on? And it all looks brand new.
Scruton is in a different league. Fashion reflects your psychological phenotype, and Peterson has failed miserably.
And ps let's not forget the ostentatious watches and facial hair on either. No no no

>> No.14745558

>two collars
Those are lapels dimwit.

>> No.14745569

Because he realized too late that he married the enemy and doesn't have to balls to call her "people" out for their MONUMENTAL crimes against humanity.

>> No.14745572

I'm talking about the white sweater dumbass. Sorry your eDad is a shit taste narcissist

>> No.14745693


>> No.14745722


>> No.14745742

God is testing Peterson like He tested Job.

>> No.14745751

Peterson probably has his own stylist. No way he's putting a fancy ensemble like that together by himself. Though it is possible. Did you know that JBP has an IQ greater than 150?

>> No.14745769

> lardwhales
You can keep your diabeetus, thanks.

>> No.14745777

>A 14th century manuscript copy of Heinrich Suso’s Exemplar, BNU Strasbourg, MS 2929, depicting Suso’s torments (f. 119)

>> No.14745803

Job didn't put himself in a coma until the suffering went away.

>> No.14745822

And jeb

>> No.14745892
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>> No.14745926
File: 188 KB, 933x1244, SiAaBhX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you imagine him reading all of Marx's works during his rehab in Russia, come back to America a new man, who'll now be one of the most vocal proponent of Marxist ideology in the country?

>> No.14745935
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No, because while he may be a hack, he's not a complete retard.

>> No.14745939

>one of the most vocal proponent of Marxist ideology in the country?
If you listen carefully then you will see that he already is.

>> No.14745951

It would have “Fyodora”, barbaric Anglo piece of shit

>> No.14745967

I cannot think of anything more cucked than having a daughter.

>> No.14745970

*tips pipe*

>> No.14745973
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How do you make a best selling book on self-improvement and still fail in life?

>> No.14745981
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I really don't understand what the issue is.

His wife gets cancer, he can't deal with it purely by rhetoric/will/etc, so he turns to anti-depressents, gets addicted because they're highly addicatble, then seeks treatement for it.

Is it just the 'shit on x because he says stuff I didn't like' crowd pushing this or what?

>> No.14745988

>'shit on x because he says stuff I didn't like'
There is a big difference between not liking his ideology and revelation of his hypocrisy.

>> No.14746003

> revelation of his hypocrisy.
What's the hypocrisy?
As far as I understand his position, it's that people should generally try to have self assertion over their lives, and try to sort out their issues.
He then tried to sort out his life.

>> No.14746013
File: 462 KB, 527x691, Screen-Shot-2019-10-19-at-11.48.12-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget this thot left her child and husband and went to Romania to fuck Andrew Tate last year while her mom was sick and JBP was losing his mind LOOOL

>> No.14746020

*hits pipe*

>> No.14746029

>What's the hypocrisy?
He supports the tribalism of certain groups and decries the tribalism of other groups. Do not strawman me with the other garbage. That is his delivery system.

>> No.14746030

>He supports the tribalism of certain groups and decries the tribalism of other groups.
I think he universally decries tribalism based on heredity and that's about it.

>> No.14746033

>I think he universally decries tribalism
Unless the subject matter under discussion is the Jews.

>> No.14746047

>Unless the subject matter under discussion is the Jews.
It's a rocky subject since it's both a religion and an inherited thing, not to mention the whole bugaboo of antisemitism being tied universally to 'muh-nahzees'.
And if we allow that, that opens up the door of 'religion shouldn't be protected' which is a bit more of an issue for most.
While I can understand why you don't like it, and that it seems like a precalculated move to limit damage to his image in the mainstream, there is a reason for it.

>> No.14746062

>It's a rocky subject since it's both a religion and an inherited thing,
What makes this rocky?
>not to mention the whole bugaboo of antisemitism being tied universally to 'muh-nahzees'.
How is this any different from any other two cultures that have clashed?
>And if we allow that, that opens up the door of 'religion shouldn't be protected' which is a bit more of an issue for most.
So what?
>While I can understand why you don't like it, and that it seems like a precalculated move to limit damage to his image in the mainstream, there is a reason for it.
Feel free to articulate it.

>> No.14746077

BTW, look at him bungle the issue on his own website.

>> No.14746083

>Feel free to articulate it.
Two really, one purely for selfish, the other for alturistic reasons.
The first is that opening up to discussion about Jews in particular will damage your reputation, especially if you side against them (for an example of this, I suggest looking to Labour's spectacular defeat in the UK elections, where aside from Brexit backtracking and Corbyn's Marxist associations, he was extremely anti-Zionist (which means anti-semitic to normalfags))
The second is as stated above, it leads to too many restrictions on what someone can practice as a religion for him to ever support doing so.
That's my take, and it's simplistic, since I'm a simple guy.

Do you have a link?

>> No.14746095

>Do you have a link?
He did an even poorer job addressing the Holodomor issue:

>> No.14746108


>> No.14746114

>The first is that opening up to discussion about Jews in particular will damage your reputation
Why is this?
Who coined this phrase that conflates people that are not nominally Semitic with people that are nominally Semitic and why is it the preferred phrase when a more accurate descriptor would be anti-Jewish or anti-Judaic? The bedrock of the phraseology you use for your dialectic is tainted.
>it leads to too many restrictions on what someone can practice as a religion for him to ever support doing so.
Tough luck if not being a hypocrite is hard. He supports Jewish tribalism and he even joined some Indian tribe - but he supports atomization for everyone else.

>> No.14746121
File: 158 KB, 358x624, dCoOcBxhvu3XLvK7EX4D0AFXiKRe2cuxjWvTjlVVbGg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14746129

>>Do you have a link?
He does do a poor job of psychoanalyzing the opposition, I'll say that much, and while he does give reasons for why they are over represented, I'll also state that they don't fully explain the discrepancy (it's far more likely that plain nepotism is at work.)

>He did an even poorer job addressing the Holodomor issue:
Eh, it'd be like asking me to give an immediate, intellectually sound response to a question posed from a book on, say, gender theory, which he says as much on stage.

>Why is this?
I like to call it the "Meta-Cult", people have ideological and historical convictions that they are taught, that predispose them to reactions, i.e, you see anti-semitism, you think 'Nazi' or bad, etc.

>why is it the preferred phrase
I'm not going to speculate too much on why it caught on, I think people just latched onto a word that sounded accurate to what they described for propaganda reasons, and the rest is history.

>Tough luck if not being a hypocrite is hard
It's actually incredibly hard if you want to communicate ideas to the masses without sounding like a complete loon.

>> No.14746147

>likely that plain nepotism is at work
Firstly, get him to admit even this - then ask him to define nepotism in such a way as it does not include implications of conspiracy.
>Eh, it'd be like asking me to give an immediate, intellectually sound response to a question posed from a book on, say, gender theory,
He has had two years to address the issue. That is plenty of time. He will never address it. Mark my words.
>I think people just latched onto a word that sounded accurate
Bullshit. Do your homework. Anti-Semitism is a Jewish term. Many Jews lack significant Semitic blood, yet they feel free to call Semites anti-Semites if they deign to criticize Jewry.
>It's actually incredibly hard if you want to communicate ideas to the masses without sounding like a complete loon.
Answer me why this is so. Regardless, he is still a hypocrite for supporting tribalism while simultaneously decrying it.

>> No.14746184

>Firstly, get him to admit even this - then ask him to define nepotism in such a way as it does not include implications of conspiracy.
It's not that hard, a friend of a family member puts in a good word, and since they're Jewish, they tend to have strong family connections.

>He will never address it.

>Bullshit. Do your homework. Anti-Semitism is a Jewish term.
That really doesn't change the overall point that they latched onto it and pushed it for propaganda reasons.

>Answer me why this is so.
Simple, it has to do with the normalfag mindset.
Normalfags are incredibly conscientious about how they appear socially, and as such, don't really care about what is logically sound, or what is correct, but rather what looks good.
So lets say you have an ideology that preaches that certain people need to be killed or removed from the country, well, thanks to years of post-Nazi and USSR indoctrination, they will automatically associate with such, and will understand it makes them look bad, so they won't take it up.

>> No.14746198

so roping with benzos is the best way to live your life
can i substitute with alcohol if i cant get benzos?

>> No.14746258

>It's not that hard, a friend of a family member puts in a good word, and since they're Jewish, they tend to have strong family connections.
That is a conspiracy.
>so they won't take it up
It was as grassroots as Bloomberg's campaign.
>so they won't take it up
Such is the path of hypocrisy; that a Jew can criticize anyone that he likes while the Jew is immune from criticism. Go back to the original sources for the anti-German propaganda and watch whose names appear. Also, "nazi" is another bogus buzzword that predates the NSDAP by at least 5 years. It is, in itself, a propaganda tool - popularized by Jews. Most of your dialectic is defective from cause of such subjectivity. "Nazi" is a lowbrow vernacular insult akin to "nigger".

>> No.14746276

Just tell your therapist that you need them. If he refuses to prescribe them then just accuse him of engaging in identity politics.

>> No.14746278

Antisemitism was coined by a French journalist who himself hated Jews. It is not a Jewish term, it was actually a term many Europeans used to label themselves with, however inaccurate and badly chosen it is.

>> No.14746295

>by a French journalist

>> No.14746313

I didn't think so.

>> No.14746370

My memory was fuzzy, he was German, not French

From your own source
>According to Jonathan M. Hess, the term was originally used by its authors to "stress the radical difference between their own 'antisemitism' and earlier forms of antagonism toward Jews and Judaism."

So it is as definitely a term popularized and claimed as a label by Europeans who made a point of their hostility to Jews. Note that according by your on source (again), the suffix Semite comes from the way Ernest Renan describes the semitic races, so at the the time it was accurate and didn't apply only to Jews, likewise when Steinschneider accused Renan of being an antisemite, he as accusing him of being against semitic races as a whole.

The specific Jewish slant comes from self-described German anti-jewish writers.

>> No.14746374

He was never there

>> No.14746417

>The compound anti-Semitism appears to have been used first by Steinschneider

>> No.14746429

Reread my post.

I was wrong about who coined the term, but Steinschneider only used it in the literal sense of "against Semites". The latter, current, and fraudulent sense of "anti-Jewish" (so that the terms can also, ironically, be applied to other Semites) was a consequence of its use by some Germans.

Therefore the general point stands: antisemite in the contemporary is not originally a term used by jews to systematically disparage people who criticize them (and I wonder how much of an effective disparagment that would have been, in 1890), it is a term coopted and slightly (but significantly) skewed from its original meaning by anti-jewish Germans to be used as a title of pride.

My argument should be clear enough now. If you have other citations to correct me again, feel free to offer them.

>> No.14746446

Admitting jews exist isn't in any way an advocacy for tribalism. Why are poltards so stupid?

>> No.14746449

>My argument should be clear enough now.
Yes. You make an interesting point.

>> No.14746452

>Admitting jews exist isn't in any way an advocacy for tribalism.
Uh anon, Jews are EXTREMELY tribalistic, why do you think they're so often referred to being 'part of the tribe'?

>> No.14746454

>Admitting jews exist
Strawman argument.

>> No.14746460

How dare he use his money to buy nicer clothes. How dare he enjoy nice clothes. I hate commies.

>> No.14746465

He is trying to establish the false premise that JBP has only ever recognized that they exist.

>> No.14746471

based illiterate poltard

No, you're trying to establish the false premise that Peterson has said they should be tribalistic AND others shouldn't. He's only said people shouldn't be tribalistic in general.

>> No.14746475

>based illiterate poltard
>No, you're trying to establish the false premise that Peterson has said they should be tribalistic AND others shouldn't.
Anon, he only stated that he doesn't decry Jewish Tribalism.
Look if you're just shitposting, or trying to 'dunk on those cringey /pol/yps xD' just say so.

>> No.14746483

He has attended their tribal gatherings and has said not a word in favor of Jewish atomization. Further, he coveted honorary entry into the Indian tribe. The concept of atomization also plays well into the Holodomor question.

>> No.14746487

>says people shouldn't be tribalistic
Seems legit. I wonder why I bother, being a poltard is an actual learning disability.

>> No.14746494

Well no, I'm saying he isn't explicitly against it and that's that.
>>14746483 is stupidly trying to assert that because he doesn't specifically condemn them, that he supports it.

>> No.14746499

>says people shouldn't be tribalistic
>proceeds to attend tribal gathering and keep his mouth shut about tribalism for fear of offending his hosts

>> No.14746525

>is stupidly trying to assert that because he doesn't specifically condemn them
Get his benzo'd ass back on tour and lets see how he does. He had two years to address the Holodomor question and he failed. Maybe he should do another Prager U video to address it.

>> No.14746543


>> No.14746554

He hasn't explicitly taken a stance against a cosmic teapot in the orbit of Saturn either.

>> No.14746560

Which is why I'm saying it's ridiculous to project motivations on to it.

>> No.14746591

>He hasn't explicitly taken a stance against a cosmic teapot in the orbit of Saturn either.
Has he attended any of their tribalistic meetings where it would be most easily facilitated? Do they pay him to do videos for them? This is a false equivalency.

>> No.14746609

Leftoids are high school girls

>> No.14746635

you just know...

>> No.14746637

he was sent to an SJW detox center there

>> No.14746646

>so it was a publicity stunt
>lmao, i just pretended to overdose on benzos to make myself look good

>> No.14746657
File: 44 KB, 621x624, DqNIPEtX4AAZbtW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zizek got greedy and started double-wielding hotdogs

>> No.14746662

so this is what she meant by "meat diet"

>> No.14746681

Oh thank G-d

>> No.14746719

Oh no, not the transgender ancomms! Won't somebody think of the (mental) children!

>> No.14746748
File: 97 KB, 775x1030, cute_asuka_cosplay_by_kawaielli-d4l3g2g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He said unironically on an anime website

>> No.14746758
File: 146 KB, 800x1247, 1563373488862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime is for all, regardless of age, sex, political affiliation, and so on retard.

>> No.14746858

I mean, not everyone who watches anime decides that if they can't get the waifu then they'll just be the waifu. That's just you and your discord bros playing dress up.

>> No.14746902
File: 24 KB, 450x510, 1581858586992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this true

>> No.14746922

That debate threads were killing him

>> No.14747012

Speaking from experience, benzo withdrawal is hell. However you can recover from it, but it will take time

>> No.14747018


>> No.14747028

he will try to meme it into a comeback/redemption story and market a new book (and speaking tour) with it. i think he will fade but a low level gnostic cult around him will persist and he will grift off them for money and narcissistic supply.

>> No.14747039

Truly the mark of the retarded side.

>> No.14747070

Yes his daughter is a good digging whore and living proof that he is a failure of a man.

>> No.14747077

>Yes his daughter is a woman
Yes, and?

>> No.14747135


>> No.14747277

Are benzos really that addicting? Anyone had experience with them?

>> No.14747287

I've seen them ruin lives and cause later suicides

I have no first hand experience but apparently it's like a black hole you can never get out of

>> No.14747289

This. Imagine how much saliva would be on it.

>> No.14747293


>> No.14747303

>Did you know that JBP has an IQ greater than 150?
He claims he does, but I'm not inclined to trust him on anything without seeing paperwork.
I've known people with IQs around 130 who explain complex ideas better than him.

>> No.14747312

i bought one
automatically cleans my room

>> No.14747323

diabetes is caused by polyunsaturated fats

>> No.14747324

the act came off as tacky and decadent.

>> No.14747347

I think the general complaint is that the only people who would buy that shit are credulous cultists who he'd be abusing by necessity if he took their money.

Whatever you think of Peterson, he has a fairly bad track record of fleecing the perennial cult-prone demographic. And as a psychologist and dabbling esoteric he should know about these people. He's either startlingly naive or a bad person for not shooing them away. He knows for a fucking fact these people are lining up at the feet of any two-bit guru.

>> No.14747369

This. He's a psychologist so he should understand cult psychology. Cults are centered around a guru figure exploiting damaged people which is exactly what JBP does. Whether he means well or not is a different issue.

>> No.14747378

you're a fucking retard and should be ashamed of yourself, cocksucker

>> No.14747379

>a signed rug assuming that the signature increases the value
>versus literally anything else
False equivalency, but my interest is piqued. What would Marx say about this? Doe the LTV speak on issues such as JBP imbuing the rug with value by causing a connection with himself to be added to it?

>> No.14747392

I'd sign his daughter's rug if you know what I mean.

>> No.14747406

Right actually looks nice , left is just washed out professor

>> No.14747424

Why do we never hear anything about his son? I thought peterson was based and redpilled, why does he put his daughter in the limelight instead of his son?

>> No.14747425

You're nuts. Also, that galactic-sized cope won't save you from the diabeetus.

>> No.14747442

I don't think he has a son ... maybe the son is too young, like Barron's age?

>> No.14747444

enjoy stress-induced chronic illnesses ketard

>> No.14747445

I've always known he's quite weak. All this nervous back fencing of nihilism with some childish life rules and christian moralfagging. Couldn't bear staring into the abyss. Too bad.

>> No.14747459

He does, you can see him in some of his videos

>> No.14747461

You must be a retarded americlap if you don't know that stress doesn't cause disease, stress actually helps you heal.

E.g., steroid anti-inflammatory drugs like dexamethasone are actually hormones that cause artifically elevated stress levels in your body.

>> No.14747466

/lit/ music patrician approved

>> No.14747502

how much did he make on his tour/book/his personality tests/online diary service/youtube ad bucks?

i think it has been a very lucrative 4 year run for him. he can do benzos all he wants, eat meat and live in luxury for the rest of his life - doing occasional appearances for remaining hardcore of cultists to boost his ego as his wife fades. he's gonna need it.

>> No.14747508

Is the son an adult?

>> No.14747510

He was making 60k from patreon alone at one point

>> No.14747518

>Which one
Both, not gonna lie

>> No.14747521

might as well do heroin, better, cheaper, with not as bad withdrawal.

>> No.14747523

cortisol can help relieve inflammation but this does not mean that it's healing
the main purpose of stress hormones is in the temporary mobilization of energy resources and suppression of non-vital functions, long term this means that your body breaks down
for example you can get an infection, then your body starts undergoing stress with the purpose of prioritizing your energy on fighting the infection. Struggling with this infection for a long time will degenerate your body, even if the pathogen itself is somehow maintained inert.
And the perscription of some medicines doesn't imply that it's overall helpful, medicine is quite often mistaken. See: SSRIs or why not benzos.

>> No.14747532

He's clearly not okay there.

>> No.14747549

>On January 3, 2020, in the throes of a manic episode, Jordan Peterson left his lodgings in Toronto, walked a short distance across a nearby supermarket, and then halted. Seeing a live lobster being slected by a customer, he threw himself towards the crustacean and embraced it. Breaking into tears, he slumped to the floor.

>> No.14747551


>> No.14747553

The hypocrisy is not just in his treatment of tribalism, but his cheap ad hominem assessment of those who disagree with him about it. A licensed psychotherapist should know better than pathologize an opposing political opinion, but he makes no real argument against collectivist ideologies except to insult their proponents with accusations of being too weak to handle life as an individual.
Now we find out he is himself too weak to handle sad, but inevitable life events like losing a loved one without popping pills. According to his own books he is a physical coward, having ran away and hid when another boy wanted to fight him at school. He is nothing but a drug-addled loser LARPing as some kind of Nietzchean overman.

>> No.14747568

Maybe the son is too busy with his own life, usually daughters are more involved with parental care

>> No.14747594

>A licensed psychotherapist should know better than pathologize an opposing political opinion
You can see this exemplified in his classroom lectures. He gets extremely animated when he is discussing certain topics as a dialectical device to prevent criticism. I can almost hear him responding to a student's "Why?":
>How dare you ask me to substantiate my position?
>Can everyone not see that I am emotionally invested in this issue?

>> No.14747620

JPB always reminds me of a higher rent Skip Bayless. Their voices are equally whiny to me. Jordan sounds like kermit.

>> No.14747668

*than to pathologize

>> No.14747709


>> No.14747711

But what do you mean by 'gone'?

>> No.14747725

To Russia.

>> No.14747732
File: 43 KB, 750x493, digititis.doubles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you please rephrase this into a petersonism?

>> No.14747767

>talks about the importance of being well-dressed
>Becomes well-dressed after huge money influx
Wow I am so surprised

>> No.14747845

>He spoke against transgender ancomms

>> No.14747865

And wash your penis.

>> No.14747886

I miss him so bad

>> No.14747896

incel martyr
he died for our sins

>> No.14748942

His earnest and unexpected rise was bound to lead to such a fall.

>> No.14748979

pretty sure be just likes benzos

>> No.14749022

his daughter looks like a complete psycho

>> No.14749046

the Lion diet of course

>> No.14749344

veggies + whole grain + fish + white meat + red meat + dairy + fruit in that order or relevance

>> No.14749384

You're both a herbivore and a carnivore. Your ancestors ate vegetables all the time, but only got meat and fish when on occasion. Omega-3 has a good effect on your brain. So your ideal diet would be constant fresh vegetables with intermittent oily fish.

>> No.14749394

*meat and fish on occasion

>> No.14749600

he's wearing mom jeans and a shawl. The one thing he is not interested in is his appearance.

>> No.14749743

who the fuck is ignatiev

>> No.14749854
File: 48 KB, 1024x738, IMG_0295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Divorce at 5:50

Skip to 01:07:30

Start at 34:40 for some context. At 37:40 they're clearly talking about Mikhaila

She was 26-27 around the time this all went down. This is when her hypergamy kicked into high gear as she started to approach the epiphany phase.

Articles written by Roll Tomassi (the interviewer from above vids)


Epiphany phase

This whole situation is a red pill you all need to take and learn from.

>> No.14750004
File: 15 KB, 181x190, DD5CE2AD-D027-419B-9132-7B5171B9C3E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14750011



>> No.14750021

you can shit on him on any other area, but he never spoke like that to this students

>> No.14750034

no one claims he's a philosopher

>> No.14750148

wow, TWO weiners?

>> No.14750176

Why did he take benzos in the first place ?????

>> No.14750187
File: 215 KB, 950x460, 2dix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did somebody say 2 Don Dongs?

>> No.14750239

>this pic
what the FUCK is he doing? breathing exercises? Jungian regression? thinking about mandalas?

>> No.14750482
File: 2.49 MB, 720x403, 1568485275407.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hes in love with his own imagery. Dude is a fucking narcissist. The way he took advantage of his fame, grifted millions out of people with platitudes, ignores even legitimate criticisms about him (I'm not talking about the obvious low quality hit pieces), and he's so arrogant that he dares to tell people what they are and what they believe in like calling Sam Harris and others Christians even though they aren't. But muh metaphysical substrates. From a clinical psychology standpoint, he obviously knows his shit on a very practical level. His earlier talks focused on this and hence why they were so good. But he let the fame and idol worship get to his head. I fucking predicted this shit about 6 months into his fame.

>> No.14750573
File: 3.22 MB, 1866x1874, madonnaciccione.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah I thought he was pretty good when I first heard about him because of the C-16 compelled language bill. It really would have cemented an anti-freedom of speech regime in Canada. His biblical lectures were interesting but imo completely the wrong way of looking at that particular text. I knew when I started seeing him shilling and patreoning and accepting speaking invitations that he was going down the wrong path. But really what choice did he have? Was he supposed to go back to his shitty job teaching and grading papers? He's handled his fame poorly, but I do think he means well. He just isn't accustomed to this sort of trial, I guess. I feel bad for him and his wife. Would marry his daughter to save her from homelessness.

>> No.14750584

I should add: "interesting" in a hmm sort of way. Not actually mind expanding, just like hey that's nice he's plagiarizing (badly) Joseph Campbell but at least Joe's work is getting out there.

>> No.14750715

There's a difference between enjoying the fruits of your labor and taking advantage. Lots of broken people like you who would marry his daughter to save her from homelessness dude wtf? These people gave him money on patreon. Broke people struggling to get ahead in their own shitty lives. He was making several tens of thousands a month from patreon alone. He still asked for support, despite being well off and making good money from his work doing talks and his book sales. Grifting 101. I'm not against him making money, but he definitely skirted into the unethical side of it while preaching ethics and telling people what they should believe. Reminiscent of the megachurch preachers. Repeating the same platitudes, preaching about how you're a piece of shit, then taking your "donations" to fund an increasingly lavish life and future for profit businesses. He constantly shilled his self authoring crap, he was looking for money to make his YouTube competitor platform. His following was cult like and he knew it and took advantage he never stopped and said I appreciate it but don't idolize me. Keep listening to me but don't think I'm perfect. Instead he doubled down each year getting worse.

>> No.14750733

Keto if you want to get serious.

>> No.14750736

take it easy anon I was kidding on that last bit. keeping up appearances; anons are supposed to be desperate incels who thirst after any woman whose image has been transmitted over HTTP. anyway yeah we're not in disagreement over his practices.

>broken people like you
ahem PARDON?

>> No.14750756

I predict he will recover and continue to double down on his bullshit. He'll write a book about this time of his life, shill it and take advantage of those who "feel a connection to his struggle." His Patreon alternative will go online and he'll take thousands more from people despite him making plenty on his books and future speaking engagements. Eventually he'll actually talk about how the fame got too big and it was difficult to handle. That he couldn't accept good criticism and that he became arrogant. He'll pretend to learn from it and that he's no longer the same person. That he just truly wants to help people. But by then, he'll be irrelevant. He won't regain the level of fame he had. The SJW nonsense will die down. He'll be relegated to minor eceleb status.

>> No.14750766
File: 110 KB, 376x292, 1580622344766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That type of sarcasm should be obvious, but it's hard to tell with some of the idolizers out there.

>> No.14750804

No fucking way... I can't believe he's actually dead.

>> No.14750848

>No fucking way... I can't believe he's actually dead.
well good because OP was trolling for yous and he got them

>> No.14750855

No, I mean Roger Scruton.
I don't give a shit about Jordan Peterson.

>> No.14750892

oh. yeah he passed, felt bad. roger btfo JBP in a debate once but no one noticed because he was so polite about it and just let the mental patient ramble himself into a hole.

>> No.14750982

He’s a scam artist who intentionally misrepresented a Canadian law in order to get free fame so he can shill his shit

>> No.14750985

this one?

just started watching it. i cannot wrap my mind around peterson's schizo rambling

>> No.14750987

A Hugo Boss cologne ad

>> No.14750992

yes that one. enjoy, anon.

>> No.14751031


>> No.14751036

His daughter's porn-star boyfriend killed him.

>> No.14751073

Damn, didn’t know he died until this thread. I’ll miss his eloquent grumbling.

>> No.14751083

Is he even conscious in that pic?

>> No.14751124

looks like he's cooming, so probably not entirely

>> No.14751136

He's clearly sleeping, retard.

>> No.14751211
File: 198 KB, 1540x1242, jbpdeceased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahem i think it's obvious this is an ex-psychologist.

>> No.14751235

Cope harder, bugman

>> No.14751263

Too bad they left his head landing like that. Shitty mortician.

>> No.14751959

Take whatever advice autists on 4chan give you, and invert it. (This works great for other aspects of you life as well!)

>> No.14751962
File: 591 KB, 480x270, 1547778701287.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14752209

it's his face when the xannies hit

>> No.14752229

what's on the videos? too meme-tier faces for me to watch or listen

>> No.14752231


>> No.14752236

>misrepresented a Canadian law
you mean Canada as in "wax the balls"-Canada? or is it a different place?

>> No.14752332

>Also, Peterson really wasn't the amazing philosopher that everyone on 4chan seems to make him out to be. He got famous purely because he stood up to retarded college kids and trannies but beyond that there wasn't anything all that enlightened about him.

That's enough for me.

>> No.14752334

Sad, I feel for Peterson's grandchild

>> No.14752356

Peterson's daughter, Mikhala, had a husband and a daughter Scarlett. For some reason, she divorced him and is dating a MGTOW YouTuber? named Tate. He's aggressive and obnoxious, and he goes on interviews talking about how women are gold digging sluts who he'll break up with in a second if they disrespect him, and they'll still grovel for more if he texts them again ... all while clearly talking about Mikhala, his new gf

>> No.14752365
File: 175 KB, 1080x846, 1564485488762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you know hes had a hair transplant

imagine if he has clientele who might say they are sad about hairloss and he tells them to deal with it or suggests some coping mechanisms because he knows they are too poor to do what he did,

>> No.14752386

He's been on off addicted to them for years

>> No.14752462

Meet the heir apparent to the Peterson estate


>> No.14752475

That didn't answer my question

>> No.14752489

Who knows, he's a health weirdo who does things like all meat diet and apple cider vinegar detoxes. He also does psychedelic shrooms to be more creative. His daughter is similar to him, there's a pic of her and her medications list, and it has 20 medications on it

>> No.14752570

that dude seems based tbqh, he is trying to be a mini dan bilzerian, i mean his is kinda living it and he is fucking good thots out of so... why not

>> No.14752663

lel, why is she on tv? just from posting videos about eating beef? lmao

>> No.14752714

He's spoken pretty openly about having depression and taking anti-depressants for years. As for benzos... his daughter cites his use as a reaction to an autoimmune disorder but I think his own anxiety compounded by the pressure from his steep rise in fame made him crack. He's a broken man like the ones who he's reached, it's the downside to him being able to mentally and emotionally relate to other troubled and drug-addled young men.

>> No.14752751

>This. He's a psychologist so he should understand cult psychology.
He's a Jungian though, does that actually count as being educated in real psychology? He's basically just a mystic even by training.

>> No.14752783

Very good

>> No.14752834

This, but replace whole grain with starches. Bigger carb = slower energy release.

>> No.14752835

>He's a Jungian though
>Does that count as real psychology
I don't understand the question, he's a literal clinical psychologist which is a credentialed specialization. The Jungian shit is just a personal interest, a specific lens through which he approaches the world and gets across certain ideas, and fills in certain gaps but his talks are no less accurate for having done so since as far as psychology goes, he's legit and always appeals to actual empirical data.

Most people who absolutely hate Peterson will concede that when he's talking about psychology he's very knowledgable.

>> No.14754032

>He's a Jungian though
You have to be careful how you type it.

>> No.14754114

Because you incels are scared of sex. You never went through proper metnal development

>> No.14754200

The Peterson Story, as a made-for-TV movie, wouldn't be wrong if the lesson of it were that it is better to let behavioral addictions be, if substance addictions are their only satisfactory remedy. So I don't doubt he's slenderly known himself in the carnal sense either.

>> No.14754221

>every debate

Not gonna lie, he reminds me of the undergrads who get hooked on a couple of authors early on and sees literally everything through their lens. When all you have is a hammer, etc etc

>> No.14754239


>> No.14754288

>tfw you remember being an edgy teen who thought Nietzsche had the answer to everything.
Those memories are nostalgic, but I wouldn't want to have stayed that way.

>> No.14755076

She's "created" the Lion Diet, an all meat diet that solves all health problems, which she got her father to do. She sells the manual for the diet too

>> No.14755352

Thankyou anon, I've been looking for this GIF.

>> No.14756469

>he never spoke like that to this students
He damned well did. Whenever he gets to a point that he does not want to be questioned during a classroom lecture, he raises his voice and speaks rapidly to fill the gaps so no one gets a word edgewise. These videos are available for viewing for anyone with an internet connection. Your denying his autocratic habits does not make the evidence for them go away.

>> No.14757117

what are her qualifications lmao?

>> No.14757122

why would you let your students to ever talk lmao

>> No.14757170

gee bill

>> No.14757350
File: 106 KB, 755x425, Der Scheißwerfer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So your stupid assed ideas get challenged and refined in a controlled environment before they get unleashed on the world in the full bloom of their retardation.

>> No.14757361

why would you put any hindrance to your own fevered dreams? what's the point of becoming a professor if you don't get to brainwash the youth?

>> No.14757372
File: 99 KB, 907x600, Abwasserfilter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, your defense is solid if that is your position. The role of charlatan never had any pull for me, though.

>> No.14757408

This feels like a marketing ploy about how he went to hell and came back...

>> No.14757484

imagine being this mad

>> No.14757487

no one treated him like a philosopher you delusional fuck. you're not special or intelligent and your opinion is a joke.

>> No.14757499

You're full of shit. That anon is perfectly right to consider Peterson as treated like a philosopher. The conversation around him came back to philosophical issues, like ethics, living the good life, etc.

>> No.14757628

most professors promote pumping kids full of estrogen, when seen like that filling their heads with jungian gobbledygook instead doesn't seem that bad as an alternative

>> No.14757631

he was getting $60,000 monthly on patreon by playing fake online dad, no way he will get more than that with a sob story

>> No.14757885

He insists on himself

>> No.14757913

just like anybody that has ever sold a rug or a painting

>> No.14757974

He was a fat dude back then. Fat people can't dress fashionably.

>> No.14758021

>expecting Jordan to throw his entire career into the trash just to name the jew
Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.14759067
File: 330 KB, 668x720, DAK6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you admit his hypocrisy, and just excuse it for practical reasons?