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14736255 No.14736255[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Describe her eyes
>Her eyes were grey as the starlit evening

>> No.14736264

a pale greenish grey like the decomposing mold that grew on my cumsock

>> No.14736272

Her eyes where some kind of brown blue grey green. I cannot identify colors.

>> No.14736282


>> No.14736291

The starlit evening isn't grey fag

>> No.14736296

grey eyes, she had -grey. yes. on the grey carpet beneath my computer desk, crusted cumstains there are, and greyer than that her eyes were, when i looked into them and coomed all over. forgive me, Allah cannot. run over infidels in my 2001 honda civic, i must.

>> No.14736318

Her eyes were the colour and soft texture of two perfectly, pleasurably passed stools deposited in the gentle depressions of her grateful, gaping, gasping sockets. She moaned.

>> No.14736325
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The only reason I'm not blind is because, during my first solar eclipse, the man my mother said was my father put a visor on me. A cosmic irony that the only thing I could not see was the sun itself, instead there was only the absence-a blue or grey void with a present and future black hole in its center, rimmed in an inferior black.

When I look into her eyes this is what I see, and I am taken back to that moment. She asks me what I am thinking about.
I lie.

>> No.14736326

Like Shrek, I took huge leap into her swampy green eyes.

>> No.14736339

This thread is the most cringeworthy I've seen on this board. Please return to r/books.

>> No.14736345

Her eyes, shaped like lotus petals, had grey irises.

>> No.14736355


>> No.14736371

I had heard various people describe the colour of her eyes; one said they reminded him of fresh charcoal on a canvas, and another told me they evoked dim moonlight on murky water. The guy who wound up going home with her simply told her that they were "smoky". Speaking for myself, their colour somehow brought to mind the smell of dead fish.

>> No.14736378

Reminds me of Kafka's "flash fiction"

>> No.14736456

Her eyes bounced off the grey-blue waterscapes on the nautical prints casually thrown about her bare, cream colored walls. The glance was inviting and captivating. But coziness turned into claustrophobia the longer I found myself caught in her gaze, my stomach churned as if I was trapped aboard one of those wooden seafaring monstrosities. I can never look at the ocean again.

>> No.14736464

Who is she

>> No.14736467

isnt that natalie mars lmao

>> No.14736471


>> No.14736472

She had a pair of eyes.

>> No.14736477

best in the thread

>> No.14736493

the word on the internet cesspit was out - yes they were grey, indeed

>> No.14736510

you are a fag

>> No.14736519

She had green eyes.

>> No.14736523

my wife

>> No.14736539

What's with the recent fetishisation of fat girls?

>> No.14736544


>> No.14736547
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>tfw no norf gf

>> No.14736553

eyes filled with a promise you know won't last

>> No.14736564

her eyes were grey like the ashes of auschwitz

>> No.14736568

Eyes that could take my cum, that's what you have, you-dirty-little-girl-you

>> No.14736572

>But coziness turned into claustrophobia the longer I found myself caught in her gaze, my stomach churned as if I was trapped aboard one of those wooden seafaring monstrosities.

Churning, not churned. The comma necessitates a subordinate clause. "I began to sweat, the moisture sticking my balls to my thighs."

It's also just generally overwritten and cringe. It gives off the impression that the narrating voice is LARPing as an intellectual.

>> No.14736582


>> No.14736587

dear God i'm so fucking lonely

>> No.14736593
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she's borderline anorexic

>> No.14736597

no, she's thin. what a qt.

>> No.14736600

she's skinny and tall and still has decent tits. nice.

>> No.14736607
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>> No.14736626

>grey as the starlit evening
Are you serious? Have you even ever seen a 'starlit evening'?

>> No.14736628

me too, fren

>> No.14736640

No she's not, that's what women are supposed to look like

>> No.14736641

>that title
nope. i spiraled way too hard last Christmas. even thinking about it again could cause another and i haven't drank in almost a week.

>> No.14736649

and its beautiful. although, she should probably bulk up a little before a pregnancy

>> No.14736659
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didn't say it was a bad thing

>> No.14736689
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I would like to emerge myself in her large grey eyes like a pond filled with mercury every time when I feel upset. To drown and get drunk in it.

>> No.14736706

replace "large grey eyes like a pond filled with mercury" with "piss" and i'm sold

>> No.14736737

i cum in her eyes

>> No.14736760

Marred by the effect of mascara distorting their natural power and preventing a truthful description.

>> No.14736762

>tfw no norf gf

How do I obtain a GF with a northern English accent (not too strong an accent, though) who will read me her favourite novels as I drift off to sleep?

>> No.14736773
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I have fapped to the most degenerate possible porn, but watching ASMR makes me feel like a loser because its just a female attention simulator.

The fact that every living human female uses social media, and ASMR for that matter, as male attention simulators does nothing to alleviate this feel.

>> No.14736780

create a VR simulation, learn how to lucid dream, roll the dice and kys hoping you will get your desires in heaven. you have a lot of options here

>> No.14736802

there is no reason to go on living in this society. its so garbage you might as well try and destroy it on your way out. i'm ready to die

>> No.14736825

Her eyes were round as fuck, talking about the pupil colored part. They were legit good eyes.
Her eye sockets were like an almond shape or something.
Also, her eyes were fucking very big.

>> No.14736833
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Her eyes seemed to retreat from each other, receding evermore over the opposing horizons of each orbital. They'd packed there bags, dressed in drab woolen garments, like embittered ex-lovers destined to get as far away from each other as possible, leaving the landscape about them barren, flat, with withered bristled hedges growing increasingly unkempt. The space ever more vacant for a want of feeling.

>> No.14736854

Stand outside any pub and wave around a bag of chips just before closing time. You’ll be flocked. Don’t forget the salt and vinegar.

>> No.14736866
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>> No.14736906

Her eyes, rancid and fecal brown.

>> No.14736928

Her eyes were grey and cloudy.

>> No.14737000

The surface of her hoary grey eyes glinted like blue pearls in her ivory face.I can only be cynical of such beauty. Will she realize and embrace the gifts she was given with magnanimity? What about her tits?

>> No.14737016

It's like you all haven't even read On Writing.

"Her eyes were grey."

>> No.14737040

A little poetry isn't so bad.

>> No.14737050

this for you>>14737040

>> No.14737076

I respect it, but there is some drivel in this thread.

>> No.14737101

Her eyes were the type for which an otherwise respectable man would simp, posting sageable threads across all boards to show his devotion.

>> No.14737159

>Will she realize and embrace the gifts she was given with magnanimity?
the answer is always no

>> No.14737169

They had an interesting texture as the fatty organs burst in my mouth like fleshy Starbursts.

>> No.14737181

Her eyes were fuck holes I could really use my metaphorical brain eyes to see my penis in.

>> No.14737182
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Left & right, dirty dishwater around a clogged sink-drain.

>> No.14737194

her eyes made me wanna choke her with my cock and cum down her throat

>> No.14737203

Now her left and right eyeball are the source of my erect cock. I rushed to the restroom toilet to have myself a quick wank before the missus has her shit-sy fits and exclaims of my whereabouts. My cock and balls, warmed by my tight khaki shorts, will very soon begin to cool from my hands which held onto the shadowed surfaces of metals. As I am pulling up my fat cold stomach to stroke my warm and tiny penis, I begin to think of her two grey irides as my thumb and index finger, which were still very cold. And my palms, one stroking my penis and the other one pulling up my gut to free my cock, are the plain white balls which her two iris and pupils rest on.

>> No.14737513

>posting women on the internet

>> No.14737565


>> No.14737663

she's gonna age horribly

>> No.14737695

We now know where Ian Curtis went.
He didn't kill himself,
But he also wasn't killed by Bono;
He faked his death to become a pretty girl.

>> No.14737776


>> No.14737801
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her eyes couldn't lie, but they could cum - the same cum I left in her quivering savings account after she reversed on to my erect flagpole. she rode up and down, like an unwrangled retard managing a flag. i fired tadpoles into her ass, and left the flag at half mast for the future my children will never have. she can't stand the sight of me.

>> No.14737804

Her grey eyes had a soft, glinting sheen that cut the negative space like folded steel

>> No.14737832

Yeah it’s safe to assume that most anyone who’s that conventionally attractive is full of themselves

>> No.14737839

I looked through the window of the soul and all I could see was grey.

>> No.14737855

Yo dis bitch got sum concrete ass eyes dayum

>> No.14738056

50/50 i say. how old is she?

>> No.14738085

i wouldn't say that she's necessarily "full of herself," but i would guess that she just enjoys the high quality and ease of life that her looks bring without using her gifts for the benefit of anyone else. and that's not to say that she has the responsibility to do so, but it would be admirable.

>> No.14738115


You can see it here: >>14736607. About ten years and she’s going to have that hard-faced quality of a librarian with a bad smoking habit. Being so skinny won’t help her, either.

>> No.14738198

but how old is she right now?

>> No.14738213

Her earlobes: attached, suggesting already her true criminal nature. For surely her hands would be just as attached to the possessions of others.

>> No.14738228

Like two far off sapphires that soften with the light, like two ships losing themselves within the horizon where the sky and sea meet, my lover's eyes takes me to the origin of all.

>> No.14738250

>folded steel

>> No.14738267

Inspiration is there in the paintings. In fact she's posing in front of them deliberately as if to imply that her sea grey eyes represent her siren like and stormy personality. She's saying
>I want to drown you in my storm like insanity anon. Please let me. You'll like it, I promise.

>> No.14738325

The woman had gray eyes.

>> No.14738328

It was a quarter past eight when I stared into her beautiful grey eyes and she grabbed my metallic extension, because I'm a robot, yeah, hot

>> No.14738498

ugly colerless...

>> No.14738518

She had gray eyes that spoke softly into my ear and said “i’ve slept with hundreds of men”

>> No.14738548

i'd let her do it, i'm ready to die. you don't belong here if you wouldn't.

>> No.14738549

Twinkling through a level of expecting that called to a different part of my being. I wasn't lusting for her, but was left wanting. Full lips, small comforting smile, but those eyes sent a different message. I couldn't trust them, she was acting, she was lying to me and possibly herself. It wasn't long before I wanted to forget I found her.

>> No.14738561

Deep in her orbitals sat two alabaster lumps of sclera, her 3.5mm pupils were submerged in a dull green iris much like the ocean on an overcast day.

>> No.14738781

>Piri Reis' map as rigid shale opals, each pupil a burial at sea for indiscrete glances, and every other form of light.

>> No.14738792
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Those eyes wouldn't age though
