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14735214 No.14735214 [Reply] [Original]

Why does almost every metaphysical and philosophical conclusion always end in nightmarish cosmic horror and cruelty? Every philosophy and religious answer to reality is always nonsensical and insane the deeper you inspect it. Why does the "truth" always have to be so painful? Surely there are better conclusions?

>> No.14735233

>wwaaaaahhhh daddy will hold me accountable for my actions!
OMG le cosmic horror I’m going insaneeeeee!!!

>> No.14735238


>> No.14735251

Because they all conclude that the universe is inhabited by superior beings millions of times more knowledgeable/powerful than humans, who always seem to be low in the spiritual/philosophical totem pole

>> No.14735256

cause they rely on tautology. science is a flashlight. it won't make the world less scary, but It gives you the ability to possibly understand what scares you.

>> No.14735263
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>science is a flashlight!

>> No.14735268

Philosophical endings aren't always cruel?
It varies how absurd they say the world is, but many branches have some sort way to remedy this. Nietzsche was dark in his predictions of man without Christ, but he literally told us to power through it, dance, love and sing all we can into the night.

>> No.14735282


Most people don't comprehend how sever moral judgement will be, because they think they're morally good people by Christian standards. Augustine believed that the mass of humanity will be damned, only a few will save themselves. It's a scary prospect, and the logical conclusion to morality

>> No.14735288


They're all nonsensical. Eternal recurrence? Just thinking about it makes me want to throw up

>> No.14735308

Everything relies on a tautology, go back go Aristotle

>> No.14735323

Implying he ever went

>> No.14735332

We live in a reality of constant warfare, domination and submission. We consume the flesh of other creatures to sustain ourselves, even among our own species everything is sustained by domination of the weaker humans. In this life you're brought into existence, nurtured and protected by your mother, only to watch her be devoured by worms and maggots. There is no connection to other people, there is always a wall between you and the other, an immutable separation between you and the universe. The world is a meat grinder for souls, and our own existence brings upon an eternal imprint of sin and suffering

>> No.14735338

cringe bro, you clearly thought this string of emo platitudes and cliches was poetic didn’t you?

>> No.14735356


It's true though. There are only brief experiences of happiness, and it's only sustained by domination. In the end we will all be devoured, nobody can sustain themselves in a state of existence.

>> No.14735370

Read “tragic sense of life” by unamuno

>> No.14735378

t. last man

>> No.14735487


>just cope lmao

>> No.14736030

because for a sentient being the nature of reality is harsh to us.

>> No.14736053
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>> No.14736176

Because every system understands that fundamentally humans are nothing. Our value and worth comes from our interactions and our behavior. Most people perceive themselves as good people, or at least perceive themselves to be breaking even. But objectively speaking that’s not the case.
Why is the world cruel? Why are our predictions painful?
I believe it is rooted very deep within our psychology. Humanity emerged from a long forgotten past in which life was kill or be killed. When our aquatic ancestors fled from the waters of primordial earth it was not out of curiosity but rather desperation. Fleeing the creatures of the deep that would feed upon them. Hunger has driven us to the modern day, and as such we no longer understand what it means to be truly hungry. To be desperate enough to chew bark, to digest fur, to consume scales. Hunger drove us to become what we are. And if you look deep inside yourself you will understand why all philosophies end in cosmic horror. Our existence is eat or be eaten, to consume former life in order to prolong our own.
This fundamental truth has been buried and disguised by millennia of surrogate activities to achieve the same goal. Why do you think there is so much ritual involved with eating?

>> No.14736192

It's not, there is nothing sensationalist about metaphysics and philosophy. Only in the West exists such an attitude towards intellectuality.

>> No.14736249

Cringey utilitarian

>> No.14736599
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>philosophy and religious answer to reality is always nonsensical and insane the deeper you inspect it.
not all of them. Pic related

>> No.14736612

>We consume the flesh of other creatures to sustain ourselves
not anymore. Most of us do it because it tastes good.

>> No.14736635
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True, but liberation from the material prison is still possible.

>> No.14736644

you are trapped in a dualistic materialism

>> No.14736696

because we are a tiny part of the 3% of the universe watchable matter in the universe, we are nothing, and humanity will end and the universe won´t notice us.