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14733659 No.14733659[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that explain or explore the idea of mediocrity opposed to the poles of excellence and inferiority, and how horrible the former is? This could be from the perspective of intelligence, economic class, etc.

>> No.14733667

Unironically antifragile by Taleb
He reccomends reading only old, serious books and gossip journalism, disgregarding the so called "serious journalism"

>> No.14733782

Stop posting this worthless meme. It has no empirical backing, it's just a cope for people with brainlet worldviews (e.g. the conservative christians, like Vox Day, who started this shit term)

>> No.14733909

i think he specifically says twitter and big old books

>> No.14733924

Sounds absolutely based to me.

>> No.14733935
File: 17 KB, 500x277, 1581775158063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. midwit

>> No.14733952
File: 64 KB, 576x874, license-plate-put-yop-back-on-tafe-off-shoes-maine-mar-toesukr-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he isn't a deist yet

>> No.14734082

it wasn't started by vox day, it was started by mpc, though they're just as big of faggots

>> No.14734122

>It has no empirical backing
The midwit go to.

>> No.14734206
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>> No.14734245

You are providing empirical backing right now.

>> No.14734301

It's a shit idea. Doing construction management where I translated the desires of multimillionaires to alcoholic felons. Chilling with los alomos and oak ridge researchers. Providing life skills training to adults with down syndrome. I've see so much. Your image looks like a justification to shit on atheists using IQ. The curve in your image better describes the happiness to self awareness ratio. Can't see what you don't know? no problem. Can see what you don't know but can't learn it? humbling or depressing based on your emotional maturity. Can see what you know and it's a lot? fucking awesome. mixing up the far left and far right under the pretense of religion? far left.

>> No.14734310

>empirical backing self-actualizing to deny its own existence

>> No.14734320
File: 97 KB, 840x622, knxcpvovnmfhojo189qmxo3r91igf90q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>construction management
>no respect for the tradesmen
Probably a PM

>> No.14734330

nah 80% of my guys were solid, and I had to work my way up. I was just speaking in hyperbole because this is a philosophy board.

>> No.14734874
File: 362 KB, 913x1763, 1577061114952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder it has been empirically proven religiosity stifles scientific innovation.


Daily reminder the overwhelming majority of leading scientists are atheists


Daily reminder most philosophers are atheists


Daily reminder religious people are less intelligent according to dozens of studies.


Daily reminder religious people are less educated


Religious people are literally a lesser breed of human

>> No.14735120

Hello retard midwit

>> No.14735140

shh you're gonna wake up /pol/

uhh, uhh, metaphysics? yeah metaphysics. atheists bad.

>> No.14735167

>hurrr atheists dumb
Coping christcuck

>> No.14735170

No, you think that because you're retarded

>> No.14735174

>outdated “studies” spammed by someone not even involved in science at all
ohhh noooooooooooo

>> No.14735179

All these things are gay and have led to the destruction of the planet.

>> No.14735180

lol tradespeople are so full of shit, all compensating over how much they make doing braindead bullshit because they were too lazy to get into college, fuck off haha

>> No.14735182

goddammit you woke up /pol/

metaphysics, yeah! right?

>> No.14735185

The fuck are you talking about it's been empirically proven that the church had to tell scientists and mathematicians to stop being so lazy and using God to patch up their proofs, lol.

>> No.14735193

>appealing to averages

>> No.14735209

>if you disagree with my ontological views you are right wing
ok midwit

>> No.14735221

>He reccomends reading only old, serious books and gossip journalism
unironically this is based as fuck
there are higher truths that appeal to the intellectual aristocracy, and lower truths that appeal to the masses, but nobody gives a shit about the middle that only appeals to midwits, they're not numerous enough to make a difference by numbers or smart enough to make an intellectual difference

>> No.14735311

Nice cope

>> No.14735375
File: 81 KB, 540x780, eros1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know of no books, though this thread may help

>> No.14735376

But there's high magic in low puns

>> No.14735385

Greatest piece of art in the last 20 years.

>> No.14735473

>the church had to tell scientists and mathematicians to stop being so lazy and using God to patch up their proofs

>> No.14735504


This chart don't make no sense
What is the line supposed to be because it's obviously not population

>> No.14735510
