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/lit/ - Literature

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14731640 No.14731640 [Reply] [Original]

Within this thread, discuss things you would like to see either improved or shunned. It’s us who control the quality of this board, and to obtain the highest quality, we must speak the things we wish to see.

Personally, I would request more aesthetic OP images. I notice a stirring of sorts within me upon being graced with the sight of a beautiful and comfy image. Of course this will never be totally achieved due to the nature of the shitposter, but this is a calling to those who would wish to have their minds and intellect piqued to a higher degree of being.

Thank you. Discuss your thoughts and wishes, as you will.

>> No.14731645

We should make this a text only board.

>> No.14731670

i once suggested something like that via the website feedback page (being able to start threads without an image, much like how you can do on /news/) but it hasn't done anything. /lit/ will stay as is forever, if i had to guess.

>> No.14731681

It pretty much already is.
Compare it to other boards.

>> No.14732733


without images this board loses a lot of aestheticism.

>> No.14732809
File: 25 KB, 375x525, 1551246810986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perma-ban and publicly execute all twitter/reddit/news article screenshot posters. if you use twitter or reddit, you do not belong here. simple as.

>> No.14733534


>> No.14733540
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>> No.14733543
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More footsexual vibe pls

>> No.14733600
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Support literati

>> No.14733740
File: 1.59 MB, 1067x1600, Anti-Tech Revolution w drones_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to see a renewed interest in books about the wilderness and living close to nature, as well as a more serious look at the books written by Kaczynski.

>> No.14733767

It would be cool if we could remove all political focused posts so that we have more of a focus on literature and philosophy.

>> No.14733899

I made the philosophy general, it got deleted but i didn't get banned nor warned. Why is this? no it wasn't on page 10 either. And it didn't reach bump limit. Not archived, but deleted. First time it's ever happened to me and I've been here for almost a decade

>> No.14733904

>if you use twitter or reddit, you do not belong here. simple as.
>t. redditor

>> No.14733922

or: accept the fact that /lit/ is just a different flavor of the same shit you would find on any other board

>> No.14733957

Can we rename this board to /lit/ - Literature and Philosophy already?
Literature and philosophy are deeply intertwined topics and /lit/ accommodates almost all philosophy threads on 4chan already.
Other boards such as /sci/ - Science & Maths and /an/ - Animals & Nature already have names with dual subjects that aren't included in the abbreviated name.
It's not the end of the world if this doesn't happen but it just bugs me that half the threads on this board are philosophy threads when the subject is not included in the name of the board.
It's just a pet peeve but a something to be fixed nonetheless.

>> No.14734149

That would be weird, I think keeping it as literature would be the right thing to do, but having it publicly acceptable to have threads on philosophy would be good.

>> No.14734176

It already is completely accepted, which is the reason I'm making the request.
It's already board culture so why not incorporate it into the name of the board?

>> No.14734185

> requests more aesthetic OP images.
> opens thread with this weeb shit

grow up

try opening threads about those and starting actual good discussion to see what happens?

agree, except when discussing political works


and I'd like to get rid of /pol/ edginess but that's too much to ask nowadays I guess :'(

>> No.14734190

Uh oh Marxist doesn't like that he can't post his bullshit without critique anymore

>> No.14734191

twitter or reddit user detected

>> No.14734201


>> No.14734454

Marxism was the perfect newfag filter.

>> No.14734462

Sorry *their

>> No.14734481

1. We need a greater focus on collaborative writing. Things like the /lit/ quarterly are nice, it would be great to see more stuff like that.
2. Obvious political bait threads should be deleted and the OPs banned (think "Why are lefties more well read" or "books on saving the white race", and so on)
3. We need share threads like /my/ used to have, just with books/collections instead of albums

Also these

>> No.14734491

make this board 100% better by creating a separate philosophy board. It would create a cage for the schizos and /pol/tards to fight in.

>> No.14734495

then to fill the void /lit/ would become a "book culture" board full of booktubers and crap

>> No.14734817

I would welcome more in depth discussion on the works of Rene Guenon.

>muh secret club
Fuck off

>> No.14734848

unfortunately i think it’s too late to revert back to the extremely comfy /lit/ from a year ago, but the best thing for now would be to create a philosophy board. i love philosophy and it and literature are fundamentally intertwined, but recently a new type of poster has been coming to /lit/, one who has grown up on philosophy youtubers and who has never been exposed to actual literature and probably thinks all fiction is for babies or something. ideally we could just force them to actually read literature, but sadly that’s not an option, so the best thing would be to segregate them for now. it’s not like they actually discuss anything anyway, let them pointlessly argue with each other somewhere else

>> No.14734868

I think people should actually start reading The Culture of Critique

>> No.14734919
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>The spastic autist spamming gaynon is also a social media parasite
Not surprising. The only one who needs the fuck off, is you.

>> No.14734962
File: 31 KB, 450x600, 1378322564302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the board is so fucking inundated by brainless, shameless mediocrity that I no longer feel any desire to contribute posts of quality
>tfw the reddit faggotry won
I have no expectation of change but I think all twitter posting should be banned. Threads that begin with a screencap of twitter that is. It would do something to stem this tide of pop intellectual dross, posturing noise, and irrelevant baiting -- or at the very least inconvenience and dilute it with a drop of spite.

>> No.14735045

> classic "oldfags" that have been around for a year
I use none of those, but you just think like that cause you wanna feel superior and part of a "special club". protip: you aren't.
Again, grow up.

>> No.14735106

I'm just terrified that this board will fall to the normie plague, like almost everywhere does eventually. /lit/ doesn't have much discussion of the kinds of books I want to talk about, but it's got a lot more than anywhere else, and an influx of normies talking about basic bitch books would ruin that.
On 4chan, almost all normies come from /pol/, so having Marxism be widely discussed and not immediately dismissed was a good method of keeping them at bay. Look at what happened to /fitlit/.
Right now, we've got a massive gateway opened to the normies, and that gateway is called Evola.

>> No.14735244

I absolutely HATE "books for this feel" OPs that are simple and superficial, which is most of them. If you're going to ask that question in its own OP, it should be a complex or unique scenario, not "You will never go to a top-10 university. Books for this feel."

Also, not sure how it would be enforced, but there should be an expectation that you don't start a thread about a book unless you've read it. Starting by saying, "Just bought this. What should I expect?" is a garbage thread right out of the gate.

>> No.14735672
