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/lit/ - Literature

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14723368 No.14723368 [Reply] [Original]

What is some super bad goy heretical gnostic lit?

>> No.14723372

No such thing. Gnosticism is goyim stuff.

>> No.14723375

so you want some nasty baddy gnostics

>> No.14723381

I mean Jewish

>> No.14723388


What texts would get me burned to death by the authorities

>> No.14723478

Not gnostic stuff. Unless you’re 500 years in the past. Netsec, darknet, JQ blogging, pol.dissident social activism etc.

>> No.14723507


I'm Asian tho

>> No.14723515


Level I
Psychonaughts Complete Field Manual (Free online pdf.)

Level II
Promethius Rising by Wilson
Info Psycology by Leary
Principia Discordia by Thornley
Undoing Yourself by Hyatt
Abrahadabra by Orpheus

Level III
Yoga Sutra's
Bhagavad Gita

>> No.14723582

Sade My Neighbor ("The title alone is enough to make any self-respecting atheist vomit")

>> No.14723603


>> No.14724814

>Bhagavad Gita is going to get you in trouble with the authorities

>> No.14724824

ISKCON fags actually think they're part of some revolutionary movement that "the powers that be" are conspiring to shut down

>> No.14724825

Mirror of Simple Soul got its author burned by papists

>> No.14725096
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>> No.14726231
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only non good goyim religion is unironically christian

>> No.14726514
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>> No.14727013

Is that an alt cover for the NIV?

>> No.14728524
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>> No.14728873

Gospel of Truth
Gospel of Thomas

>> No.14729029

Which translations should I use for Nag Hammadi and Corpus Hermetica?

>> No.14729213

Let this serve as a warning. I am now a pariah in my neighborhood because I bought what I *thought* was a very thoughtful gift for my next-door neighbor who just had a baby. Well, as it turns out, when I first saw the baby in his stroller he was squinting because the sun was in his eyes. He was not, as I had assumed, "differently-abled." So not only will the neighbor lady not speak with me, I can't walk anywhere in the entire subdivision without people turning around and heading straight back into their houses. Plus, it appears that dog feces is being left at my front door at least 3 or 4 times daily. If you decide to purchase this book as a gift, make sure that you do your homework beforehand.

>> No.14729226

You should learn Coptic

>> No.14729235

i cannot believe how gnosticism has become such a meme
i suppose you guys are drinking cum and eating fetuses
not judging if you are

>> No.14729260

Copenhaver is best for Hermetica in English although if you can read Greek and Latin the Scott has the original texts. I like Barnstone for the Gnostic Bible -- has more than just the Nag Hamaddi texts too.

>> No.14729264

That's propaganda. Most gnostics are just chill perennialist christians. I can't believe the catholic church hoardes money like a dragon and defends pedophiles...

>> No.14729270

Corpus Hermetica -- Copenhaver
Hermetica II -- Litwa
The Egyptian Hermes -- Fowden
The Eternal Hermes -- Faivre
>Neoplatonism and Ancient Greek Religion:
The Shape of Ancient Thought -- McEvilley
Ancient Philosophy, Mystery, and Magic -- Kingsley
The First Philosophers -- Waterfield
The Pythagorean Sourcebook and Library -- Guthrie
Complete Works -- Plato
Complete Works -- Aristotle
Enneads -- Plotinus
Elements of Theology -- Proclus
De mysteriis -- Iamblichus
Commentary on the Dream of Scipio -- Macrobius
Chaldean Oracles - Majercik
The Orphic Hymns -- Athanassakis
Hesiod and the Homeric Hymns -- Hine
Theurgy and the Soul -- Shaw
Philosophy and Theurgy in Late Antiquity -- Uzdavinys
Philosophy as a Rite of Rebirth -- Uzdavinys
Orpheus and the Roots of Platonism -- Uzdavinys
>Occult Philosophy:
Western Esotericism: A Guide for the Perplexed -- Hanegraaf
Three Books of Occult Philosophy -- Agrippa
Cause, Principle, and Unity: and Essays on Magic -- Bruno
Transcendental Magic: Doctrine and Ritual -- Levi
Introduction(s) to Magic -- Evola
Occult Traditions -- Cheak
Seven Sermons to the Dead -- Jung
The Gnostic Bible
The Bible
The Gnostic World
Inner Space -- Kaplan
Jewish Meditation -- Kaplan
Meditation and Kabbalah -- Kaplan
Sefer Yetzirah
Etz Chayim
Platonic Theology -- Ficino
Oration on the Dignity of Man -- Mirandola
>Angel Magic:
Five Books of Magic -- John Dee
>Grimoire tradition:
Techniques of Graeco-Egyptian(/Solomonic) Magic -- Skinner
Encyclopedia Goetica -- Stratton-Kent
Greek Magical Papyri -- Betz
Alchemy and Mysticism -- Taschen
Psychology and Alchemy -- Jung
Alchemy -- von Franz
The Hermetic Tradition -- Evola
The Forge and the Crucible -- Eliade
Alchemical Traditions -- Cheak
Mysteries of the Cathedrals -- Fulcanelli
Dwellings of the Philosophers -- Fulcanelli
Tetrabiblos -- Ptolemy
Way of the Tarot -- Jodorowski
Meditations on the Tarot -- Tomberg
The Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus
>Boehmeian Theosophy:
Aurora -- Boehme
The Rosicrucian Enlightenment -- Yates
Rosicrucian Trilogy -- Godwin
Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry -- Pike
The Secret School of Wisdom -- Wages
Heaven and Hell -- Swedenborg
>Blavatskian Theosophy:
Isis Unveiled -- Blavatsky
The Secret Doctrine -- Blavatsky
The Mystic Qabalah -- Fortune
>Golden Dawn:
The Golden Dawn -- Regardie
Magick: Book 4, Liber ABA -- Crowley
The Magickal Revival -- Grant
The Nightside of Eden -- Grant
The Crisis of the Modern World -- Guenon
The Reign of Quantity and Sign of Times -- Guenon
>New "Thought":
Kybalion -- "Three Initiates"
"Initiation Into Hermetics" -- Bardon
Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy -- Eliade

>> No.14729360


saved and based

>> No.14730298

Thanks! Lots can be skipped / skimmed but those are the essentials of each division -- does not include everything by all means

>> No.14730312


>> No.14730925

The Talmud

>> No.14730954

Liber Novus by Carl Jung is the neo-gnostic gospel of the coming post-christianity...

>> No.14731020

There is no salvation outside the church. Perrenalist Christian is an oxymoron, much like Gnosticism itself

>> No.14731045

If hell is real why don't jews use the word?

>> No.14731062

The book literally advocates that you go to (physical) war with the decadent society we live in. It’s basically SIEGE.

>> No.14731070

Ghandi says it's about the inner battle.

>> No.14731072
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Evola, Guenon, and Crowley literally retroactively refuted everyone else on this list.

>> No.14731077

Ghandi be a bitch ass nigga. The books is really clear in that it demands physical war, and through that physical war, you purify yourself as well. Karma Yoga, nigga.

>> No.14731090

Literally the worst authors in the list (aside from the "new thought" category)

>> No.14731108
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>seething that Guenon refuted his favorite pseud, retroactively

>> No.14731144

I feel bad but also just downright sad when I meet people who think Guenon is the greatest philosopher. It's like you meet someone who says they like literature and then they tell you they only read Harry Potter.