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/lit/ - Literature

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14728396 No.14728396 [Reply] [Original]

Been rereading these for the first time since I was a little kid. I’m reading them in release order, and finished The Horse And His Boy yesterday. I’ll start The Magician’s Nephew today.
These books are max comfy. Discuss all things Narnia ITT

>> No.14728446

Where has the reddit opinion that discovering the series is an extended Christian allegory "ruins" it come from? I wasn't raised in a Christian household, but when the metaphor clicked, I loved it, I thought it was extremely clever how this fairytale story had a secret meaning relating to the real world and things in it. I think it was what first exposed me to the idea of stories having a deeper meaning or theme beneath the literal course of the plotline, which was a first step to really getting into books as literature rather than merely entertainment.

>> No.14728484

>Where has the reddit opinion that discovering the series is an extended Christian allegory "ruins" it come from?

>> No.14728504

>Where has the reddit opinion that discovering the series is an extended Christian allegory "ruins" it come from?
Unironically Tolkien and Lewis' other contemporaries who slammed him for making his work an allegory to such an extent.

>> No.14728609
File: 1.60 MB, 3668x2592, P_20200215_175947_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Narnia poster.