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14725935 No.14725935[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14725940

>rejects Roman aqueducts
>embraces Indian poetry
What the fuck is Varg's endgame?

>> No.14725944

I didn't know you could even say such things on twitter and not be banned

>> No.14725948

You know, sometimes I debate wether he really is the dumbest man alive. Certainly up there. Too bad he wasn't the one killed. Such a shame to have garbage genes like this pollute the world.

>> No.14725949

Anyone who reports Varg is a fucking narc

>> No.14725955

He doesnt deserve to have an opinion like this. dont care about his viking fantasy but the 'brown' comments are just stomrfront tier

>> No.14725958


>> No.14725963

Anybody who reports anything is a fag. they're the online version of calling the cops because someone is smoking weed

>> No.14725969

he's probably an asset for some intelligence agency. i would unironically reelect m*cron if he promised to kick this sack of shit welfare leech out of france. he is worse than the negroes and nafris he hates

>> No.14725989

keep crying for him
he's living a dream life meanwhile you rot on this forum

>> No.14726008

dream life LOL hes larping as a viking you tool.

>> No.14726009

Unironically based as shit

>> No.14726017

varg is literally a white nigger, why do you guys spam his bullshit all the time?

>> No.14726026

exactly. fuck this faggot. my tax money goes to feed this faggots eceleb career. he has enough 15yo fanboys to feed his patreon fuck him deport him

>> No.14726028

You smell.

>> No.14726034

You can't even say retard on twitter

>> No.14726035

>cult musician
>married to a non-neurotypical qt
>has several kids, raises them in the best environment possible
>free time to fuck around, record videos and trigger sjw midwits like you

dream life

>> No.14726040
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Where is the lie, though?

>> No.14726059

gettin' browned

>> No.14726070

>everyone who doesnt call people the n word is a sjw midwit

>> No.14726092

he's married to an absolute retard that memed the whole family into eating large amounts of refined sugar because apparently it's a superfood for the brain. those kids brains won't feel so good after a pregnancy and infancy of jams and syrups

>> No.14726123

sugar is pretty good man it makes you feel energetic

>> No.14726130

How come meatheads care so much about genetics?

>> No.14726139
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>> No.14726282
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Nordicism os the truth though. Read Stoddard. Coloureds ruin everything.

>> No.14726332

If your tax money isn't going to varg it's going to something far more sinister. Welfare, outside of for imported third worlders, is one of the least heinous uses of tax money.

>> No.14726340

I rarely hear Joe Roganites talking about 23andme.

>> No.14726362

The only diff between Varg and Rogan is that Rogan knows to stay in his lane; mention aliens and space rocks, don't mention the Jew shadow banking cartels. Keep it to human sacrifices.

>> No.14726388
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>> No.14726389

Varg is the incarnate of what lefties think the average Stormfront user is like.

>> No.14726398

It really is a bit unfair to attack him for what his parents named him.

>> No.14726414

Types like Varg have to lay claim to Hinduism because they have to use it to supplement their neopagan crap

>> No.14726440
File: 486 KB, 960x959, West_Eurasian_ancient_DNA_PCA_plot.png~original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is half-right.

Sintashta were, indeed, white, but by the time of 1700 BCE, they started mixing with people of BMAC who were non-white. This led to the ethnogenesis of new groups of people like Scythians and Sogdians.

The earliest Vedic followers most likely clustered with either Scythians or Sogdians. Sogdians = Tajiks.

Look at this PCA plot and see where Scythians and Tajiks plot. They were one of those. You're welcome.

>> No.14726467


>> No.14726512

>yeah the guy whose house was raided by police for "hate speech" and his guns confiscated is a plant, not to mention his constant naming of the jew
this is your brain on 4channel

>> No.14726580

Thanks for the tip. Just reported his account.

>> No.14726639

I wonder what he thinks of Austin Lunn.

>> No.14726647
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>> No.14726656

I think Varg has an IQ that is likely a fair bit lower than the European average, but in this case he's not exactly right but he's not entirely wrong either

>> No.14726660

>"the n word"

dude, you wouldn't even be saying nigger as yourself here, you'd just quoting it in indirect speech. just fucking say it. it's not a magical word.

>> No.14726674

This is might be it, the most stupid statement from this man yet

>> No.14726685

it's funny because christcuck E.michal jones BTFO of tolkien in tolkien's failed quest for ripping off Wagner and and making wagners themes incoherent with his philo-semitism.

>> No.14726688

>That edgy zoomer from English class who gets the wrong idea from Great Gatsby

>> No.14726701

There's no way Varg's IQ is higher than 90.

>> No.14726736


>> No.14726737

Not much people heed the opinion of pseudointellectuals

>> No.14726764

I'd rather pay the welfare for a "third worlder" who's finding their feet than for white pagan larpers.

>> No.14726775

> pseudointellectuals
Are you referring to Jones? He's far from a Pseud, Jones is a good old fashioned crank. Tolkien's failed quest is saved by virtue of being 40 pages. His other proper tomes are an incoherent mess of repeating paragraphs and improper citations.

>> No.14726780
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Varg is unironically based af. he can get a little cringey and go overboard with his LARPagan shit but he means well

>> No.14726796

Sure thing, so long as you keep wage slaving we don't care where you hope the money goes. We will tax you regardless.

>> No.14726802

R1b steppeniggers weren't blonde hair tho

>> No.14726816

but i'm R1b and i'm blonde

>> No.14726823
File: 222 KB, 467x350, B5BFA651-F800-4F5A-95F6-B46880D05D35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Varg is completely right. Every worthwhile product of Indian culture sprung from the mind of blond-haired, blue-eyed Aryans. In 1500 BC whites entered the subcontinent and lorded over the masses of subhuman Dravidians. The Aryans imparted to them their languages, religious beliefs, cultural traditions and all-in-all — civilization, all while making a strict separation between the Aryan and the Dravidian. The Laws of Manu affirmed caste endogamy, castigated miscegenation and set up the Aryan society in the pyramidal structure will guarantees all higher civilization above the level of apes.

Eventually, India fell victim to the sin of blood, proving to be poignant example of Hitler’s famous words that civilizations do not fall due to wars, but only due to the loss of blood-purity. The day the last blond-haired, blue-eyes white man died on Indian soil, the culture-creating abilities of the region were null. Stagnation and poverty ensued. Lost were the wonderous vimānas and Brahmāstras – now only remembered as myths. This mongreled mutt mass of chandalas lived in petty stagnation for centuries before a superior race subjugated them and again brought the divine spark of Aryan culture-creating genius.

The Buddha, for example, was a white kshatriya. Sanskrit was a language related to Latin, Greek, German and English. The Vedas, based on internal evidence, had an Arctic origin (read B.G. Tilak’s book on it). Read Savitri Devi, watch Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya on Jewtube / Bitchute.

>> No.14726832
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you are not pure R1b though

>> No.14726842

yeah the truth is I am not an expert and don't really know what i'm talking about related to ancient indians. just wanted to share some memes from /his/.

>> No.14726844

this seems like a /his/ (reddit) meme to pass off blacked posting as the intellectual fetish

>> No.14726855

Dravidians developed independently
Also streetshitting rate is higher on the north. Really makes you think huh

>> No.14726862

you're doing it anyway lel

>> No.14726870

Farmer people were like modern day Sardinians and Greeks. Blondes originate in R1b around modern Ukraine and are most common in l1.

>> No.14726885

They’re mutt mongrels in 2020. India hasn’t been ruled by whites for millennia. Everyone knows that native Dravidians developed SOME civilization, but it was the Aryan ruling element which brought it to its highest potential before their decline due to loss of blood purity. A very sad tale, and today we see Hindutva subhumans claiming that India has anything but white foundations

>> No.14726891

How could someone read something as blatantly Catholic as The Lord of the Rings and convince themselves it's actually Pagan and Tolkien was lying when he said he was Catholic? How?

>> No.14726892

varg is a fucking fed nyway. how the fuck do you murder a guy and commit arson and somehow still wander free, ranting about genocide?

>> No.14726898

God, I hate being blonde. Women don't even consider blonde men as men and only want to get fucked by wogs.

>> No.14726903

His wife is ugly. Almost looks like a retard

>> No.14726913

Sintashta mixed with non-white people of BMAC complex starting around 1700 or 1500 BCE. The pure white elements were gone by 1000 BCE.

>> No.14726923

sure, wog.

>> No.14726931

The guy he killed was also a scum, if not worse. Still wouldn't advocate killing because of that though.

>> No.14726938

Indigenous Evropeans got cucked by the Cromagnons (Chads).

>> No.14726952

Of course Varg is right. The god of the Germanic people is Wotan. Jung said so himself: http://www.philosopher.eu/others-writings/essay-on-wotan-w-nietzsche-c-g-jung/

>> No.14726968

I know lolis who gave me hugs and sit on my lap who told me they know I was family because I have blonde hair like her and most boys don't have blonde hair.

>> No.14726988

No, retard.

>> No.14726989

how emasculating lol jk, thats pretty cute

>> No.14727003

In need of a source on this. I've heard him mention it in previous material from before he was well known.

>> No.14727007

Varg is right about almost everything. I just wished he cooled his hatred towards italians. they are based

>> No.14727044
File: 51 KB, 512x398, sortinghat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy this board sure as do have underage problem

>> No.14727053

You must be over 18 to post here

>> No.14727070

what has he ever been wrong about besides his retarded take on America belonging to Natives?

>> No.14727080

Because there's too many wiggers on the boards.

>> No.14727087

What has I been wrong about your age?

>> No.14727088

tolkien's failed quest. you can find the pdf online.

>> No.14727093


>> No.14727096


and yet indian metaphysics were perfected in shankara, a so called mutt

>> No.14727111

Germanics, Scandinavians, and Nordics WE WUZ more than black people. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

>> No.14727121

It was cute, but now her mom thinks i'm a pedo because 9 years old must be too old for that.

>> No.14727152

But they actually wuz. Just like the Irish actually wuz egyptians.

>> No.14727167
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I thought Varg stands with India.

>> No.14727180

Catholic Paganism

>> No.14727495

Because LOTR and the hobbit especially plagiarized Wagner's appropriation and then retcons it to be compatible with anglo-philo-semitism creating incoherent themes.

The foundational myth and setting, the meat and aesthetic sense is clearly pagan. The themes are a disjointed and incoherent hybrid of blatant christian allegory mixed with pagan symbols stripped of their meaning and power.

Tolkien is a hack and his work belong with other giants of pop culture aesthetic value like star wars and the simpsons and not with other epics like The Tain or the Iliad (or even contemporaries like wagner)

>> No.14727565

This is common opinion among pagan larpers. I've heard them say works of Tolkien are more pagan than writings of Homer. I don't have a clue how they measure what is more pagan though.

>> No.14727571

Holy Pseud

>> No.14727585

Not that attracted to blonde women. Not sure why.

>> No.14727599

Same. Black hair, pale skin and blue eyes are my weakness.

>> No.14727602

Didn't you know Rowling is a witch

>> No.14727610

I wouldn't be surprised to see /pol/fags going full WE WUZ everything, from Aztecs to Ancient China.

>> No.14727626
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He stands with anyone but his own people.
Typical wigger.

>> No.14727642

Not Aztecs but there is a 500 year old Wewuz about the Incan God Viracocha(not sure about spelling), who the Spaniards reported was described as a bearded white guy.

>> No.14727657
File: 74 KB, 436x641, 71959288_2909222835771642_5041312142507114496_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some weeb chick I knew back in high school. She was nicknamed Snow White. Would you?

>> No.14727687

These aren't my observations. Read the Toilkens failed quest if you have any intellectual integrity and aren't just a coping fanboy.

>> No.14727691

Varg is a retard if he doesn't know about false blue eye mutations being genetically distinct as polynesian blondes. semites have glassy light colored eyes.

>> No.14727701
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It was probably an albino, some natives call them "moon children". Let's not forget the Spaniards talked about giants in Patagonia too.

>> No.14727708
File: 96 KB, 640x480, 1394818673462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and redpilled
cringe and kikepilled

listening to Tristan und Isolde (Staatskapelle Dresden, Carlos Ludwig Kleiber, Tristan: René Kollo, Isolde: Margaret Price, Brangäne: Brigitte Fassbaender, König Marke: Kurt Moll, Kurwenal: Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Melot: Werner Götz, Seemann Eberhard Büchner, Hirte: Anton Dermota, Steuermann: Wolfgang Hellmich, Dresden Staatskapelle, Leipzig Radio ChorusDeutsche Grammophon, 1982) while writing this

>> No.14727713

chuck's suck and fuck

>> No.14727719

Do you have brain damage? The post you're talking about is shitting (heh) on Indian poetry. fpwp.

>> No.14727737

He killed a man.
He left society.

>> No.14727750

post tits

>> No.14727766

If I leavy society do i get a cute blonde french waifu who lets me impregnate her and free money to support myself and internet fame? This society thing seems like a bad deal

>> No.14727815
File: 102 KB, 495x952, 4316a647fc6d4063119d06a8d3aeb61d474bb1d4f42b044e8c9aeb5584b58d98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno why I didn't notice those back then

last time I saw she was working at a pizza shop right in front of my house

she was kinda annoying from what I remember, pretty sure she thought her life was an anime back then

>> No.14727834

if she's ever pregnant take pics and post them