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14726110 No.14726110 [Reply] [Original]

Why do psychoanalysts use the most vague and retarded ways to express their ideas? Can’t they just explain things without being a bunch of pretentious fart-huffers?

>> No.14726117

I... THIS is the Zizek quote you went with to make this point?
Damn dude you're not even at square one yet

>> No.14726120

Fuck off pleb we like to make our lives harder here

>> No.14726145
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>> No.14726151
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>> No.14726175

Nothing wrong with changes for the better. Not the case

>> No.14726179

Hes actually onto something about film. Films and what film producers think people want to watch says alot about our current mindset.

>> No.14726294

Zizek isn't a philosopher.

>> No.14726378

nothing wrong with either of these quotes but Zizek's clearly had more philosophical content

>> No.14726397

>philosophers then
>cool and smart short quote to share on my Facebook wall (conveniently I forgot to say which dialogue I pulled this out of and how much I butchered the original text)

>philosophers now
>OMG how do you dare talk about cultural objects that have been seen by and influenced millions of people???!!

>> No.14726427
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>> No.14726446

Because to say something insightful about society you need to actually HAVE insight.

The only way you can really develop that insight is to be a little bit fucked in the head, because normies are genetically programmed to just go along with shit.

It's easy to say "dude just talk like a normal fucking person", but if they were a normal fucking person they wouldn't have anything to say.

Kinda like how you don't have anything to say.

Fuck off, OP.

>> No.14726476


>> No.14726497

and you don't agree with me I guess, it's all good
unironically have a good weekend

>> No.14726519
File: 254 KB, 900x830, greatest philosopher of our time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you shee, *schniff* asking for coffee without milk, ish not the the shame thing as ashking for coffee without cream *schniff schniff*. I mean, of course, in a– purely– materialistic sense– coffee without– eh– cream, ish the shame as coffee without milk, but in an Hegelian term, *schnif* you're simply not ashking for the shame thing. Becaushe– *schniff*, imagine this: if I shay "you're not dead", it's pretty obvious, right? It means you are alive, but now if I shay "You are undead" *schniff*, you shee? It's not the shame thing now, *schniff* and so on and so on.

>> No.14726532

freud is a crystal clear writer. you get from it what you put in.

>> No.14726544

I want someone to clip zizek audio enough for them to be able to make him say this lmao

>> No.14726550

Zizek has been on CIA payroll for awhile now. There's a lot of circumstantial evidence pointing to this. Most of Western academia has been fucked thanks to Jews.

>> No.14726564
File: 31 KB, 601x508, 9F81F113-080F-4229-B4A3-34895EE7F05F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically have a good weekend

>> No.14726586

This pic was my introduction to Zizek, thought he was just a pretentious porn director

>> No.14726595

I tell people the coffee joke as my favorite joke and every time people get really angry because it’s not funny.

>> No.14726598

Have you asked them in turn what they consider "funny"?
I'd probably laugh at the joke, because it sounds stupid.

>> No.14726599

lacan is an enigma, but regardless you get what you put into it

>> No.14726607

I tell them the joke on the dusty balls of capitalism, they hate it, mostly because they're "online activists".

>> No.14726644

No, I just end up trying to explain the existence of a non-existent difference.
lol just looked that one up. Do you tell it as the mongols walking down the road? Have you changed it up a bit?

>> No.14726653

While not being high culture, he does have a point here.

>> No.14726671

I'm usually intoxicated when it comes to tell the joke, so I might skip the nationalities sometimes, but most of the time I managed to tell it almost as it is.

I would love to have a drink with Slavoj, but he doesn't seems like an easy guy to be around with.

>> No.14726691

>he doesn't seems like an easy guy to be around with
I got the opposite impression of him from watching his videos.


>> No.14726695
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unrelated but I whenever people ask me to tell them a cool fact I tell them the kilogram is based on a real object somewhere in France iirc. most countries get their own model of the real one, and then there are standards made from the model, and then people use those to gage their weights. this also means the the weight of a kilogram goes down by something like 0.0000000001% every year based on however many atoms are lost when they clean it. no one finds this interesting but me. also I'm a huge Zizekfag

>> No.14726703

>The shark is a metaphor for either natural disaster, storms or immigrants
>Fidel Castro, who loves the film, once said that it was obvious that the shark is a metaphor for big capital exploiting ordinary Americans.
Why does a threat have to represent another threat? Is a film about foreign invaders a metaphor for sharks? If not, then why can't a shark film just be a shark film.

>> No.14726705

Don't get me wrong: he seems super nice, but also very challenging to follow, he's like an uninterrupted monologue going in all possible directions. But yeah I'd love to have a private conversation with him anyway, in a bar or something.

>> No.14726715

You got him, anon!

>> No.14726739

unironically because of ideology. he makes a similar point about Ode to Joy

>> No.14726752

Using analogy is an effective way of explicating abstract concepts and philosophers have always used them. This particular quote from Socrates is just thrown around more because of how succinct and simple the sentiment is.

>> No.14726755

Plato presents all his crystal clear insights in dramatic dialogue form, sometimes framed by a first person narrator, so everything issues from the mouth of a character, and might be doubly filtered, instantly making all his insights distant, subjective, and ironic. Try again.

>> No.14726772

Ikr? Why does every film or piece of art have to have some subliminal message or latent meaning attached to it? Were the fast and furious movies making grand political statements too?

>> No.14726792

>Were the fast and furious movies making grand political statements too?
No, they weren't. They were pandering to overcompensating men with fatherhunger. That's my take anyway, if you got a better one i'm not open to hearing it.

>> No.14726800

they were pandering to people who like car chases because it's fun

>> No.14726833

I can’t tell if you misinterpreted my comment. I was making the joke that movies as stupid and superficial as the fast and the furious franchise couldn’t possibly have any message beyond what’s readily apparent.

>> No.14726841
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here, let me pitch it another way. in order for an ideology to function, it needs to have a gap which can be filled with whatever fantasy or projection the person is bringing. as far as Jaws goes, the acuality of the film, it really is just a shark. but, because it is /just a shark/, it leave the space for someone to read their own metaphor in. it's a good example of ideology because an empty shark has the space for projections from all sides of the political arena. watch the Ode to Joy video if you want more

>> No.14726846
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I think the bottom text is to illustrate Zizek is using a phony and illusory form of philosophy and depth. Zivek is talking about a film which essentially is nothing, he is talking out his ass making a point about something no one should really care about but he does it in a way that is simultaneously self agrandizing as well as making the audience look small for not coming to the same conclusions. His last statement is very telling because it shows he has a god complex while also not really taking any risks.

Basically his prose is all style with no substance and people of the west are so dysgenic and badly educated that they are sucked in by people who can fake depth while simultaneously validating certain viewpoints they have.

For example you wont have a philosopher who has a soap box in social media saying the jews are a problem with the west or maybe The Nazis werent so bad. You wont get that because all of these so called western philosophers or educators are a bunch of captured jewish intelligentsia who tow the line for the sake of popularity and money.

>> No.14726848

Especially considering Greek philosophers did the exact same, making reference to Homer and other poets of the time.

>> No.14726859

i just really don't like those movies

>> No.14726863

that's the most opposite of a hoverhand you can get. something about his face, and that hip grip, so fucking alpha

>> No.14726869

I understand what Zizek is saying, I guess I’m making a comment about how it seems silly for people to try and intellectualize and project meaning onto a piece of low art such as Jaws. What’s scary is that art can be used to disseminate propaganda that aligns with the governments agenda.

>> No.14726890

>What’s scary is that art can be used to disseminate propaganda that aligns with the governments agenda.
But that's exactly a problem that deeper analysis of seemingly banal media should show. (Replace "government" with "those that have power" - let's not be naive.)

>> No.14726914

You had me until that last part. I think Zizek was on to something worth thinking about though. It got me thinking about how art can be weaponized by the powers that be and used to indoctrinate the population by assigning arbitrary meaning to a piece of pop culture. The las sentence of that quote is dumb and pretentious, though.

>> No.14726937

Are you saying that people need to be careful of the media/information they consume because they could be getting brainwashed by those that have power and not be aware of it?

>> No.14726964
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That is my entire point as well in that I feel western media including the entertainment is bullshit. If you watch a spielberg film its likely you are going to get some jewish propaganda meant to shape the masses.

Good films are things like Solaris, Blade Runner and Lawrence of Arabia.

The thing is that people look at films or tv as mindless entertainment but the problem is that they distort and shape our perception of reality and code our minds in passive ways we dont notice.

Talking about fucking jaws further exemplifies this because it is training the audience to look for symbolism or hidden meaning in movies that isnt there but the true insidious intent is to train people to look for things in movies that reinforce the beliefs that are programmed into them. This gives people a sense of validation and satisfaction that they are thinking and coming up with ideas while not actually thinking at all. Its like feedbackloop.

>> No.14727361

>Good films are things like Solaris, Blade Runner and Lawrence of Arabia.
pls explain why these films are good
and dont quote some stupid critic

>> No.14728203

How can JBP and his D&D-esque allegories even compete?

>> No.14728215

lol'd at this anon because I've done the same thing

>> No.14728218

Zizek at his core is a type French Neo-Hegelian. He is a weird one at that.

>> No.14728223

Who are you quoting?

>> No.14728228

Fun fact: most educated Slovenes think he's shitty.

>> No.14728229

False. (as of 20 May, 2019)
>The kilogram, symbol kg, is the SI unit of mass. It is defined by taking the fixed numerical value of the Planck constant h to be 6.62607015×10−34 when expressed in the unit J⋅s, which is equal to kg⋅m2⋅s−1, where the metre and the second are defined in terms of c and ΔνCs.

>> No.14728233


>> No.14728265

He would have been right in 2017

>> No.14728286

Can you post your evidence so I will believe you

>> No.14728366


>> No.14728374

I've been reading Taoist and Stoicist works recently. It's a fresh change of pace from the usual drivel, they seem to have an affinity for filling their sentences with meaning, instead of striving to express themselves like they're aliens discovering life.

>> No.14728424

Is that a real quote from sniffzek? The shark in Jaws is a shark. Its portrayal is rooted in the old concept of "rogue sharks" that are habitual and preferential maneaters, which was a cultural narrative because of personification of shark behavior. The film is designed to get viewers thinking about their primal fears of the unknown and of nature, even though we were already starting to understand at the time of the film's release that sharks don't behave like that (rather making exploratory bites of uncertain objects, misidentifying people as blubbery seals and then breaking off the attack once they realize their mistake, or engaging in feeding frenzies during times of scarce food in pelagic areas as in the case of the USS Indianapolis survivors). The shark is not a symbol for some cultural phenomenon the way late 20th century slasher film tropes carried what have often been interpreted as conservative narratives about youth behavior or as symbolic of the stranger-danger and HIV panics of the period preventing Gen X youth from doing things that were commonplace for young Baby Boomers.

>> No.14728429

hmm.... so jaws is about jews?

>> No.14728432

It's a quote from The Pervert's Guide to Ideology. Watch it before you judge, he addresses everything

>> No.14728729


>> No.14728784 [DELETED] 

why mommy liz’s such as liz franzcak and liz bruenig are not simply fascist? kinda low IQ. what does healthcare matter if SF is Somalia? i am simply a young adonis confused by neglectful mommies. like, “oh yeah you’re gonna die, but mommy got her healthcare. now ill simply adopting an african to replace u. alas, he has raped and killed me.” i imagine it’s all aesthetic. i think most high IQ pp know what’s really what but they don’t want to rub shoulders with the wignat sorts, so they even convince themselves they’re actually bona fide leftists in the woke sense (even while retaining enough sense to pretend to be anti-woke). *sniff* and so on and so on.

>> No.14728800

why mommy liz’s such as liz franzcak and liz bruenig and the sudden pink scare vanguard on the whole are not simply fascist? kinda low IQ. what does healthcare matter if the country is Somalia? i am simply a young adonis confused by neglectful mommies. like, “oh yeah you’re gonna die, but mommy got her healthcare. now ill simply adopt an african to replace u. alas, he has raped and killed me.” i imagine it’s all aesthetic. i think most high IQ pp know what’s really what but they don’t want to rub shoulders with the wignat sorts, so they even convince themselves they’re actually bona fide leftists in the woke sense (even while retaining enough sense to pretend to be anti-woke), because it’s not so bad yet that they’re personally affected. but then they champion someone like Bernie who will accelerate the process. *sniff* and so on and so on.

>> No.14728804

>never read philosophers then

>> No.14728809

because the purpose is to obfuscate and lie, obviously

>> No.14728812

Culture of critique series my man. get reading

>> No.14729279

The shark is the jews. Hence the title, (((jaws))).

>> No.14729306

daily reminder that Nietzsche refuted (the argument of) Plato, being a pseud and a sophist is a very valid way of doing philosophy.

>> No.14729326

People should be careful how they relate to the media they consume. I used to laugh at people who said that listening to Wagner would make you a fascist, but I totally agree with it now. Does this mean that Wagner shouldn't be listened to? No, absolutely not! It just means that one should be aware of the awesome power of art.

>> No.14729455

So? I know of uneducated Slovenes who think he's shitty too. Slovenes don't have some magical education that makes them judge philosophers better than anyone else.

>> No.14729523

Jaws is just a methapor for the jewish appetite for control, the victims are clearly those who have suffered from jewish machinations