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14723719 No.14723719 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books extolling the superiority of a life of leisure and no wage-cuckery? I have decided to embrace the aristocratic virtue of ōtium, letting the natural slaves provide everything for me. I refuse to waste my best years working in soulless dehumanizing jobs chasing after money only to retire when my best years are long over.
>inb4 parasite
“yes” – but the final redpill with the anti-work pill is becoming a hermit, which is something that I’d like to do after reading about Kaczynski’s time in his cab, or from reading Hōjōki and hearing of the joys of Chōmei’s hut

>> No.14723740


>> No.14723743

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition

>> No.14723750
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>> No.14723751

Noone cares.
Lock yourself in your room noone cares.
Just dont come out and expect to be treated 'equally', like most neetfags do.

>> No.14723766
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I expect to be treated as a higher being, as I work for no one. I am not prostituting myself to capitalists and other disgusting creatures to make a living, while you, a member of the servant class, does do so. The lower exist for the enjoyment of the higher. Whether if I’m in my bedroom or moving innawoods, any NEET will always be a higher form of life than the wagecuck

>> No.14723767

>implying all jobs are like that
There's plenty of jobs on the terrain with a changing work environment.
Don't be such a small-minded insectoid, just because you disdain white-collar occupations.

>> No.14723775

Is it not the fact you are seeking justification for your NEETdom, proof that deep down you know you're being a lazy parasitic shit that everyone hates rightly so?
Go on and think about it.

>> No.14723782

>Don't be such a small-minded insectoid, just because you disdain white-collar occupations.
This is a very small-minded insectoid thing to say. You’re a worker drone, the real bug

>> No.14723794
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No, I merely wish to read the experiences of others who have to similar conclusions, I need no justification because I feel no guilt or shame at not being a soulless wage-slave.

>> No.14723797

If most people had the choice of not working and still receiving money, they would naturally take it.
It's a matter of survival, retard, get off your high horse.
Not everyone is as privileged as you. It seems very juvenile to look down on people for trying to make it.

>> No.14723804

Again, what's the point?
Would it comfort you to know other people think the same shitty way like you?
Your responses are so predictable, especially with the Basedjak picture.
Quit masturbating to porn and do something with your useless life, instead of shitting on other people.

>> No.14723805

>If most people had the choice of not working and still receiving money, they would naturally take it.
Slaves need to work, it’s in their nature. They would feel empty and purposeless not working for another. The lemming is content in his lowly position unless incited to envy and greed by subversives
>It's a matter of survival, retard, get off your high horse.
I will continue to look down from my horse, pleb.
>Not everyone is as privileged as you.
I know :^)

>> No.14723821

>I expect to be treated as a higher being, as I work for no one.
You don't work at all, so that point is kind of useless.
>I am not prostituting myself to capitalists and other disgusting creatures to make a living, while you, a member of the servant class, does do so.
Yes, I work to provide for my family, what a slave I am!
>The lower exist for the enjoyment of the higher. Whether if I’m in my bedroom or moving innawoods, any NEET will always be a higher form of life than the wagecuck
According to who? You?
How does it feel that nearly every single person with any kind of job (even unpaid) looks down on you?

Anyways you do you man, I get it, I've been there aswell.

>> No.14723822

>complains about shitting on other people
>shits on other people

>> No.14723828

Extremely based.
No one should ever work.

Work is the source of nearly all the misery in the world. Almost any evil you’d care to name comes from working or from living in a world designed for work. In order to stop suffering, we have to stop working.

That doesn’t mean we have to stop doing things. It does mean creating a new way of life based on play; in other words, a ludic conviviality, commensality, and maybe even art. There is more to play than child’s play, as worthy as that is. I call for a collective adventure in generalized joy and freely interdependent exuberance. Play isn’t passive. Doubtless we all need a lot more time for sheer sloth and slack than we ever enjoy now, regardless of income or occupation, but once recovered from employment-induced exhaustion nearly all of us want to act. Oblomovism and Stakhanovism are two sides of the same debased coin.

>> No.14723829

>makes a thread where he shits on 95% of the population
>shocked when there's backlash

>> No.14723836
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Sing me a song, wagie. And make it quick.

>> No.14723840

>Slaves need to work, it’s in their nature. They would feel empty and purposeless not working for another.
This is true. once you start working and get a pace (meaning more or less give up everything but work.) you dont know what to do once you have no work to do. all my old co workers are the same, my dad is the same. I put him in front of a pc and told him to get a hobbie but all he does is complain about all the free time he now has and how he used to be king of his ant hill

>> No.14723841

>Work is the source of nearly all the good in the world. Almost any good you’d care to name comes from working or from living in a world designed for work. In order to stop suffering, we have to start working.

Arbeit macht frei
But unironically.

>> No.14723849

>There's plenty of jobs on the terrain with a changing work environment.
such as?

>> No.14723858

Reduce the work hours and allow workers a more flexible schedule.
Problem is, there's no incentive from the higher-ups because of the competitive job market.

>> No.14723861

>I work to provide for my family
Why does not it provide for itself? a guy I know has high blood sugar and tons of problems from working too much and he is a dick to everyone because of the stress. He does it so his 40+ year old convict son can sit at home and complain about how he has run out of movies to watch while his father pays for him, his kids, his wife, his siblings,etc

>> No.14723867

Delivery, home repair, taxi driver, etc.

>> No.14723869

most people who work dont wish to work, they do so not to starve so its understandable why he expects comrades. especially when it comes to being anti old work mentality and dads saying "die for the company and they will look after you or" "walk in and dont leave until manger takes your CV" etc

>> No.14723870
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I know it hurts for you to be called what you are, namely a natural slave as described by Aristotle millennia ago, but that is simply your nature. In a truly harmonious social order your ilk would work while Übermensch NEETs like me and other based anons would be the natural aristocracy, living a life of literature, philosophy and leisure.

>> No.14723875

>life of leisure and no wage-cuckery
What sort of bullshit is this? The choice isn't limited to being a slave or a pet.

Working for some richfag is retarded but why the fuck would you waste your time on "leisure" if there is self-growth and so many creative endeavours?

Yeah, almost like drilling "Arbeit macht frei" into people since they are born has an effect. Besides, you do realize how hard it is to go from a wagie life into neetdom and all the social repercussions on the way? As social animals, it's given that shit will have an effect on most.

I'm a based NEET myself but looking down on wagies is silly, unless they are the bootlickers who want to force you into it too.

>> No.14723881

Not wrong just it doesn't mean "work for a master".

>> No.14723884

I actually 100% agree with this sentiment but work should be treated like a kind of school. The ultimate goal of working for other people is to learn how businesses work and find a way to finance your own dreams and eventually break away. Your job should not be your goal, and the kinds of people who are obsessed with climbing the latter are typically sleaze.

>> No.14723886

Driving the same routes isn't any more of a change that sitting in the same building everyday. It's a monotonous grind either way.

>> No.14723887

some people like getting up early, others dont mind if it means they can make money. not sure why ordinary things like eating breakfast and brushing your teeth are painted as horrible. as for working for other people, I'm not sure what you expect. you can start your own enterprise or join someone elses. if you join someone else's they've already done a bunch of work up front like marketing, getting the facility together you'll work at, paying thebills, training you, etc. so it's not surprising they want to get some value from you.

>> No.14723889

>Why does not it provide for itself?
12 year old and 8 year old sons both in school. I work to feed them.
My wife has a job, too, she saves the money she makes for /out/ings and other trips. I pay the bills, food & unexpected expenses.
>A guy I know has high blood sugar and tons of problems from working too much and he is a dick to everyone because of the stress.
That must suck.
>He does it so his 40+ year old convict son can sit at home and complain about how he has run out of movies to watch while his father pays for him, his kids, his wife, his siblings,etc
That might seem like a very dumb decision on the fathers part, but then again, you dont actually know him that well I'm guessing.
And even if you did, it's his money to spend on whatever the fuck he wants because he earned it.

What's your point? That there's stupid people and smart people or something vague like that?

>> No.14723897


>> No.14723902

Wagies on suicide watch

>> No.14723904

>looking down on wagies is silly, unless they are the bootlickers who want to force you into it too.
This. someone has to pay for the art you pirate

>> No.14723906

But those things are true, in a sense.
If you have no balls, you cannot do well-paid work. Because someone with bigger balls will do it.

>> No.14723908

>inb4 weak minded faggot

Working a 9-to-5 is draining and kills any sense of artistry one might have. I understand why people simply give up after years in the work force. Though, it could be worse. My commute is not even that bad, it's just a ten minute walk from my apartment. But the stress throughout the day just burns me out. Before the start of this year I was able to read for hours after work and work on writing poetry. Since then work has picked up and, resigned, I smoke weed every day after work to relieve the stress, leaving me mentally incapacitated until the following day, when the endless cycle continues. In the meantime I cope with my waning passion for literature by consooming designer brand clothing products. I've spent over $3,000 on clothing this past month alone. This is the life, right, bros? Hopefully I don't kill myself.

>> No.14723909

>why the fuck would you waste your time on "leisure" if there is self-growth and so many creative endeavours?
Imagine thinking leisure is separate in any way from these things. A life of leisure is not a life of rest and hedonism. It IS a life of creativity, freedom, self-discipline and growth. The slave remains living in sterility, monotony, hedonism and dehumanization. Regarding dehumanization, most wagecucks are naturally lesser beings, content as they are to live the life they live, while any superior man would, even if not taught these things, intuitively grasp his conditions of slavery and seek to free himself from it.

Work does not set the wageslave free, because he should never be free. He is a natural slave, a tool in the hands of his master.

>> No.14723925

But people in 'western' or 'first world' societies dont have masters.
They have bosses or employers, who pay you for work.
You dont work you get no pay from them.
You work good you ask for more pay, or work for someone else who gives more pay.

>> No.14723927

>I've spent over $3,000 on clothing this past month alone.

>> No.14723929
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I just find it hard to get the motivation to work. It would be nice if work was contributing to society as some wagies actually believe and not just any attempt to make as much money as possible. It's hard facing the reality of having to slave for 40+ years when there are literal kids on youtube making more than you will in your entire life, or people who just got lucky and are set for life with just holding some bitcoin for a few years.

>> No.14723931

>12 year old and 8 year old sons both in school. I work to feed them.
>My wife has a job, too, she saves the money she makes for /out/ings and other trips. I pay the bills, food & unexpected expenses.
Your children will be slaves too, never getting off the plantation. Daily reminder that all modern nation-states are merely giant wage-slave farms

>> No.14723938

>actualy day of the average NEET

>> No.14723943

>That might seem like a very dumb decision on the fathers part, but then again, you dont actually know him that well I'm guessing.
I know him well enough. His outlook is that his family is trash and he has to carry everyone but his son has a good heart and because of all the work he never has time to fix root issues in his family. Whenever something needs doing in the family he just throws money at his ex wife and tells her his busy earning the dammed money so they should take care of whatever it is. plus its his son so he is not going to abandon his son
>What's your point?
My point is that he has become an unappreciated slave to his family. all he knows is how to earn money and he does not even get to enjoy the money in any way and it did not have to be this way

>> No.14723945

>Smoke weed everyday
>Drop all your hobbies
>Spend ridicilous amounts of money on useless stuff

>My job is making me suffer!
Really makes you think

>> No.14723948

neets shit on wagecucks but they do free labor for Google all day filling out captchas

>> No.14723951

someone with bigger balls usually has no skill because they were too busy working on their balls. If you have crap leadership you will get dumped no matter how much loyalty you have shown. knowing how things are done is important, using an outdated method just makes you look stupid and gives no results.

>> No.14723954

holy BASED

>> No.14723958
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>the NEET demigod emerges from his chamber

>> No.14723959

>It IS a life of creativity, freedom, self-discipline and growth
That stuff has a leisure element but it's also constant work if you really want to be anal about definitions.

>even if not taught these things, intuitively grasp his conditions of slavery and seek to free himself from it.
There are obvious financial benefits in giving away some of your time to a master, which in turn allow you more freedoms with the whole creativity and growth stuff. You view it way to black and white.

For most the pay is so shit, it's pretty close to what slaves were provided in ancient times.

>> No.14723963

>Your children will be slaves too,
I'm not a slave, we are debt free and have enough savings to quit working for at least 5 years and we'd still be able to live the life we have been living all this time.
I am on good terms with my employer and colleagues and most people who I work with enjoy what they do.
>Never getting off the plantation.
We could, but the plantation isn't so bad friend.
>Daily reminder that all modern nation-states are merely giant wage-slave farms
I guess so, what are you going to do about it, sit in your room?

>> No.14723968

/fa/fit/lit/ is the perfect trifecta. Just working on the first two in the meantime.

>> No.14723970

>or work for someone else
or stay because the switch comes with a lot of hassle or there are no other options.
>dont have masters.
lets see if you feel the same way when you have to address the biggest asshole in your life as "sir" or "mister" and watch them block your promotion because you are not a good ass kisser and dont let them shift blame on you, dont take blame when they complain about tasks you did not do even tho were not assigned to you

>> No.14723972

Why does NEET hate wagie? I don't get it, wagie just sort of dismisses NEET, but NEETs make threads on every board to deride wagies.
t. entrepreneur chad

>> No.14723979

>entrepreneur chad
Based slave-driver aristocrat. You make wagecucks seethe as well

>> No.14723984

>I know him well enough. His outlook is that his family is trash and he has to carry everyone but his son has a good heart and because of all the work he never has time to fix root issues in his family.
That does suck, I hope he figures it out. Sounds like the son needs to take some responsibility.
>Whenever something needs doing in the family he just throws money at his ex wife and tells her his busy earning the dammed money so they should take care of whatever it is. plus its his son so he is not going to abandon his son
Not sure if this is helping but hey, everyone deals with stuff their own way.
>>What's your point?
>My point is that he has become an unappreciated slave to his family. all he knows is how to earn money and he does not even get to enjoy the money in any way and it did not have to be this way
You're right, it didn't have to be this way.
But it is, so what now?
Work is bad because they have family related issues?

>> No.14723991

All true.
Still you need balls.

>> No.14723994

Im a lawyer and all my clients are entitled retards and since im a newbie lawyer I get paid pennies for doing the same job people get paid 4 or 5 times more for. I got into the law because I liked the structure but all my clients want is a miracle worker who will give them therapy and validate their retarded views on the law/system who will work for them for 6-12 months while costing them less than month of their own pay

>> No.14723995

Given all the bullshit they have to hear from butthurt wagies, it's given some will get butthurt too. Poorfags shitting on other poorfags instead of dealing with the folks who fuck both is story of humanity after all.

>> No.14724001
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>I'm not a slave, we are debt free and have enough savings to quit working for at least 5 years
>I am on good terms with my employer and colleagues and most people who I work with enjoy what they do.
They are natural slaves and are content to fill the coffers of your natural superiors. You love your master, and your fellow slaves all love to work!
>We could, but the plantation isn't so bad friend
>I guess so, what are you going to do about it, sit in your room?
Yup. Now get back in your cagie

>> No.14724004

>For most the pay is so shit, it's pretty close to what slaves were provided in ancient times.
And yet people in these countries do not live like 'slaves in ancient times'.
How does that work I figure?
If only we knew! What a mystery.

>> No.14724008

>implying he will not recoil from the sun and be overwhelmed by new smells of the outside

>> No.14724016

>or stay because the switch comes with a lot of hassle or there are no other options.
Cope. Weakness.
>>dont have masters.
>lets see if you feel the same way when you have to address the biggest asshole in your life as "sir" or "mister" and watch them block your promotion because you are not a good ass kisser and dont let them shift blame on you, dont take blame when they complain about tasks you did not do even tho were not assigned to you
I literally call my boss asshole, cunt, faggot homo every day and we both laugh.

>> No.14724021

>We could, but the plantation isn't so bad friend.
you cant because life outside it is shit so you ignore all the bad parts inside.
>at least 5 years
you are lucky one. most people who have an issue with things can be doomed by one flat tire

>> No.14724022

> Heil private property of the means of production. So cool. :s

>> No.14724027

>I literally call my boss asshole, cunt, faggot homo every day and we both laugh.
are you a mechanic or something ? most people are not cool with that

>> No.14724028

>>I'm not a slave, we are debt free and have enough savings to quit working for at least 5 years
>>I am on good terms with my employer and colleagues and most people who I work with enjoy what they do.
>They are natural slaves and are content to fill the coffers of your natural superiors. You love your master, and your fellow slaves all love to work!
It's like you do not have an understanding of how business works.
>>We could, but the plantation isn't so bad friend
>>I guess so, what are you going to do about it, sit in your room?
>Yup. Now get back in your cagie
Gladly, and when I get back home to have a good dinner with my family, I'll pray for all neets afterwards.

>> No.14724036
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>I literally call my boss asshole, cunt, faggot homo every day and we both laugh.
I’m glad that you’re so chummy with your master, wagie! A harmonious and joyful workplace makes for better profits and productivity!

>> No.14724037

>>We could, but the plantation isn't so bad friend.
>you cant because life outside it is shit so you ignore all the bad parts inside.
Yes, not everything is perfect, welcome to life.
>>at least 5 years
>you are lucky one. most people who have an issue with things can be doomed by one flat tire
Luck has got nothing to do with it. I was homeless from ages 19-22.
Financial literacy is important.

>> No.14724040

Depends more on size of the team I'd say. Plus the boss obviously.

Back when I was a slave in logistics, most of us talked to our boss the way we'd talk with our buddies.

>> No.14724042

>Work is bad because they have family related issues?
work itself is not inherently bad. I would even say work is better than religion but like with religion the fanatical side of it is disgusting and destructive and we should work (pardon the pun) to keep the fanatics from taking over and normalizing practices and structures that turn people into unhappy sick assholes

>> No.14724044
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>having to deal with middle management
Never again. Is there any worse class of people than these pricks?

>> No.14724045

It isn't cool, and I never said it was.
If you think a boss/employer in western nations is the same as an egyptian slavedriver you're just wrong.

>> No.14724052

>not everything is perfect, welcome to life.
people kept saying back during feudalism
>Luck has got nothing to do with it.
yeah Im sure anyone could have done the same or maybe you are just super special

>> No.14724053

>I would even say work is better than religion
Peak porky

>> No.14724054

>I’m glad that you’re so chummy with your master, wagie! A harmonious and joyful workplace makes for better profits and productivity!

>> No.14724056

Become a wildland firefighter. Get paid to do physically rewarding work and form masculine relationships for 5 months out of the year and get paid a living wage on unemployment the other 7. Good years you can make 10,000 a month, and when its slow you get paid to sit around and read all day. https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FyoGe1uXgJaM%2Fmaxresdefault.jpg&f=1&nofb=1

>> No.14724060

Lashing out.
The reality of it is NEETs have a dogshit slave existence of perpetual fiscal imprisonment. In real life, they're mostly seen as pathetic, so they come back and lash out with the most pathetic form of slave worker here out of revenge.

>> No.14724063

whats the catch?

>> No.14724066

>Brainlet thread yet again

>> No.14724072

Please tell me this is a parody.

>> No.14724075

>fiscal imprisonment.
We reject your materialist values. Keep chasing that green paper, you’ll never be satisfied or happy.

>> No.14724078

>people kept saying back during feudalism
People always say this.
Get out of your room, you might hear someone say it.
>yeah Im sure anyone could have done the same or maybe you are just super special
But it wasn't luck, I promise.
Believe what you want I don't care.

>> No.14724080

Until the wagies stop phoneposting from work we will never have good threads

>> No.14724087

if only you knew how bad things really were...

>> No.14724091

Lawyer is the ultimate slave job. I'm unironically glad i failed the bar exam. It's not a job for a man, but for a roastie or a homosexual.

>> No.14724100

>But it wasn't luck, I promise.
Im not saying things just fell into your lap, Im just saying there was some luck involved, an alignment of events you might not even know about
>People always say this.
so you agree that if we agree with that stance we would never progress?
>Believe what you want I don't care.
seems like you do

>> No.14724102
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>> No.14724103
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Ok, so you don't like money..
Want to give me all your money then?
I clearly need it more than you, since money won't ever make you satisfied or happy..

>> No.14724106

It’s always amusing how enraged the slaves get when you rattle their wage-cage. Pure slave-morality

>> No.14724111

Nah, you need to keep working, wagie. Learn not to covet the possessions of others and temper your greed, it is unbeffiting of a true natural aristocrat

>> No.14724117

Lawyer is a retired persons job. you become an investigator or a judge and then retire to be a lawyer or a teacher. Most of my coworkers own properties they rent out and they live off that money while lawyer is just something they do because they dont want to be at home alone but since they have the money they can be picky about their clients and even just dump them by returning their money 3 months into the case. I cant return the money because I needed it to live, so I would have to take on another case just so I could dump a client and that is if the case is available

>> No.14724122

You don't reject shit, you just have no money.

>> No.14724123
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>neets can now go on amazon tours and laugh at all the wagies in their cagies
literal zoo animals

>> No.14724126

There is a difference between work generally and wage-cuckery though right? The latter being characterised by dead-end, poorly paid, meaningless crappy jobs making money for some faceless corp in a role likely to be mechanised in the near future anyway. If for whatever reason your only option is some form of wage cuckery then I completely understand and sympathize with the impulse to become a hermit or urban hiki. But let's not pretend that all work is like this- many people do do important and fulfilling work, and in fact it is the existence of these people that makes the wage cuck pill even harder to swallow.

>> No.14724127

>natural aristocrat
my aunt is a "natural aristocrat" she makes her living by writing poetry and has to be looked after by her 95 year old mother because she cant even be bothered to do the dishes

>> No.14724130

I'm not a wagie. Former NEET turned Chadpreneur. Nice try to drag me down to your level

>> No.14724133

No one's arguing that the system is perfect.
We just think it's immature to shit on hard-working people providing for their families.

>> No.14724134

He is not the only one to not like money bitch. Either you give something, or your work, or you don't. But don't pretend your exchange value system is virtuous.

>> No.14724139


>> No.14724141
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>> No.14724143

>76 replies
>2 books mentioned
The right to be lazy by lafargue and Oblomov by Goncharov

>> No.14724144

Of course I don’t have money, because I don’t work – and I don’t care. Read Epicurus. With very little one can be satisfied and attain ataraxia. The wage-cuck will not achieve this state of tranquility because he does not have the time to ponder what desires should and should not be fulfilled, what is natural and what is vain. Work is not a virtue, the pursuit of endless wealth is degenerate

>> No.14724147

It's not a retired persons job. It's a job for passive homosexuals and roasties.

>> No.14724154

eh sometimes the hard working people are the problem and there must be suffering before there will be change. In a way hard working people are accomplices to the enemy and their desperation to live (for a lack of a better word) is what causes tipping culture and other retarded trends to be normalized

>> No.14724157

I can tell you've truly reached Nirvana by the way you trumpet your superiority and lash out like a child. It's actually embarassing.

>> No.14724160

I mean, it's funny at start but considering what mental molestation one has to go through, to develop such a mindstate, it's tragic.

There was that one written by a guy who dated some of Marx's kids, and then they pulled an hero at 50 because they were bored with life. Wish I could recall the name.

>> No.14724161

How does it feel exploiting other people work? I mean, i can do it, but i'm not proud of it like you. Seems you are coping.

>> No.14724164

what's up bob?

>> No.14724165

No one here is shitting on the slaves. They work according to their nature, that is their place in society, to provide for the superior. If anyone it is the slaves who wish to drag down the NEETs with their moralizing and extolling of the virtues of endless and dehumanizing work who are being immature and shitting on their natural superiors.

>> No.14724167

I guarantee you all the neets on this site do fuck all in their spare time, they probably tell themselves they'll learn a language, an instrument, they'll write a book, whatever. They do fucking nothing, and I guarantee that neither do you.

>> No.14724171

It feels fine. The weak should be exploited and thus they will

>> No.14724175

>It's actually embarassing.
I know you’re embarassed at your relative inferiority to me

>> No.14724182

If the neet go to the gym and read some philosophy here and there, it's enough. If he plays vidya all day, okay he is pretty lame.

>> No.14724184

The lower exist for the enjoyment of the higher. They are living tools. Rea Aristotle. There is nothing wrong with exploitation. This is why Marxism is a revolt against nature and fueled by envy and slave morality, wishing to turn all into worker drones.

>> No.14724185

Based NEET here, not that sperg shitting on wagies.

I work on muh novel for 12h a day. And being doing it for almost ten years, obviously with breaks here and there.

>> No.14724189

if you ever fuck a roastie are you going to apologize afterwards for penetrating her? kek

>> No.14724190

You're just a little kid lashing out. I genuinely pity you. You will never reach enlightenment, and no amount of books will help you.

>> No.14724193

Even the weak does rebel from time to time. Some even have a brain, and now they have access to real information and networking with the internet.

>> No.14724198

I don't care honestly.

>> No.14724201

It’s even more hilarious that you, a slave, thinks he will ever be able to attain any sort of enlightenment when he spends every waking hour of his day filling the pockets of Jews.

>> No.14724205

Exploitation is not natural. It didn't exist before the neolitic revolution, and it doesn't exist in the natural world, certainly not in the scale of wage labor, in any case.

>> No.14724208

I work as a freelance novel editor from my home and have plenty of free time. You're projecting frankly.

>> No.14724211

>Even the weak does rebel from time to time.
And they will be subjugated again, as has always happened, even if under new forms and masks.
>Some even have a brain, and now they have access to real information and networking with the internet.
And yet the NPCs use all of this wealth of information to watch porn, live vicariously through brands and sports teams and to post memes. The masses are subhuman and need to be guided by intelligent and capable thinking individuals.

>> No.14724212

It depends, if she is into it, no. If she is romantic, i won't even fuck her, and break contact with her.

>> No.14724216
File: 84 KB, 400x368, ma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My roommate was a middle manager for a big box retail store who completely abused their power by forcing him to do the job of three separate managers (training, cash and his own department) and he was totally fine with it because he thought "it'll show how committed I am and they'll promote me!"

Fast forward to three weeks ago when he gets sick with the flu, misses 4 days from work, coincidentally at the same time his vacation is set to begin, goes on vacation for a week, only to return and his first day back they let him go because the new store manager "doesn't know him well enough"

He's holding out hope that the staff that liked him mess up so much they have to hire him back.

The corporate goons and bootlickers are going to be the death of us all.

>> No.14724221

Any civilization above the level of apes requires discipline, hierarchy and authority. We are not going to return to the Neolithic. Some people rule, others are ruled.

>> No.14724225

Yes the bigger portion of the masses are subhuman, but there are people in the masses who are pretty conscious, and don't like exploitation so much.

>> No.14724229

>Im not saying things just fell into your lap, Im just saying there was some luck involved, an alignment of events you might not even know about
I know what happened.
I nearly starved and got a job.
I guess you could blame white privilige.

>> No.14724230

>Some philosophy here and there.

That's not really an accomplishment.

>> No.14724234

Philosophy in general is a total waste of time.

>> No.14724240

This is because the caste system has been disolved in our modern, non-traditional society. We need to go back to a society harmonized into a greater organic whole and each social division being recognized by its particular duties and behavior. These so-called discontents, assuming they are slaves who have been radicalized by envy and subversion, are most likely not true slaves

>> No.14724243

Maybe civilization in itself is a problem. It didn't exist for long. For example, in europa, we have had civilization for only 2 millenas.

>> No.14724251

I work a "fellowship" for a publication, basically doing IT. Nobody knows what the hell I do, mostly just play vidya at my desk all day. Probably do 1 hour of work per day.

>> No.14724252

The Tao Te Ching frequently extolls the virtues of doing less, indeed nothing at all

>> No.14724263

This is not compatible with Capitalism. Feudalism has made it's time, we won't go back; We will have an other mode of production, but no one knows what it'll be. Probably something around algorithms and automated production. It could be paradise, but it could also be worse than hell, if we become slaves of the machines. That's literally what happens in the matrix (1999) and the animatrix (2003).

>> No.14724277
File: 924 KB, 293x230, hee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working retail one year
>have to work on national holiday because store location is located in "tourist area"
>store manager comes in the morning to give "motivational speech"
>tells us how proud he is that we are all working today
>then goes on to say he'll be thinking about us when hes by his pool having a beer and bbq
>tfw hardly anyone came into the store that day and it cost us more to stay open than what we made in sales that day
>store manager comes in the next day and tries to chastise us for "not pushing hard enough"

>> No.14724283

i work aboard a cruise ship, i work every day for 6 months then i have 2 months vacation.
Free food, free healthcare, free rent, no commute Then i can travel the world for 2 months. I consider it a superior arrangement to regular wagecuckery

>> No.14724294

>he posts as hes currently under quarantine

>> No.14724298

Everyone knows that modern civilization must be dismantled some how. Either that or it will collapse due to the misery it produces and its own contradictions which lead it to destroying itself

>> No.14724301


>> No.14724315

>Everyone knows that modern civilization must be dismantled some how.
No not really. That's just edgy teen talk.
>Either that or it will collapse due to the misery it produces and its own contradictions which lead it to destroying itself

>> No.14724333

>muh edge
Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How
The Technological Society
Man and Technics
The Collapse of Complex Societies

>> No.14724334

The important political division is not one of left vs. right, but rather of work vs. anti-work.

>> No.14724335

>its own contradictions
so funny to me when peoples little verbal tics they dont realize are cliches within a small tradition betray the shallowness of their breadth of reading

>> No.14724359

But left and right got completely different ideas about it. Even something that sounds good like basic income or the likes can easy be perverted by the right.

>> No.14724366

Your thinking is dominated by a false bifurcation. There is no left and right.

>> No.14724367

>Even something that sounds good like basic income
Lol imagine thinking millions of worthless sacks of shit are entitled to money merely for existing.

>> No.14724371

This, all landlords, investors ect need to be lined up and shot

>> No.14724375

just make it electronic money that is not saved from month to month and you have a perfect subsidy for industry while keeping people happy

>> No.14724382

Funny how you have to define them by things they do, not that they "merely exist." You self contradicting retard.

>> No.14724384

You deserve nothing

>> No.14724394

I have spent much of my adult life systematically destroying the lives of NEETs and arranging for their assets to be seized and for them to be evicted from their homes.

At times I have actually delayed payments from third parties just to ensure that the NEET is evicted or has his property repossessed.

It’s a game I play. I cause pain because it is within my power to hurt left-wing trash without consequence. Once, I discovered that after evicting a pregnant couple they got an abortion because they couldn’t afford to have the child. They were chapofags. Because I’m older they just assumed I wouldn’t get those references. But of course I did.

This means that I have de-facto murdered at least one good little leftist. Oh how terrible the gnashing of teeth must have been.

>> No.14724395

foresighted individuals will convert it into less gay forms of money upon receipt and build their wealth on firmer foundations, and people like you will seethe

>> No.14724406

i dont care, they will sell them at a loss

>> No.14724412

It's good for the economy, good for productivity and great for development of the society. Also unavoidable for the future either way. There is really no con. Look into it and how it'd affect things on all levels beyond "muh free money" bullshit.

>> No.14724428

>delayed payments from third parties just to ensure that the NEET is evicted or has his property repossessed.
Would be easy to sue against with free lawyer and get extra NEETbucks. Thanks for helping out!
>a pregnant couple they got an abortion
Based, gotta protect the environment. Fuck kids.

>> No.14724432
File: 64 KB, 500x667, work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber is fantastic. IIRC the author used to teach at Yale before he got fired for trying to unionize grad students in a movement so cringey it made Ignatius Reilly look like Martin Luther King. It is a bit outdated already because he jumps on the Universal basic income bandwagon.

Bukowski's books are full of on-the-job bullshit. I think Post Office is the best for this.

>> No.14724433

Sorry but everything youre saying has been debunked for the last century and adults need to move the conversation forward now. Your candidate has quit and it's time for you to be quiet and lurk more.

>> No.14724440

it makes "the economy" fake and gay, productivity falls off a cliff, and society is reduced to last man consoomers entirely dependent on the state. which is exactly why it is going to happen

>> No.14724456

>muh language games
>heh gotcha, bet you didn't think of that huh?

>> No.14724467

>software development
>we are ahead of schedule
>Boss makes promises and deadline is moved up
>people are forced into unpaid overtime "of course I dont mind working late"
>people go into a crunch working weekends and cancelling vacations so they can finish the dang project and get ahead
>project is finished
>new project is started with same crazy hours by default, the "if you can do it once you can do it twice outlook"
>profits are up and costs are down but you have to take a pay cut for the honor of staying there while boss gets a bonus for his good leadership
>boss decided to not come into work and take a "personal day" because we have "everything under control "
oh and you have to keep saying "you are right I was wrong" even when they are 100% wrong or you end up on their shitlist and when issues from them being wrong pop up you are reprimanded for not warring them, if you did warn them they will not listen or pretend like you never said anything
>am I out of touch, no clearly it is the employee that is wrong

>> No.14724477

dismantling without a plan is the morons path
What are the hours?

>> No.14724483
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>> No.14724490

if they deserve human rights then they deserve money too
if anyone gets X amount of money a month would the prices just go up by X amount or more? I dont see how basic income can work, making stuff "free" like bus rides,etc can work, giving stuff to old people can work, basic income I just dont see

>> No.14724494

>muh economy
Boy I can’t wait until everyone is sucking on the teat of the state and sitting around consooming more than they already do today, but hey it’s good for the economy though!

>> No.14724497

>if they deserve human rights

they dont, human rights is going to get us all killed

>> No.14724501

>if they deserve human rights then they deserve money too
Human rights were a mistake too. They don’t exist.

>> No.14724506

but the country was built by gov and big bizz, they just sold lies to working men so they would think themselves important. working men would not even be in the USA if gov had not decide to take it over. not even the gunslinger was free

>> No.14724508

Landlords and investors are more useful than consoomer drones

>> No.14724519

in the future people will have robots do their work and they will own those robots like they own land now, they will rent the robots to the company and gov will keep company from building its own robots.

>> No.14724521

you say that while benefiting from them

>> No.14724522

Yes, hand over more of the west to slave countries! This course needs no correction!

>> No.14724534

>does do so
That "do" is redundant.

But then, so is most of this thread.

>> No.14724541

>nigga thinks I'm yang gang
His idea was flawed from the start, 1k isn't enough in Burgerland.

The economy already is fake and gay and most are already dependant on guberment support if you consider that tax payers pay for minimum wage workers due companies not paying enough, to say nothing about insane amounts for subsidies, monetary policies, bailouts or indirect support like free research.

Your point about productivity makes no sense. People who work voluntarily and not because it's work or die, will fuck around much less and will actually want to be there. There was already a huge productivity gain from 4 days weeks and this is going beyond that. Majority of workers are disengaged in the current economy for obvious reasons, which fucks with productivity.

Not much point in paying a stupid game of raising pricing vs raising basic income; tons of industries work by making the shit as affordable as possible for most. Besides, there will be no need for minimum wage, so serious savings in that department.

Consoomer drones are basically swarm investors. Small time landlords are absolute cancer on the other hand.

>> No.14724555
File: 206 KB, 1200x1601, 1200px-Nietzsche1882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leisure and Idleness. There is an Indian savagery, a savagery peculiar to the Indian blood, in the manner in which the Americans strive after gold: and the breathless hurry of their work-the characteristic vice of the New World-already begins to infect old Europe, and makes it savage also, spreading over it a strange lack of intellectuality. One is now ashamed of repose: even long reflection almost causes remorse of conscience. Thinking is done with a stopwatch, as dining is done with the eyes fixed on the financial newspaper; we live like men who are continually "afraid of letting opportunities slip." "Better do anything whatever, than nothing"-this principle also is a noose with which all culture and all higher taste may be strangled. And just as all form obviously disappears in this hurry of workers, so the sense for form itself, the ear and the eye for the melody of movement, also disappear. The proof of this is the clumsy perspicuity which is now everywhere demanded in all positions where a person would like to be sincere with his fellows, in intercourse with friends, women, relatives, children, teachers, pupils, leaders and princes-one has no longer either time or energy for ceremonies, for roundabout courtesies, for any esprit in conversation, or for any odium whatever. For life in the hunt for gain continually compels a person to consume his intellect, even to exhaustion, in constant dissimulation, overreaching, or forestalling: the real virtue nowadays is to do something in a shorter time than another person. And so there are only rare hours of sincere intercourse permitted: in them, however, people are tired, and would not only like "to let themselves go," but to stretch their legs out wide in awkward style. The way people write their letters nowadays is quite in keeping with the age; their style and spirit will always be the true "sign of the times." If there be still enjoyment in society and in art, it is enjoyment such as over-worked slaves provide for themselves. Oh, this moderation in "joy" of our cultured and uncultured classes! Oh, this increasing suspiciousness of all enjoyment! Work is winning over more and more the good conscience to its side: the desire for enjoyment already calls itself "need of recreation," and even begins to be ashamed of itself. "One owes it to one's health," people say, when they are caught at a picnic. Indeed, it might soon go so far that one could not yield to the desire for the vita contemplative (that is to say, excursions with thoughts and friends), without self-contempt and a bad conscience. Well! Formerly it was the very reverse: it was "action" that suffered from a bad conscience. a man of good family I concealed his work when need compelled him to labor. The slave labored under the weight of the feeling that he did something contemptible-the "doing" itself was something contemptible. "Only in otium and bellum is there nobility and honor:" so rang the voice of ancient prejudice!

>> No.14724568
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They need abolished for the greater good. Human rights and tolerance will be the death of the human race. There are billions of valueless lives on this Earth

>> No.14724578

Who will be the first to lay their head on the butcher's block for the greatness of the human race? Is it you? Are you worthy of living?

>> No.14724581

>Not much point in paying a stupid game of raising pricing vs raising basic income; tons of industries work by making the shit as affordable as possible for most. Besides, there will be no need for minimum wage, so serious savings in that department.
what? basic income is basically minimum wage paid by the government. most people would not want to work minimum wage jobs for even less (if they had basic income) so the pay would have to go up.
> tons of industries work by making the shit as affordable as possible for most
and tons work on max profit so if they see everyone having more income they will want to rise their prices.

>> No.14724587

its never him, its always the abstract other or demonized segment of the population, not someone they know but a list of cartoonish evils

>> No.14724596

I'm not anti work. I'd rather get up at 6 am, work on a farm til 9pm with a wife and children to accompany me than work for Microsoft making more than 6 figures in an endless consumerist cycle.

>> No.14724597
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>> No.14724619

the new crop of newfags siphoning in from reddit and other normie social media is by far the most cancerous newfaggotry this site has ever seen, i don't know if 4chan can survive this one

zoomers are fucking filth

>> No.14724625

I could never get behind this. I’ve been a neet and it’s always felt horrible. I understand that nothing truly matters and without a concrete goal that is at least somewhat outwardly put on me I just go into a malaise. If I make my own goal without repercussions it feels so non-committal and I just drop it Eventually.

>> No.14724629

This. If you're under 35, you shouldn't be here.

>> No.14724631

I'm waiting for advanced AI manufactured tests that determine who has read Infinite Jest and who hasn't. Whoever fails is barred from the site until proven they have read and completed it.

>> No.14724636

you dont need to put your head on the butchers block, just remove the crazy idea that reproduction is a right, live your life fully without children and thats it. no extermination camps needed

>> No.14724641

so whats your job right now farm boy?

>> No.14724651

I'm not having kids, but that doesn't stop the ten gorillian niggers and insect people and shitskins and hues. Let's cut to the chase here, we know who really has to go.

>> No.14724657

My bosses wife/ owner of the cokpany and multi millionaire just tried to set me up with her 17 year old daughter for valentines day.

>> No.14724664

>than work for Microsoft making more than 6 figures
implying that is an option
>with a wife and children to accompany
implying they have nothing better to do

>> No.14724666

and you said no?

>> No.14724672

None at the moment but looking for temporary employment while searching for a simple community. Looked into the Amish and am researching Hasidic Judaism.

>implying that is an option

I meant if given the choice. I should have said I'd rather work on a family farm than in Walmart for lesser hours.

>> No.14724679

You're fucking this up.

>> No.14724686

Going off this I feel like the usually answer is that I am just coping. Yes, and? If you reduce the meaning of cope isn’t it just rationalizing your circumstances? Doesn’t that mean pretty much every logical development is a cope for some self satisfaction? I could care less if one thing is realer or more natural than another in practice as long as it is a narrative that is self satisfactory. NEETdom is just an antithesis to a job and is thusly defines by it and it is itself a cope. I don’t think that detracts from either lifestyle, but the argue meant itself is a flawed one that implies there is a correct narrative.

>> No.14724705

I gave a lukewarm awnser. It honestly seems pretty retarded to date the bosses daughter. Ive only worked here 16 days and am on probation. She said shes jelous becacause her brother has a girlfriend now and they are smitten. Mentioned something about him not going to handle it when she breaks his hewrt and i said some psued shit about like any part of the body the heart never comes back quite as strong once its broken and then she tried to set us up. Ive met the girl because the boss fucking picked me up at my house when we had a snowstorm. Im 25.

>> No.14724742


>> No.14724752

>But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth!

>> No.14724782

Jews, niggers, the disabled and other subhumans of course. Western living-standards need reduced as well so inb4 “Westerners cause lots of pollution and waste” – of course

>> No.14724794

>given the choice
but most people dont get a choice. also your "dream" job has its own flaws that you know nothing about because you dont work it. only once you have worked both jobs can you say which one was better for you personally

>> No.14724815

I said, who will lay their head down? Do you think a gorilla nigger will sacrifice themselves for you? Furthermore, why should you live? What accomplishments have made you more worthy than any mongrel you condemn?

>> No.14724866

In Praise of Idleness by Bertrand Russell

>> No.14724879

But how the hell can a person
Go to work in the morning
Then come home in the evening
And have nothing to say?

Make me an angel
That flies from Montgomery
Make me a poster
Of an old rodeo

>> No.14725021

Many of the essays in Paul Town's book It Is The Secret deal with the topic of "anti-work" and the NEET life. Considering you're on 4chin the irony and shitposting shouldn't be too much to sift through.

>> No.14725175

Quit weed, start drinking instead
You'll have more fun
Or just do neither and actually do something good for yourself

>> No.14725274

You do understand that only two of those boards are related right?

>> No.14725308
File: 7 KB, 343x147, download (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

''You make that sound, rather shitty Lewis''

>> No.14725319

i am writing a diary, what should I write? I don't want to write shit like "I like A and dislike B".
Tips pls

>> No.14725329
File: 94 KB, 750x743, 487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's capitalism, niggers.

You're welcome to join a communist paradise like North Korea or Cuba, though.

>> No.14725351
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you legit sound like an autist.

take it froim an oldfag- take her daughter on a date or two, show her a really good time, pay for everything, have her go back to her mom and say she had such a great time. but also, try to keep shit on a basically platonic level, like, make her happy, but not TOO happy. make it an easy "eh, i don't think this will work out". because what you want is her saying to her mom that you;re a great person, without actually having to date her. that is, unless she's actually hot and cool, then in fact try to make her happy and keep talking to her

>> No.14725371

Yang had some good ideas and he'll be a prospective candidate in the future. My concern with the 1000$ UBI is that landlords would just increase the rent by the extra to compensate. Its a vicious cycle. Right now labor reforms are duly needed

>> No.14725592

>implying I'm not /fit/

I'm not a plebian, anon.

>> No.14726118

Hasn’t happened yet, and believe me, it won’t. California is a very good state to be a landowner.

>fuck kids
Left-Wing people all deserve to die, because then fewer of you there are, the easier it is for my Mormon brothers to take over.

Thanks for making it nice and easy.

>> No.14726239

Man, you got to stop buying designer clothes ASAP. Most of them are just as shit as regular clothes, they just got a label stamped on them so stupid monkeys will buy it. We are conditioned since childhood to buy goods, but those clothes will not make you happy. I am one of the best dressed persons I know, and I Spend less than 700 a year on my wardrobe. All a guy needs actually is a pair of jeans, a pair of boots, 5 white t-shirts and underwear. Even bitches don’t like the clothes as much as how they fit on you. If you have a good body, you can be dressed in Ben sherman.
Also, reduce the fucking weed to once a week, maximum twice. Don’t start drinking, I repeat, don’t start drinking. After work go for a 20 minute run. Do some push-ups and some squats. Then read and focus on your passions.

3000 is a ridiculous sum to spend on clothes. Imagine if you invested that money.

Drop the consumerism, plan your escape

>> No.14726259

I really need financial freedom. I just need to build capital with my low expenses so I can invest and develop the economy autonomy to cut my parents out of my life.

>> No.14726275

If I were korean I would unironically want to live in North Korea. Nearly every "escaped" NK feels the same. Capitalism is existentially crushing, and things aren't so bad it's some state of constant famine and 20 hour work weeks like the propaganda insinuates, the infrastructure simply wouldn't be able to function if that were the case.

>> No.14726278

No, it doesn’t. That dude is a brainlet who is a slave to his emotions and his vices. He probably justifies working that soul-crushing job in order to have money for weed and clothes. I have no love for guys like this.

>> No.14726284
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>I expect to be treated as a higher being, as I work for no one.
i'm not a commie but that's some big dick philosophy right there

>> No.14726292

The worst part about work is it turns you into an NPC. You literally go on autopilot as your brain has all the stuff it needs to do catched. You only think about banal work shit all day like a computer, you don't even get to experience the humanity of work being soul crushing while you do it. You simply go through the motions and then can't even remember what you did exactly the next day because you weren't actually conscious.

>> No.14726308

>everyone hates rightly so
literally slave morality/jealousy. Wagies are so fucking insincere and sunk into their own lives they don't even get mad at you on the weekend. like dad will get annoyed if he sees his neet son isn't working on a wednesday but if he sees him on saturday there is no harassment, because in his wagie mind saturday is everyones day off, despite the concept of a weekend having little relevance for the neet.

>> No.14726323

I hate working and don’t want to work, is this a meme or do any of you guys have an actual way to live comfortably without having a job? If so please share it so I can do it

>> No.14726338

Most NEETS are britfags.
They fake retardation, so they get monetary compensation from social services.
They also have to attend regular check-ups. Sounds pretty degrading, if you ask me.

>> No.14726350

smother parents with pillow so i could get the house they planned to sell as their retirement fund. I now rent the house and downsized, I pay someone to manage it for me, the house is worth 3 million canada bucks so it alone is enough to support me.

>> No.14726375

I know this, however, the fact that it's obvious is irrelevant.
People will never drop their machines, toys, and modern comfort.
If if collapse, the question will be what will be kept? Do we keep computers, cars, dishwashers?
If society collapse, we will never be able to create new CPUs. or hard drives for that matter. However, there is so much CPUs and hard drives already made that we will have stocks for decades until they all burn from usage.

>> No.14726395

>he gets to wake up at 6:30
haha that sounds nice
but really, 80% of wagies do little to no work whatsoever, they just try to look busy whenever someone's looking

>> No.14726402

this makes being enslaved even more humiliating

>> No.14726411

well, yes, that's why so many people are depressed, on psychoactive medication (prescribed by doctor or self), etc, etc

>> No.14726452

>but really, 80% of wagies do little to no work whatsoever
most people aren't employed in nebulous office cubicle work. This is a pop-culture meme. People work and they work at an unreasonable pace much of the time and are forced to "look busy" during any moment of respite.

>> No.14726468

>Everyone knows that modern civilization must be dismantled some how.
The lemmings don't. Most in the west are fully indoctrinated to the point most of the regimes politics and propaganda are seen as "normal" or "reality" and not even on the political spectrum.

>> No.14726469

fuck i hate this. if i've done my work just let me go home, don't keep me kept in the cagie performing pointless tricks. work wouldn't be half as bad if it wasn't for this shit.

>> No.14726475

what are most people employed doing?
according to the BLS, in the United States, roughly 80% of employment is in the service industry and only ~9% is retail trade, ~3% transportation/warehousing
there's a metric fuckload of people in cubes trying to look busy

>> No.14726485

I don't understand how anyone can be left wing after seeing threads like this. Left wing ideologies lead to people like OP exploiting others through welfare system abuse. It's like reverse feudalism.

>> No.14726515

>Left wing ideologies lead to people like OP exploiting others through welfare system abuse
I'd rather money go to welfare system abuse than missiles to kill Afghani goat herders

>> No.14726517

Middle managers are actually retarded. They have this contempt where they don't even think your labor is deserving of your meager wage which doesn't come out of his pocket. I've had direct relations with the owners of small-medium companies and they are all far more relaxed and accommodating than their pathetic production managers. I've witnesses owners telling everyone to go home a few hours early because things are slow (paid salary) and the production manager gets upset because this is is whole life and the only time he has any authority to nitpick people (usually to get them to do things his way which is just slower or weird)

Middle managers are probably the most actively evil element of wage slavery there is. They fucking do the shilling for free. Even HR jobs and teaching and shit are usually just people following the script rather than identifying with it like middle managers.

The best part is how they always get mogged in their efforts to make a company more profitable and get good boy points by people in sales.

>> No.14726522

>reverse feudalism.
So it's based?

>> No.14726537

>production manager gets upset because this is is whole life and the only time he has any authority

kek this, it always amazes me how the pettier the authority someone has, the more pathetically they identify themselves with it and lord it over others

>> No.14726542

>reverse fudalism
It's called being a warlord and being given your tribute. This is the caste of neets, the weak labor cuck society gives neets free money in a futile attempt to placate them so they don't shoot up their shopping malls and schools. a single neet going rambo in just one attack costs their insectoid society more resources than just paying the tribute.

>> No.14726556

Production managers are the only people who you can ask "who are you" and their identity is the king of the hill line without a hint of self awareness. They go beyond slavery, uncle toms got special treatment, middle managers literally get no praise and get yelled at more by owners when things go bad.

>> No.14726577

I think the more important thing is that it really is their whole life. It's who they are and what they do, their very spirit is distilled into something so pathetic and mundane. I can understand a power not spent is power wasted mentality when you are starved for it, but middle managers rarely even do it for their own ego, it's out of fear of them getting in trouble with the actual boss because the other wagies aren't wagieing hard enough or for factors out of his control. Middle managers tend to be much more invested in the company and relate to it more than even the owners, hence the looks they give that you don't even deserve to be making money for doing this work. How happy it would make middle management to have littleral slaves so the company makes more profit and he never sees a dime of it, while the owner gives you a raise because all is well.

>> No.14726589

There is no such thing as left wing retard. There is only Capitalism.
It's left wing of the Capitalism, and right wing of the Capitalism for you.
The real divide is between Capitalism and anti-Capitalism. By anticapitalism, retard, i don't mean more gibs and more LGBT and black lives matter, but abolition of the State, exchange value, wage labor, hierarchy, money. Do you fucking understand?

>> No.14726600

OP’s bombastic rhetoric has really exposed wagies for what they really are, slave moralists and the economic man incarnate as described by Ellul who holds work as the highest of all virtues, neglecting all others, endlessly chasing green paper, doing nothing but producing and consooming. I want to pity them, but they repulse me with their pity and resentment of the NEET Übermensch

>> No.14726603

anarchism is left wing retard anti-capitalism.

>> No.14726609
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>The real divide is between Capitalism and anti-Capitalism.
Cringe. The real divide is between pro-technique and anti-technique. Communism is little more than red industrialism

>> No.14726616

I'm one of those who argued with the OP.
I'm a NEET myself, stil llive with my parents, but I don't want to engage in any illusions of grandeur.
It's only a matter of time before I enter the workforce. There's no alternative for me, I'll have to get a job soon.
Hopefully I can at least tolerate it. Hopefully the job will leave me enough free time to pursue my true passions.
I can only hope things won't get too grim and that I don't kill myself prematurely.

>> No.14726694

I'm all for anti-technique, but it will be even ten times more difficult for the masses to understand this than the concept of a classless technological society.

>> No.14726725
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>> No.14726746

You will never have a classless society, any attempt will just lead to the classes being obfuscated and divorced from any responsibility, something even neoliberalism struggles with mealry by attributing social planning to a spontaneous and "natural" change or "progress" at least serfs knew who their masters were, knew who they were rising up against and what castle to storm. The fixed identity of class/hierarchy is also more existentially palatable than trying to pin a persons lot in life and their own personal inadequacy. "My glorious frankish ancestors conquered your weak cornish ancestors" may cause contempt, but it makes sense. Trying to gaslight them by claiming it was all a level playing field and their current life is their personal fault creates both irrational hubris and neuroticism as they try to Job their way around rationalizing it all.

>> No.14726825
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what happen to that kitty

>> No.14726852

Dumb American politics.

>> No.14726874

And this is why I will continue to vote Tory and hope they cut benefits even further. Literally every person on state assistance I know is faking a diseases to get free money. Today it's even easier to claim disability by saying you have anxiety or depression.

>> No.14726878

America is an empire and most of the nations of the world are satellite states on the outskirts. The only real contender is China, a good rule of thumb to test of your nation is actually a vassal state to the american empire is to simply check whether you take "gay rights" seriously.

>> No.14726927

Bro I don't care. I will never support people getting something for nothing. That's what makes the rest of the world shit, they hang you stuff stolen from those who work. In America you have to earn your living.

>> No.14726940

>thinking voting will change anything
>especially his lone vote
Literally a placebo to give you the illusion of political power. Keeps you nice an docile so those in charge can get away with whatever they want. Most things parties promise on campaign never even come to fruition lol.

You are the equivalent of a retard thinking buying things will stop piracy rather than enabling it by keeping things profitable.

Also profoundly ignorant as to where your tax money actually goes, keeping unemployable neets alive is benign and you find it anathema out of misplaced jealousy and cult of productivity propagand, when in reality you live to work, and don't work to live. You would get depressed if you didn't have to work, as you find the responsibility of having agency over your time crippling. You are literally part of a slave caste and it's inhumane to make you stop slaving away. Once you retire we will let you be a walmart greeter for your final days.

>> No.14726957

>In America you have to earn your living.
No you don't, as it's a welfare state like everywhere else. America was literally founded on the principle of capital over labor. Only suckers work 9-5. You need to accept that you are phenomenologically distinct from others and NEED to be a wageslave as this is part of your identity and what gives your life purpose. The higher castes can't relate to this. Your labors primary purpose is always to make other people money, whether this is bossman or mr.neet isn't a meaningful distinction.

>> No.14726984

Hutterites, Israeli Kibbutzims, humanity before the neolithic revolution, current NEETs who reject hierarchy, does that ring a bell?
We don't want your fucking hierarchy. Fuck you. You can keep it.

>> No.14726994

>And this is why I will continue to vote Tory and hope they cut benefits even further.
Political economy is a masquerade. It's the left wing, and right wing of the Capital. Do you enjoy being a retard?

>> No.14727021

>whether this is bossman or mr.neet isn't a meaningful distinction.
Beneficiary of surplus labor ladies and gentleman. Unironically. Owners of the means of production, and NEETs. However, the latter only take a small fraction of the wagies labor, when the former take a substantial amount, in fact most of the wagie's lifetime.

>> No.14727040

You don't seem to understand what hierarchy is outside of a modernist caricature of it. You really think there was no hierarchy before the neolithic revolution?

You are seeking emancipation from something that is already fixed. It's as pathological as gender dysmorphia. It comes from a fundamentally liberal misunderstanding of what freedom means.

I explained to you that in "rejecting hierarchy" you are merely obfuscating the hierarchy there is setting yourself up to be "oppressed" even harder. Of course simply identifying with your caste and not trying to get out of it would give you peace of mind here.

>> No.14727059

Wageslaves need to be oppressed harder by neets. Neets aren't greedy or full of malice like usereres, but the slave needs this cruelty in order for him to internalize his masters authority and be at peace with himself. This is why neetdom worked so much better when they were the warlord class being paid tribute. We get the money either way, but inspiring fear in the wagie is a less complicated emotion for the wagies insectoid brain to process than resentment.

>> No.14727106

Other than reading books, what are you doing to fill the time exactly?

>> No.14727147

>fill time
You live however you want. It's having the agency over your time that is valuable. Even if all you are doing is browsing 4chan you have the freedom to stop it, you don't have the freedom to just leave work, it forces you to be somewhere you don't want to be, and moreover the labor rots your brain by forcing you to cache things together to be productive.

I made a post about this higher up in the thread, when I began working I noticed many more NPC tendencies of living on autopilot. I don't mind the labor, I mind the time, and how so much of that time is spent in a subhuman state of lower cognition.

>> No.14727175

Use your money to buy your freedom. Invest, set up side projects, get multiple income streams going. If you're able to generate an income without depending on a boss or external support (most NEETs), then you're a free man. Otherwise you're just a comfortable slave.

>> No.14727188

Get a job that is productive in a meaningful sense, construction for example, and use the money to start side projects and invest in shit like bitcoins.

>> No.14727196
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Be honest with us anon, are you the son in this story?

>> No.14727197

Extend it to that and the same can be said about everything.

>> No.14727217

>doesn't work
Both neets and investors are dependent on the "external support" of the economic infrastructure allowing them to do what they need to do to collect their benefits. The usurer can technically be "cut off" from their source of income just like the neet.

More money=more power=more options=more freedom is right though, freedom is shilled by the powerful as a means of emancipation from all things, including concrete principles of reality. The push the idea of freedom as having no obligations instead of having the power to pursue other options, be free from repercussions for breaking obligations or force obligations on others.

>> No.14727231

I don't quite get it and kind of do?
I once spent about a few years of my life in a monastery as a kid. We were living off the donations of the parishioners to help build spiritual merit.
But we were always intensely aware that our mode of life could only have been supported by the will of others and their generosity.
And it was not a mode of life where we could just simply shut ourselves away from the community as a NEET does. Nor could we dismiss the outside world as something slavish and inferior to us.
Your life seems far more precarious and lonely.

>> No.14727235

I perfectly understand your view. It is you who don't understood the difference between the charismatic hunter or warrior everyone followed naturally and the current owners of the means of production who are sucking the life force out of the working class.

>> No.14727247

Not liking the current hierarchy has nothing to do with trying to dismantle the reality of hierarchy itself. Merchants were never meant to be so high up on the totem pole. The social dysfunction comes from people not being in their proper place.

>> No.14727262

(...) Everybody hate their boss. Everybody loved their clan chief. The clan chief had a strong voice, he was listened. But he wasn't sucking the work out of the other clan members. Say differently, he wasn't exploiting them.

>> No.14727270

my boss is cool

>> No.14727280

>Merchants were never meant to be so high up on the totem pole
So you are kind of anti-capitalist. In any case, as a Karl Marx follower, i reject exchange value, meaning a reject the very concept of a merchant.

>> No.14727283

The problem with charity is it robs the wagie of the existential comfort of authority. Even if we didn't need tax law and they all voluntarily gave the income up to feel good about themselves or whatever, the lack of obligation to do so would just make life more confusing. The church has supernatural (reward and punishment) incentives to get people to donate regularly. The wagie can only see so many girl scouts before he starts to resent them because in this situation the wagie holds the power and is in charge. This is something they aren't used to, don't enjoy, and aren't good at. The wagie finds comfort in the routine and having this routine be out of his control.

It's literally just their caste, everyone needs and deserves to have the existential comfort of internalizing a legitimate authority. Higher castes just have a more nuanced perception of it. It can be "the logos" or "the good" while for wagie it's "bossman" and "warlord"

>> No.14727295

Just know Ted would scoff at you. You are the living distillation of the technological society.

>> No.14727299

>he thinks his wor words mean anything

>> No.14727300

In the primitive tribe, there is not so much different places. There is the average hunter gatherer, the tribe chief, and the shaman. They were all hunting and gathering. Even the shaman.
Of course the shaman and the chief had kind of a special place. But they weren't exploiting other tribes members work.

>> No.14727303
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You hit the nail on the head t. 20-something suicidal wage cuck with a student debt burden that longs for full hermit mode but will never get it in life

>> No.14727310

>The problem with charity is it robs the wagie of the existential comfort of authority. Even if we didn't need tax law and they all voluntarily gave the income up to feel good about themselves or whatever, the lack of obligation to do so would just make life more confusing. The church has supernatural (reward and punishment) incentives to get people to donate regularly. The wagie can only see so many girl scouts before he starts to resent them because in this situation the wagie holds the power and is in charge. This is something they aren't used to, don't enjoy, and aren't good at. The wagie finds comfort in the routine and having this routine be out of his control.
This is the result of thousands of years of brainwhasing and domestication. It is not inherent to human nature.

>> No.14727323

Ah because medieval peasants had it so much better
>inb4 they had all those religious holidays and winter off
To do nothing but sit and cower in the rain and cold as wars and pestilence wracked the landscape

>> No.14727332

More likely to drink, feast, and procreate.

>> No.14727340

I find your way of thinking too far removed from the life I live to actually understand. It seems to me that you can only live this life because of the generosity of those around you. I can't figure out what exactly you're reliant on to maintain a roof over your head and provide yourself the basic goods of life like food, I can only assume it's some sort of government support. Hypothetically, if that support is removed, what will you do?

>> No.14727359

how do I do it boys. how do I live a neet life? I just want to be free to write and appreciate life.

>> No.14727366

>This is the result of thousands of years of brainwhasing and domestication. It is not inherent to human nature.

It's a self propagating system because it's effective and outcompetes everything else. Read anti-tech revolution is you need to take a materialist view of history perspective on the premeniance of hierarchy.

>> No.14727368

You should know that it’s poor form to inb4 as op.

>> No.14727370

>Hypothetically, if that support is removed, what will you do?
Probably what they are paying me not to do

>> No.14727379

Given how passive you seem to be, I can't really see what you will do.

>> No.14727506

Hierarchy is important in Hutterian brethen and Israeli Kibbutz. But the elders are choosen, and respectable. Nothing to do with our current degenerate pedo-satanist (((elite))).

>> No.14727542

You can spend up to two weeks at a time working in the wilderness living out of a tent and digging trenches all day, with a wall of flames in your face that may or may not burn you alive if the winds pick up.

>> No.14727553

We aren't having the same conversation. "I don't like the current hierarchy or how it manifests" is not the same as "we must abolish hierarchy in humanity and create a truly classless society"

You shouldn't describe your principles as "anti-hierarchy" when you are only against it in some sort of capitalist manifestation of it and not the concept of hierarchy or class or caste etc in principle. Because if your will is the latter conception, i've explained it's never going to work and convincing yourself you've got rid of it will just aggravate whatever you find distasteful about these systems and make them even harder to dismantle.

>> No.14727555

Small communities voluntary adapting that lifestyle for religious reasons. Isolated from the world
>Israeli Kibbutzims
Smallish communities
>humanity before the neolithic revolution
Not a complex civilization, but hierarchy still exists as it always does, even in the intentional societies above

>> No.14727561

Save up some money, move out into the woods and live like a hermit on as little money as possible, ekeing out a semi-ascetic lifestyle.

>> No.14727617
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>I refuse to waste my best years working in soulless dehumanizing jobs chasing after money only to retire when my best years are long over.
welcome to the jewish ruse. you irrefutably need money to live so you'll either end up going back to employment or roll the dice in the entrepreneur game.

>> No.14727619

this is what I'm doing, currently got about 10 grand saved up, but I have student loans to pay off first...

>> No.14727656

>$3,000 on clothing this past month
are you girl?

>> No.14727660

It’s good to see other anons preparing to take the hermitpill.

>> No.14727670

yeah, I was thinking maine, but I still have a long way to go financially before I can make it, a few years at the very least, depending on how well I can save/invest

>> No.14727681

I seriously wanted to go cabin in the woods tier because I can pay it off in like 3 years but the fucking LAND cost is insane and they won't let me live in the middle of nowhere.

I could tolerate working maybe 24 hours a week, and without rent/mortgage this would sustain me, and honestly even a family if I could meme my way into one. it's insane how fucking shelter is such a gatekeeping cost. I'm unironically considering just going to scandanavia and committing a crime to get put in one of their resort prisons if neet bux/parent bucks is ever in jeopardy.

>> No.14727682

Maine has been a location that I’ve thought of as well. I talked to another guy for a while over on another imageboard who was also interested in Maine, it seems like all anons wishing to drop out of society are looking seriously at that state. Personally I’m also thinking about Montana. I’m thinking I might ZOGbot first just for the money since they pay you good especially if you have some college under your belt and provide almost everything for you for free while you’re in (housing, etc) so I’d have a lot to get started with after 4-6 years.

>> No.14727693

>they won't let me live in the middle of nowhere.
Who’s they?

Also I don’t know barebones you’re thinking of going, but I’m probably just going to build a shitty plywood shack or pit-house no bigger than 10x10 ft if I ever get the chance to actually do this. Land will then be the biggest cost, and with no buildings on the property it will definitely cheapen the cost.

>> No.14727726

>Who’s they?
The government who sets the residential area laws. I can't just buy a plot of crown land in the middle of a random forest or just settle there and claim squatters rights.

>I don’t know barebones you’re thinking of going

Not barebones at all, I planed on paying like 70.000$ on a professional built cabin with around 1500Sq feet to permanently live in. The alternative is 1500$ a month for a basement one room apartment with smelly indian landlords or a million dollar home. Of course i could move to newfoundland or some shit and buy an old house for like 300,000$ but then it's even harder to find simple part time work and still much harder to pay off.

if you can get housing straightened up you are financially pretty set as everything else is reasonably priced. I was begging my parents to rent out their 2 million dollar home at like 6000$ a month as their retirement fund but instead they just sold the whole thing to have a boomer luxury retirement leaving my brother and I with no inheritance (they inherited land a modest home from my grandfather who made much less than them and was forced to retire early.)

>> No.14727911

Vote with your feet and get your 20% pay raise, it's a boom market

>> No.14727936

I'd rather a 4chan posting NEET get my money than niggers. Literally nothing wrong with being a NEET.

>> No.14727951
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>> No.14727952

The problem is our entire society is dependent upon what is essentially prettied-up slave labor. Go work construction for six months. There are people who genuinely are natural slaves, and there's NOTHING wrong with having servile tendencies. I myself would rather work for someone than run my own business. I don't think that reduces someone's worth or is a moral judgment. There are leaders and there are followers.

>> No.14727956

did you mean to say "dependent"?

>> No.14727959

The real problem is not the existence of natural slaves but resentful wagies who lash out at NEETs and act like their job gives them all of their worth

>> No.14727966

I meant to say “independent of” but typing it really fast in all caps led to a lot of typos and leaving out letters as you probably noticed.

>> No.14727974

>I don't think that reduces someone's worth or is a moral judgment

It does and it is. It just doesn't mean the lowest caste should be held in contempt for following their dharma. While all classes are necessary, it's disingenuous to claim there are merely different castes and not higher and lower castes. The same can be said for the masculine and the feminine, the immaterial and the material, etc.

>> No.14727976

I'd kill for such a job, five-year NEET-dom is depressing. But what can I do? Every spring I fail to get into school, I won't accept into any jobs do not revolve around stacking shelfs, because I don't have a bachelor's degree.

>> No.14727979

>resentful wagies who lash out at NEETs and act like their job gives them all of their worth

And we can fix this pathology by having neets reclaim their natural roles as warlords. The problem is the wagie doesn't fear the neet, he doesn't recognize their authority over him He doesn't understand the danger neets pose to his way of life if they are not given their tribute.

>> No.14727980

How do you spend your time as a NEET? If you spend all day lounging around doing the same thing everyday you’re doing it wrong. Don’t waste your best years working for the Jews

>> No.14727985

>ive-year NEET-dom is depressing
Anyone who gets neet induced depression is naturally slave caste and really should just get a job.

>> No.14727986

vote bernie 2020

>> No.14727990

>And we can fix this pathology by having neets reclaim their natural roles as warlords.
Everyone must be put in their natural place and follow their svadharma. >>14727974 dropped a good dharmapill ITT. There is definitely a ruler / ruled dichotomy, but it is not merely so black and white. Natural slaves are shudras, there is a gradient between them and the highest, all with different duties and natures.
>The problem is the wagie doesn't fear the neet, he doesn't recognize their authority over him He doesn't understand the danger neets pose to his way of life if they are not given their tribute.
Soon they will realize

>> No.14727993

How do you fail to get into school? There are community colleges that will take literally anybody, you don't even need a highschool transcript to get in.

>> No.14727996

You’re a slave. It is your nature to work for others endlessly. I, on the other hand, would rather die than work for some soulless corporation for forty plus years

>> No.14728023

>community colleges
Finland doesn't have those.
>How do you fail to get into school?
I apply for various University of applied sciences, each of those picks their students via entrance exam, there are usually +1000 applicants and they only take the top 10%.

>> No.14728081

We are all participating equally in creation. There is a hierarchy but there is nothing in creation that is not essential to it.

>> No.14728098

>Extend it to that and the same can be said about everything.
Except you named some especially monotonous and shit jobs which are clearly no better than the lowest office work (home repair maybe excluded).

>> No.14728168

Not an argument. Argue against the ideas, not the people.

>> No.14728173

Why do you feel compelled to defend your life choices against some random dude on 4chan trolling you

>> No.14728190

SO why keep trying to get in? You clearly aren't cut out for it, and there are people who've gone through and graduated during the time it's taken you to get your foot in the door. Are there no skilled trades in Finland?

>> No.14728291

Because I want to work on a field I'm passionate about, not in one that pays poorly and makes me miserable.
>Are there no skilled trades in Finland?
I don't know what you mean by that.

>> No.14728466

How do you become a NEET if you have to pay rent?

>> No.14728479

In Finland, if your rent is less than 350€, the state will cover it. They also pay you 600€ a month for other expenses you have, i.e social benefits.

>> No.14728483

I'm not finnish