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14722849 No.14722849 [Reply] [Original]

I'll start

>> No.14722856

>the series is many children's first introduction to the concept of evil

>> No.14722942

Well Harry Potter and the Holocaust are both fiction, so I don't see why not.

>> No.14722965


>> No.14723009

No way that's real and not a joke.

>> No.14723014


>> No.14723050
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6 million points from Slytherin!

>> No.14723057
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Are they aware that Rowling is secretly redpilled?

>> No.14723499

I’ve tried explaining this to moronic HP fans: it’s not a good metaphor for the holocaust. In the book the muggles are literally inferior— they are oblivious to a whole world of magic, and the only ones ever depicted are cruel and vindictive.
The excuse is that the bad guys targets rhe “half-bloods” more, but that still misses the point of nazi racialism, and is built on the tacit presumption that muggles are inferior

>> No.14723528

The Holocaust is one of the dullest genocides in the history of genocides

>> No.14723530


>> No.14723539

Yeah. In reality the Tribe is far superior w*Ites.

>> No.14723540

What is the best and most dazzling genocide?

>> No.14723548

>something is a metaphor for WWII or the holcaust
YAWN. I don't fucking care about some boomer war that was over decades before I was born. Maybe your generation is obsessed with it and feels terrible because of... I don't know what? Most of the people making this shit aren't even German. FUCK OFF.

>> No.14723550
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>> No.14723552

White genocide. Didnt even need to fire shots.

>> No.14723565

I don't think the actions of the Khmer Rouge count as a genocide because there was no ethnic motivation. However, they were still based. It was pretty much how transitioning back to a pre-modern society would pan out in reality.

>> No.14723570


>> No.14723575

Whites don't exist. It's just an American fever dream. I would probably be classified as white there, but I can't see myself ever labeling myself as "white". I'm a protestant whose language is Northern Eurasian and cultural heritage a mix of Northern and Eastern European. I share very little with mediterraneans.

>> No.14724532

How does that line up with the fact that grindelwald took power to stop ww2 and save the Jewish wizards?

>> No.14724548

>muggles are literally inferior
they are not magical but they can do almost all the same stuff with technology. raw power does not make someone superior. we are talking about wizards who used to shit on the floor and fuck giants. plus its not like average wizard would have a good time under the dark lord

>> No.14724559

imagine a vengeful goddess cursing gods favorite children so that woman start selling arts that were meant only for their husbands. They men pick up art so they can stay close to women but women still chose outsiders. imagine the last daughter of the old blood dancing in a brothel/strip club with her mother

>> No.14724562

Seeing as the requirements for "Halocaust literature" seem to be that they're shoddily written idealogical YA novels lauded by midwit high school teachers, I'd say yeah.

>> No.14724574

Nigger they can make things appear out of thin air i.e. defy the laws of physics are you retarded

>> No.14724579

That wasn't in a book, was it?

>> No.14724601

>appear out of thin air
like what? The food is made by elves and they just teleport it. house elves are "superior" in that aspect since they have more raw power and can cast without wands while staying alive for hundreds of years

>> No.14724611

It was in the cursed child. canon fanfic were malfoy and harry's kid are gay for each other and harry goes back in time and decided to not save his parents. one of the last shots is him turning his back and walking away as his mother screams in the house

>> No.14724612

Weren't wizards shitting their pants and all over the floors until just recently? Was that some Joycean genius they all had?

>> No.14724613

>black slaves were superior because they had more fast twitch muscle fiber

>> No.14724624

Modern 4chan reminds me of when my parents first got online and believed every fearmongering chain email they received.

>> No.14724632

Okay fine they can teleport i.e. travel faster than light then whatever I can't believe we're even having this Reddit tier argument right now.
Besides I thought Rowling said they magically disappeared the shit they did into their pants. Or are they just teleporting it all to a giant shitheap somewhere and these technologically equal-if-not-superior muggles just haven't noticed it yet

>> No.14724637

>a point for each jew

>> No.14724656

>I can't believe we're even having this Reddit tier argument right now
I accept your surrender

>> No.14724676

My post was only three sentences long dude, that's just embarrassing.

>> No.14724717

Ah caray

>> No.14724735

Oh come on Professor Dumbledore! At most we deserve a few hundred thousand taken.

>> No.14724736

You wouldn't be classified as white anywhere.

>> No.14724754

The term white is relative but that doesn't mean whites don't exists. Because the moment you say "whites don't exist" you are contextualizing the word to mean something specific. Whether you personally are included or excluded makes no difference.

>> No.14724761
File: 916 KB, 760x573, 1516800756239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"To all Gryffindors... Cheers. Cheers, my friends. It has been an honour. Cheers!"

>Dumbledore fixes his eyes on the Slytherin table, completely ignoring Ravenclaw and the other one

"Now Slytherin... I know we have had our differences, but your ambition and hard work is truly something to behold. Admirable!"

>the Slytherins are cautious. Dumbledore usually follows up a praise with some humiliation and injustice

"Indeed, I have a special treat for you all because of these traits. It's so good, that you'll love it despite its Muggle origin. It is a large apparatus which all of you can fit in which will confer all of you a deeply unique experience that shall benefit us all. A chamber of sorts. I have had that room over there fitted with the apparatus. Move along, children, shuffle into it now. You too, Snape*

>the Slytherins flood into the room, some cautious and some excited

>Dumbledore slams the door shut and enchants it to be locked and airtight. He turns to the other houses

"And that special treat? That "unique experience" the Slytherins shall all experience and you all won't?


>He said calmly. Dumbledore's mouth foams during his blood-crazed tirade, the hall erupts into applause and a massive, inter-house orgy ensues. The Slytherins begin dying in the gas chamber. As Malfoy chokes on his own blood, Harry proves himself to be a sexual dominant member of the orgy

>Dumbledore looks on with pride

>Years later Harry Potter tells recounts these events to his son, Albus, at bedtime, with Ginny smiling warmly at the memory.

"And that's how Dumbledore exterminated the Slytherin scum. HEIL GODRIC! Dumbledore truly was the greatest headmaster of them all, and a good friend"

>> No.14724776
File: 117 KB, 800x525, Legnica-800x525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easily the Mongolian conquests. The beating of hoofs of warhorses in the distance, the gathering dust cloud on the horizon, the terror of those bracing themselves for that deliverance trembling through outstretched framing impmemets, finally the Mongold emerging from the primeval Chaos, in the skins of animals, swords glinting as they slash, torches trailing embers as they spin through the air, thatched roofs burting into crackling flames mingling with the sounds of laughter, cries of the decapitated head as its expression of complete submission freezes on its face midway on its descent to the dust, roads turning to mud with rivulets of blood, the barely suppressed orgasm of the raped virgin, day turned to night by ash, night turned to day by Bacchic revelry around the bonfires of conquered towns and the pyres of corpses. This writ large over one of the largest landmasses in history, the genetic imprint of these obscure invaders of seemingly no origin scarring deeply the people in these lands to this day....

>> No.14724822

The bowlegged mongols rode dinky little almost ponies.

>> No.14724893
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>> No.14725523

This. The real redpill of the Harry Potter series is the wizards are the jewish elite and the muggles are the goyim.

>> No.14725731
File: 599 KB, 1073x1908, 1581526121494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know that President Snow is the main character of Hunger Games prequel?

>> No.14725826

A rainbow(faggot) and a nigger.
Nothing to see here folks.

>> No.14725904

There’s also the time that Hermione stands up for House Elf rights, but they all literally say that they prefer being slaves

>> No.14726099

That nigger woman is waaay too old to be Twitter-sperging about Hunger Games books

>> No.14727551

this is what bothers me the most about this "white privilege" bit. you're lumping an entire continent of extremely diverse peoples together. imagine if you said an indian and a chinese were exactly the same. you'd be laughed out of the room.

why should i be blamed for the crimes of the eternal anglo?

not to mention "sins of the father" was conveniently forgotten.

>> No.14727570
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And they wonder why there aren't any niggers in the canon; it's because they literally cannot grasp how writing characters/stories works.

>> No.14727581

That actually sounds kind of interesting.

>> No.14727598
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Bosnian Serbs removing kebab like there was no tomorrow

>> No.14727968
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I'm just gonna say that I dislike these people

>> No.14727992

>the series is many children's first introduction to the concept of evil
Who is reading Harry Potter to them before their circumcision?

>> No.14727994

These people think some humans like Hitler actually come out of the womb born evil lol.

>> No.14727999


>> No.14728054

delete this