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14722723 No.14722723[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>worth $500 billion dollars
>still finds joy in a treat you can get for $1 from the pop machine
Any books about focusing on what really matters and finding self fulfillment?

>> No.14722737
File: 137 KB, 504x678, 5EF367ED-9C2C-4D63-960B-CE9796CB1A3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can be watching TV and see Coca-Cola, and you know that the President drinks Coke, Liz Taylor drinks Coke, and just think, you can drink Coke, too. A Coke is a Coke and no amount of money can get you a better Coke than the one the bum on the corner is drinking. All the Cokes are the same and all the Cokes are good. Liz Taylor knows it, the President knows it, the bum knows it, and you know it

>> No.14722742

he Is very based, dad bought Berkshire Hathaway class a stock back in the 90s and now we are millionaires net worth wise
Only commiefaggots and people who missed the opportunity to buy in early hate him

>> No.14722761

What exactly is so based about him besides the fact that the he has a lot of money? The guy is a living breathing marketing tool. Every single one of these things that he talks about being “simple pleasures” like Coke or his daily McDonald’s breakfast are because he effectively owns the company. He stands to profit off of telling normies to go buy this shit despite knowing that they are bad for you or outright lying about his usage. It’s the same story with his investing advise. It’s quite the coincidence that he sells “how to” manuals regarding investing the way he tells people to invest and owns several companies who handle those transactions.

>> No.14722769

He’s a bit of a fraud
He was a lifelong Pepsi drinker until he saw how undervalued Coca Cola stock was. Then he bought billions in stock . Then his favorite soft drink changed.

>> No.14722772

ok philistine

>> No.14722792

>post containing non-literature related topic (usually politics/lifestyle)
>'any books about this?'
>yes! now jannies can't delete my thread
>thread proceeds to discuss the topic without relating literature

>> No.14722793

>sells “how to” manuals regarding
Rubbish, besides the snowball you can access all of his resources online (especially his annual letters)

>> No.14722796

Are you gonna cry about it?

>> No.14722799

Are those worth reading?

>> No.14722801
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>Are you gonna cry about it?

>> No.14722814


>> No.14722822

Why are you crying?

>> No.14722828

Well, ackshckhually. It's been proven that there are different cokes for different markets. There's a big problem with inferior goods in the Eastern part of the EU single market, and there have been many lawsuits about it.
Corn syrup vs actual sugar is a big deal. I saw a yt video of a guy who fought in the Iraqi war, and said Iraqi coke tastes better than US coke.

>> No.14722899

The monk who sold his ferrari,
The power of now,
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius,
Bhagdad Gita,
Ecclestiates from the Bible.

>> No.14722931

lmao plastic bottle vs can vs glass bottle coke all taste different

>> No.14722962
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>implying the cherry coke shtick isn't for the exact purpose of your post
This guy was the "my secretary pays more taxes than me" guy. Guess what his solution was?
It wasn't to tax away his tax havens or to tax his assets. It was an increased INCOME TAX.
Guess what this guy and all others like him don't have? Income. They have assets and capital gains.
Their income is inconsequential.
Think before you react. Their solution would be to take income from those to whom it makes a difference, while they sit on 50+BN.

I'll give you that his act works. He's not a top three wealthiest guy for no reason.

>> No.14722976


>> No.14723026

Avoiding taxes is not unethical behavior. Taxation is theft.
Wrong. Taxation is theft.

>> No.14723512


>> No.14723524
File: 59 KB, 800x600, Bible_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't want it to be the truth,but it is.

>> No.14723535

thats the most retarded thing it.

>> No.14724725

>I love cigarettes! You make them for a penny, sell them for a dollar, and they're addictive.

>> No.14724731

were you watching Knowing Better's veteran video too?

>> No.14724734


Glass > Can > Plastishit

>> No.14724751

enjoy your diabetes fat fucks

>> No.14724770
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I fought in WWII, and traveled to all 181 nations and tasted all Coca Cola sold in them and have concluded that my favorite and hence the best, is a nice crisp cold glass of the Coca Colla found Bolivia.

>> No.14725038

1/ Read the Dao De Jing
2/ Compare all available translations
3/ ????
4/ Profit!

>> No.14725074

Are you retarded? Or course he doesn't care if the information is free, he owns the services he is recommending people use.

Some kiddo got busted for using forums to pump penny stocks with gullible idiots then sell and move on. How is Buffett any more moral in his behavior than that kid who faced criminal charges? Net worth distorts everything.

He's a boomer idol with boomer values. Muh original house and wealth hording. Meanwhile what values does the man actually stand for? He has complete faith in the idea that if wall street profits main street improves. He can't be that ignorant. It is malicious.

>> No.14725108

I want Coca Cola in a 33 cl glass bottle.
Is that too much to ask for?

>> No.14725132

Can you still remember it /lit/? As a kid I'd genuinely enjoy the Coke brand, its wholesome Christmas tv commercials. No concerns for whether or not this was simulation or simulacra, a late capitalist phenomenon, or part of the logic of postmodernism. That's just Coke. Anything like this is gone. Theory and politics reflexively imposed on everything. I just hope there's an end to the obsessive questioning.

>> No.14725139

Coke makes me fucking sick. Pepsi's better.

>> No.14725157

thingken about life

>> No.14725195

The veil has been lifted, you are no longer naive about the world. Welcome to society.
I agree but are you black by any chance?

>> No.14725228

I'm gonna break into your house, steal your stuff and shit on your kitchen floor. Then, when you confront me about it, I'll awnser you with "Are you gonna cry about it?".

>> No.14725464

Mods please delete.

>> No.14725467

>is that too much to ask for?
Yes. Stick to your shitty canned coke, you have no choice

>> No.14725504

>Some kiddo got busted for using forums to pump penny stocks with gullible idiots then sell and move on.
how is that even illegal

>> No.14725525
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>> No.14725555

>I saw a yt video of a guy who fought in the Iraqi war, and said Iraqi coke tastes better than US coke.

This might just as well be because of the fact that you appreciate a nice cold taste of home a lot more when you're in the hot desert fighting a war. Ofcourse that can of coke will test better than the coke you chug down by the liter sitting on the couch watching tv.

>> No.14725641

we have it in some pubs in ireland

>> No.14725652

Some Kiddo did nothing wrong.

>> No.14725668

I'll switch favorite soft drinks for a billion dollars too.

>> No.14725746

>worth $500 billion dollars
>still dresses like an alcoholic public defense lawyer
>hasn't used the money to found his own nation state with him as supreme leader
>hasn't even killed a man in public or anything
why are rich people such fucking pussies?

>> No.14725752

>my dad did no work and became a millionaire
>if you don't accept this as okay, you're a commie

>> No.14725760

You get $500 billion by learning how to manage your money, and by not spending it like a maniac.

>> No.14725762

why the fuck does the glass bottle coke taste so much better?

>> No.14725770

what's the point of having it then?

>> No.14725773

Sight influences taste (and hearing, and smell).

>> No.14725779

>What is risk

>> No.14725812


yes you are literally a commie for not understanding that his father deserves a reward for funding other people's endeavors with his capital and assuming risk in the process.

>> No.14725834

That's some New Money thinking you've got there.

In short:
>never have to worry about food/clothes/shelter/etc. ever again
>ensure your family enjoys a comfortable, prosperous life for decades
>still have money on hand when you do want to splurge a bit

>> No.14725847

Mexican Coca-Cola > American Coca-Cola

>> No.14725855

its called usury you kike

>> No.14725887

Nah, I'm pretty sure it's cause of the BPA

>> No.14725956


>The Holy See admits practically the lawfulness of interest on loans, even for ecclesiastical property, though it has not promulgated any doctrinal decree on the subject. See the replies of the Holy Office dated 18 August, 1830, 31 August, 1831, 17 January, 1838, 26 March, 1840, and 28 February, 1871; and that of the Sacred Penitentiary of 11 February, 1832. These replies will be found collected in "Collectio Lacensis" (Acta et decreta s. conciliorum recentiorum), VI, col. 677, Appendix to the Council of Pondicherry; and in the "Enchiridion" of Father Bucceroni.
>Even at the present day, a small number of French catholics (Abbé Morel, "Du prêt à intéret"; Modeste, "Le prêt à intérêt, dernière forme de l'esclavage") see in the attitude of the Church only a tolerance justified by the fear of greater evils. This is not so. The change in the attitude of the Church is due entirely to a change in economic matters that require the present system. The Holy See itself puts its funds out at interest, and requires ecclesiastical administrators to do the same. One writer, Father Belliot of the friars minor, denounces in loans for interest "the principal economic scourge of civilization", though the accumulation of wealth in the hands of a few capitalists, which he deplores so much, does not arise so much from lending money at proper interest as from industrial investments, banking operations, and speculations, which have never been condemned as unjust in principle. There has never been at any time any prohibition against the investment of capital in commercial or industrial undertakings or in the public funds.

How dare you condemn the Church like this

>> No.14726048

i condemn those statements and i do not adhere to them. fuck kikes, whoever wrote that is probably a kike

>> No.14726109

No you won't, you pussy fuck.

>> No.14726115
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You're such a faggot lmfao.

>> No.14726217

Could be because of the glass' effect on the drink's temperature?

>> No.14726245


>> No.14726287

Nassim Taleb Antifragile

>> No.14726290

Imagine being this attached to consumerist commodities that you need books to make you stop craving them.