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14720153 No.14720153 [Reply] [Original]

my dad was there but not really 'there' if you know what i mean. i had food, shelter, vidya, but I was never taught how to be a man. i never learned how to play sports or do things like throw a football; hunt, talk to women, bond with other men. i feel like im kind of fucked as a result. please post fiction or non-fiction books that deal with traditional masculinity and virtues. pic related. thanks.

>> No.14720195

Ernst Junger : Storm of Steel
Xenophon : Anabasis
Soren Kierkegaard : Works of Love
Cormac McCarthy : Suttree
Robert Penn Warren : various poems

>> No.14720216
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Christian Cameron's historical fiction is basically about the MC learning how to become a man who is more than a killer by being a vicious badass and taking a lot of knocks along the way.
Read The Long War series (pic related) set during the Persian Wars or the Chivalry/William Gold series set during the early stages of the 100 years war.
It's the closest historical fiction that has the same "feel" as Gates of Fire.

>> No.14720262

Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage
Masculinity isn't complicated desu, it's mostly rationality and mental and physical toughness.

>> No.14720312

just man up, pussy boy

>> No.14720335
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>> No.14720921

>it's mostly rationality and mental and physical toughness
Interesting, so its things that a woman can also achieve.

>> No.14720947

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
The Warrior Ethos by Stephen Pressfield

>> No.14721014
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Be manly

>> No.14721020

the bible

>> No.14721029

yes, that would make them a masculine woman

>> No.14721066

first of all: if you have to read a book to be a man you're not a man.

that being said: the whole masculine/feminine dichotomy is convenient for theory-crafting but it's not actually real. It's just a categoriation and should not be attached to any value judgements (ie. masculine=good and feminine=bad). OP, you are an individual. You don't need to fit into one category or another.

>> No.14721793
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In case you haven't heard of Robert A. Johnson, look him up. Amazing author and Jungian scholar.

>> No.14722755

>first of all: if you have to read a book to be a man you're not a man.
Any one born a man is a man. The tricky part is getting other men to treat you as a peer.

>> No.14722768
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Is pic related good?

>> No.14723077

Anon, I am the exact same. Also I read that book Gates of Fire twice in the last 3 months. I am 21 years old & have had to teach myself how to be a man (also I am a high functioning autist). It has been hard, but I have developed myself through athletics, namely cross country & track in high school (4:32 mile time) & now bodybuilding in college. Off the top of my head, some authors that have helped me are Jack Donovan, Pook (Book of Pook), Robert Greene (Laws of Human Nature & 33 Strats of War). Also I like to read about powerful men of history & use them as inspiration for my life. We’re all gonna make it brah.

>> No.14723120

Not good enough, I read the rational male (1st book) when i was 19. There is some truth in it, but its overhyped

>> No.14723127

Men are not born, they are made

>> No.14723686
File: 385 KB, 1500x1429, War-and-Peace (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

War and Peace, Andrei Bolkonsky is a chad.

>> No.14723839

>The tricky part is getting other men to treat you as a peer.
I hope you realize all these mental gymnastics just to fit in with a social clique is extremely womanly. Just don't be totally fucking useless and people will be begging to hang out with you.

>> No.14725183

pretty much anything by Hemingway

>> No.14725205

The Horatio Hornblower books are great for boys aged liked 10-16 and they're at the very least entertaining for adults as well.

>> No.14726447


>> No.14728053

Richard Sharpe's Adventure Series

>> No.14728067

Imagine thinking that throwing a football, playing concussion-ball or any of these other inane modernisms has anything to do with the essence of masculinity. If anything they are a decline.

>> No.14728141

Listen to Iron Maiden for good masculine energy with plenty of nonagressive masculine camp

>> No.14728224

look to your national heros and role models