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14716302 No.14716302[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any literature that explains why /pol/tards are such shallow and gullible losers?

>> No.14716306

bronze age pervert

>> No.14716310

Do you dilate before or after temple?

>> No.14716327

He didn't say anything wrong.

>> No.14716335

>screenshotting something this mild and non-exceptional
Please leave.

>> No.14716347

>Thinking that's mild
Stop browsing /pol/

>> No.14716360

I'm not understanding your request.

>> No.14716376

>baaaah it's so hard being white the Twitter checkmarks are oppressing me by saying mean things!!! Daddy Hitler pls come back and fill me with aryan cum :(((
This is what we call paranoid schizophrenic victimhood

>> No.14716406
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/pol/ constructs a world by specifically highlighting (at at times outright fabricating) news which is pertinent to their interests (race relations, feminism, religion, immigration, etc.). Generally they are referring to things that really do exist in the world (i.e. there really is a newspaper article or a tweet saying X and y), but where the construction comes in is in the frequency and seeming centrality of these issues. This overrepresentation really only becomes an issue when /pol/ itself becomes the central way that its users experience the world. While it's easy to say that all /pol/tards are basement dwellers who need to go outside, that isn't necessarily the case here—many of the subjects that /pol/ discusses are macro issues incapable of being refuted or confirmed by everyday life. When this occurs, from the perspective of the /pol/ user, /pol/ becomes reality: that what was once overrepresentation and centrality of particular issues comes to be thought as the normal. Now, I would say it's a natural tendency of people to 'believe reality', that is to say, to attach a privileged status to what one takes to be real. Now, /pol/ users, who mistake the '/pol/'s-eye view" of the world for the world, placing a great importance of what they perceive as real, naturally become very panicked about the future because these issues appear so overbearingly hegemonic to modern society. This creates the appearance of an existential threat, which naturally leads to the idea that extreme measures/positions must be taken to resist it. In none of these progressions could the /pol/tard be said to have been 'retarded', all his movements are at least somewhat reasonable, or at least that aren't beyond comprehension, it is simply that they have reasoned from false premises. This, of course, isn't to say anything of the normative principles through which they interpret their reality, which are less reasonable.

>> No.14716418

Good post in general.

>> No.14716426

They live in a paranoid schizophrenic dystopia where a bunch of journalists and literal who twitteroids writing articles about their dumbshit opinions means there's a Jewish conspiracy against them. Waiting for one of them to respond with one of this infographic with cherrypicked and made up quotes

>> No.14716431

This. The '/pol/tard' is reacting rationally, if not very insightfully, to very stimulating sensory input. Everyone is a victim of this phenomena to some extent, especially people who actively read the news and browse social media. Political junkies. Every single day imbibing alarming, highly emotionally charged information. Mega-polarisation. The ubiquity of handheld devices -- the constant unrelenting presence of The Other, of Events, of News.

>> No.14716436


Why do you fight so hard against your own interests?


Living on a college campus right now. /pol/-tier issues are shoved down my throat every day, and the harmful social pathologies taken up by normies every day is sickening. IRL is just /pol/ but on opposite day.

I did share your perspective when I was NEET, that /pol/ was just an exaggeration, that things weren't really so bad. Keep having your head in the sand, I'm sure that will turn out just fine

>> No.14716437

And here's the other end of it, those who deny anything is happening at all, responding only with insults and mockery.

>> No.14716439

this is (maybe) an interesting analysis of the social dynamics at work in the construction of beliefs that /pol/ users have. But there is a rather more relevant question: are they right about what they're saying?

To pick the most pertinent example, designated as crucial by the absolute cultural obsession over the issue, are the races the same on average when measured for cognitive abilities? When you look at all the possible evidence for this position you have to at least admit the possibility that /pol/ is right. There is absolutely no convincing evidence that the opposite position is true, that all the human populations on earth are identical in genetic potential for intelligence.

If this can be true, if even the possibility of it being true is on the table, then the entire /pol/ worldview slides into place. Why trust anything being said by academia, the press, and these powerful institutions, when this clearly wrong concept is being not only asserted but constantly pushed into the faces of the people who are supposed to be denying it, and used as justification for policies which force them to labour in part, extracted by taxes, for the wellbeing of a people they are ostensibly oppressing.

There is no conversation happening along these lines, it is unthinkable in polite company to bring up these questions, so it is in no way surprising that when young men find out this information they reject the entire society that has made it impossible to speak about it, and end up saying things just as unverifiable from the opposite end of the spectrum.

Anybody who hasn't realized this is simply just afraid of thinking certain thoughts.

>> No.14716446

All this speculative armchair psychology. Funny how I never see you people actually address any political events or crime statistics, or video footage, or general history that makes up the basis for a /pol/ user’s worldview.
I have found that in person, you people are generally ignorant of world events and life in general. My lecturer didn’t even know about the Iranian revolution, when I cited it against the claim that female Muslim garb is always worn through choice.
Even worse they could have feigned ignorance.

Not every polack has their shit together obviously but I never see you prove anyone wrong. Ever.

It’s just “go back” or a thread of speculation and insults.

>> No.14716449

yeah it's actually kind of profoundly shameful and embarrassing that some fucking random illiterate married faggot on 4chan is prone to suggestion and can't figure out why his quality of life seems to be diminishing on his own. lmao yikies what a dipshit

don't go near any public relations theory you might de-breadtube yourself by accident

>> No.14716455

Das Kapital

>> No.14716459

What is happening exactly that my post is denying? Are you an ESL or something, because nowhere did it say that "nothing" is happening (whatever the fuck that means). Is it that I'm denying the Jewish conspiracy to destroy le wrstern civilization? That you got called a whyte boy on Twitter by a black tranny? Poor little thing, that must have been so triggering. It's hard being autistic, here take this lollipop and go play in the sandbox, that's gonna calm your seething impotent rage

>> No.14716481

Case in point.

>> No.14716499

IQ differences between populations (a better category than race, more akin to ethnicity) are studied all the time, and the results are complicated and ambiguous. It's true that the topic is mired by an intense, suffocating level of taboo, but this is a result of the tight grip of cultural prejudices and superstitions, not concerted conspiratorial effort—liberal blindspots and biases, barely even consciously willed, but extremely difficult to dissolve. The regulation of orthodoxies and heresies are, without a centralised disseminator of doctrine like the Church, basically unconscious processes. I don't see how the race taboo, which can be straight-forwardly explained as a natural result of centuries-old Western myths and values such as the belief in the equality of man, leads rationally to Holocaust denial. The present state of contemporary civilisation can be rejected from a million angles, not just the race one.

>> No.14716505

Why do you think its such a huge deal if for example blacks have less IQ?

So it finally gives you a reason to be a real racist? The thing I dont get is why I would treat any human differently even tho they might have a low IQ. Why does /pol/ need to have someone who they can put below themselfes? Would you argue that a person with down syndrome should be euthanized?

Ok niggers are dumber the statistics prove it? Now what? Killem all yeeehaaaw yehawww yeeeeeeehaaaw

>> No.14716519

Holocaust denial should be accepted by any honest person simply for the fact that not accepting it leads to literal legal action or complete ostracization in many countries. If the main response was arguments against it, then maybe I would listen, but the main response is just blanket condemnation.

>> No.14716520

This behavior is normal. It is capitalism's byproducts of contemporary society that is at odds with the human psyche and making it fundamentally toxic to even be alive.

>> No.14716522

I said what the point was in the post you're replying to. It means the entire system of authority is suspect. you can't trust anything they say if they're lying about the thing they harp on about the most.

>> No.14716526

Lets kill the jews and the blacks im serious yeeeehaaaw yeeehawww

>> No.14716531
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>many countries
just butthurt European cuck countries that were invaded by Germany.

>> No.14716532


There’s so much bullshit in this post. How can most people on this board not see how disingenuous people like you are?

You can claim grey areas and unconscious this and that all you like but the fact is that the academic class and the majority of students, corporations and news media will shut you down if you talk about racial differences.

Even if you say, that looking at a population is ok to talk about IQ, you still come to the same conclusion, for example here in the UK the average IQ has fallen, but guess what has increased? Middle Eastern and African immigration and their birth rates while native whites are only declining.

It doesn’t take a genius to compare that with actual racial IQ tests and figure out the problem but no, we have to ignore it and blame other supposed factors and if we “adjust” for so and so and blah blah bullshit.

You live in a cloud of bullshit and you have never proved a polack wrong in your life.

>> No.14716538

Absolutely embarrassing post. You failed to respond to anything I said.

>> No.14716541
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These posts are very good in a thread that is very bad. Congrats, have a hat.

>> No.14716543

Just as you failed to adress my post you subhuman

>> No.14716547


It means that the globalist doctrine of importing migrants from the third world such is happening in Europe, could lead to general intelligence dropping, leading to the higher crime and worse standard of living and every other negative factor associated with their home nations.

This is why your political masters keep you so vehemently in racial denial because if you accept that reality you will have to come to terms with the fact that you’re being replaced by people who aren’t as capable because they are more easily controlled, or more accurately more easily dissuaded from competing with the elites

>> No.14716552
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Not him but seriously just leave.

>> No.14716556

>You can claim grey areas and unconscious this and that all you like but the fact is that the academic class and the majority of students, corporations and news media will shut you down if you talk about racial differences.
I don't disagree. I'm saying it's the result of cultural biases and moral superstitions, not wilful deception. It's not unique to the present order, in other words. All human societies have endemic false beliefs.
>It doesn’t take a genius to compare that with actual racial IQ tests and figure out the problem but no, we have to ignore it and blame other supposed factors and if we “adjust” for so and so and blah blah bullshit.
These are legitimate methodological concerns. You're the one being intellectually dishonest.
>You live in a cloud of bullshit and you have never proved a polack wrong in your life.
I don't have anything against the idea of race IQ differences. I tend to believe it myself.

>> No.14716558

Never addressing the other posts, like a true lit pussy.

>> No.14716560

Sorry man but your claim that brown people are taking over and that the IQ is dropping as a result is quite shizo. I might have to ask you to give me some sources on that. Give me some proof that would withstand a scientific analysis. Oh you dont have that shitty low res /pol/.jpg at hand right now, dont worry you have time just back up your claims shizlord

>> No.14716561

You asked why it was relevant that blacks had lower iqs, I told you it was because that is the central lie of our Progressive states, so it calls into question their entire legitimacy.

You did not respond to this, you made a bizarre post saying 'let's kill the blacks and jews yeehaw'. Perhaps you thought I was American from the southern states and this was some kind of slam dunk insult, you are just a retard repeating pablum youve been instructed to think.

>> No.14716562


>> No.14716563

Im getting gangstalked

>> No.14716572
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There's a post limit, dumbfuck. You're not entitled to any acknowledgement because your headass was able to scrap together something that haphazardly resembles an opinion. Believe it or not, not everyone has time to go around in circles with an unempathetic emotional retard.

>> No.14716573


I don’t need to. It’s self evident. In fact why don’t you do some reasearch for a change? You academic worshipping retards will be surplus to requirements soon.
It’s sad that you’ll probably have to wait until old age to actually comprehend how right I was. I find it funny that without an academic telling you something you can’t observe it. Hahaha.

>> No.14716574

And yet every brown country is shit compared to every white or east asian country. Really strange how that works isn't it. And how it directly aligns with IQ tests, brain sizes, and the way minority immigrants perform as expats.

Must be a coincidence or a conspiracy. Somalia will turn into Japan any day now

>> No.14716575


But you used one for that amazing insult right? Little lit bitch. Never addressing anything specific because academics don’t prepare you for that.

>> No.14716577

/pol/ just wants the truth™. But because reality is directly obscuring a basic truth like IQ differences they lose all faith in the official narrative. They are like kids who smoke marijuana after decades of propaganda claiming disaster and then have a mild experience. This "betrayal" colors their stance on all drugs and they get a warped perception of dangerous shit like heroin and meth as misunderstood.

The fault can be traced back to the original lie in my opinion. The Big Lie is that equality must exist for humans to play nicely with each other. That we can only live harmoniously if everything is level. Equality is never happening. What is happening is all humans are becoming equally worthless in their ability to contribute to production. Reality doesn't need to pretend like differences don't exist, because we are facing down a much bigger existential problem that all our differences mean nothing compared to technological replacement. If your IQ is 80 or 150 it won't fucking matter at that point.

>> No.14716582

hmm.... not on that guy's side in this thread, but this strangely 14 year old post.. or undergrad.. or somethin.. the weird emphasis on 'unempathetic' as a detectable character flaw.. gettin 2000s vibe.. loner kid with greasy hair, rails against church and rednecks.. not so much out of a rebellious instinct but a conformist one.. very normative, very keen on regulating morality. watches pearl jam do the evoltuion vidoeo on youtube

>> No.14716588


>> No.14716590

but anon, South Europeans used to be the civilised people and Germanics were the poo poo people, but now it's reversed. then you have the India, china, iraq, south america and egypt of antiquity, advanced cultures.

>> No.14716592
File: 64 KB, 311x274, 1536510051355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat my cum, brother. You may kiss my penis and suck my balls.
I finish undergrad this semester, stop being neurotic.

>> No.14716596

you're cute, post feet

>> No.14716605
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no. this is a tree house that I like.

>> No.14716611

If you actually isolate all the peoples you've mentioned in your post, at the various times in which they prospered(races are not static, they are in constant selection), you will see pretty clearly the pattern.

>> No.14716613

le Atlantean Aryans?

>> No.14716615

>haha I don't need to show you proof it's obviously out there already look it up yourself

I take it this is your surrender?

>> No.14716620

They're just unhappy young people (we know boomers invaded some years ago but still mostly young people) with no strict set of beliefs who will change easily with influence. Look at any threads on /pol/ or leftypol about their political 'progression'. These kinds of people change their political beliefs seemingly every 6 months based on the latest thing they read on the internet. Just people looking for something to believe in.

>> No.14716626

I'm not that guy but you can genuinely predict country IQ through GWAS and we've known this for quite a while.


>> No.14716632

Yeah me talking about a bunch of different ethnicities at different points in time is definitely the same thing as me saying 'atlantis'. Are you literally fucking retarded?

>> No.14716634

Human population groups very noticeably differ when it comes to their, skin, skeletons, muscle mass, susceptibility to certain disease and this isn't even controversial, yet somehow most people have been convinced that when it comes to the brain we're 100% the same (this isn't even a strawman, they don't claim the differences are small, they claim they actually don't exist at all).
I literally don't understand how this could be possible.

>> No.14716641

The reason IQ differences are denied is because people want to assert that all people are exactly the same (except whites, they're uniquely evil) and completely compatible, and because they want to pin any differences as the result of oppression.

>> No.14716661

just post your stupid fucking political beliefs that will never be realized on twitter all fucking day

>> No.14716672

Aside from the reptilian/saturn schizo rants /pol/ is always right, and this thread proves it.

>> No.14716683

Only literal retards believe things that are illegal to question. Belief in the holohoax should result in automatic castration for the good of the gene pool.

>> No.14716687


>> No.14716690

It is more accurate to say /pol/ is not all wrong than always right. The former is a rational observation and the latter is the grounds for a reality denying religion.

>> No.14716692


>> No.14716719

The thing that pulled me away from /pol/ was actually researching the holocaust and realizing what a stunning level of ignorance they were on.
And how emotional and easily led they are.
I'd say race is pretty much the only thing /pol/ is right about.

>> No.14716723

Same for me.

>> No.14716726

Exactly this. I don’t read the news, watch television, or browse /pol/ but where I live and work the kind of stuff that /pol/ is obsessed with is actually rammed down your throat pretty much 24/7. I don’t know what world people live in who deny this is happening, but it’s not this one.

>> No.14716728
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Would you consider this a faithful representation of your argument?
(P1) The question of race and IQ is an 'absolute cultural obsession' (Premise)
(P2) /pol/ holds the position that there is an essential link between race and IQ (Premise)
(P3) An examination of all possible evidence would suggest that /pol/ could be right (Premise, P2)
(P4) An examination of all possible evidence would suggest that there is no possibility of race and IQ not having an essential link, as It is impossible, or at least extremely unlikely, that all human populations have an identical intellectual potential (Premise, P3)
(P5) Academia, The Press, and 'these powerful institutions', constantly push the concept of no essential link between race and IQ (Premise, P1)
(P6) As these institutions constantly push an incorrect position, they cannot be trusted on all positions (Premise, P4, P5)
(P7) This knowing push of an incorrect position is used to justify a policy forced labour through taxation (Premise, P5, P6)
(P8) If P1, P2, ..., P7 is even possibly true, then the entire /pol/ worldview slides into place (Premise, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7)
(P9) P1, P2, ..., P7 is possibly correct (Premise, P8)
(PC) The entire /pol/ worldview slides into place/is correct (P8, P9)

>> No.14716734

Have you realized /pol/ actually enjoys the idea of being ruled under Jews? Do you get what I'm saying

>> No.14716739

I don't deny the holocaust but I do question the numbers and it's use today as a tool, also disgusted by the lies surrounding it. I'm still glad I looked into it and that's how it tends to be, as long as people question and do actual research themselves it serves a purpose.

>> No.14716772

>I don't deny the holocaust but I do question the numbers
Question the numbers like Irving/ Cole/ Weber, who still believe several million people were deliberately exterminated?
Or question like "dude only a few hundred thousand people died and it was like an accident bro"?

If it's the second, you are denying the holocaust. Just be honest about it, not like you won't find yourself in good company on 4chan in current year plus 5

>> No.14716774

He is completely right honestly.

>> No.14716782

The first but a mix of the second, in that I'm not so certain every victim of the holocaust was intentionally exterminated. I never had a great interest in the holocaust though and hardly ever bring it up, it's better to bring up how it's used today.

(Just posting the link for reference, it's really not a discussion for /lit/.)

>> No.14716791

The numbers game really misses the point. The truth is that the Judeo-Bolshevik regime started carrying out holocausts, intentional famines, etc., well before Hitler or the Nazis laid a finger on anyone. The USSR was financing communist terrorists inside of Germany. The Jews believed that communism was their messianic mission, that they were being liberated from thousands of years of oppression finally, and they were willing to kill anyone and anything in the way.

So the truth is that a holocaust did happen. The Jews perpetrated a holocaust against Europeans in pursuit of domination of the world via communism. In this sense, the holocaust is horrifically downplayed today and the truth about who perpetuated it is completely inverted from what actually happened.

We're lucky that the Nazis managed to put a stop to the communist movement inside Germany or it would've taken over all of Western Europe after Germany and eventually the United States as well. The 100 million that died at the hands of the Jewish communists might've ended up being billions instead.

>> No.14716797

Sure, but millions of people were and even the most notorious "deniers" like the three I mentioned all even acknowledge this now

If you want to criticise the holocaust industry you don't need to make yourself look like an idiot, if anything you just harm your cause because people will just see you as a crank like this guy>>14716791

>> No.14716802

Because it's superficially 'true' but once you go deeper it falls apart.

>> No.14716805
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Name three issues discussed in public circles more frequently than:
>climate change
>racial/sexual/fiscal inequality

>> No.14716808

Even mainstream historians admit that mass murders that were formerly blamed on Nazis, such as the Katyn Massacre, were actually carried out by Judeo-Bolsheviks before (1940) the alleged "Nazi holocaust" is even alleged to have started (1942).

This jew rat lie about being poor little victims is falling further and further apart by the day. You're on the wrong side of history.

>> No.14716818

Jews killed their own people??

>> No.14716819

They seem to be ambiguous and complicated only due to pre-existing biases (all races are equal), the level of confabulation necessary to maintain such an idealistic view of the world despite all the evidence to the contrary (disposition and intelligence are heritable and only a very tiny amount of genetic difference is necessary to create huge disparities) that it approaches flat-earth levels of thinking.
You cannot deny the bias because if we imagine two hypothetical viewpoints, one of which is simple (races are different due to genetics) and explains MANY phenomena (huge differences in technological capability, huge differences in crime rates) while the other requires MANY complex factors (sociological factors, economic factors) and requires constant development to explain ever more apparent disparities.
Then consider that the whole discourse has been poisoned from the outset by the fact that one set of ideas is LITERALLY offensive to your average person. It would be astonishingly unlikely that reality itself conforms to what we really want it to.
Then you have the most disingenuous people of all who start saying things like 'IQ is only a measure of success in our current societal structure', as if intelligence isn't itself ultimately a relatively defined property. You can redefine words endlessly and say that a person with a poor vocabulary, poor locus of control, poor abstract reasoning, poor mathematical prowess is 'smart' and that the inverse is stupid, but then the word stupid becomes the virtuous state of being since virtue is defined by SUCCESS. So all you do is play short term word games where you say X means Y, but then people will just using Y to refer to X and you're back to square one.

>> No.14716824

Privately, Hitler didn't think Russia was much of a threat. The notion of a protective war on the Eastern front was largely propaganda. For what it's worth Goebbels, being from the working class and more inclined to the left, said he would have preferred an alliance with the Soviet Union against the Western liberal democracies. Also Jews aren't monolithic and there was plenty of anti-Semitism in Communist states, even in countries where Jews were disproportionately represented in the Communist apparatus like Poland. The Jewish intellectuals attracted to radicalism were mostly atheist and anti-clerical, and most Jews, at least back then, were religious Jews. Following their emancipation the Jews had become heavily bourgeois, prime targets for Communist oppression.

>> No.14716831

Many, yes. All the way from very high profile assassinations, such as that of Theodor Herzl, down to extermination of more orthodox jews by the more liberal ones. There was very intense infighting among them all the way up until the Foundational Myth of the holocaust served to largely unite them under the Israeli flag. To this day you can find a substantial orthodox community that considers the Israeli state, the Zionist crimes and genocides carried out to make it happen repugnant. Unfortunately these people were driven nearly to extinction by the liberal Judeo-Bolsheviks for a while. On the bright side, they have much higher birth rates than their liberal counterparts (similar to how Mormons or Amish outproduce purple haired city dwelling freaks) so hopefully we'll see the orthodox community that was slaughtered by the liberal jews restored to dominance not too terribly long from now.

>> No.14716835

economic policy (taxation, public spending, misuses of funds, trade, etc)
local/national issues/news (high profile crimes, natural disasters, traffic/travel accidents, etc)
international news (national tensions, wars, global pandemics, elections, etc)

>> No.14716852

>Privately, Hitler didn't think Russia was much of a threat.

You're letting an awful lot of nuance go with something like this. At first the Nazis did not expect the US industry to support Russia because Germany itself had received substantial support rebuilding from US capital and the Judeo-Bolsheviks had openly declared hostile intent against the entire world. You have to bear in mind that Hitler rose to power before FDR was even elected, and FDR was the one who brought communists such as Harry White into the upper reaches of the US administration.

In the USA in the 1930s, Father Coughlin's radio show had weekly listeners amounting to some 30-35% of the entire population (including kids) and he was extremely based and red pilled on the jewish communists, so it was basically impossible to conceive of US aid to the Judeo-Bolsheviks in the early to mid 1930s.

>> No.14717018

This. It's not /pol/ being deliberately obsessed by those subjects. It's those subjects being pushed everywhere.
I stopped being a /pol/ack but I had to go out of my way to avoid many aspects of contemporary life. Being entangled in this shit is the default, you need positive, effective effort to not get into the loop.

>> No.14717165

It's the undercurrent that that creates Twitter, not Twitter itself that is the problem.

>> No.14717300

>Killem all yeeehaaaw yehawww yeeeeeeehaaaw
it's rough, but how else do you stop niggers from nigging, now that we know that the chimpout is genetic? a selective breeding program to uplift the black race would be too expensive, and eliminating them would help solve world hunger and wealth inequality. like what is wrong with killing the races you don't like? I'm not saying that we should kill niggers, but it might be a good idea to kill the niggers.
that's fine and dandy, but you're still ignoring the nigger question.

>> No.14717303

He is right you incel.

>> No.14717307
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You are delusional.

>> No.14717319

Funny how little it takes to convince brainlets that mediocre pseudo intellectual drivel is actually some divine wisdom.

>> No.14717333

>Why do you think its such a huge deal if for example blacks have less IQ?
IQ is strong predictor of social outcome whether it being crime, future income, education level, unemployment etc.
It explains that black failure in society isn't result of history of oppression or white racism but their biology. Thus destroying the white privilege narrative and making discrimination against whites (i.e. affirmative action) obsolete.

>> No.14717347

sure thing Schlomo

>> No.14717354
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JQ as well.

>> No.14717359

black people without a few outliers are objectively dumb as fuck, the Nazis at the Nuremburg trials families' were being threatened with torture and death if they didnt say what we wanted to hear. You can read it for yourself.

>> No.14717374
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The feminization of society--an almost inevitable consequence of civilization and high living standards--creates weak whiny men. They can be /pol/tards or libtards/redditors/trannies or whatever. Slave morality faggots who got stuck in their own ideological bubbles and want someone to save them.

Also the existence of Twitter in general.

Also if you want a book, read pic related. And Spengler.

>> No.14717414

>And yet every brown country is shit compared to every white or east asian country
Spoken like a true brainlet. You could live like a literal king in subsaharan Africa on neetbux alone.

>> No.14717427

Yes, because statistics and historical facts are always free of bias and are never falsifiable, unless they're about the holocaust...

>> No.14717429

The biggest problem with the right is the amount of extremely low quality people residing in it.

>> No.14717433

Arendt's Origin of Totalitarianism. There is a difference between the forces of order and that of the mob, and it exists outside the left right spectrum.

>> No.14717444
File: 225 KB, 720x960, emperor-vs-dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it still canon that the Emperor lanced a fucking dragon, which may or may not be a C'tan, and locked that bitch up in a labyrinth on Mars?

>> No.14717447

what a low quality statement. The great majority of humans are low quality, and they are low quality regardless of political alignment.

>> No.14717452

sometimes i think the emperor was making things up as he went, and hanging on by the seat of his pants

>> No.14717455

Wrong thread (and board) but I'm still claiming these trips for the Emperor of Mankind.

>> No.14717465

I don't even consider most of /pol/ right wing, however you want to define that.
Saying racist things doesn't make you right wing.

>> No.14717495


>muh niggers
>muh jews
>muh cops
>muh banks
>muh trannies
>muh christcucks
>muh communism was never tried
>muh KANGZ
>muh webms of humans acting like beasts
>muh breeders
>muh roasties

im not even sure if im supposed to like anyone

>> No.14717504
File: 212 KB, 1005x704, DB9-FAF0-B-5779-43-E2-8474-152-CF9656-A0-F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it will take at least a generation to correct the ww2 revisionism that started taking shape in the 1960s-1970s

>> No.14717508

The right is worse.
I don't see how you could justify this statement, you could say a lot are "left wing" on economics but that's it.

>> No.14717513

he means it in the same sense people say "no these retarded people aren't left wing" you stupid DOLT.

>> No.14717531

>The right is worse.
an interesting assertion, given that the right (to its demographic detriment in weimerica) does not rely on the votes of niggers, spics, women, kikes, trannies, jannies and public sector bureaucrats. how is your "quality" scale calibrated, do you have some examples?

>> No.14717530

>The right is worse.
A bunch of basedboys and art hoes with college degrees, blacks in general, and old hippies are not of more pristine than a typical right of center business owner you pathetic shill.

>> No.14717533

People usually say that because they've convinced themselves that left wing = communist

>> No.14717535

No. To a certain degree /pol/ has a point every time. If you actually involve yourself in society you'll quickly see that the world seems to increasingly lean more and more to the far left ideas. When I came to the UK I was startled by the lack of actual white people, Birmingham is a literal colony and 90% of people speak broken english. The uni I attend promotes itself as inclusive, feminist, lgbt-advocate and diverse and so does every uni right now.


You can't make this shit up. If you are right wing right now, there is always the danger of getting deplatformed at any time, if you hold conservative ideas you will be punished sooner or later. Just think about it, what is considered today "controversial" or "problematic" in modern politics and conversation in the western world?

>> No.14717538

Exhibit A

>> No.14717545

reminder that buttigieg is quietly being told he has no chance because blacks dont vote for queers.

at this point in time the right is definitely more right. back when the left had a soul, and was skewering neocons for oil wars, they were more in the right. Whoever is funnier is more right, because they have the power of illustrating absurdity.

amazing argument, they proved their point

>> No.14717549

>I don't see how you could justify this statement,
Mostly by pointing out how unclear the left-right terms are. So really most of this categorizing is a waste of time IMO. But anyway.
>you could say a lot are "left wing" on economics but that's it.
You could say a lot are "right wing" on immigration but that's it.
Most /pol/acks are porn watching video game playing degenerates, just like any libtard redditor.
>but they think trannies are disgusting
So does every (economic) leftist I know.

>> No.14717554

>If you actually involve yourself in society you'll quickly see that the world seems to increasingly lean more and more to the far left ideas
you mean liberal

>> No.14717560

Exhibit B

>> No.14717561

>Funny how I never see you people actually address any political events or crime statistics, or video footage, or general history that makes up the basis for a /pol/ user’s worldview.

Yeah because this is not a political board, THIS IS A FUCKING LITERATURE BOARD

>> No.14717566

I would call them communist sympathizers. Also yeah far left, pretty much egalitarian radical faggotry everywhere and if you don't agree then you are bad.

>> No.14717568

>you mean liberal
You mean neoliberal

>> No.14717569

Republicans are neither conservative nor right wing.
They're just standard liberals (a bit more liberal than Dems on economics and a bit less on social issues, but very close).
They rely on spics for cheap labor (look at the facts, not rhetoric) and they will rely on them more and more for votes too.

>> No.14717577

No dude they're almost exclusively nationalists, traditionalists, they believe in heirarchy, they fetishize the paste and long for it. How are they not right wing?
Them lacking self awareness is not relevent.

>> No.14717580

Not one word of what hes saying is wrong, except maybe seeing Islam as a viable solution. I would disagree with that.

>> No.14717588

/pol/ recognizes the degenerate (((swamp))) and shames those who knowingly swim in it. plebbitors embrace and celebrate their foul consoomer debt-slavery and, rather than better themselves, seek to convince others of how happy it makes them

>> No.14717594

no shit retard. i am still waiting for you to explain where all these "quality" people on the left are to be found

>> No.14717597

and recommend therapy for every negative feeling. Dont forget that

>> No.14717600

True Believer by Eric Hoffer

>> No.14717601

That's not me, i'm not interested in arguing with spergs.

>> No.14717602

Because right wing means free market rather than conservativism.

>> No.14717603

he cant, because he believes a 23 year old man with a vasectomy and a trans bf with 140k student loans and a job in IT watching rick and morty whilst smoking pot is a GOOD THING, because Vice said so

>> No.14717623
File: 69 KB, 556x628, 1537284331971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting this since it's at least somewhat related to /lit/.

>> No.14717632

A 23 year old man with a vasectomy and a trans bf with 140k student loans and a job in IT watching rick and morty is functional, has real life human relationships and is capable of thinking and acting in a tactical manner, or at least following orders rather than simply screeching whatever repulsive shit he finds most emotionally cathartic in that particular moment.
I know you won't understand this, mr net negative, but there you go.

>> No.14717641
File: 446 KB, 435x690, Dy5oYIcW0AE7zBh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, you on the left

>> No.14717645
File: 2.27 MB, 1064x2052, 4frzxgwi45uz[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's a fucking bugman, and you seem to either be trolling or an example of the detestable left

>> No.14717653


>> No.14717667
File: 585 KB, 3270x2006, huxley-adjusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14717671

What the fuck does being vegan have to do with sperm count?

>> No.14717677
File: 71 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Once you restrain yourself from doing what you want, you're free do to whatever you want

>> No.14717685
File: 54 KB, 800x450, 1526499905784[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you are a sam harris fan

>> No.14717687

that man has taken the black pill, he is right, the world is going to shit and there is nothing we can do.

>> No.14717695

Magnificently failing to understand my point and coping by pretending i must be from (outgroup).
Because for you, this is only about emotional catharsis, that is what makes a sperg.

>> No.14717702

What's wrong with Sam Harris?

>> No.14717706

*feverishly types despite being btfo*

Defending the bugman lifestyle deserves approbation and disgust, and that is why the left is worse.

>> No.14717709

I suggest you come and visit Sweden, dont even go to Malmo, come to Stockholm or Gothenburg and you will experience all those those things "incapable of being refuted or confirmed by everyday life" yourself.

>> No.14717719

>things happen in Sweden thus they happen in the entire world!

>> No.14717724

It gets them out of a moral pickle (since the plain facts are irrefutable) + it allows them to wank themselves off for being intelligent, considered, nuanced, instead of straight forward and obvious like all the other plebs.

>> No.14717737

I fucking loathe spelling this out but here.
I am not saying he is the optimal man or even a good man, i am saying that he is a more useful asset to a political movement than you are.

>> No.14717738

>things happen in Sweden therefore they shouldn't be given any thought or concern
Holy cringe, just admit you want to be proven right when you're as detached as the guy in OP's pic if not more so.

>> No.14717739

demographic reality is that white electorates the world over are going to find themselves permanently outvoted by an imported foreign majority within 1 or 2 election cycles. focus on the symptoms if you like, but /pol/ is ahead of the curve and will continue to be while (((imposed))) social taboos prevent mainstream discussion of this obvious fact. what you really should be asking yourself is what happens when normies, much less nuanced than /pol/, figure it out?

>> No.14717743

Normies are more nuanced than pol, pol is literally the dregs of society.

>> No.14717744

I never gave a single fuck about Sweden before, why should I now?

>> No.14717746

Sweden is one of the most if not the most progressive country in the world. And because of globalism other western countries are not far behind Sweden. If you live in the west, eventually your country will become what is Sweden is today and it will only get worse from there.

>> No.14717755

>one of the most if not the most progressive country in the world
If their sin is importing homophobic towelheads en masse, then they most certainly aren't "the most progressive country in the world".

>> No.14717757
File: 3 KB, 125x115, 1519438512090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defending a "useful idiot"

>> No.14717764

Are you stupid or just dishonest?

>> No.14717774

its pop-speak, obviously they are just killing themselves, their culture and country slowly by importing said people, normies call this progressiveness

>> No.14717777

you evaluate people, no matter how disgusting they are, on the basis of whether or not they are useful to your political movement. this explains in a nutshell why you detest /pol/ but love redditors with a vasectomy

>> No.14717780

You could replace the word "faggot" in his post with "Republican," or whatever political side you oppose, and your reaction would likely side with his outlook.

Negativity merchants thrive on creating moral panic.

>> No.14717797

You used exactly 311 words to just say "/pol/ is a echo chamber".
Unfortunately midwits believe that using too many words is a sign or intelligence instead of the other way around.

>> No.14717802

>obviously they are just killing themselves, their culture and country
Things that nobody outside of Sweden cares about
>normies call this progressiveness

>> No.14717806

>too stupid to realize that just implicitly acknowledged that he is a net negative.

>> No.14717809

>you evaluate people, no matter how disgusting they are, on the basis of whether or not they are useful to your political movement
Said the pot to the kettle.
>dilate! back to tumblr! sooi leftard!

>> No.14717811
File: 263 KB, 585x560, 1520838803022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for you

>> No.14717815

People of Sweden dont care about it, but its happening, quite openly in Sweden and probably covertly in your country too (if you are a westerner) whether you care about it or not

>> No.14717816

>gets beat up by communist twink

>> No.14717817


Imagine actually typing this.
I know who you are anglogreecuck

>> No.14717820

You used exactly 32 words to demonstrate your lack of reading comprehension, on a literature board to boot.

>> No.14717823

Thinking that reducing an argument to some one line statement is somehow better than a nuance paragraph is moronic, or in a simpler method that you might prefer. Brevity isn't the soul of wit

>> No.14717829

anglo what?

>> No.14717831

meant for

>> No.14717835



>> No.14717839
File: 124 KB, 1160x770, directionbrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.14717846

>fan fiction

>> No.14717847


Thats why were all centrists here; national-socialist

>> No.14717850

The "culture" of my country dictates that you're an outcast for not drinking yourself under the table every weekend. If I ever came clear with who I am, I would be lynched by both conservativists and the so-called progressivists alive. I wouldn't shed a single tear for such a "culture" to die a horrible death.

>> No.14717852

To me its suprising how quickly /pol/ turned from generally anti-establishment views to generally pro-establishment views after 2016 election.

>> No.14717853


>> No.14717860

what pro-establishment views

>> No.14717866

they hate german more than they hate jew

>> No.14717881

the original contention was that the left has "higher quality" people. it took a while, but finally we have uncovered the rubric at hand: the degenerate bug man has the highest quality of all because he is the least likely candidate to question the wisdom or authority of the left-wing "intellectual"

>> No.14717883

Are you Irish, or Russian, Polish maybe? The drinking tradition is nothing but long term influence of corrupted individuals, its a way of population control. By fixing problems of social system and removing top alcohol influencers it can be easily changed within a generation.
Importing muslims just to stop drinking culture will result in even bigger problems.

>> No.14717886

Belief in big state and the system, but mainly Trumps cult of personality.

>> No.14717892

/pol/ is anti-Trump for quite some time now

>> No.14717899

>he is the least likely candidate to question the wisdom or authority of the left-wing "intellectual"
in what way? will he accept left wing thought unquestionably or will he simply execute any left wing intellectual with no questions asked

>> No.14717919

In which way is >>14716406 different than simply stating that /pol/ is an echo chamber?

>> No.14717921

>nothing but long term influence of corrupted individuals
Bull fucking shit. My ancestors got themselves drunk on the regular centuries ago. It's a (conservashits please clap) national tradition! It's our own inherited ignorance and superstition of yesteryear and just plain stupidity and weakness of will today.
>its a way of population control
Yes. But at least it's OUR population control, not the jewish kind! Praise susej.
>By fixing problems of social system and removing top alcohol influencers it can be easily changed within a generation.
Yeah sure. Traveling through time must be so easy too. Simply invent a time machine and you're ready to go, man! Even a child could do it!
>Importing muslims just to stop drinking culture will result in even bigger problems.
I don't want anybody imported here. I want everybody currently over the age of 30 to die immediately.

>> No.14717936

the establishment holds that the following are unquestionable: central banks, diversity, the mainstream media, academia, the scientific community, the gay community, mass immigration, global warming, the holohoax.

trump calls out the fake news every day which is the most useful thing he's done in an information war, but what has changed at establishment level since 2016?

>> No.14717937

>Yes. But at least it's OUR population control, not the jewish kind!
I wouldnt bet on that, more research needs to be done, if its not jews its (((christ))) cuck monks who made wine or something to treat water

>> No.14717939

Nuance is just a veil you hide behind like the Wizard of Oz so that nobody finds out there's nothing on the other side. Your beliefs (if it is even fair to say you have any) are akin to a teenager who stops listening to a band once they become popular.

>> No.14717958

/pol/ (and 4chang in general) had a big influx of redditors and normies in 2016. Many stayed and are still pro-Trump to this day and spout their stale boomer Republicuck rhetoric.
I don't want to sound like whining oldfags, but this is exactly what has happened and not just here. You get a few creative relatively open-minded people who produce new content and then the soulless bugmen masses come and drag it down.

(Not that /pol/ was ever very good, but it was never full of literal boomer normies and full-on-shitposting /b/tards like now.)

>> No.14717960

>/pol/ bad!!!!
ok retard

>> No.14717967


>> No.14717968

you sound like a bit of a pussy tbphwy anon
alcohol is the foundation of human culture
also there is no country on earth that has the culture you describe, not even the uk or japan

>> No.14717969

Sure, all those celts, greeks and egyptians, they knew better than to drink mead or wine...

>> No.14717970

>thinking that isn't mild
go back to browsing reddit

>> No.14717971

The facts of the matter (economic, political) are far less interesting than the psychology of mass movements, anon.

>> No.14717974

You sound a bit butthurt tbqhweitt anon. Put down the bottle you drunk fag.

>> No.14717991

There's no way a person like that can have children.

>> No.14718005

post physique, bugman

>> No.14718021

Yeah, seems suspect to me too.

You don't think the guy in OP's pic sounds like a massive faggot?
I mean I'd give him a pass if he was still in his late teens/early 20s, but guys usually don't have multiple kids at that age.

>> No.14718046

Thank God leftists arent having kids

>> No.14718079

This desu
Only demographic trend when time is in our favor.

>> No.14718086

None of us are having kids.

>> No.14718088
File: 58 KB, 1000x800, lib-cons-tfr-30-43-iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, and they're dysgenic.

>> No.14718103
File: 35 KB, 1000x800, child-by-pol-by-region.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any books on this?

>> No.14718112
File: 80 KB, 1000x900, children_by_ideology.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By time, for real any books on this? Is it the selfish consumer lifestyle? Demoralization?

>> No.14718114

I wonder when this was taken and what age groups were sampled. I can't possibly imagine a self described conservative white male in his 20s, in our day and age, actually living up to conservative ideas openly and properly, and being able to find and keep employment and find and keep a woman, successfully get married, get a house, and have several children. Granted some of the latter steps may not come to fruition till his 30s but I still do not at all see it happening in our day and age.

>> No.14718137

General Social Survey 1990-2010 I think. Non-hispanic white Americans.


I wonder what the 2020 figures look like, can't imagine they're any better.

>> No.14718373

Why do so many people let /pol/ live rent-free in their heads. It's merely glowniggers and kikes playing psyop agent on an anime discussion website. It's cheeky and gay, and hardly sinister.

Get with the times faggots and talk about books without /pol/ bait pretexts.

>> No.14718380

Anyone with strong beliefs but no true power to back up their true will is some kind of gullible loser.

Read Nitzsche I guess.

>> No.14718390

/pol/ is pretty much right; can't stand browsing that board anymore though

>> No.14718443

They are all hysterical, overly emotional faggots. All of them sound like pearl-clutching old ladies except they say nigger more.

>> No.14718816

We're on the cusp of victory. The boomers are dying off and the kids hate the bankers. It doesn't take much for them to realize who the bankers are. The blacks in NYC understand because they have to deal with the jew rat daily.

>> No.14719112
File: 188 KB, 943x1818, worst landlords in NYC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14719154

To be fair the top 100 best landlords probably have similar names..

>> No.14719224

he's going to kill his kids
that post is essentially the plot of amnesia: a machine for pigs

>> No.14720058
File: 27 KB, 497x373, 3c54d88ef13bb99c518449bd6289b4d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're on the cusp of victory.
lol no. we're on the cusp of actually starting to fight back. it will be a long road to victory

>> No.14720061

Ah yes, strolling down a specific ghetto in a specific country really is my day to day experience.

>> No.14720070

>my street isn't full of niggers yet, so i don't care.
you are the scum of the earth.

>> No.14720073

What do you expect one to see in Sweden?
Those places are pretty chill compared to US cities or even parts of London or other big cities.

>> No.14720086

You've missed the point.

>> No.14720132

Chapofags rant like this too, juat swap out some key buzzwords

>> No.14720308
File: 361 KB, 808x1343, pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14720337

You'd be surprised how fast lies crumble. No one saw the USSR collapse coming. Empires disappear practically overnight when they are built on frauds like this one, but they seem invincible right up until the dam breaks.

>> No.14720449

You're literally brain dead if that's what you got from that argument.

>> No.14720456

Stop gaslighting

>> No.14720463

The jew can not engage in facts, only smut, pornography, usury, child sex rings, etc.

>> No.14720468


>> No.14720560
File: 990 KB, 3600x3600, yff-2013-3281-med.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one saw the USSR collapse coming

>> No.14720597

You're so fucking slimey and dishonest it's insane

>> No.14720624

He's just parroting common talking points. I doubt there's any actual weight behind any of it.

>> No.14720667


>> No.14720737

>no one saw the USSR collapse coming
American history education everyone...

>> No.14720789
File: 133 KB, 600x445, db21d9m-daa823ba-9829-475c-838f-19d9a988576c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I did share your perspective when I was NEET, that /pol/ was just an exaggeration, that things weren't really so bad. Keep having your head in the sand, I'm sure that will turn out just fine

This. No one wants /pol/ to be right, not even /pol/.

>> No.14720836

>A 23 year old man with a vasectomy and a trans bf with 140k student loans and a job in IT watching rick and morty is functional, has real life human relationships and is capable of thinking and acting in a tactical manner, or at least following orders rather than simply screeching whatever repulsive shit he finds most emotionally cathartic in that particular moment.

As someone who works in IT, no. You could remove half of the world's IT workers and it literally wouldn't change a damn thing.

>> No.14720928


>> No.14720936

I mean you are still making money, most jobs are useless anyway so thats beyond the point.

>> No.14720991

yeah, shit is fucked. a while ago, someone posted a pic of a pre-pubescent girl in a provocative pose in a lolita thread which basically was just about whether or not it was ethical to be attracted to said girl. anyway, i made a post saying i bet a jew took that photo. an hour later i was into a whole conspiracy surrounding this "teen modelling" company which had ties to known CP producers, all of whom were, you guessed it, jewish.

>> No.14720999

This isn't true, /pol/fags are people who let their feelings rule their entire life.

>> No.14721025

They are not even right about race.
Most of their beliefs about difference in intelligence are based on what was described in the Bell Curve, which was debunked as soon as it came out by many other scientists who published their own rebuttals. Not to mention Richard Lynn, who deliberately falsified the data in order to ignore the possibility that mean negroid IQ was more tied to environmental conditions instead of genes.

It is actually quite funny that the first thing most of the people here (which are obvious /pol/acks) claim is the thing /pol/ is right about is the thing that has already been debunked not for years but for decades. There is a reason why people call you racist when you start making inferences about racial IQ and stuff like that, and it's not the taboo behind it, but the fact that most of "racial realism" studies which obviously fail to go through peer review have their information based on what is stated either on the Bell Curve, or even worse, IQ and the Wealth of Nations. And this is also the reason why this board (and /sci/ too) are becoming worse every year; because no matter how many times you disprove and debunk these faggots they will come back 1 day later showing the same arguments as if they had never been debunked before, also with the same confidence. They talk about academic dishonesty and integrity but they also lack one because, surprise surprise, they are not academics.

>> No.14721031

No father would want an asteroid to kill his family. Pol is the same people making the same posts that come to the same conclusion every time. It is all so tiresome.

>> No.14721042

Yea i'm the guy you're replying to, i have watched hours and hours of people debating this issue and not only are you wrong, but your position is frankly ridiculous and nonsensical.

>> No.14721062

This is also a fucking lie. You faggots ruined /sci/ with your daily IQ, race, and climate change threads only made for collecting (You)'s because apparently, some /pol/maricones are too insecure about their own beliefs that they have to go every single day, making the exact same threads waiting until they get accepted by a few idiots of the same beliefs.
Do you think I have not realized the way this goes?
>"hey, you're posting off-topic stuff, this goes in /pol/"
>"this is not science, just go back to /pol/"

It's not even funny at this point. I don't want my fucking literature board to become a kindergarten for conservative boomers to spout their bullshit.

>> No.14721064

Why are 13% of the /lit/ posters responsible for over 50% of the smug shitposts?

>> No.14721067

>"yeah bro you're just, like, wrong, believe when I say it"

>> No.14721115

fifty years of progressive education and trillions of dollars have been spent, and american niggers still have an average IQ of 85

>> No.14721134

but bernie is going to double teacher salaries and print more marxist propaganda and then suddenly they will finally get smarter!!!!

>> No.14721147

>based on what was described in the Bell Curve, which was debunked
>"the IQ of African Americans is X"
If you knew your stuff, you would know that the ones who made the claim that IQ is an accurate predictor of intelligence were those who wrote the Bell Curve (and it was published through that book too). Of course, that was already debunked by analysis made by other scientists in Inequality by Design: Cracking the Bell Curve Myth only two (2) years after the publication of the Bell Curve.
Guess why no one takes IQ based studies seriously then?

>> No.14721162

Are you new?