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14717637 No.14717637[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Literature about abortion? Looking for nonfiction and philosophy

>> No.14717646

Ok I’m in favor Islamic mass immigration now.

>> No.14717694

>killing humans is bad except when it isn't.
Is this cognitive dissonance or category violation?
Or are people ok with killing other humans and animals as long as it isn't them which I personally see as the answer

>> No.14717705

Yeah, massive hypocrites

>> No.14717710

It is human nature to hate whom you have hurt, as per pic related^

>> No.14717712

>Is this cognitive dissonance or category violation?
It's actually, a post on 4channel.

>> No.14717720
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>post has 1488 likes

>> No.14717725
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>> No.14717734

killing non white humans is ok, also killing white degenerates is ok, this behavior while itself is awful its needed and justified

>> No.14717740

It isn’t. You’re the degenerate.
Now what?

>> No.14717759

It is not the punishment which is evil, but the fact of having deserved it.

>> No.14717761

Let's agree to disagree.

>> No.14717778

You hate facts. You only want degeneracy, control. You offend world with your every step with this in your heart.

>> No.14717784

Ok so if someone killed peoole like that would you care?

>> No.14717795

Its done for convience thats mostly it.

>> No.14717796

The intelligible and corporeal are wired. You hate relative freedom (much less freedom itself), you want everyone to be reduced to uncouth brutes like yourself. I still love you.

>> No.14717825

Implying fascists aren’t uncouth

>> No.14717838

do not generalize, judge each fascist individually

>> No.14717858
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What a filthy whore with lose vaginas and all! Should be killed with the strip of a pin, to excite her rim! Yes, she'd like that wouldn't she.
Degenerate whore.

>> No.14717931


>> No.14717977

if you think that muslims don't have abortions you're an idiot
they just don't advertise it in quite such a tawdry manner

>> No.14717978
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>> No.14717981

the dragons of eden by carl sagan

>> No.14717987

thank you my nigga

>> No.14718027

>killing innocent unborn babies
>killing whores, faggots, and other degenerates
Islam is fucking based.

>> No.14718094

That looks more like a stencil than a tattoo. if its a tattoo i only wish i could be a fly on the wall the moment she realizes she actually has horrific depiction of baby murdering, forever in her body for all to see how much of a retard she really is.

>> No.14718102

i wonder if she's had sex since she got it. maybe with a woman. i wonder what they think

>> No.14718616

>put some people in prison
>don't put other people in prison
>putting people in prison is bad except when it isn't

>> No.14718928

Is abortion actually killing a person? Or is it just killing a bunch of cells that wouldn't even survive by themselves?

>> No.14719062

>Is abortion actually killing a person?
Yes, we can have an argument in the public sphere about if there are circumstances under which it should be allowed (I do think there are, though not without limitations), but the whole:
>Or is it just killing a bunch of cells that wouldn't even survive by themselves?
Is just a cope to avoid facing an ethical dilemma.
We're all just bunches of cells that can't survive without nutrient intake; your devaluation of life is based on absurd reductionism that may be well-intentioned (trying to ensure the rights of bodily autonomy for women) but is nonetheless a farce.

>> No.14719065

what did they mean by this

>> No.14719075

Lol I'm from a family of doctor (france) and about 80% of abortions are done by muslims (specifically pakis who completely skew the statistics it's actually insane, I can't stress just how many abortions their women get - insane)

>> No.14719141

Yeah I'm not really into that reductionism, just wanted to give a counterpoint, because I feel like this thing is more of a philosophical discussion. Where does a person become a person? And then, when is it right or wrong to kill it?
I personally believe that you should at least have a choice to choose, but then there's the argument that you could also "choose" to kill your neighbor and it'd be wrong, so it's complicated

>> No.14719367

Fair, I'll give my take on the issue
>when does a person become a person?
From the moment of conception, once sperm and egg combine it is a developing human. I consider all humans to be people, so I consider it a person even though it has yet to reach later stages of development.
>when is it right or wrong to kill it?
I honestly consider all abortions to be tragic and an ethical loss, but I also understand the necessity in some cases and also think that there should be some legalized non-necessary cases.
I think after halfway through pregnancy it should be banned, save for medical emergency cases like that it will die anyways or that the mother's life is at risk in childbirth for whatever reason.
Legal abortion up to birth is cruel and disturbing to me, the idea that some people actually say the first breath defines personhood instills me with great worry.

>> No.14719375

>Legal abortion up to birth
I should specify I mean in non-medical emergency cases

>> No.14719423

Well, most countries that have a legal abortion I believe it's about up until the 14th week, and no further because otherwise it's also too risky.
I think it's easy to determine that the moment of conception brings "new life" into being, but also I see a problem with unwanted children coming to the world. So many abandoned children that no one wanted could've been prevented if they weren't born in the first place. And I say it with all the sadness that comes when thinking of the idea of a dying baby (or foetus, or embryo), but I believe sometimes it's just the better option.
Maybe some day technology will let us extract the baby from the mother's uterus and they can each have their own separate life if the mother doesn't want it, but who knows when will that happen

>> No.14719622

>Killing unborn baby is the same as punishing someone guilty of crimes
Dumb tranny poster

>> No.14719634

Abortion is worse than murder.

>> No.14719661

Indeed. It is punishing someone who has zero knowledge, defense, awareness, has done nothing to deserve death. The irony is that these same abortion people defend sexual assault victims for the same reasoning
>More powerful man gets to abuse their power over a weaker, helpless woman
>Man gets punished
>More powerful human gets to abuse their power over a weaker, helpless form of life
>"Pro choice!"

>> No.14719662


>> No.14719697
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I wrote my jurisprudence thesis on this. Totally disagree with him, but he frames a lot of the issues pretty well. He’s a cock, though. Typical jumped up New York liberal. Abortion inspires visceral responses because it digs deep into the most primeval of human experiences and vulnerability. I mean, I’m pro choice (and mainly just outbif a sense of pragmatism) but I’m 100% copacetic on why so many have an issue with it.

Anyway. Try that.

>> No.14719771

>From the moment of conception, once sperm and egg combine
A morula has none of the qualities we attribute personhood, and it has absolutely no qualities that would make it morally relevant by itself. And no, having a human genotype is not sufficient to declare an entity to be morally relevant.

>> No.14720618

Literature about abortion being the act of killing an unborn child but that that is a good thing.

>> No.14720650

god i want her to abort my baby

>> No.14720669

Bruh don't bash on my BOY
(I'm kidding, anti-positivists are actually jurisprudentially illiterate)

>> No.14720693


>> No.14721138
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im having an argument with a buddy
which of these tattoos would you guys say is worse, OP or pic related?

>> No.14721151

every last one of them should be lynched

>> No.14721198

Abortion is actually legal in the first 3 weeks according to the Quran.