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/lit/ - Literature

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14714034 No.14714034 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck?
Have I been scammed?
Is this Rick and Morty shit really considered one of the classics of French literature?

Am I missing something?
Holy shit, I'm impressed. I've never read something as overrated as this. Unironically reads like the self insert novel of a 14 year old.

>> No.14714037

Try reading his other shit lol stranger is great comparatively

>> No.14714094

He murders an Arab and doesn’t feel bad. France should revisit this novel.
It’s from a different time also. Dumb zoomers wouldn’t get it.

>> No.14714111
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>It’s from a different time also.
Not an argument. Besides, Céline had a similar message delivered in a much superior way 30 years earlier.
This bullshit is inexcusable; I want frogs to come explain themselves.

>> No.14714129

wasting trips is a sin

>> No.14714140

>Is this Rick and Morty shit really considered one of the classics of French literature?
No, it's not. Read Villon

>> No.14714147

>he read it in English
Angloids simply can’t comprehend this book it it’s not read in the language of the philosopher kings

>> No.14714153

But my Greek is exceptional...

>> No.14714157

Authors won Nobels, not individual works.

>> No.14714166

what did u not like about it

>> No.14714167

>the philosopher kings
I can only assume that you want OP to read The Outsider in Albanian.

>> No.14714205

Then learn French
>uses the English title

>> No.14714216


I agree with you that this novel is ridiculous.

>> No.14714219


It's moronic in French too.

>> No.14714223

seriously what is wrong with it?

>> No.14714227
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France's pathetic and worm-like attempts to maintain their worthless culture will not be validated by me.

>> No.14714232

>the language of the philosopher kings

It has a German translation?

>> No.14714246

>Have I been scammed?
At birth, maybe, because you're a brainlet pleb. Should've read the Myth of Sisyphus before it, btw.

>> No.14714309

this book is like maybe 100 pages, such a strong reaction as if you were CHEATED or had your food spit in is ridiculous. It's a fine book, some like it.

>> No.14714700

Thoroughly agree. This novella is EXTREMELY superficial. It doesn't explore the idea presented in the whole book: that reality doesn't give a shit about you or anyone really. It only touches upon it and also in the worst way possible. At the end and uncommentated. The book feels incomplete, shortened and still abundant with useless filler "that decribes human suffering and/or nature".

Why would there be a need to write a whole book for such a simple message that you weren't going to elaborate on anyway?

Nonetheless, I still purchased his collected writings several days ago...

>> No.14714723

>Am I missing something?
Yes, you probably missed a lot
Give me your analysis of it

>> No.14714730

supposedly he was trying to mock shitty, self-indulgent american novels with the style. his plays and philosophy are a lot better imo

>> No.14714810

I completely agree on your analysis. I still think it's an alright book, but how the hell did it get a nobel?

>> No.14714833

Camus got the Nobel, not the book.

>> No.14715027

The Plague is his best novel

>> No.14715044


>> No.14715143

>worthless culture
Literally created everything of value that is worth reading. Greeks do this too. Man...A*glos such a pathetic people. Every book you’ve read was inspired by the French and you don’t even realize it.

>> No.14715150

Nobel prize should have the same credibility as miss universe

>> No.14715372
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>he didn't understand

>> No.14715383
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CUM us

>> No.14715444
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There's more to the story...

>> No.14715500

I don't understand why people shill this over the Plague. Maybe because it's short. Maybe because anything after this seems better. Not that the Plague needs it though, it's fucking fantastic. Don't forsake Camus quite yet, OP.

>> No.14715524

hmmmm idk man seems like the narrator is a badly educated man. no wonder it reads like a 14 y/o's brain wow

>> No.14715869

>Literally created everything of value that is worth reading.
I value nothing that the French have created in the literary world.

>> No.14715891

The Plague is the literary version of those 50s horror movies where it's a bunch of officials sitting in a room talking, interspersed with cuts to the monster. But without the cuts to the monster.

>> No.14716191

What do you expect from the bloody French?

>> No.14716243
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>nobel for writing books

yeah i think bourgeois are retards

>> No.14716273

Friendly reminder that Bob Dylan won the Nobel Prize in Literature (2016)

>> No.14716408

Unironically read it in French though. Still shite

>> No.14716466

stop reminding me baka

>> No.14717557

Camus won a Nobel prize in literature for his body of work. L'étranger is LITERALLY meant to be babby's first existentialist novel. I cannot believe you feel this strongly about it or cheated by it.
It's be a 150 page story of a guy who can't be bothered to give a shit about anything, can cope with anything, but ends up dying for it. It's a quick bit of fiction, read by high-school french classes. L'étranger is basically an advertisement for his essays (which are actually trying to be deep and substantial).

>> No.14717564

Yeah! FUCK books and FUCK authors.

>> No.14717573

Check out the Fall and his two essays. Those are the main reasons he won it.

>> No.14717593

Have you read Proust? Because it's like Proust; you're literally The Stranger

You fucking idiots itt why do i even come to this fucking board.

>> No.14717701


>> No.14718539
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Because people are asking, I'll try to summarize my expert, indisputable and objectively correct opinion.
Before faggots come with the translation excuse, I did read it in the original French, even though I doubt a translation would miss much of what the book conveys.
Firstly, lets separate the areas where a book has merit in two. One is style. The other is content.

Stylistically, the Stranger is simple. It doesn't have a complex structure, its not really innovative in its presentation and follows a quite traditional sentence format. The first-person, short term narration is very quickly disposed of to an omnisciennt main character narrator talking from a far away future. None of these are especially a problem; it's just that l'Étranger doesn't get any points in this category.

In content, the book is quite shallow, in every way I can interpret it. Regarding Mersault specifically, we have two options. We either see him as a sympathetic character, whom we should try to empathize with and understand the viewpoint, or as a target to be criticized, à là Bráz Cubas or Holden Cauliflower.
Starting with the former, which I imagine was Camus' actual objective, Mersault comes off as the definition of an edgy redditor's self-insert. He is unmeritedly arrogant, terribly annoying in his insistence of his epic detachment and is still loved by everyone instantly. Every character is impressed with his intelligence, with his cool and mysterious attitude and his straightforwardness. Qts fall over instantly, priests are afraid of him, Arabs can't even shoot first. It's quite pathetic.
On the other hand, with the latter option, any critique the author offers about the character is quite poor. His beliefs are unquestioned, accepted and assimilated. Mersault is constantly patted on the back for being an annoying 14 year old, while his opponents are shown to be stupid meanie authorities, unable to control His mighty atheism and wit. The Arab is nothing than one more of the ones defeated by Mersault's epic coolness. In fact, he is quite quickly forgotten about, as if Camus justifies the killing as an epic feat of btfoing morality. In the end, even while facing public execution, Mersault comes out on top as he doesn't even care for the unwashed, moralfag masses that are going to delight in his killing.

In short, it sucks and everyone who likes it should justify themselves or go back RIGHT NOW

I'll believe you lads, but if they're also shit I'll come back and call you dummies

>> No.14718544

And he deserved it.

>> No.14718599

Le livre préféré des fils de profs

>> No.14718738

The whole edgy 14 year old redditor schtick is pure projection from you. Another mind poisoned by memes i suppose. I would like to shoot you on a beach.

>> No.14718778

It's the book that got me into "serious" lit when I was like 14. Thank you camoo!

>> No.14718927

wow what an incredible critique, anon
you sound sooo smart
and so on point too
i agree with everything you said

yknow, i really like smart boys, tehee
maybe we could meet up sometime ;)

>> No.14718935

what don't you like about it?

>> No.14718958

Everything of value that has been created in the literary world has been by Anglo's or Germans, they are the two poles, through which Italian and French moved between and ever-freshly sprung from.

>> No.14719267

So bad I couldn't finish it. OP is right about The Stranger, too

>> No.14719353

The Fall is better

>> No.14719920

This is the face of nu-/lit/

>> No.14719928

And Russians, don't forget the Russians.

>> No.14720138
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>> No.14720182


>> No.14720197

probably bait but camus translates easily into english. u really do not gain much by reading the original text

>> No.14720915

I think he won it for the fall, which was actually decent

>> No.14720949

Shit taste
Yeah I’m baiting but I do think it’s better in French and people who ‘’learned French’’ didn’t understand it while reading it. That being said I think it’s a good book but it really is the ‘’im 14 and I just discovered existentialism” of books. Let’s just say it warrants its popularity regardless of its flaws.

>> No.14721995

>three redditcucks successfully triggered
Good job.

>> No.14722386
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>literature Nobel

>> No.14722974


>> No.14722981

>Is this Rick and Morty shit really considered one of the classics of French literature?
we read it in school at 15yo

>> No.14723137

>Translated four times into English, and also into numerous other languages, the novel has long been considered a classic of 20th-century literature. Le Monde ranks it as number one on its 100 Books of the Century.
The absolute STATE of the French literary establishment

>> No.14723147

>THIS won a Nobel?

>> No.14724936

You're just a pleb that reads for plot

>> No.14724970

des profs de sport ouais ptêtre.

>> No.14724973

Good book imo, little cheesey but that's Franch for you.

>> No.14725633

Holy shit. I didn't even consider the possibility that L'étranger could act as a pleb filter. I mean it was basically Camus' oeuvre meant for the plebs.

>> No.14725736

lmao, this board is a joke. Nobody writes anything of any substance.

Yes, the book is a pale imitation of Crime and Punishment, without the psychological depth or the brilliant comedy. The whole concept of an action without a cause was derived from Dostoevsky. The reason this book is so widely known is excactly because it is a light and concise and easily readable version of what Dostoevsky expressed with much more depth and difficulty.

>> No.14726194

Not an argument
Cope more

>> No.14726227

The plague was horrible. I regret finishing it. So short and such a struggle

>> No.14726319

Camus a fraud and a moralist.

>> No.14726325

Verbs overrated.

>> No.14726652

>Think Meursault has no emotions
> t. speedreader

>> No.14727129

I call them fagverbs

>> No.14727279

t. seething philisteen

>> No.14727298

Yeah, who can forget the fedora spergout at the priest and how he become euphoric, enlightened by his own intelligence?

>> No.14727406

>This won a Nobel?
Are you a retard? Nobel Prize in Literature is given for a body of work. It's not the National Book Award or the Pulitzer.