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File: 425 KB, 1050x1332, 20200213_124318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14716747 No.14716747 [Reply] [Original]

Just a reminder that no philocuck can compare their life work to the endless archive of knowledge that is the Holy Bible .

>> No.14716752


>> No.14716753

Women dont give a fuck about the bible, not even retarded online tradcaths are this delusional

>> No.14716755
File: 109 KB, 680x680, chroomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14716762

Allow me to answer your question, with a question.
Have you ever read the Holy Bible?

>> No.14716763

im doooooooomer ho ho
doooooooooooooooo mer

>> No.14716767

>the boomer
>le zoomer

>> No.14716775

Get Corona virus and ass cancer this is the /lit/ board speak like a pseud or die.

>> No.14716790
File: 48 KB, 589x415, pike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funiiiiiieee zzooom zooom boom fuuuuuuuuu hahahaha
saaaaadface trollface o em gee hhhhahahaha poopoopeepee

Okay, it's not as entertaining as I expected it to be. What I'm saying is...
To all who post wojaks in any way, shape or form - especially the "doomerette" ones - sit on a pike.

>> No.14716798
File: 585 KB, 1060x1600, St-Thomas-Aquinas-poplar-tempera-Demidoff-Altarpiece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is a bait anyways but theology is philosophy

>> No.14716804
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>> No.14716821

>can't handle my intellectual aura and my great taste in memes so is acting like a crybaby loser

>> No.14716825

I can tell you're underage, please gtfo and stop pretending like your mom abuses you so you browse edgy site 4chan. Mama loves you Johnny.

>> No.14716961
File: 11 KB, 478x523, 1554955429452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>endless archive of knowledge that is the Holy Bible .

>> No.14717004

Can't accept the truth heretic?

>> No.14717024

Post the "Bad Ending" one

>> No.14717034

>Women dont give a fuck about the bible
The ones who aren't going to Hell do.

>> No.14717080

oh look its this retard again.
Still didn't get blown the fuck out enough yesterday when you were shown to have never read a philosophical work in your life?

>> No.14717083
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>> No.14717086

I always imagined wojak as a skinny methhead

>> No.14717094

Wojak is whatever you see in the mirror.

>> No.14717103

He wrote a tweet stating he's cosplaying as a Doomer

>> No.14717104

We're all wojaks, clearly this reality will shatter the Dunning-Kruger syndrome of many peuds.
Because at the end of it all we are all miserable meatbags sentenced for damnation.
Only some may truly accept this and live peacefully.

>> No.14717116


>> No.14717123

the fat guy

>> No.14717134

That's straight up fucking cringe.
The even sadder part you know he probably idolizes the doomer meme to a personally level thus not having any other personality traits beside being the typical "doomer guy".
Just fucking look at him, he's that pathetic.

>> No.14717142

wojak isn't fat.
it doesn't work.
This dude looks more like the obnoxious fuck at parties who won't shut the fuck up about some dumb movie

>> No.14717170

>The even sadder part you know he probably idolizes the doomer meme to a personally level thus not having any other personality traits beside being the typical "doomer guy".
>Just fucking look at him, he's that pathetic.
How do you overcome this? How do you cope with this?

>> No.14717176
File: 74 KB, 737x758, wojak06875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wojak isn't fat.

>> No.14717185

Castration to stop the bloodline from continuing, I would've said but it would be just immoral to kill someone so poor minded like him.

>> No.14717201

More like wojack-OFFer if you comprehend the comedy I am employing

>> No.14717247

Nice one anon

>> No.14717276

You can edit Wojak to be whatever you want him to be but traditionally he's not fat. He has never been depicted as fat outside of a few irrelevant edits.

>> No.14717311

>so poor minded like him.
Do you mean a serious iq deficiency or just his inability to be a proper person?
Like could you elaborate on how he could become a proper person

>> No.14717336

I was referring to his IQ deficiency yes.

>> No.14717348

I've always thought he was not meant to have a particular appearance, given his minimalist design. It's supposed to be representative of a general sort of person, so getting hung up on his body weight seems weird.

>> No.14717356

>Do you mean a serious iq deficiency or just his inability to be a proper person?

To be a proper person the first step he would need to take is having the basic understanding that a meme shoudn't affect a persons day to day life and entirely change him making him so abnormally different that he wouldn't even be recognizable.
Everything after this realization should come naturally the way I see it, he'll make up his OWN hobbies, his OWN taste in music and will build up his OWN life.

>> No.14717518

Midwit identified

>> No.14717524

There are many more women than men frequenting parishes, doing novenas and praying the rosary.

>> No.14717663

For me, it's the Partizan

>> No.14717728

what the hell is the etymology of "chroomer?"

>> No.14717736

is that eggy?

>> No.14718063


This reminds me of the "fuck this gay earth" comic, but at least 3 or 4 layers of irony higher.

>> No.14718111

Rosary praying is a shallow feminine thing, what else is new.

>> No.14718184

There really is no pleasing you guys, is there?

>> No.14718202

i don't think most right-wingers have really thought through the consequences of christianity not being european in nature
without christianity, europeans have no culture whatsoever, the entire history of europe more or less begins with their conversion to christianity
sure, there's the edda, but that's just for nords, nothing substantial was ever really written about the culture and religion of pre-christian celts, anglos, gauls, etc

>> No.14718213

Both philosophy and religion are copes for pseudointellectuals to cope with reality and their low IQ. Philosophy is reading someone else's thought and accepting it as your own due to being a humongous cuck, religion is reading someone else's though and being coerced into accepting it due to having a humongously weak mind able to be spooked by ramblings of a priest and other cucks.

>> No.14718217


>> No.14718233

You're no better then them by thinking like that. You are also a pseud.

>> No.14718251

>Philosophy is reading someone else's thought and accepting it as your own

So you are incapable of thinking critically?

>> No.14718292

all women are going to hell, fact

>> No.14718298

I am not a pseud because I am not intellectual at all
Attacking the strawman?

>> No.14718330
File: 54 KB, 720x317, william pierce on christianity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14718334

The only thing I learned from the Bible is not to make fun of bald people

>> No.14718335
File: 43 KB, 570x587, you are retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christcuck + boomer

>> No.14718339

>worships jews
>calls you a jew if you dont

fuck that made me laugh hard

>> No.14718343

Uh hello, based department

>> No.14718635

Having read the book I gotta disagree. Compare it to say, Nietzsche's body of work. Similar amounts of basic "wisdom" but Nietzsche is anticipating a societal problem of the future that would affect the entire world and trying to offer a solution, it's actually fairly impressive. All Christ was doing on the other hand is trying to liberalize Judaism, pretty basic stuff

>> No.14719019

I just bought the 1611 KJB and I'm waiting for it arrive in the mail. God I hope that happens to me.

>> No.14719301
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>Implying philosphy and religion are mutually exclusive

What an absolute heretic

>> No.14720407

Wow Shake's/Plate was really smart, wasn't he?

>> No.14721522
File: 41 KB, 480x411, 1578485303034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14721530


>> No.14721536

i laughed really hard at your comment. cheers!

>> No.14722088

>without christianity, europeans have no culture whatsoever
Europe was only ever nominally Christian before protestantism made the faith fully compatible with peasants. it was the same superstitions and traditions, most of them didn't even get a "christian" (paganized roman christianity at that) coat of paint.

Christianity has been a dead religion long before the death of spirituality itself. It's was completely subverted by Rome, which was necessary because of how utterly defective the world denying nature of it is. I suppose I can admit you may still find traditional christianity among its target audience of neurotic spinsters.

>> No.14722106

False, woman do not have souls so they simply cease to exist upon the expiration of their corporal flesh. There is no heaven of hell for them, they never had a spirit that could be punished or destroyed. Woman are just animals after all, they are disposable and replaceable clones meant to be harvested for the needs of men on earth.

>> No.14722261
File: 3.28 MB, 640x480, apu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually an apu

>> No.14722588
File: 307 KB, 1077x1077, 20200214_105605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apu's are poor souls who can't find the end to the suffering which usually comes in small portion such as the slight coffee addiction, shitting your pants, crying adorably after dropping something, and pic related.

>> No.14722645

A reprobate will never accept the holy scriptures no matter what, for he is too close minded to understand the truth.

>> No.14722685

I would give a shit about it if he wasn't clearly a white supremacist. The true state of literature doesn't engulf itself in race, or religion, but the meaning of the book. The lesson we learned at the end of it.
Dr William Piercecuck, was a neo-nazi he could never appreciate the bible. Even if he tried reading through it, he would've been blinded by his odium.
He was no genius just an everlasting meatball producing an aura of hatred in his books and lectures. I'm sure that if he ever found out one of his favourite authors was in fact Jewish he would deny his love for the ingenious work he adored so much.
A man who is filled with hatred, will be forever blinded by it and will never manage to enjoy the simplest things in life.

>> No.14722809

Notice how this post has no actual arguments...

>I would give a shit about it if he wasn't clearly a white supremacist
>Dr William Piercecuck, was a neo-nazi
>he would've been blinded by his odium
>He was no genius just an everlasting meatball producing an aura of hatred
>I'm sure that if he ever found out one of his favourite authors was in fact Jewish he would deny his love for the ingenious work
>A man who is filled with hatred, will be forever blinded by it

No arguments just emotions and name calling.

>> No.14722887

It wasn't supposed to be an arguement it was supposed to be stating obvious facts.
There's no need in arguing when something is already known.

>> No.14722895

What an ungodly amount of bait in one thread, impressive.

>> No.14722945

Both are cringe, I am a nihilist

>> No.14722950

well at least you have a reason to think this way