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File: 7 KB, 253x392, ComingInsurrection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14712186 No.14712186 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14712216

Kek do these western yurop commie groups even have access to guns

>> No.14712248

these modern leftie retards are too busy fighting against 'fascists' to ensure that hordes of hostile foreigners come and take over their countries. Complete idiots

>> No.14712278
File: 44 KB, 640x602, 1568509953593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even disagree with leftcoms on an ideological basis, I just pity their optimism more than anything. Why would you ever think that things will get better?

>> No.14712279
File: 34 KB, 318x359, 1413523085597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real communism has never been tried
>keeps tying to make communism happen the same way

>> No.14712300

give me a quick rundown

>> No.14712315

Because getting the native working class to give a shit has clearly been futile guess its their other option

>> No.14712323

They are not "leftwing" and you are retards.

>> No.14712328

>Part I: Babby's First Marxist Critical Theory
>Part II: Just Wait for Something to Happen and Start Committing Random Acts of Terrorism

>> No.14712340
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>he doesn't know that "democratic socialism" was invented by he CIA

>> No.14712368

they're beyond deluded if they think random MENA immigrants are going to help their ancom scenario take place. Like deluded to the point of actual mental illness

>> No.14712374

Part 2 is literally teds master 0lan to take down technological society. Fitting ted is a self professed libtard or as he puts it a product of modernity

>> No.14712386

Ted was more right than these stupid fucks.

>> No.14712387
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>> No.14712400

The 'hordes' can't get in if the transportation infrastructure has been sabotaged, dumbass.

>> No.14712420

I guarantee none of you retards have even read this short tract. Everybody knows how you really spend your time.

>> No.14712423

Ted is certainly more coherent than Deleuze and Foucault, the 'intellectual' foundation for this group.

>> No.14712434

Did they want to blowup ports?

>> No.14712436

>Everybody knows how you really spend your time.
Huh? But I always put tape over my laptop camera.

>> No.14712444
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>> No.14712447
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>um ackshully the revolution *is* coming, chud

>> No.14712455

Based digits based post

>> No.14712461

Hows that my jabroni?

>> No.14712527

Although everybody is playing a character here. There are revealing threads that show what most here are all about. If people were being genuine they would be discussing what they really spend their hours on. Moaning, youtube, and cooming. The coomer threads are the most honest on /lit/, and show the true limit of their curiosity.

>> No.14712536


>> No.14712540

you're including yourself in this description I hope

>> No.14712551

Bernie will win.

>> No.14712562

hehe no way. I can't even recall ever touching my pecker hehe.

>> No.14712573

>If people were being genuine
You're adorable, anon

>> No.14712581

>The Coming Insurrection articulates a rejection of the official Left and its reformist agenda, aligning itself instead with the younger, wilder forms of resistance that have emerged in Europe around recent struggles against immigration control and the “war on terror.”


>> No.14712587

Sick and tired of you autistic Marxists. you wouldn't have so much difficulty if you just adopted race.

>> No.14712596

What exactly do immies do for them in achieveing what they want?

>> No.14712603

I don't see color.

>> No.14712612

Immigration will literally prevent a cohesive socialist state from ever existing.
Want a cohesive socialist state?
1. Do all of the shit Marxists do.
2. Promote Tribalism.
3. promote stable reproduction.

>> No.14712626

Race isn't color, you blank-slate lobotomized, retard. This is why you commies lose. Good luck establishing socialism with 60iq Somalis.

>> No.14712646

Nor do I. I see unruly animals with the innate need to commit murder, theft, and rape.

>> No.14712670

They are literally expending their efforts fighting for the rights of a group of people who will eat them alive at the first possible moment. It's fucking hilarious

>> No.14712697

Because leftism is fundamentally cuckoldry.

>> No.14712726

i dont know, the old version of Leftist was at least trying to get power for themselves, taking wealth from capitalists or political power from aristocrats. these new ones are just suicidal because theyre brainwashed to think racism is like the most Mortal of Sins

>> No.14712729

No, they are not. Read it again.

>> No.14712740

That's real version. Liberals aren't true leftists and burgers have perverted the term.

>> No.14712754

Kill all nonwhites. Even Plato understands this thousands of years ago.

>> No.14712760

You thank the New Left for this shit. The battle going on right now is literally the old-left vs. the new-left, not right vs. left. It's a battle between race-woke, j-woke , eugenics-woke leftists, vs. the cucked leftists created by the CIA and paranoid Jewish intellectuals.
That last part is a little schizo, but I have a stinking suspicion...

>> No.14712785
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once again, americans turning a foreign cultural product they barely understand into something to be consumed and then worn as an identity tag in the cultureless field of american daily life.

>> No.14712798

Leftists are not radlibs.

>> No.14712818

Radlibs are the left at this point. Butler, Foucault, Critical Race Theory.

>> No.14712834

Is the invisible commitee radlibs?

>> No.14712835

Nope. Those morons all donate to corporate centrists like Kamala Harris, et al.

>> No.14712840

That is literally the opposite of what The Invisible Committee advocates for in Now, stupid frog commenting on things they know nothing about

>> No.14712847

Never speak to me again

>> No.14712886

No, they are radical anti-globalization anarchists.

>> No.14712889


They put iron bars on train lines, causing them to shut down. They did it, but the prosecution couldn't make it stick. That "new" Tiqqun is gonna drop soon btw, I predict that the reason it took them so long to prepare their version was because they wanted to include some of those sick H.R. Giger illustrations from the original piece and they were waiting on copyright approvals.

>> No.14712977
File: 197 KB, 1000x1569, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guarantee all you guys would like this

>> No.14713019


It's trash theory, they even say so themselves. The plan of the piece is to get you to hate capitalism for what it does to "young-girls", a consumer archetype which needn't even be female. But when read properly, its only effect is to get the reader to hate women even more than he already did to begin with.

>> No.14713044

sounds p based 2bh

>> No.14713107

I'm pretty much use this board to vent. It's probably the only place I'm at all genuine.

>> No.14713400

Maybe in Europe, in burgerland we are on trajectory for no majority race just a plurality. Race is a dead option. Class is the most obvious unifying force.

>> No.14713421

the theory of the young-girl is empirically attested by twenty something Teen Vogue readers and sexually maladapted thirty something YA cat ladies, but those people are like 80% of the left, anyways.

>> No.14713426

Ok, that's it I'm gonna find a copy

>> No.14713488
File: 16 KB, 192x263, download-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read SIEGE by James Mason, read SIEGE, faggot. The real revolutionaries of the sixties and seventies, the german and japanese red army factions, the weather underground, the Situationists, Jim Jones' people's temple and the Manson Family, they were not motivated by well meaning humanist sentiments or by a sound understanding of critical theory. But by the death drive at its most nihilistic and crudely Freudian. I believe it is we, the so called ''accelerationists'' at the ''lunatic fringe'' of the so called ''alt right'' who are the true heirs to those radicals. Leftists cannot be truly edgy as leftism, when you get down to it, is nothing but a scheme designed to trick you into surrendering your N-word privileges and forcing you to be nice to trannies. communist USA would look like one giant safe space run by the Walt disney corporation Disney, queer theory apparatchiks and fibromalgic YA cat ladies. In any case, if you want transgressive fun and adventure, if you yearn for the impossible and the unspeakable, then you should come over by the alt right. Come to the dark side(we have cookies)


>> No.14713500

absolutely gay post. There is no altright, it's a meme. SIEGE is also fucking unreadable

>> No.14713502

White European Nationalists should convert to Islam en masse and join forces with redpilled PoC immigrants in order to purge the Jews, cucktholics, eurocrats, feminists, and leftist faggots more broadly

>> No.14713504

Absolutely based post, he just keeps doing it lads

>> No.14713528

hmm and what group of people will that be? oh wait don't tell me, it's
>muh shitskin hordes that I saw on fox news

>> No.14713533
File: 11 KB, 253x392, 1581534680645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14713553

The alt right is the hidden telos of globalisation, technology and permissive secular liberalism. A renewed national socialism, the foregathering of the aryan people's of the world under the barred cross and the bloodstained banner of a new Hitlerism stands as last possible object for all rebellious, transgressive and countercultural sentiment, the most evident, antinomianly and gnostically speaking, northwest passage out of the Kali Yuga and the black iron prision of material reality. Reading about the jewish origins of cybernetics and the mkultra project together with baudrillard, de sade and Sam Hyde's vertical videos made unironically me go from leftcom to schizofash. Our whole ''reality'' was literally designed by Jews in order to prevent annudah shoah. read up on the post war democratic education efforts if you don't believe me, cultural marxism is real, Adorno's F-test is just the tip of the iceBERG.

>> No.14713596

Im aware the Jews are dicks but they don't 'construct our reality'. You can read and believe whatever you like.

>> No.14713660

Are all Jews bad?

>> No.14713725

our foremost racial philosophers have determined jews exist within every animal species. Elephants, spider monkeys and even the humble dust-mite all number Jews amongst them, undermining the species from within

>> No.14713798


There are apparently two versions of the text, though I haven't drilled that deep into it. One version is pp. 93-130, here:


>> No.14713828
File: 7 KB, 170x296, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that font

>> No.14713853


You mean "font(s)". Young-Girl is one of the most "randum xD" typesetting exercises of recent years. But aside from that, yes, the default fonts used are pretty bad. Compare the original, here (94-125): https://archive.org/details/Tiqqun1

>> No.14713869
File: 40 KB, 640x628, yw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Language is not a system of symbols, but the
promise of a reconciliation between words and things.

>> No.14713871

karl marx was against guns and gun violence you dumb sack of shit.

>> No.14713888

this post is surely bait

>> No.14713901

go back to /pol/

>> No.14713934

see, noted nouvelle droite intellectual Dieudonne along with misters Galloway and Ken Livingstone in the UK . We should unify the native working class and the migrants in a multiracial third positionist front against rootless cosmopolitanism, capitalism and degeneracy.

>> No.14713967


>> No.14713968

Trips confirms. Coombrains will be the ones to overthrow bourgeoisie capital.

>> No.14713997

I didn’t mind your previous post, but the dark side we have coockies thing is bankrupt and low reddit. I think a female classmember has that stitched to the inside of her locker.

>> No.14714010

Truly. Our lord and savior Marx intended for the revolution to be fought honorably with white glove and sword. Like the true gentalmen proletariat.

>> No.14714042

desu senpai i just like how edgy they sound

>> No.14714043


>> No.14714064

it would honestly work better as an e-zine released as an EXE with chipmusic on like usenet or something.
seeing this edge shit in regular print makes me cringe

>> No.14714109

should be working on your rehabilitation, Peterson, not wasting your focus on shitty frogposts like this

>> No.14714296


>> No.14714397
File: 33 KB, 550x856, collid=books_covers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own a copy of pic related and, I shit you not, this is the opening line:

"1. We other revolutionaries are the great cuckolds of modern history."

>> No.14714681

That's statistically improbable for two reasons. Number one is that that overwhelming majority of presidents serve two terms. Second, cuckolds generally fail at everything as they are losers.

>> No.14714689
File: 668 KB, 755x683, Marx On Guns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has to be bait, that or Redditfags are coming here

>> No.14714729

they they didn't have assault weapons back then so this doesn't even make sense. he would agree with me if he was alive today

>> No.14714749

There are people out there who still think humanity has a future, much less a good one lol

>> No.14714751

Will Amerisharts ever use theirs?

>> No.14714764

How are the other forms of capital any better?

>> No.14714774

>now that we have better weapons only the state should have them
literally how does this make sense to you? I will never understand why Leftists want to disarm the lower classes they ostensibly want to empower

>> No.14714800
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>> No.14714881
File: 17 KB, 250x250, image~03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck they're doing it. They're actually doing it. They're marching and the elites are scared shitless. The billionaire class knows that they will soon be executed. The military industrial complex is in ruins, the petrodollar is under imminent collapse, and the global power structures of institutional hegemony is trembling all while these people were marching. What in the god damn.

>> No.14714918

>Nothing ever changes
>Everything has always been like this

>> No.14714940
File: 23 KB, 550x856, agony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your reading consisted of anything more than self-aggrandizing cirlcejerking, you'd already know that to be the case.

>> No.14714989
File: 66 KB, 640x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude the yellow vests are the revolutionaries we've been waiting for I'm telling you bro it's only a matter of time now it's DEFINITELY not just another state supported cultural change NO WTF PLEASE NO

>> No.14715007
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>> No.14715029

shit movie for pseuds

>> No.14715047
File: 49 KB, 801x853, think_different.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a communist that's why I save stills of French new wave cinema onto my computer and fetishize French politics and French cultural movements
Trying to argue that anything changes when you can't stop being a stereotypical pseud long enough to change yourself.

>> No.14715056

It's Czech.

>> No.14715081

As if it makes a difference. Europhilia is cringe all the same for polemicist dweebs obsessed with socialized healthcare.

>> No.14715085

Turn on MSNBC. Chris Matthews is about to be executed in Central Park. It's happening!!

>> No.14715091


>> No.14715096

Says the incel who literally posts a frog pic.

>> No.14715101

True. All whites should be exterminated immediately.

>> No.14715102

>Ctrl+F "incel"
Fuck. Looks like the show's over, boys.

>> No.14715111
File: 314 KB, 1053x1080, 1528779068753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you confused? I'm not the one arguing that anything is capable of change. Put your tripcode back on, coward.

>> No.14715118

>let's destroy our political opponents by furthering the interests of our political opponents
The left was always-already corrupted by liberalsim.

>> No.14715119
File: 386 KB, 1133x1600, AFAAB372-2730-41E4-A5F0-23761A8A5A4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Timing, strategy, organizing and sheer numbers. This is a tall order, but it’s our only chance.
And I mean everyone’s.


>> No.14715126

>Timing, strategy, organizing and sheer numbers. This is a tall order, but it’s our only chance.
Alright well I wasn't asking you. I would really appreciate if you shut the fuck up and never reply to my posts again.

>> No.14715135

Learn how to read, son.

>> No.14715137


>> No.14715139
File: 207 KB, 708x1060, 19EC3D3A-30D6-4177-9C31-9FB748752BF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, ya know what?
Get a name so I can filter your dumb troll ass

>> No.14715170

Other thread got deleted so I didn’t see your response... are you on discord or anything for chatting or is 4chan the only way to discuss with you?

>> No.14715204

Why do these idiots have such a hardon against reform? A revolution is not happening, even less now with technological surveillance.

>> No.14715214

kek and then they wonder why they're irrelevant.

>> No.14715226

People still do manifestos? How passe.

>> No.14715247


>> No.14715268
File: 20 KB, 220x294, 1551401568571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to any communists or communist sympathizers ITT feeling hopeless about the state of our late stage capitalist nightmare, you'll be pleased to know that i have authored a fool-proof three step plan for total commmunism (yes, real communism) that i have pasted below.
>step #1.) suck my penis
>step #2.) kiss my balls
>step #3.) eat my cum, brother

>> No.14715344

>i'll post a random picture of a soviet person that i saved off of google images. that'll show him!! nazi punks fuck off!!!
(You) are a basic bitch.

>> No.14715472

Its beause they been trained by the state to be good statists and they cannot realize that all of their rebel culture is carefully designed and created by big business and promoted by the government.
In fact they become violent when one tries to show them real counter culture because they are loyal dogs to the state.

>> No.14715478


I support Trump (and don't support Bernie, unlike the person you replied to), but your second-sentence claim is clearly false and demonstrates your ahistorical ignorance. Look at this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_presidents_of_the_United_States_by_time_in_office#Presidents_by_time_in_office

44 persons have held the office, of whom a minority, 14, have served two (or more, FDR) full terms, while another 7 served a term and change for whatever reasons (VP replacing dead president and subsequent election, etc). Even if we allow the latter as "two terms", 21 is still a simple minority of 44, and is obviously not an "overwhelming majority". You write like a zoomer who has only lived through the recent two-term pendulum-swinging stability of recent decades. There is an unfortunate, distinct possibility that Trump may not be re-elected (one must be careful not to repeat the democrat hubris of 2016), but you are correct in your unspoken rhetorical point that incumbency is a great advantage in (re-)election.

Lots of presidents died back in the day. I of course wish no harm on the incumbent executive, but it is also impressive that there haven't been any real assassination attempts (that we know about) on Trump (45), as there were on Lincoln (16), Garfield (20), McKinley (25), Kennedy (35) and Reagan (40). Multiples of five, or thereabouts, with "successes" at intervals of ten. "Statistically speaking", we're due. May it never happen. This is all the more impressive because of the secret service fuckups near Obama's end and the occasional loonies on the front lawn. I like to think that one of Trump's first orders of business was to really understand his Secret Service, to make sure that his muscle was solid, probably with some quiet dismissals.

>> No.14715497

They will allow us to COOM more efficiently.

>> No.14715503

Grimble Whimble flopped a while to listen glibly at the shire.

>> No.14715515


*cribs Foucault's historical conceptions of "the police" from the Chomsky-Foucault reader*


*whines about businessmen being honest about wanting to make money: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO you can't just openly declare that you want to make money, that "robs" us of our traditional role in whining about you NOOOOOOOOOOO*

Possibly the most interminable volume in the series is "Whites, Jews and Us". Sergio Gonzalez Rodriguez' entries are less ridiculous, and even Lazzarato has some interesting insights despite being a commie bastard who ought be shot dead.

>> No.14715516

>*farts extremely loudly*

>> No.14715518

Aren't you supposed to be funding our empire? Who let you on our internet?

>> No.14715594
File: 151 KB, 1024x800, 1ECBDBEF-7DCE-4883-A022-785F14E35581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a fan of Alexander Rodchenko

>> No.14715791

They absolutely are.

>> No.14715832

Leftists are actually socialists

>> No.14715871

Wishful Thinking is conceptually distinct from "optimism". Ordinary communist wishful thinking is not having to think about how to transition to communism after the revolution. Leftcom wishful thinking is not having to think about winning the revolution.

>> No.14716630
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>> No.14716665

In schoolyards every other day.

>> No.14716667
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>leftism, when you get down to it, is nothing but a scheme designed to trick you into surrendering your N-word privileges and forcing you to be nice to trannies

>> No.14716789
File: 57 KB, 720x1080, 3f0c16d82937442dc9048995804edbe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I guess that a black albinos is a white person then

>> No.14716830
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>> No.14716839
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>> No.14716858
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>> No.14716867

Brainwashing is too potent. We needed the Corona for the global economy to shut down. Otherwise these lemmings would just continue like they always have, obedient slaves that they are.

>> No.14716914

oh great now the tranny tripfag attention whore is here.
thread ruined

>> No.14716926

Nah seems whites are pussy all around the globe to busy with muh theory, maybe when our spic numbers are higher in a few decades something might happen

>> No.14716930

I want to kill people

>> No.14718032


what do you mean by this?

>> No.14718077

kek, americans are braindead

>do yuropoors even know what guns are ????
>plusieurs mois d'affrontement à NDL pendant que les ricains entassent des ar-15 pour finalement aller vider un chargeur dans une école. La dernière fois qu'un meclà bas a ouvert le feu sur des flics... bah c'était un flic
la france c'est un des pays les plus armés au monde abruti

>> No.14718100

so a left-wing Siege?

>> No.14718741

No you do not.

>> No.14718890

Wow, this is about 75% Jargon.

>> No.14718932

It's the superior Tiqqun

>> No.14719709

Can i read this with basically no background in Marxist philosophy and only a broad understanding of anarchism?