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14714802 No.14714802 [Reply] [Original]

Books both for and against the phenomenon?

>> No.14714883

Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K Le Guin

>> No.14714960

Don't overthink it.
It's just a rare horrible neurological defect with no cure.

>> No.14714971


i actually feel bad for them rather than hating them.

>> No.14714977

Third genders exist in tons of cultures. Western society is just gay conservative bullshit. The future is trans.

>> No.14714984

Read Paul Cockshott

>I have read a number of papers that claim to detect differences between the brains of people who have undergone transexual treatment compared to others of the same sex. These papers suffer from a number of weaknesses, small sample sizes, failure to control for the effect of hormone treatment, failure to compare against homosexual samples, failure to control for brain size. None of them, to my knowledge, has ever demonstrated that blinded detection of transexual subjects can be performed solely from NMR scans. It is unclear what conclusions you are drawing from these studies.

All behaviour has material causes, none is freely chosen.

The notion of free will and free choice is part of Catholic theology and alien to the materialist world view. Saying that homosexuality, or transgender identity is not freely chosen may be of relevance if you are debating with a priest, but not when debating with a Marxist.

All ideological beliefs have material supports. If a person believes in transubstantiation or sees visions of the Holy Virgin, these beliefs and experiences have a material support in the state of the believer’s brain. One would expect, were one able to put a person having a Marian vision in an NMR machine that they would show activity in areas of the visual cortex.
But were one to detect this activity, one would not concede that the vision of Mary was real in any sense other than it being an internal brain state.
That there are patterns of brain activity associated with the internal modeling of the body, including perceptions of whether the body is male or female, is only to be expected but it is unclear a) how reliable current NMR techniques are at detecting non-conforming perceptions, b) why one should give particular credence to such states even if they can be detected.

>> No.14714992

No, you should hate them. They are ugly mentally ill fucktards who should comimit suicide because no one will ever view them as actual women.

>> No.14715006
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Interesting. Have you read the knuckles of my fist, /pol/fag?

>> No.14715035

>western society is conservative
allow me to llamow at you

>> No.14715092

Wasn't actually arguing against HRT being MtF myself.
Still a neurological defect though.

>> No.14715093

You're a genetic dead end too but I don't think you have to kill yoself

Just chill out. Jesus would probably hang out with trannies

>> No.14715098

Jesus would hang out with anyone to be fair. Except people lending money in temples kek

>> No.14715225

So mental disorders can't exist outside of western society? Shut the fuck up tranny you're all just incels that thought turning female was the answer to having a weak jawline.

>> No.14715244

this, most trans people don't like being trans and just want to have been born in the right body

>> No.14715258

But I got married after transitioning...

>> No.14715276

>just incels that thought turning female was the answer to having a weak jawline.
that's not true

>> No.14715334

Read The Philisophical Dictionary by Voltaire, the section titled "Socratic Pederasty" I think its not a new phenomenon anon

Of course only a 19 year old twink makes an attractive trap is the whole point

>> No.14715340

it's true of some of them. But you also see complete chads becoming trannies so who knows

>> No.14715451

i've got 3000$ canada bucks. What do I do right not to get passive income to support myself

>> No.14715467

pay 300 dudes 10 bucks each to let you suck them off

>> No.14715479

I said passive income not active incum

>> No.14715483

Every single person in this thread would have sex with a hot trans person and they know it. This is fundamentally why they are mad. It’s a type of sexual tension they’ve never experienced before and their pathetic brains can’t reconcile it

>> No.14715498

Trannies want to cry about being mocked or insulted. Then dress and act like a normal fucking person. You aren't actually a woman. You are a fat eunuch.

>> No.14715504

I'm not attracted to dead eggers. Don't even see them as on the sexual spectrum.

>> No.14715512

Shouldn't you be cleaning your boyfriend's terratoma?

>> No.14715532

the overarching ideological framework is completely fucking retarded and i don't understand why they waste miles of bandwidth trying to leverage it on regular people that probably wouldn't be rude to them otherwise

>> No.14715577

>Every single person in this thread would have sex with a hot trans person

This is a contradictory statement

>> No.14715597 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.14715607
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>HRT therapy becomes a lifestyle trend
>all of its participants were always their chosen gender and never anything else
The generational pullback on this is gonna be unreal.

>> No.14715615

This is attractive to you?

>> No.14715616


>> No.14715641
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>look at this droopy limpdicked trap faggot isn't that sooo hot
>like i said, sexuality is a spectrum

>> No.14715704
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Nothing that you think of as being characteristically "future" will come to pass. That's why it is the future. See how that works, dumbfuck?
This transgender fad will be looked back upon the same way we look at leech therapy and electrocuting circus monkeys with cattle prods; macabre, unfounded, and ultimately creepy.

>> No.14715709

>limp because pills
>won't let you touch or acknowledge it because muhdennity
literally what's even the point

>> No.14715970

>This is fundamentally why they are mad. It’s a type of sexual tension they’ve never experienced before and their pathetic brains can’t reconcile it

I don't hate trans people. If a boy wants to dress up as a girl and pretend he's female, that's his business. I don't really approve, but it doesn't really affect me so why should I care? And you're right, some of them are hot or at least cute. All that proves is that homosexuality or bisexuality are more common than most people realize. What makes me angry is seeing people demonized and attacked for rejecting trans ideology. The way things are now, "misgendering" someone is almost as dangerous as using a racial slur in public. I can't accept that people are being hounded, losing their livelihoods, and even assaulted for expressing what is basically the consensus opinion of all mankind: that gender is innate and permanently fixed at conception.

I also find it completely appalling and disgusting that children as young as two are being given life-altering and irreversible "treatments" for a condition that they barely understand. I would be very surprised if "trans" toddlers aren't simply picking up subconscious hints from their liberal parents, and then being permanently mutilated. What a fucking circus.

>> No.14715981

Nature, nuture, or theology, they all should get the gas.

>> No.14715998

>trannies self-sterilize
>insular religious sects have the highest birthrates
The future is the Mormon/Jewish/Anabaptist hyperwar. No one will bother to write your epitaph.

>> No.14716018

>believe they're women when they have dicks and XY
>believe they're persecuted as police aim rifles at women protesting drag queen story hour
These people live lives of utter fantasy.

>> No.14716023

Kathleen Stock is a feminist who hates them.

>> No.14716066
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You will never be a woman. You're all just men. You can't change your chromosomes or your skeleton. You'll never afford FFS, and if you get SRS no one will want you. Your parents are disappointed and hate you. Your siblings view you as a freak and an other. You ruined your family and friend relationships, You have no one. You aren't a cute girl in need of a rescue, you're a disgusting shell of a man the world would be better off without. You won't pass. Your voice is shit. The anti depressants won't make you feel happy. No one finds you cute. You will never grow up as a female. You won't go to prom in a dress with your boyfriend. You won't have a first kiss under the stars with a cute boy. You won't find anyone, no one fucking wants you. You won't have a husband. You won't wear a wedding dress and walk down the aisle. You won't have kids of your own. You won't have grandkids. No one will remember you. You will die and be buried under your male names. All of you are a question of "when?" and not "if?" you will kill yourselves.

>> No.14716150


>> No.14716167

based and checked

>> No.14716170
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Even so, Western society has always had a fascination with the idea of gender bending.

For a book in favor of transgenderism I would highly recommend Orlando. I'm not even a fan of Virginia Woolf, but Orlando is really amazing to me, and made me better empathize with trans people

>> No.14716200

The wasp factory for against

>> No.14716237

And I wish I was born 6'2, but I wouldn't take hormones that increased my height because I know from both experience (being prescribed SSRIs) and from theory (I studied biochemistry) that messing with your hormones will turn you into an emotional trainwreck who can't concentrate. Instead I learned to meditate and let go of desire. Deep down inside ever trans person is a profound hatred of nature, spiritual maturity comes from acquiescence not resistance. The more you resist the more you condemn yourself to sorrow and insecurity.

>> No.14716266

Western society has been the most liberal for the past 300 hundred years you dumb fuck.

>> No.14716277

>become a member of a protected category
>can never be fired
>can get anyone fired
>assault normals and be praised for it
>everyone must pay obeisance to your identity
>your masculinity attracts more notice than even a 6'2" chads'
I'm starting to think trannies are the true Nietzschean overmen.

>> No.14716779

The only book by a woman I'm ever gonna read is one written by a tranny
Trannies are fucking disgusting, but better still than being exposed to woman "thought"

>> No.14716783

nice picture, I bet my 14yo son can kick your ass, easily, unironically

>> No.14716785

My uncle likes trains

>> No.14716795

>islamophobes secretly want to become muslims

>> No.14716843

If you never read women, how can you know they can't think properly? In social situations they are neurotic and lie constantly to maintain their feelings of safety, but in text they can be more honest.
Or if you provoke them enough.

>> No.14716846

Not just the West.
Boys who got castrated young and grown as women were pretty popular catamites/concubines even in Islamic societies.

>> No.14716883

I don’t really want a society in which my son or daughter would get hormone shots just because they wanted to be part of the opposite sex for a moment.

We all went through this. My girlfriend grew up as a tomboy and said when she was a kid, other kids saying she’s a “boy” made her happy; she would only wear boy clothes and play video games and war games. After puberty, the act was dropped on its own. She’s not the girliest girl (not into makeup etc) but she’s now naturally feminine. She doesn’t wear makeup and can wear casual masculine clothes and still be feminine, much more than all of these pink dyed, cakd on trannies. That’s what a real woman is.

>> No.14716886

She's gonna come out as a tranny any day now.

>> No.14716888

The hyperfertile jews are going to lose once they implement their bronze age religion and once again make even the most gullible retard hate them.

>> No.14716900

you're gonna have to post pics as proof bud

>> No.14716922


>> No.14717006

I've read my fair share, Paglia was the best so far. Suggest a book?

>> No.14717485

Why would anyone want to read about trannies. It's pretty easy to just have a think on it.

>> No.14717489

Transgenderism is western civilization.

>> No.14717590

>any day now...
>surely any day now
says the increasingly nervous man for the tenth time

>> No.14717598

>After puberty, the act was dropped on its own.
What you say matches up with statistics.
Most people desist before puberty.
But after puberty if they still think they are trans it's probably not going away.

>> No.14717609

It's not their fault though
I hate the ones who see it as a fetish or the ones who do it for bullshit reasons, but I do feel genuinely sorry for people who legitimately have gender dysphoria.
I disagree with surgery and think we should try harder to treat the mental component and get the brain to match the body, but I'd rather give treat them imperfectly and give them the best we can now than do nothing and smugly gloat that I was technically right.

>> No.14717612

Living an insincere life of delusion while simultaneously using social pressure to force your subjective and false views of yourself on others resulting in a finality of castration simply cannot ever be a good thing.

>> No.14717907

I can't read braille.

>> No.14718078

You will never live life unaware of trannies.

>> No.14718096
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>> No.14718106

The issue is that children nowadays are systematically granted with hormone shots from the very moment they say they are of the opposite gender.
Also that social dynamics have changed; whoever is the largest “oppressed victim” out there gets the most attention, especially from women.
Notice how most current day troons describe themselves as “transbians”. It’s the ultimate and most desperate way to get attention from females.

>> No.14718340


>> No.14718577


>> No.14718628

>Every single person in this thread would have sex with a hot trans person
These massive amounts of cope could power a black hole.

(A black hole of despair that eventually leads to suicide. Godspeed.)

>> No.14718802


>> No.14718821

That's a really sketchy train

>> No.14718864

So? Hormones don't detail gender, they just change the complexion of your skin and fat. Most trannies use it to enforce their own identity. Some girls naturally produce more testosterone than some boys, and some boys produce more estrogen than some girls, yet they remain entrenched either way in their given gender because it's completely unrelated. Giving a boy some estrogen when he's young won't eternally fuck him up if he one day decides to transition back to being a boy.

>> No.14718891

They are never honest in text. They cant even be honest when ugly people ask how ugly they are on anonymous ikage boards

>> No.14718895

The belief that blocking puberty is reversible is dubious. Virtually every part of the body undergoes significant development in sex specific ways during puberty, and going through the process at age eighteen can't reverse ten years of blocking it.

It makes no sense to call anything in developmental biology "reversible" because there is a normal sequence in which many things happen as the body matures, and when some things happen out of phase, the developmental process is not normal. If a child does not develop certain characteristics at age 12 because of a medical intervention, then his or her developing those characteristics at age 18 is not a 'reversal,' since the sequence of development has already been disrupted.

Allowing the developmental sequence to proceed without interruption is vital not just for physical maturation--the proper ordering of growth spurts and organ development and the formation of secondary sex characteristics, etc--but also for psychological development.

>> No.14719047
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>The issue is that children nowadays are systematically granted with hormone shots from the very moment they say they are of the opposite gender.

I know some transgender people. This is not close to their experience, and I live in a very progressive country.

>> No.14719048

Blocking puberty may interfere with the developmental mechanisms that help children accept their bodies. This is why 80 to 95 percent of children with gender dysphoria grow out of it, yet virtually none of the kids who take puberty blockers grow out of their gender dysphoria.

If dysphoria in a child who has begun transition begins to fade, the child faces a dilemma: either sticking with a gender identity that no longer feels like it fits or telling their parents, "this whole life that you've created for yourself as an advocate, I don't want to be part of that anymore." Schools and other family members will also become involved in the transitioning process, so they would need to reverse course as well if the child detransitions. Initiating a transition too early could therefore limit a child's future options because of the social or family costs of transitioning back. I think this goes a long way in explaining why so many kids who start puberty blockers choose not to stop.

>> No.14719242
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>> No.14719261

it's not harmless though. it goes hand in hand with vicious anti-white leftism basically 100% of the time

>> No.14719272

I live in the US and I've seen that exact thing from most transgenders I've known. Even as young as 14 just saying you've had gender dysphoria for at least 6 months will net you estrogen. You will never get told anything other than "We need to change your gender".

>> No.14719276

>Somebody else has it done therefore it makes any sense
Can somebody explain this arguement to me because it makes no sense
>Conservative bullshit

>> No.14719284

You do know adults, right? They are those who didn't grow out of it, or they actually did develop dysphoria after puberty, or at a later stage; ie a true problem.
I know/knew countless of children who went through a dysphoria stage; the most of them when they were very young (around 2-3 years old), some other most of the years before puberty.

There was this little boy who was fascinated by the Barbie cartoon when he was 2-3 years old, would want to wear his mom's makeup and such. He is now 8 and he's a normal little boy: soccer, Beyblade, video games, war games etc. However, he only kept one thing from his Barbie phase: he likes blonde girls and says he wants a blonde wife when he grows up. Blonde girls at school, blonde models he sees on tv... Most kids will grow out of it.

>> No.14719495

men trapped in men's bodies

>> No.14719516

more like girl(male), trannies can hardly be considered men but they aren't female. Honestly enbies are probably the right path.

>> No.14719526

yes the trinity of gender