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/lit/ - Literature

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14712749 No.14712749 [Reply] [Original]

How should a writer spend his day other than reading and writing?

>> No.14712985
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lifting and opiates

>> No.14713012


>> No.14713084
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6am: Breakfast of coffee and cigarettes
6:10am: Shower
6:11-6:45am: Read the daily news
6:45-8am: Shitposting on 4chan
8-9am: walk in nearby nature
9-12am: reading
12-1pm: lunch (fruit of your choice, 2 glasses of water and post-lunch cigarette)
1-5pm: writing
5-6pm: dinner at a local restaurant with a companion of your choice
6-8pm: post-dinner activities with your companion (sex if with a suitable partner of the opposite sex)
8-9pm: shitposting on 4chan
9-10:30pm: reading or more writing depending on the current ambience
10:30-11pm: cigar and reflections on the day
11pm: bedtime

>> No.14713121

>No scheduled nap

>> No.14713210

Thinking, maintaining a constant yet subtle baseline of amphetamine-euphoria, exercising visual and logical intuition via algorithmic drawings with pencil and graph paper, eating cereal when he feels hungry, having passionate and ravenous sex with his muse

>> No.14713259

God I wish this were me

>> No.14713536

good word

>> No.14713543

sounds horrible. you dont have friends?

>> No.14713549

what's this

Also, kek.

>> No.14713568

Meditating, lifting and studying non-fiction.

>> No.14713569

1 PM- Wake up
2 PM- get out of bed, shower
2:05 PM- dressed, prepare and eat food
2:30 PM- sit in front of computer. Caffeine pill if available, coffee/tea if not. Try to write something
2:45 PM- bored; consume nearest stimulant at hand, ranging from addy to benzedrine inhalers
3 PM- writing, in the groove
6 PM, stand for the first time in hours, use bathroom and refill samovar with water. Find something to eat
7 PM- return to writing, possibly consume another stimulant if needed. Definitely a caffeine pill
11 PM- free time, usually by now I've run out of anything worthwhile to write and am just staring at the screen or writing shit to just erase the next day
3 AM- sleep if possible, phenibut and melatonin to induce it if needed

>> No.14713576

if you use an amphetamine or similar substance you will feel euphoria from the serotonin
it will wear off once you build a tolerance, so it's really kinda sour grapes

>> No.14713637

>sleeping past 8:30 AM
disgusting troll person behavior. frankly, cringe.
The range of acceptable sleeping habits involve falling asleep between 11 PM and 4 AM, then waking between 5:30 and 8:30 AM unless you're sick

>> No.14713703

you can't write well under drugs

>> No.14713708


>> No.14713709

what's wrong with waking after 8 30?
I wake up at 2 pm

>> No.14713713

11am: Wake up
11-2am: Shitposting on 4chan
2am: Bedtime

>> No.14713716

bring examples. Who wrote a masterpiece under drugs?

>> No.14713719

so much whiskey all in my liver
i really love the punch it delivers

>> No.14713741

It's pathetic and a tragic waste of the day's most peaceful and rejuvenating hours
Retraining yourself to wake up early will make your days feel fuller and make you feel fresher, cleaner, and more productive. Also you will enjoy falling asleep three times as much as you do now

>> No.14713750

pirating ebooks to read on his kindle and masturbating to anime

>> No.14713752
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Yes, between the hours of 5pm and 8pm; your mother.

>> No.14713769

It's not as if I prefer to wake up late, rather that I've been failing to adjust my schedule

Sartre, Dickens, Kerouac, Rand, Keats, Huxley, way more if you include alcohol as a 'drug'. Basically anyone writing between WW1 and WW2 were alcoholics and anyone writing after WW2 did benzedrine (adderall) or coke, and a lot did heroin too. Pre-20th century, if they were English they likely smoke opium

>> No.14713840

Did they write under the influence of them or they just did it on the sides? There's a difference

>> No.14713886

clcks are only a thousand years old. wake up a t snrise or fuck off

>> No.14713890

They were pretty fucked up when they wrote. Then they edited sober.

>> No.14713919

I'd say most or all wrote under the influence except maybe Dickens. I mean, Kerouac literally wrote On the Road in 3 weeks basically without stopping while he was on benzedrine. Sartre was apparently on 200mg of amphetamines a day as well as barbiturates. Huxley obviously wrote inspired by psychadelics and drugs and I think I've read he sometimes wrote on them as well. Other people who 100% wrote on drugs were Hunter Thompson, Philip K Dick. Victor Hugo and Alexandre Dumas were pretty heavy potheads as well. If you include alcohol then pretty much any lost generation authors wrote drunk sometimes/all the time

Attributed to Hemingway, though he apparently usually wrote in the morning. I'd assume he was still drunk then from the night before, but he probably wrote drunk less often

>> No.14713920
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>maintaining a constant yet subtle baseline of amphetamine-euphoria

>> No.14714026

How did you find these information? From their biographies?

>> No.14714032

Yeah, that and various letters or accounts from those that knew them

>> No.14714067

I don't know how that word fits there

>> No.14714114

uh it's very clear from context, perhaps you have the wrong definition in mind?

>> No.14714130

i please my ass and then study topology

>> No.14714150

communicating so that your dialogue isn't fucking atrocious

>> No.14714176

yes. can you explain perhaps? ESL, and I'm not getting it looking up the definition

>> No.14714185

you dont need to do that to write good dialogue retard

>> No.14714196

yeah, keep telling yourself your dialogue is good anon. show us all your oily smarts

>> No.14714238

Ah, got it
A baseline is like a minimum or average level that something always returns to
For example, if you made a different amount of money every year but never made less than $10,000, you'd have a baseline income of $10,000
That post's context, it means frequently taking amphetamines so that there is always a minimum level of euphoria that he never dips below. Basically never letting the drug wear off

>> No.14714241

>he's diurnal
normie asf desu

otherwise you have it pretty right, aside from the 4am gym routines and having a gf that works night shifts

>> No.14714276

You can master dialogue just by reading other dialogue driven works

>> No.14714277
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I want this life but I work a shit IT desk job. I have about $25,000 saved up. How do I use my money to quit my job and achieve this life of NEETdom?

>> No.14714282

well explained. Thank you.

>> No.14714292

Doesn't matter that it's normie. Speaking strictly for human beings:
>matutinal crepuscular
>vespertine crepuscular

>> No.14714316

not sure if you're memeing or not but yikes

>> No.14714341

Establish a few sources of passive income. I bought a legit trap house in my early 20's for around 13k and fixed it up in my spare time. I live in the downstairs and my two tenents pay for all my expenses basically. Not sure how that anon does it though.

>> No.14714343

vespertine lowlife detected

>> No.14714353
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6:15am: wake up, check /lit/'s catalog, fall asleep immediatly after
8am: have an alarm wake you up from previous nap, brush teeth
8-11am: computer free time - 4chan, video games, whatever
11:15am: breakfast while staring at your reflection in a dark television screen
11:30am-1pm: out for a daily walk
1pm-5pm: come back home exhausted, binge /lit/ with uninterested eyes and do absolutely nothing that is productive or mentally stimulating
5pm-6:30pm: stare at a blank piece of paper, maybe squeeze (with much effort) a couple of words out
6:30pm-7pm: dinner while phoneposting
7pm: hot shower
7:10pm-9pm: free time to either read or continue being worthless
9pm-11pm: lament your lack of will, agency and productivity, and have fantasies of one day being a famous author and intellectual
11pm-2:30am: browse the internet aimlessly until you force yourself to go to sleep. set alarm clock for 8am

>> No.14714374

when do you work

>> No.14714379

Is there anything wrong with this schedule, works 4 me

>> No.14714385

Well I only sleep from like 9am-3pm usually. I guarantee you'll never achieve your full writer's potential sipping coffee at noon with all the other normies tho. Some of my best work came at 4am with a cigar in my mouth, addy in my veins, and the moon shining into my study

>> No.14714389
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With a job that helps his writing or gives him the time to write

5am: wake up to coffee brewing automatically
530am: go for a 3+ mile run
6am: return home, shower, easy breakfast or green smoothie in a vitamix while chilling
715: head to work (military)
445pm: return home. a lot of work time is actually working out and PT anyway, so that helps. do schoolwork, write, draw, chill, hang out with someone, cook, run errands... whatever needs to be done.
830pm: go to sleep. I need 8 hours of sleep.
5am: wake up

>> No.14714390

you're memeing but this is actually 80% of /lit/

the other 20% have jobs

>> No.14714464

Current routine:
>0700am: finish work, drive home
>0730-0900: check email, maybe have some toast or fruit
>0900-1400: sleep
>1400-1500: wake up, make coffee, read for ~30mins
>1500-1700: watch youtube (no sports, comedy, or tv; legal, political, history only), browse /lit/,
>1700-2000: eat supper, read through and revise current essay or short story, read a bit while having another cup of coffee
>2000-2130: nap or listen to lecture on youtube in bed
>2130-2215: shower, dress, tidy room, make lunch for work
>2215: leave for work

It's not much, but it's a start.

>> No.14714471

>With a job that helps his writing or gives him the time to write
that exists?

>> No.14714478


>> No.14714503

what do you do

>> No.14714515

Work on the railway.

>> No.14714541

pretty sure he's larping. i would buy a house if the market wasn't so bloated

>> No.14714550

>7am wake up, curse, gum up whatever coke I spilled onto the wood flooring beneath my coffee table from the night before, nap a bit more
>10 make coffee, have a smoke, bump a line, muse on the unaware wretchedness of normal folk as they walk past my balcony, generally bouncing between hate-soaked damnations of information age mannerisms and calm reminders that they know not what they do
>1030 shower, make up inane theories about the characters in my book and elevator pitches for things that don't exist
>11 walk my dog around the neighborhood and pick up a 15 pack of keystone ice, if its the 3rd monday of the month cash my residuals check for the one thing I did that ever amounted to anything aka was ignorant/lowbrow enough to hit a note with more than 0.01% of the common populace
>12 order something retarded from doordash that I only eat like half of anyways and take whatever drug cocktail I'm feeling for the day, mostly amphetamines
>1230 Read/write/fuck around on /lit/ for 6-7 hours before the intervals between the coke bumps and keystone ices diminish and I feel an overwhelming need to take a couple bars or else I'll actually go into cardiac arrest this time even though I know I won't and I'm writing some of my best shit but I actually need to this time I swear
>6-9 slip into a fugue-like state filled with brief flashes of euphoric hysteria, about 10% of the shit I write here makes any sort of sense usually
>9-11 ???
moving to LA has been a fuckin trip man

>> No.14714598

not larping lol, plenty of 10k houses on the market here in Detroit. Try not living in a meme west coast tardtrap city

>> No.14714638

you'll be dead in a few months if you keep that shit up lol

>> No.14714661

>gumming up coke
You know that doesn't actually do anything right

>> No.14714664

that's the plan

>> No.14714685

nearly instant hangover cure, not sure wtf you're on about m8y

>> No.14714692

It's a placebo but luckily placebos often still work even once you've learned they're placebos

>> No.14714693

I mean, maybe if you have shitty coke

>> No.14714711

d..do you think the coke just disappears once you put it in your mouth or something?

>> No.14714724

Roaming the streets at night and sleeping through the day

>> No.14714725

>keystone ice
you really do hate yourself don't you

>> No.14714746

d..do you think the inside of your body just an open chamber of freely mixing fluid in which every substance that enters it, regardless of route of administration, it automatically through past the blood-brain barrier or something?

>> No.14714769

not a dentist but if you don't have blood vessels in your gums there's probably something wrong with you dude

>> No.14714787


>> No.14714792

>responds with logic that implies he literally does think everything just mixes around in there
lol wow, my expectations were low to begin with but you really just handed that one to me huh

>> No.14714805

>residuals check
tf did you write?

this guy is actually retarded if he thinks the only way cocaine works is if it goes up your nose kek

>> No.14714817

Not the same guy, but why did my gums feel tingly then number when I did it?

>> No.14714923

When absorbed directly through the mucous membranes in the mouth, cocaine causes a distinct numbing sensation and little else. This is partly because the capillaries in your mouth constrict upon contact with the substance, limiting the surface area the drug can be absorbed through. When swallowed and digested, the drug is barely absorbed at all due to a) hydrolyzation from stomach acids (can be somewhat counteracted by consuming with a highly acidic liquid) and b) catabolization in the liver

tl;dr the numb feeling doesn't mean you're getting high and coke users aren't the greatest sources of medical wisdom

>> No.14714986

>gets btfo'd
>spends 20 minutes googling med terms to better camouflage his idiocy
yikes my dude

>> No.14715020

>When swallowed and digested, the drug is barely absorbed at all

If you come to LA I'll legitimately give you a quarter bag to swallow and if you live you don't have to pay me back

>> No.14715028

All those obscure medical terms like "capillary" and "catabolize" right?
Don't you have some carpet dust to be putting in your mouth, buddy?

>> No.14715051

you're quite the bundle of pseudcringe aren't you lmao

>> No.14715067

This conversation is about whether gumming up whatever you spilled last night as in >>14714550 would actually have any psychoactive effect
It was unclear if the anon I was talking to believed that such a thing would work through absorption or digestion so I covered both, neither of which would do anything at those doses
No fucking shit you're going to overdose and die if you swallow a bag of the stuff

>> No.14715084

you vastly underestimate the amount I spill then

>> No.14715279

>Yikers!, exclaimed the cokehead

>> No.14715380
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>goes into thread about the habits of writers
>gets upset at the mention of coke
bruh lmao

>> No.14715408


>> No.14715413

>1 minute shower

>> No.14715440


>> No.14715490

Living life and collecting experiences that can be applied to writing. Alternatively, dreaming can be a huge source of inspiration, so make sure to get your REM sleep.

>> No.14715523

Browse Yelp for inspiration

>> No.14715556

Self-promoting the living fuck of themselves if they want to be read.

If you care more about the writing itself, obviously trying to experience as much as possible and talking to tons of different people.

>> No.14715586

>make up inane theories about the characters in my book and elevator pitches for things that don't exist

>> No.14715601

I'm really curious what's funding your lifestyle, LA isn't cheap and it sounds like you live by yourself. What did you write?

>> No.14715682

got a couple scripts to run offoffbrodaway for a while when I went to nyu my mom was pretty tied into the scene there so it wasn't like too crazy of me or anything all of my shit was usually shot down until I got blasted one night and wrote a steaming pile of tropey schlock and it was a fucking hit for some reason it still fuckin runs offbroadway for llike 4 years now they keep sending me a decent a check in the mail every month but it fuckin haunts me cause none of my good shit is too lowbrow for any fucking yoerk pseud plebs to get or care about. That check really only covers rent out here though so I'm not living too lavishly or anything but its a nice fuckin escape from east coast fucks plus the blow is cheap and pretty good if you get it iright that's really all I care about these days unless I ever get around to finsihing my novel sorry man I can't elucidate mroe I'm pretty deep into the booze/pills rn

>> No.14715691
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Watching anime.

>> No.14715694


>> No.14715701

furthermore some of the details here are fucked a bit so I don't dox meself but you get the pic love

>> No.14715730

What's the novel about?

>> No.14715731

are you a brit? I lived in LA for a year after college just hustling and surviving, but it was a soulless time. Might go to NYU next year for a masters program. The egos that way sound daunting.

>> No.14715785

Thinking of better ways to spend his time

>> No.14715792

ah fuck sorta this n that

the overarching theme is meant to be a bastardization of the good book, starts out with the new testament following a schizo man who thinks his former college roommate thats running for president is the antichrist, and while trying to figure out how to stop him guys down the path jesus did in the NT, but he wakes up in the bunker at the end and it turns out they're the same bloke. Still incredibly rough draft you know, sounds le epic world ender scale schlock but it really isn't he just thinks he's an unwilling christ figure, when really he's just a fuckin schizo.

Got plans for a sequel that mirrors/bastardizes the OT, reverses in the like, so at the end he rips out his own rib and shit but thats all fuzzy still. Whole point is to end up with him in a fallout shelter thinking he nuked the whole world as the president split personality, and all he has too do is open his Mac (Apple) to figure out he didn't and that he's just a schizo, but he breaks it and starves to death in darkness thinking the whole world ended, when really he's just a fuckin nut in the basement, but its supposed to be ambiguous either way if hes schizo or the whole thing happened. Like do you as the reader choose to believe, like with religion or nah you know? Fuck the summary sounds ass I know but its okayish so far I think

dad's a brit and I went to school there for a couple years in high school,NYU undergrad was a bunch of fucks grad program people are alright though the profs were based. Locals are a fuckin nightmare of another degree though. Don't not go cause of that though

>> No.14715829

narrative wise though its supposed to be pretty close to a joyce sort of feel, real slice of life shit, message I wanna get across is the degradation of soul and spirit in the face of efficient hyper capitalism and impersonal day to day life of the app era

>> No.14715885

>shits on the west coast
>lives in detroit

>> No.14715908

good luck, I hope you find what you're looking for. and hopefully you'll get off the cocktail in time

>> No.14715922

Copious amounts of drugs, tantric sex with both men and women, any other hedonistic pursuit you can think of

>> No.14715978

Which branch? Coast Guard here, I have zero time to work out during the work day.

>> No.14716325

replace keystone ice with evan williams or any alcohol that isn't purely revolting and this was pretty much me in my mid-late twenties, its a pretty based life but you never really get shit done at all so take it as you will

>> No.14716328

>Fucking up your dopamine receptors with drugs

Enjoy your "writer's block"

>> No.14716465

I've smoked weed every night for five years done LSD a handful of times and I have literally never had writer's block

>> No.14716509

12-2pm wake up, go over piano and guitar scales, study chess, lift weights, shower
2-6pm read while working at bookshop
6-7pm walk dog, study portuguese
7-9pm piano studying
9-10pm guitar studying
10-12am writing
12-1am chess studying
after that, sleep

>> No.14716512

What books have you published ?

>> No.14716585

>spending more than 1 minute in the shower

>> No.14716609

>be miserable all day
>write about that in the night

>> No.14717203

Air Force lol. It also depends on your MOS. Mine is a cushy office job (that I didn't want) and I am working towards becoming a USMC officer instead.

>> No.14717222
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>he thinks I'm memeing