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14712552 No.14712552 [Reply] [Original]

itt we try to come up with the stupidest philosophy of all time. i will start:
>Christian Conservative Nationalist Laissez Faire Capitalist Republican (American} Libertarian Moral Absolutist
try to top this

>> No.14712584

but wait, that's just...

>> No.14712593

Individualist Queer Anarcho-Marxist pagan market pacifistic socialism/acc

>> No.14712598
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Left-wing anarchism

>> No.14712616

Nope not topped

>> No.14712617


>> No.14712636

Says who?

>> No.14712648
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>> No.14712647


>> No.14712652

Me. You got a problem with that buddy?

>> No.14712799

kys faggot marx was a filthy neet. thats the only reason he didnt want to work

>> No.14712806

Christianity is based. Anything after that is cringe.

>> No.14712809

Atheist Liberal Cuck Consumerist Democrat (American) Bugman Moral Absolutist.

>> No.14712813

so was every philosopher of all time.

>> No.14712827

Christian Zionism is dementia tier

>> No.14712832


>> No.14712838
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Marx was a work horse. He was a scholar, he truly fit the stereotype of "library rat". He would wake up at 8am, study and write until 10pm, get shitfaced with Engels, go to sleep, rinse and repeat. That was his routine for most of his life.

Pic related: part of his Collected Works.

>> No.14712849

Oh, boy, communism sure as fuck didn't exploit anyone, and produce inequality, imperialism and poverty!

>> No.14712852

very small books

>> No.14712868 [DELETED] 
File: 132 KB, 659x767, 1579099216142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup they didn't. They were never imperialists. They went from backwater countries to superpowers. And they rose the living standards of their people.

>> No.14712885
File: 132 KB, 659x767, 1579099216142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup it didn't. They were never imperialists. It turned backwater countries into superpowers. And it rose the living standards of their people

>> No.14712938

lol i read that as from 8AM to 10AM

>> No.14712948

Left wing anarchism...with chinese characteristics

>> No.14712959

What you're referring to is political doctrine not philosophy.
And the most laughably insane political doctrine to this day is:
Authoritarian Globalist Omnireligious Zen Atheist Vegan Anticapitalist Communist LGBTQHDKOWHFNS++++ Positive Anti-Cisgender Xenophilic Progressive Identitarian Marxist Moral Absolutism

>> No.14712961

No such thing as right wing anarchism, mate. Anarcho-capitalism is a contradiction of terms.

>> No.14712981


>> No.14712991

>left and right having objective definitions
Tell us what you mean by right wing Anarchism then

>> No.14712994

Most of that is good though

>> No.14713000

Right wing anarchism is hierarchy without a state

It is the realm of Warlordism, Mafias, Piracy, Outlaws, Knightly orders, Chimpanzees, etc.

>> No.14713023

i'm not even that guy and i agree with you about anarchism always being left wing, but capitalism is just fucking peak left-wing.

>> No.14713076

This is just cope. Capitalism is right wing. It maintains hierarchies and is imperialist.

>> No.14713096

It destroys and replaces hierarchies as well. Societies once worshipped God, which has been killed by Capital, and now we worship the Rainbow Dildo. That doesn't seem to be very right-wing to me but it's what Capital has put in place. It is still a hierarchy though.
Capital is beyond left or right.

>> No.14713112

Okay Reza

>> No.14713122

I've done a number on you

>> No.14713124

capitalism is the economic expression of liberalism, which is the political expression of protestantism, which is the rebellion against Church's authority, ordained by Christ, hence it is inherently left-wing. your gay little american values, where you believe in nothing yet tell yourself you're absolutely righteous, don't change that fact.

>> No.14713125

It's ok you'll grow out of it.

>> No.14713129

On which one of me?

>> No.14713133


>> No.14713146

Why are leftists like this?

>> No.14713166

So Accelerationism.

>> No.14713269
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Wow sounds great

>> No.14713413

>spent all that time writing
>still never produced anything valuable

>> No.14713966


>> No.14714949

Reactionaries are boring. Be conservatives or I"m taking away your market stability

>> No.14714980
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>kys faggot marx was a filthy neet. thats the only reason he didnt want to work
He was a writer. He’s well known for his writing.
This board venerates the writers of history. Stop hiding behind this fucked in the head “Christian work ethic”

Read a book, jackass

>> No.14715213



>> No.14715863
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Before capitalism none of these things existed. These problems are cross-cultural and have existed in every society. But hey, it's totally systematic of capitalism right?

>> No.14716017
File: 40 KB, 640x767, 77274725_1041840192837111_729395319237904113_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eliminated the gender pay gap

>> No.14716815

The right will always believe in hierarchy. But they are divided between right-wingers who believe in a state and right-wingers who wish to do away with the state. The latter can operate as anarchists of the right.

>> No.14717051

why is it so hard to grasp that capitalism doesnt work for everything
similarly, socialism don't work for everything
for stuffs that we think we have "solved", like water, electric and gas they should be public utilities
its funny how americans are always the one spouting capitalism is great and all and yet their country is a fucking shithole in general
only certain people in certain areas live a comfy life over there

>> No.14717131

The word has too little clear meaning to be based or cringe
Mildly cringe
>Laissez Faire Capitalist
>Republican (American}
Topical and irrelevant on the doctrinal level, but cringe.
>Libertarian Moral Absolutist
Based and redpilled.

>> No.14717145

They are all cringe dude. Also it doesn't make sense to call republican cringe and call the other things based. Those are literally what republicans are.

>> No.14717151

Low iq take. Anarchism can mean 'without force command' as well as 'without authority or hierarchy'. Being anal retentive because people use words in their semantic diversity doesn't make you appear any better.
Daddy setting up your bedtime doesn't violate 'anarchism'. You stealing from your boss to fight his authority does.

>> No.14717158

All political parties are cringe. If there is any political coercive measure your leftoid kind seem so fond of that should be enforced, it is officially banning and putting all sorts of practical impediments to political factions like was standard in all aristocratic societies.

>> No.14717267

>Eliminated unemployment
Good meme, not having a job was outright outlawed.,

>> No.14717295

Punishable by giving you a job. May be military, may be gulag, but they found work for everyone.

Honestly the Soviets were a strange mix of based and cringe. I still don't know how I feel about how they ran their country.

>> No.14717422

The soviets were the epitome of based but bluepilled.
Everything wrong with them comes from having Marxist, socialist, leftist roots. When departing from it they were fine.
The common mythology of 'utopia gone wrong' is an inversion of reality. It was a theoretical nightmare turning out surprisingly semi-functional thanks to their leadership.

>> No.14717454

>Marxist, socialist, leftist roots
these are based
you are cringe

>> No.14717466


>> No.14717478

>labor fetishism
>glorification of envy
>incapable of understanding exchange
>all sort of retarded takes like infrastructure determinism
Based indeed.

>> No.14717488

very ideologically indulgent post frendo

>> No.14717493

Atheist Liberal Democrat

>> No.14717497

Nope still doesn't top it.

>> No.14717512

It’s literally a cope that relies on nor questioning anything. You may as well throw Christian in there as they rely 90% on Christian morals, yet they think morals are relative anyway, yet at the same time people have an in born right to freedom and representation? Why? It makes no sense

>> No.14717638

Buddhist Socialist Trans Ethnolocalism

>> No.14717668

Sorry, I think you mean corp. Socalism.

>> No.14717769 [SPOILER] 
File: 231 KB, 1684x1398, 1581608901598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The socialists I know just want free stuff and do not want to work. Also they are more about being jealous and resentful toward those who have managed to earn a good living than worried about helping the working class, which they seem to have replaced with a resentful failure "class".

>> No.14717857


>> No.14717894

> he would wake up at 8am
That’s not true. He was notoriously not a morning person

>> No.14718009

WW1 killed belief in God in the Western world. "Woke Capital" is just a highly evolved form of antiracism, not a necessary characteristic of it. Without American primacy we'd likely not see Woke Capital.

>> No.14718018

That sounds based actually

>> No.14718029

Its a product of how capitalism folds everything into itself. You're that it can manifest in many different ways, but that it takes movements culture etc. and turns it into a meaningless profit driven farce of the original is necessarily characteristic of it, dood.

>> No.14718071

Don't see why this has to be the case. If you're advocating patronage instead, I see no reason we couldn't operate on that model today, since there's so much more wealth floating around. Many great composers, authors etc. Were actually popular in their day, its just that the gatekeepers now have bad taste, or worse, are ideologically motivated by left-wing priors. Just think of how much money is pissed away on social activism that could fund the arts instead.

It would probably get denounced as undemocratic and Not Very Nice though.

>> No.14718117

Its the case because capitalism's need for expanding markets turns everything into a commodity. Even if there was no social activism it would absorb the things that are there, the shape would be different but the process would be the same, dawg.

>> No.14718131

if you take out the 'trans' part, it's not that bad

>> No.14718218

Yes, but the commodities don't have to be BAD, that's the point. Imagine a world where we all had the taste of cultured aristocrats. Most shit art of today simply wouldn't sell. Of course, not only do we all not have aristocratic taste, but the average person is probably significantly less able to evaluate art than in Victorian Britain or Gilded Age America (I'm picking Very Capitalist eras on purpose). Why? If you tried to actually instill taste in school, even among the upper classes/higher IQ, you'd get denounced as racist, sexist, Eurocentric, etc.

>> No.14718237

I'm talking about commodification, not commodities.

>> No.14718257


>> No.14718295

This is a good thing

>> No.14718353

imperialism always leads to nothing but race-mixing. every single time.

>> No.14719251

based and radical center-pilled