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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1575395621458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14708256 No.14708256 [Reply] [Original]

Who among you did this?

>> No.14708274

You guys harass this guy in the comments and he's such a nice man. Shame on you all.

>> No.14708339
File: 53 KB, 1130x570, EPjhehpW4AA_8ta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe this guy is a teacher and a supposed stoic desu. He interprets every comment, advice or otherwise, as an outright personal attack. Perhaps this explains why he's been stuck adjuncting at an undergraduate level for who knows how long. Honestly, the guy has obvious problems and needs professional help. Perhaps I'll recommend him a therapist in his comments.

>> No.14708348

Is he the Fantano of /lit/?

>> No.14708351

This is one of the few times I am pissed at 4chan.

>> No.14708355

He didn't ask for your advice and he doesn't care. Get it through your head.

>> No.14708358

Doesn't this guy understand charity?

>> No.14708423

>adjuncting at an undergraduate level

>> No.14708430

On the one hand I agree, but on the other he does get money from Patrons, who probably want high quality content

>> No.14708478

Fucking cope, Greg.

>> No.14708487

>"Can you please turn the volume down, I can't hear you teach."
>"I didn't ask for you advice and I don't care."
He's an educator and a provider of a consumer product (that some pay for, mind you). Whether he likes it not, he's placed himself in a position of receiving unsolicited advice (which isn't necessarily a bad thing). Perhaps he should import some stoic fatalism here and resign himself to this fate like every other *good* educator, instead of whinging about it.

>> No.14708499

When did he turn into such a snarky condescending dick?

>> No.14708651

When he stopped making easy youtube bucks and was forced to pick up more shitty community college classes

>> No.14708666

Okay that is one thing but people were calling him fat and telling him to exercise more. Wtf

>> No.14708680
File: 36 KB, 1191x180, fagr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit he's a petulant little bitch, I'm embarrassed for him. Even sixteen year old girls on Youtube have thicker skins than this. You're creating videos for hundreds or thousands of people, some of them are going to say "bro your mic quality's unnecessarily low."

Watching this video makes it seem like he has actual autism. He's also deleting negative comments, you can tell because there are 0.

Yeah that stuff is perhaps uncalled for, but it's Youtube. People are going to be randomly mean-spirited. The correct approach to those things is to treat them like the inevitable white noise of the internet. This is like sheltered celebrity pussies whining about how they get mean tweets.

>> No.14708689

He is really being a passive aggressive fag, jeez it's embarrassing to see a 50yo man do this.

>> No.14708709

>people were calling him fat and telling him to exercise more
But isn't he actually fat and thus should eat less and exercise more to be consistent with his philosophy?

>> No.14708729

No one was calling him fat. The comments he's referring to are just routine and lift recommendations; the usual gymbro stuff. He's being a whiny bitch.

>> No.14708986
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>people were calling him fat and telling him to exercise more

>> No.14709009

>people were calling him fat and telling him to exercise more

>> No.14709438

he's a psychopath

>> No.14709495

Kek, now he's just opened himself up to trolling.

>> No.14709527

>post shit on social media specifically to share with others

>> No.14709583

I absolutely despise passive aggressiveness, but especially in men. It's such a womanly behavior. I've noticed the way he acted for a long time. He's a cunt.

>> No.14709592

>I've noticed the way he acted for a long time. He's a cunt.

Same here. I always got a weird vibe about him.

I do wonder if this is correct. It seems like he's not just an asshole for no reason but that he genuinely can't let insignificant shit slide. Maybe a narcissist.

>> No.14709631
File: 18 KB, 757x193, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He actually banned me for this. I never commented on his videos before so I don't know what the hell he's talking about. I'm sure a part of it is just him being an out of touch boomer who doesn't know how to interact with people online but I do see him acting shitty to a lot of people for no reason.

>> No.14709634

He's getting out of shape lately. Someone should probably send him a link to >>>/fit/.

>> No.14709638

I considered leaving a comment like this but I knew he'd insta-delete it.

What disturbs me is how cult-like and sycophantic some people are in his comments. I swear, 25-50% of human beings are just natural slaves looking for an ass to kiss as a hobby.

>> No.14709646

If I still had to work shitty jobs as a doctor and couldn't even see my kids for a half a year I suppose I would be a bitter too.

>> No.14709683

He should see a therapist

>> No.14709685

I've noticed this. He exhibits no grace when interacting with anyone; even when he receives a compliment. I was thinking some aggressive form of autism.

>> No.14709698

Make sure to let him know in the comments

>> No.14709712

He's not seeming very... stoic.

>> No.14709779

I can why he's such a bad lecturer now. He refuses to consider advice. I can't be the only one to notice how awkward he is talking to people in his classes, right?

>> No.14709805

>reads Ayn Rand
Kidding mate. Love the Minotaur of Milwaukee.

>> No.14709822

The Distributist described him as the least curious person he has ever met.
Not a bad way of saying it desu.

>> No.14709830

Kek. I’ve been out of the loop for a while, wtf happened to him? Don’t remember him being this bitter.

>> No.14709838

That's on point. I've seen him get annoyed at people for bringing up other peoples interpretations of whatever text he's talking about. He doesn't even want to consider them.

>> No.14709844

Can you guys link any examples off the top of your heads? I'm curious, I am always fascinated by this kind of thing and feel like I'm the only one who notices subtle social "misalignments" like this

>> No.14709852

I haven't really been watching his videos lately but his AMA's are where you'll find his most autistic moments.

>> No.14709859
File: 690 KB, 1106x830, pepe mouth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry but I'm watching this video, and it really just seems like you guys need to be less sensitive.

>> No.14709863
File: 17 KB, 589x207, sadler is cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capitalism bad

>> No.14709867
File: 148 KB, 964x635, 1581439565747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys you can just not watch his videos, did you ever think of that? Why are you sitting here complaining about him complaining?

>> No.14709870

Here's comes the daddy deprived cult.

>> No.14709871

And here you are, complaining about us complaining about him.

>> No.14709877

Calling fat people fat is fun. Try it.

Gregory Sadler is a fat fuck. Try it! It's fun!

>> No.14709883
File: 41 KB, 736x552, 1581194359492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Project and cope

>complaining about us complaining about him
Well put! You guys started the chain, I continued it. Cope, my friend!

I take no issue with calling him fat. Call him fat all you want!

>> No.14709889

This guys always been a dick (unprovoked) in the comments. Glad I’m not the only one who’s noticed.

>> No.14709897

Fucking spot on. Every one of his streams consists of his viewers trying to squeeze an original thought or interpretation from him, or even just a decisive answer to a question, something that isn't prefaced by "it depends on what you mean by X", but he just can't do it, he can't break from the script. It's like he's unable to play with or entertain ideas.

>> No.14709912

Watch his old face-to-face lectures; they're cringe. It's no wonder why he hasn't gone anywhere in his academic career.

>> No.14709926
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>> No.14709929

Lmao I'm just clicking random vids and reading the comments and you're right, he's weirdly a dick. I was expecting to have to dig for it. He's always standoffish, he quickly shows his annoyance with even basic and well-meaning questions.

A lot of little stuff like this:
>Brian S
>What do you think of Arthur Holmes History or Philosophy courses online?
>Gregory B. Sadler

He's snippy to people who make minor mistakes and such. My money is on autism, I've met people like this before who don't know they're just being unpleasantly blunt and coming across as cunty.

>> No.14709932

Also his constantly calling himself "Dr. Sadler" is kinda cringe, just accept you never got tenure nigga like goddamn

>> No.14709958

being frustrated with idiots is one thing but making a video this butthurt and passive aggressive is just in bad taste

>> No.14709963

Lmao I'm going to call him "Mr. Sadler". See if snaps.

>> No.14709968
File: 1.05 MB, 1830x1429, 1580374346646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kek

>tfw going to leave positive "Thanks Mr. Sadler!" comments in all his videos

>> No.14709970

>Do you think there are any other philosophical works that talked about anxiety?
>Yep. Lots. Google search it

>> No.14709983

Making videos and posting them on the internet does not entitle you to the respect of the audience. Some people like Sadler never learn this lesson and I cringe every time he acts like he people owe him something for posting videos for free.

>> No.14709991

Hey man I taught introductory classes on a part time basis for about 20 years now. I deserve respect!

>> No.14710013
File: 75 KB, 378x697, reher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14710048

>I never know when the ama portion of your channel is up, so I'll ask you now: will you ever do a lecture on finagans wake by Joyce in your sci fi series? Is that book sci fi? Is there any first rate philosophy in there?
>It's easy enough to figure out when my AMAs are. Check your settings in YouTube. Or go to my Facebook page and look at events. Or go to ReasonIO and check the events calendar. Or read my blog, Orexis Dianoetike. I also tend to post the AMA on Twitter, my FB page, and LinkedIN. So, no idea why you don't know when AMAs are. I only answer questions asked in the session during the session

>> No.14710054

What happened bros? Sadler used to be almost universally loved here...

>> No.14710064

He has a shitty personality

>> No.14710065
File: 25 KB, 399x322, 1573173719354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is his problem?

>> No.14710083

Must. Not. Give. Advice... LMAO!

This video was hilarious with that piano background music and he trying his best not to sound angry (we know he has anger issues) and sounding passive aggressive.

>> No.14710091

What other videos does he come off as angry or passive aggresive?

>> No.14710110

All of his Q&As?

>> No.14710114

I seen some of them like a year ago, never noticed anything like that back then.

>> No.14710167

Uhu, ok dr. Sadler

>> No.14710168

It's definitely become worse in the past few months.

>> No.14710177

how do you end up an adjunct for 20 years

>> No.14710180

Excuse me, you mean Mr. Sadler.

>> No.14710222
File: 129 KB, 616x801, 222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point of this?

>> No.14710254

no wonder he's still an adjunct professor he spends all his time on youtube.

>> No.14710290

There's probably a lot more truth to that than you realize. If you can't talk to people or you have a shitty personality you won't advance in any career you choose.

>> No.14710340

He has the mentality of a public employee.
Entrepreneurs give the public what they want, they don't think that they're making the public a favor.

>> No.14710418
File: 34 KB, 649x340, Screenshot_2020-02-13 FAQ Dr Sadler Responds #9 - I Didn't Ask For Advice, But You Gave It .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet he seethes over the most minute infractions of his attention

>> No.14710421


>> No.14710438

You're posting on 4chan, why are you surprised?

>> No.14710444

Hegel really does benight a man.

>> No.14710447


>> No.14710668

A professional failure

>> No.14710725

holy fuck

>> No.14710737

I wonder if it's a boomer thing where he treats YouTube comments like personal messages or something. It's actually deranged. He replies to the most benign of comments like someone's just raped his mother.

>> No.14710746

So tell me what the point of philosophy is /lit/ if you turn out like this?

>> No.14710790

Literally nothing wrong with that. They are literally helping him and worrying about his health. In fact, the immoral thing to do would be to let him stay fat and keep ruining his body.

>> No.14710792
File: 176 KB, 602x516, 1580385510008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's only if you read retroactively refuted garbage. Read Guenon (pbuh) instead.

>> No.14710796

>why do you like to give advice?
because it feels good to give advice
>how can you give me advice you don't know me!
what you present, both in your appearance and the way you conduct yourself, has a substantial chance to convey enough information to warrant a pretty specific advice

>> No.14710823
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>> No.14710826
File: 55 KB, 802x519, Screenshot_2020-02-12 Self Directed Study in Philosophy Aristotle's Works Sadler's Advice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he physiologically incapable of not taking things personally?

>> No.14710857
File: 24 KB, 784x220, Screenshot_2020-02-12 Crito's Arguments with Socrates in Plato's Crito - Philosophy Core Concepts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14710866

I don't even particularly like his videos, I'm just saying in this one case that it doesn't really matter and you guys are exaggerating the negativity of his reaction.

>> No.14710916

A Stoic philosopher everyone!

>> No.14710944

I once wrote a comment on him facebook page.
Got a really apathetic mildly-erratic answer and was wondering, whether he actually is occasionally an asshole.

But thats what Stoicism does to people, I guess...

>> No.14710950

>What it guys! Be careful with what you write in the comments section, even if you mean well!
>Even if you're just making a compliment!
>You don't know me! What do you mean good job? You don't actually know if it was actually good or not!
Lol this guy is an asshole.

>> No.14710986
File: 267 KB, 750x1073, C8259E1F-814C-45D0-B5F3-9E5B68D8D422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine having your head up your arse so much that you go to a therapist to discus philosophy. Seriously, what the fuck is this guys problem?


>> No.14710996

Plenty of better men who teach Hegel out there. Gregory just couldn't hack it.

>> No.14711019

greg loves cock and ball torture

>> No.14711032

I thought Stoicism taught apatheia? Also why would a Stoic have to see a therapist? I thought Stoicism was a self-taught discipline of self-mastery? Does it mean that Stoicism doesn't really work then? It's full of beautiful unrealizable ideas? I wonder if Zeno, Epictectus and Marcus Aurelius professed something and lived differently in their personal lives...

>> No.14711049

I would never trust a man who needs a therapist.

>> No.14711052

Actually, he has a point here.
He def is an autistoic, but CBT is really nuts with their approach (paradigmal dichotomy of 'low' vs 'up' feelings). At least this is my personal experience with them.

>> No.14711087
File: 11 KB, 200x200, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thanks for these great videos Dr. Sadler! They've really helped me get into philosophy
>Why did you post this? I didn't ask about your life

>Welcome to McDonalds, what can I get for you?
>I already answered this in my "AMA" on Youtube in January 2016. Don't know why you felt the need to say this . . .

>Greg, I love you..
>My name is Professor Dr. Gregory Sadler, President and Founder of ReasonIO.

>Dad, do you love me?
>Anything is possible. But no

>> No.14711102

You don't know what you're talking about. Sadler doesn't even call himself a stoic but that doesn't matter. What are these radical ideals that the stoics teach which can't be lived up to? There's no reason an actual stoic who recognizes that things outside of his control aren't worth getting upset about can't also see a therapist. Hell, stoic practices are the ancient basis or inspiration for modern CBT. In many ways the stoics were the therapists of the day.

The stoics can be rich and powerful because stoicism isn't about depriving yourself of these things, it's about recognizing what they are. It's about not making your happiness contingent on these things so it's no contradiction for Seneca to be rich or Marcus to be emperor. Epictetus was a slave, by the way.

>> No.14711174

He really likes the sound of his own voice so it’s not surprising that he would pay someone to listen to him. He sure does ramble on in most of his videos when it’s really not necessary.

>> No.14711246
File: 74 KB, 320x454, best girl laughs at you thereby emasculating you forever, you have no recourse, no hope of forgiveness, you are defeated utterly, and this shall stand as a statute unto the generations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dad, do you love me?
>Anything is possible. But no

>> No.14711261

Nice way to miss the point and then reply an entire post to a strawman. Yes he does not claim to be a Stoic (because it's so beneath an "academic intellectual" to commit to anything right?) he claims to be an eclectic (again: I don't commit to anything; easiest thing in the world, but let's not go into that). But he clearly endorses Stoic philosophy. You don't actually have to be a card-carrying member of a Stoic Society to be a Stoic you know? (Although Sadler is the president of a Stoic Society, so he probably is literally a card-carrying member of one!). Nevermind all of that. Stoicism is about self-mastery and apatheia. It's a kind of philosophical therapy, like you said, but self-therapy. (I never claimed you had to renounce riches in order to be a Stoic. Weird projection?) Anyway. If he endorses Stoic ideas, as he does, he is clearly not putting them into practice, or they just don't work. That was my point. Thanks for staying around.

>> No.14711274

Tell me why a stoic can't see a therapist.

>> No.14711281

fuck you, fat greg.

>> No.14711288

Because if his philosophy is correct and he believes in it and practices it, that must mean he has mastery over his emotions and therefore is imperturbed and would not have to see a therapist.

>> No.14711299

That doesn't follow. Is virtue ethics refuted when an Aristetelion gets arrested?

>> No.14711309

Also, did you ignore the point about how modern therapy can be construed as a stoic practice since modern therapy is derived from stoic philosophy? You're an idiot, dude.

>> No.14711321

You can't refute virtue ethics, or Stoicism, like you would a logic or scientific claim, because it's a pratical not a theorical philosophy. They either work or they don't, and this can't be established a priori.

>> No.14711326

>failing to practice equanimity while losing a debate over whether stoicism entails possessing equanimity


>> No.14711329

Since he's already at the point of deleting comments, how long until he implodes and become a lolcow?

>> No.14711330

>jump to insults when he does not get his way
Found another Stoic guys! LMAO. I bet you see a therapist.

>> No.14711341

>or they just don't work
I also see this with people who practice Eastern religions. Oh I'm so equanimous! I'm so holier than thou! I've transcended the ego!
>is just another normalfag

>> No.14711351

Or I just not be a stoic.

By refute I mean to show that it doesn't work. Is virtue ethics shown not to work because some guy who follows Aristotle turns out to be a bad man? You're not even trying to answer me.

>> No.14711358

Forget about it dude. I was talking normally to you and you lost your shit. Go talk to your therapist now.

>> No.14711370

What are you talking about, losing my shit? Don't be acting all hurt just because I called you an idiot. You're running you're mouth about stuff you don't know. That's what idiots do.

>> No.14711382

Cry about it in therapy, faggot.

>> No.14711392

See now you're losing your shit.

>> No.14711398

Is this guy a /lit/ meme? Does he have any significance?

>> No.14711476

He's 100% correct

>> No.14711515

hello newfriend

>> No.14711659
File: 18 KB, 613x121, 2233267678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He refuses to take responsibility for his own failings. The market can work against you to a degree but at some point you will break through if you're not completely inept socially. I've seen his writing on his blog and he's just not good. That's why he's not getting published. He keeps himself from improving by refusing to consider any sort of advice from people he feels are less qualified in the matter, like his therapist.

>> No.14712293

>shoot a video on this
Normal response: I would love to, but I gotta a lot of projects going on right now. Stay tuned! Thanks for the suggestion! Don’t forget to like and subscribe!
“Stoic” response:
>shoot an entire video where you rant on why people shouldn’t give you suggestions in a passive aggressive tone
>do you know me? How dare you make me suggestions!
So this is the power of Stoicism

>> No.14712353

This. A real man is actively aggressive.

>> No.14712360

You guys deal with the 'people' on youtube and have them ask the same inane questions over and over again. A man only has so much patience.

>> No.14712382

That’s not the issue. Actually watch the video on the OP. He’s ranting about people making suggestions with good intent. I get people saying shit, but actual friendly suggestions? Then he could easily ignore them, yet he felt like he had shoot a video lecturing people on why they shouldn’t make suggestions.

>> No.14712391

>I wonder if it's a boomer thing where he treats YouTube comments like personal messages or something
This infects boomers all across the internet. The following generations will be defined not by technological growth but by the death of all those in society that do not understand how the internet works.

>> No.14712406
File: 178 KB, 1500x872, 1534007715439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something cruel happened to me on the internet

>> No.14712426

He's a boomer. He doesn't understand Zoomer internet culture

>> No.14712432


lmfao this is too much this guy is fucking unhinged

>> No.14712473

Bong here, what's an "adjunct professor"?

>> No.14712499

A substitute teacher, basically. You're the bottom bitch that has to cover for sick professors or teach classes the tenured ones don't want.

>> No.14712521

How do you stay a substitute teacher for twenty years

>> No.14712530

By having the social skills of Chris Chan

>> No.14712608

He used to do videos about how he had issues with anger, he obviously still has it.

I don't understand what his fucking deal is, whats wrong with unsolicited advice? If you don't like the advice just ignore it?

>> No.14712621

It's not that I think Greg is beyond criticism or anything but can you guy really not see that you're being whipped up into a collective frenzy of hatred for a more or less benign person? It's always amazing to me that people will let themselves be swept up into the scapegoat mechanism without at ounce of self-awareness, all because someone *checks notes* left some snarky youtube replies

>> No.14712631

Who the hell is frenzied? All I see is a bunch of people sharing anecdotes about him being a weirdo.

>> No.14712645

>*checks notes*
go back

>> No.14712655

Sure that's what it is just now, but don't feign naivete about how online communities act when they decide they don't like someone. This thread is clearly people amping up for another Katie situation

>> No.14712675

People like Greg are why academia is worthless, he's studied philosophy for years and arrived at the exact same position as any middle class liberal boomer. He's so fucking dull.

>> No.14712699

I think you're being retarded. You said people were being whipped up into a collective frenzy but that's happening, at all. There's no reason to think that's happening or will happen. I think you just like Sadler don't want people making fun of them. If that's the case then be honest, don't be a liar.

>> No.14712732

He's right that this thread is a circlejerk against sadler.

>> No.14712736

>There's no reason to think that's happening or will happen
That's just not true. People in internet communities do things they would never do in real life. It's much easier to leave harassing comments on youtube videos and twitter dms than it is to confront someone irl, also a much lower social cost because we're anonymous. Because of that, you have to be more cautious than in normal circumstances.

I mean, were you even here for the whole Katiesclassicbooks thing?

>> No.14712746

Quick rundown on whoever this is? Why is he getting raided?

>> No.14712755

Yeah it's just a thread with people sharing anecdotes and making fun of him. That's not a frenzy.

You're being hysterical, like a woman. People made creepy comments on Katie's channel and she closed it. That's it. That's not a hatred filled frenzy. People can make fun of other people on the internet without it turning into something dangerous. Even if people leave mean comments on his channel, so the fuck what? He's a grown man.

>> No.14712771

Anon, katie was a totally different situation. It was a joke. This thread is where people get to dunk on someone while feeling good about themselves for doing so -- I should know, because that's what I'm doing.
He makes youtube videos explaining philosophical texts. He's also just a bit of a knob, and people are only finding out/admitting it now.
Frenzy is way too extreme a word to use, but I know what he means. It's the kind of thing which can get more and more circlejerky.

>> No.14712805

Tomorrow we will host youtube comment ban speedruns.

>> No.14713319

Why not just give the damn date? It takes so much more energy to be an asshole about it.

>> No.14713328

gotta set a man on fire senpai

>> No.14713363

I haven't liked him since he smugly declared that Thomas Aquinas never wrote a book called the Compendium of Theology when I responded to somebody asking for introductory books on Aquinas. I'm okay with people being wrong but don't a cunt while doing it. That's unforgivable.

>> No.14713466
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>> No.14713557

Look into this guy's biography. He's the epitome of JUST.

>> No.14713577

Whats wrong with it? Seems like the average story of an untalented academic.

>> No.14713681


>> No.14714356

I know he can't see his kids other than a few weeks per year.

>> No.14714614

He cared enough to make a video

>> No.14714902

He has kids?

>> No.14714927

so passive aggressive

>> No.14714957

And you don’t even have a gf. Really makes you think.

>> No.14715008

Well I am gay so

>> No.14715032

We already knew that

>> No.14715074

post bussy

>> No.14715120

Kek. I like how he just glossed over that guy's question.

>> No.14715134

He only answers questions on AMAs man.

>> No.14715676


>> No.14715862

I used to like him but honestly I can’t understand how someone could turn people like Rilke and Nietzsche into the most boring academic figures imaginable

>> No.14715895

And that's why he's been an adjunct for 20 years

>> No.14715910

oh no someone said something mean, is baby gonna cry? gonna cry now? maybe piss your pants? maybe even shit and cum?

>> No.14715932

Some hero post this in the comments section

>> No.14716223

>gets advice on his amateur mistakes
>bitches about it


>> No.14716272
File: 268 KB, 1582x1120, Screen Shot 2020-02-12 at 11.30.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friendly reminder that this happened

>> No.14716279

He is professor, what did you expect?
He has to conform with students else will be banned

>> No.14716290

He's an educator, not a pundit

>> No.14716451

A bad educator. All good teachers should be creative and inquisitive.

>> No.14716711

This is honestly news to me. I haven't watched a Sadler video in about 6 years. back then, I was obsessed over his Plato and Kierkegaard lectures. And especially his Dostoevsky lectures on Notes from Underground. I was pretty prolific in the comment section and I remember him being rather pleasant with others' interpretations and ideas that were being bandied about there. This was around the time that I was going through personal stuff and actually messaged him privately telling him that his videos helped me through a tough time and he was very appreciative of that and told me he's all ears whenever I needed to talk to somebody. It was actually a really endearing thing to me, but I soon after stopped watching his content. Had no idea he's become so snappy and angry at a lot of his viewers and it's actually kinda disappointing.

>> No.14716725

>and actually messaged him privately telling him that his videos helped me through a tough time
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.14716746

I'm good now, but I went through a bad breakup and was at my lowest point where I didn't do anything but stay in bed and watch videos all day. His videos and correspondence did actually help me and we did end up talking about what was going on with me. He was pretty understanding and helped me out a bit. The whole exchange was nice and I always had a soft spot for him since. Mind you this was close to 6 years ago, and those videos are still posted up. Haven't kept up with him until recently and sad to see he's become bitter. Back then he didn't have many people commenting on his videos and so was able to actually flesh out responses. Go and look at his oldest content and you'll see.

>> No.14716756


>> No.14716773

I didn't ask for your life story. I asked what the fuck is wrong with you if you think that messaging some random guy about your emo depression is acceptable behavior? What the fuck is wrong with you for thinking that talking to me about it is okay? You have the brain of a woman.

>> No.14716778

Oh sorry, Mr. Needstoeata Saladler

>> No.14716811

You're not as funny as you think you are

>> No.14716840

i'm convinced this is ironic, no one can be this much of an entitled idiot

>> No.14716853

you got owned dude deal with it

>> No.14716857

I'm not trying to be funny. I think acting like that is shameful.

>> No.14716895

Saying "owned" doesn't make you cool, Greg.

>> No.14716898


>> No.14716899
File: 7 KB, 250x202, cigpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reaching out to someone to let them know they've helped you in some way is shameful

>> No.14716924
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Thread is more boring than Sadler lecture on Rand.

>> No.14716948

Contacting people you don't know and unleashing your emotional baggage on them is shameful. You're imposing yourself on strangers, you're not giving them a option in the matter. Sadler said you could contact him any time to talk to him because what the fuck else could he say?

>> No.14716960

>human interaction is shameful
you're not wrong, but-

>> No.14716971

I didn't say human interaction was shameful. I said imposing yourself and unleashing your emotional baggage on strangers is shameful.

>> No.14716981

>I didn't say human interaction was shameful. I said imposing yourself and unleashing your emotional baggage on strangers is shameful.
read >>14716960

>> No.14716985

I don't see how gently reaching out to somebody is "imposing", particularly if they are warm in their initial response, which it sounds like Sadler was to this gentleman.

>> No.14716991

I obviously read it because I responded to it. You quoted me as saying human interaction was shameful.

Sadler had no choice but to be warm in his initial response. It's emotional blackmail. He's not your friend and he's not your therapist. He has no business in your depression.

>> No.14717002

>I obviously read it because I responded to it.
ah... i see you're new here. welcome.

>> No.14717025

My initial private message simply stated that his videos were very helpful during a hard time and I thanked him. He didn't have to reply, but he did. Like I said, I was rather prolific in his comment sections so he knew who I was, and we'd shared insights prior to this. I didn't even tell give him specifics about my depression, only that I was, at that time, feeling low, and that his videos were helpful, and that I wanted to show my gratitude. He then went on a bit about how he too had gone through low bouts in his life, and that reading was one of the things that could get him out of his ruts. It was left at that and he said that he was always there if anything. I never did, but continued to comment regulary on more of his videos for a while after until I stopped watching his content all together. Eat my blogpost, you bitter faggot.

>> No.14717040

Again with the stories, I don't care about you.

>> No.14717053

According to his resume. Sandler has 3 part time teaching jobs. Holy fuck he is justed.

>> No.14717099

kek did sadler mog you in his comment section and then delete your shit? you sound disgruntled as fuck lmao

>> No.14717115

I haven't said anything bad about Sadler, what the fuck are you talking about? Using "kek" is cringe.

>> No.14717136

He has a point you know. Sometimes it’s the way things are said or how the video is structured, but the concept itself is not that difficult. He didn’t sign in to become an e-celeb, much less everybody’s buddy. He wanted to put out a resource on the internet, but what is to be taught is up to him, since it’s free. You can’t make requests like you request an e-thot.

>> No.14717156

People are asking him to balance his audio and move out the way of the blackboard. He really doesn't have a point at all and is just being petty.

>> No.14717177

have sex anon

>> No.14717238

It's like your brain runs on 4 year old memes. Not an original thought to be found.

>> No.14717310

I came here to take a steaming shit on an educational youtuber, not to watch two autists argue about whether you should express feelings to strangers.

>> No.14717316

That was about 2 hours ago

>> No.14717343

What's up with the random Rand videos? Did someone throw a wad of cash at him?

>> No.14717370

In its Zoomerism /lit/ has turned even on him once held closest

>> No.14717379

Academia is all about the research you put out. It's publish or perish and unfortunately Greg is really just a historian of philosophy. So with that lack of any originality you see how without a track record of publication he won't be able to get tenure. That's unless he's betting on getting YouTube famous.

>> No.14717402


>> No.14717411

You can research the history of philosophy.

>> No.14717425

I think it's a lack of ambition or drive. He published some obscure book that nobody has read and I think it was just to get his PhD but he hasn't put anything out since. He's always on Twitter railing against capitalism so he's probably like any other leftist in thinking they deserve something they haven't earned. A "tough job market" is a good excuse for a 25 year old, but not a 50 year old doctor.

With a lack of drive and a grating personality it's no wonder he's at where he is in life.

>> No.14717438

Yeah you can. But let's be honest, Anselm is not high in demand stuff.

>> No.14717443
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>so he's probably like any other leftist in thinking they deserve something they haven't earned

>> No.14717449

I don't know what that's supposed to mean

>> No.14717453

I'm saying you're introducing left-vs.-right pissing matches for no real reason

>> No.14717457

also, begone, newfag

>> No.14717467

I do have a reason. It's who he is and it explains some of his behavior.

>> No.14717468


>> No.14717471


>> No.14717472

You're just going in a circle. You said I don't have a reason to bring it up but I do.

>> No.14717473


>> No.14717475


>> No.14717476


>> No.14717487

Also less tenure jobs out there for people who just do history of philosophy.

>> No.14717604

>tenure jobs
Shit shouldn’t even exist.
>Tough job market
Maybe you should have chosen another career. You’re not entitled to a job if you’re not providing a valuable service to society.
Oh so he’s a leftist. I came to say some nice words about him, but now in the light of that fact, fuck that fat loser.

>> No.14717624

n0ot everyone who critiques capitalism is a "leftist"

>> No.14717627

Completely get it, just explaining his situation.

>> No.14717628

>You’re not entitled to a job if you’re not providing a valuable service to society.
Classic leftist thought. Enriching and commenting on our culture IS a valuable service to society.

>> No.14717640

I'm not taking just that into consideration. I've been keeping on eye on his twitter for a while and it's clear where he's at in terms of politics.

>> No.14717644

I always thought he was some kind of conservative-leaning liberal with religious inclinations. Is it just his anti-Drumpf hysteria or is there other stuff

>> No.14717662

I had the same impression. He even read Evola and Guenon, and despite not agreeing with them he didn’t call them “unacceptable” or “appalling” or any of that shit. And there’s is the whole Christian philosophy too. What leftist does that?
That being said. He’s an (adjunct) professor. He’s gotta tow the party line. The best way to do this without inducing yourself to vomit every time is by actually drinking the cool aid.

>> No.14717765

Me, nigger. I do that.
What company do you keep that has deluded you about leftists this much?

>> No.14717834

You do what?

>> No.14717888

I think he just films classes he does and uploads them online. There were teenagers answering his questions in those videos.

>> No.14718210

Now that I know Evola and guenon have some relationship among you I’ve decided not to read guenon. He must be as low minded and schizoid as Evola.

>> No.14718243

i read about evola and guenon (on /lit/) and also christian philosophy (on /lit/)

>> No.14718695

Well the core concept stuff he actually does in his home studio. But he actually does do videos to assist students in classes he does. Glad I've never had a class with Rand in it though.

>> No.14719098


>> No.14719288

please fuck off and stop asking retarded shit like this

>> No.14719298

If it's such a valuable service then how come you can't make good money doing it?

>> No.14720177


people who react to every little thing are neurotic , people who interpret everything as a personal attack are narcissistic

this guy is a shill of the highest order

>> No.14720695

My sides

>> No.14720730

He's an autist metalhead whose passion is philosophy. Why is anyone surprised that he might not be highly personable?

>> No.14720744

Reddit is here

>> No.14720753

Based Sandler response kek

>> No.14720812
File: 27 KB, 458x669, 1BC911A0-1607-4032-BCA8-414474F6F377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m glad in could finally use this not against a straw man

>> No.14721372

>Well, I'm actually a registered independent.

>> No.14721450

>thinking fatalism is some kind of philosopy that encourages being fat

>> No.14721489

Did eh ever get around to Nick Land? I remember the q&a's always had several people asking him to about Nick Land.

>> No.14721613

are you an anglo lol

>> No.14722044

I have no idea why /lit/ ever imprinted on this faggot. He's got the personality and knowledge of a wikipedia page

>> No.14722060

>I'm sure a part of it is just him being an out of touch boomer who doesn't know how to interact with people online
Winner winner chicken dinner.
Der Boomer absolutely cannot deal with criticism or confrontation. IRL or online. It's why they let Western Civilization fall.

>> No.14722067

The overlap between /lit/ and this subreddit must be something like ~40%.

>> No.14722099

What are the kind of people who post those comments?? sycophants who need approval

>> No.14722486

I've seen threads on r/drama tangentially related to literature and they were only marginally more bearably than the r/books cesspool.

Well, now that I think about it, the same can be said about this place.

>> No.14722665

wew, guess I can't casually namedrop /lit/ there anymore

>> No.14722711

That's probably the worst place on that site because of all the 5 year old memes

>> No.14722713

behold the actual worst place on that site

>> No.14722741


>> No.14722778

Just leave the boomer alone, he's snippy asf but you faggot /pol/acks are just starved for edrama

>> No.14722862


>> No.14722875

He seems like a deranged nerd who literally just memorizes the categorical modes of thought in philosophy and then regurgitates it. Doesn't seem like he actually has any thoughts of his own.

I recall him having a rough upbringing though. So my hat is off to him anyway, cuz who doesn't like an underdog

>> No.14722896

more like an underhog lol

>> No.14722940


>> No.14722949

I remember when he posted this and you guys thought it was hilarious.


>> No.14722955

Him being cringe is part of the charm, we're talking about philosophy for fuck sake

leave the guy alone

>> No.14723066

Everyone itt has the emotional maturity of a 55 yr old wine aunt and has to complain about him being a bit snippy in the comments once.

>> No.14723223

Fuck off Greg. Lose some weight.

>> No.14723317
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>anything is possible
>but no

>> No.14723394
File: 30 KB, 376x395, dr-joseph-goebbels-about-the-jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14725201

Wow, Shake’s/Plate sure was really smart, wasn’t he?

>> No.14725807
File: 725 KB, 1080x1563, 20191101_002214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ego on this lad. Get over yourself

>> No.14726883

How dumb are you bro.

>> No.14726911

So are we going to talk about his crossdressing tranny son and why this is probably the reason he's mean now?

>> No.14726919

>tfw it's true, he has a tranny son



>> No.14726921

What's this about crossdressing? I saw him on a stream once and he looked retarded.

>> No.14726945
File: 38 KB, 622x362, 76448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This explains everything

>> No.14726955

>date matches up to when he started getting bitter in the comments

Damn, really makes you think, huh..

>> No.14727034

He calls himself a Catholic. I fucking boomers like him, he probably pro-choice too.

>> No.14727595

It is, but unsolicited advice is also the archetypal gamma male bete noir

Which is the same as "I have no opinion." and/or "Lowly [of him]." The 'tism's your own.

Gen X also has it out for zombie boomers, this isn't surprising at all. This

>Cast pearls before swine
Anything is possible, but no.

The Minnesota Minotaur cries out as he hits you

>> No.14727621

don't do this, tourist

>> No.14727692

I’m 180 Iq and u?

>> No.14727700

Or else? Yeah I thought so

>> No.14728937

bump for interest

>> No.14728945

Did he address the backlash in his latest Q&A?

>> No.14728948

Just don’t get him mad to the point that he stops shooting the half hour Hegel series.

>> No.14728968

>at some point you will break through
lmfao I call this the videogame mentality

>> No.14728976

I remember in one video he was asked if he believed in God. And he said yeah, but he wasn't too happy with him. The guy is barely Catholic. If not barely Christian at all

>> No.14729817

The fact this man learned French, German, Greek Latin, ended up doing PhD work in Philosophy and has taught Philosophy classes for over 20 years seems impressive for me, since I switched out of studying philosophy over to CS after I got bored from reading a few major philosophical works.

>> No.14729852
File: 426 KB, 2048x1536, EQTSLEmXYAA7dAG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadler is a fan of Motorhead and has a cat.
I can't hate fellow catgangers.

>> No.14729887

What's impressive is being able to do all that and still not being able to find more than part time work.

>> No.14729894

You say it like there aren't heaps on people in the same position, he's hardly some unique failure

>> No.14729922

Zoomer excuses are fine for a 20 year old, but not somebody going on 50. He can't find work because he's bad at his job and judging by the way he interacts with people on the internet, he's terrible at social networking. What other doctor do you know that's still struggling after 20 years?

>> No.14729923

give it a rest Greg, you fat fuck

>> No.14729942

What's people here's opinion on this piece?

>> No.14729950

I once knew a Husserl scholar who worked at a Wendy’s

>> No.14729953

I'm not Greg. I'm a 21 year old Zoomer who got into philosophy for the sake of understanding Neon Genesis Evangelion and Fate/stay night better.

>> No.14729962

Well that settles it, I guess. You once knew a guy therefore it's completely normal for a doctor to fail to find meaningful employment after 20 years.

>> No.14729965

>muh sportsball

>> No.14729998

Based. Oh wait

>> No.14730001

There's plenty of Philosophy/English/Art History/Math/whatever-the-fuck PhDs out there who end up either having to open up a coffeeshop, work as high school teachers, or work as programmers/bank tellers/hotel receptionists because they never found their desired university professorship position.
The fact Greg even has an adjunct professorship is a sign of minor success.

>> No.14730017

You can repeat yourself but it's not persuasive. I sarcastically agreed with you already, just leave it at that. You're in no position to know anything so all you can do is keep making vague allusions to all these professors who can't find work after 20 years.

>> No.14730024
File: 56 KB, 500x333, vote-for-nobody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He interprets every comment, advice or otherwise, as an outright personal attack
That's a horrible state to be in.

>> No.14730056

this video and these screencaps of his comments just made me realize Sadler was that elitist borderline autistic pseudo intellectual kid from high school that just grew up to study a lot of hard to read philosophy and now uses it to fuel his ego but still can't handle any criticism or normal social interaction. I can just imagine his prepubescent mustache and a fedora on his head.

>> No.14730079

>elitist borderline autistic pseudo intellectual kid from high school that just grew up to study a lot of hard to read philosophy
tfw I could've been that guy if I'd stuck to this path

>> No.14730142

tfw being the pseudo intellectual kid is cute when you're in high school, but to take it seriously, learn many languages, get a PhD and become a 50 year old loser is not

>> No.14730160

If you know about the very basics of Schopenhauer and Hegel's Master-Slave Dialectic and a little it of historical knowledge on Christainity, Evangelion is becomes understandable.

>> No.14730166

Most Christains are probably like this desu.

>> No.14730205

You know Sadler was that kid who always said "ACKCHYUALLY"

>> No.14730516

that’s not me, and you have autism

>> No.14730563

Why does it matter if you're the same person I was talking to or not? What I said applies. You're not in a position to know what you're talking about so you can only make vague allusions.