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14710537 No.14710537 [Reply] [Original]

>dude the CHRISTIANS are out to get us!!!

>> No.14710550

Listen up zoomer, at the time they were out to get us (gamers). Now the SJWs and libtards are the new boss mobs.

>> No.14710594

I fucking hate this book that amount of women who have read it and been 'inspired' and felt its 'warnings' is insane its the most wild oppression and rape fantasy of a middle aged whore

>> No.14710670

Whenever I encounter a woman who brings up this book I tell her that it's all a thinly veield allegory for Muslims and the Iranian Revolution and tell her that she's racist, Islamophobic, imperialist, and colonialist for supporting this book and its author. They always answer accusing me of being racist etc for coming up with that interpretation, which is when I show them the quote where Margaret Atwood says it was inspired by the Iranian Revolution (I keep it ready on my phone). They then end the conversation and when they turn away I block their path and call them a kaffir whore and spit at their feet while glaring at them. This routine has gotten me laid six times.

>> No.14710736

If that's what you got out of this book, you read it wrong tbqhwyb (to be quite honest with you buddy).

>> No.14710802

>woman is told to put some clothes on and show some respect for herself

>> No.14710956

So what did you get out of it then?

>> No.14711028

Can something who thinks Christians are legitimately in control of the wider narrative and problems in our society explain themselves to me?

>> No.14711066


>> No.14711125

They still think it's 2001 and the evangelists run everything with their evil lobbying powers.

>> No.14711128


>> No.14711136

But they didn't run anything in 2001. The media told them Bush was an evil theocrat, and a bunch of retards bought it for some reason.

>> No.14711137

Dude this book is an apt metaphor for Trump's presidency! Women have been forced to wear nun-like uniforms and reverted to a 19th century social standing!

>> No.14711147

No, that would be jews.

>> No.14711177


God i wish that were true

>> No.14711203
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Nobody is out to get you if you have already been got by Satan. Everyone that does evil hates the light, the way and the truth.

>> No.14711206

It is an example of a religion gone wrong, an extreme and horrifying example of Christian fanaticism. An example of religion used for evil.
Atwood used Christianity, but it could have easily been another religion.
The story gives a step-by-step assumption that if Christian fundamentalism was so wildly misinterpreted that it paralleled that of the Taliban (a connection that Atwood has admitted to being an inspiration for the book) - and that if this particular sector of misguided Christianity could grow dominant enough to inspire a militarized revolution, our weak democracy would crumble.

>> No.14711214
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>christian fundamentalism bad

>> No.14711256

I don't want any more part-time believers. I want great love stories. I want fanatics for God. Because fanaticism is love. Everything else is strictly a surrogate, and it stays outside the church. With the attitudes of the last 60 years, the church won for itself great expressions of fondness from the masses. It became popular. Isn't that wonderful, you might be thinking! We Christians received plenty of esteem and lots of friendship, even from the secular. I have no idea what to do with the friendship of the whole wide world. What I want is absolute love and total devotion to God. Could that mean a Church only for the few? That's a hypothesis, and a hypothesis isn't the same as reality. But even this hypothesis isn't so scandalous. I say: better to have a few that are reliable than to have a great many that are distractible and indifferent. The public squares have been jam-packed, but the hearts have been emptied of God. You can't measure love with numbers, you can only measure it in terms of intensity. In terms of blind loyalty to the imperative. Fix that word firmly in your souls: Imperative. That's what the Church wants, that's what God wants. Sin should no longer be forgiven at will. I don't expect any applause from you. There will be no expressions of thanks in this chapel. None from me and none from you. Courtesy and good manners are not the business of men of God. What I do expect... is that you will do what I have told you to do. There is nothing outside your obedience to God. Nothing except Hell. A Hell you may know nothing about... but I do. From this day forth, the word "compromise", has been banished from the vocabulary. I've just deleted it. When Jesus willingly mounted the cross, he was not making compromises. And neither am I.

>> No.14711262

Calm down lenny

>> No.14711346

WTF I love Trump now

>> No.14711356
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>which is when I show them the quote where Margaret Atwood says it was inspired by the Iranian Revolution (I keep it ready on my phone)

>> No.14711362

Okay, now this is based.

>> No.14711376
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The New Pope was kinda shit ngl should have left it with the young pope

>> No.14711404
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>Atwood used Christianity, but it could have easily been another religion.
>What is South Park
>What is Charlie Hebdo

>> No.14711490

It was good up until the last ep