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/lit/ - Literature

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14710142 No.14710142 [Reply] [Original]

Is all this literature, philosophy, knowledge stuff, etc, just one big cope to make up for the fact you will never have the warmth of a beautiful woman besides you in bed?

>> No.14710148

"You're breaking up with me because of something you read on the fucking internet? On 4chan?" There was an undertone of explosive anger in her voice, just barely held back by sheer disbelief. I explained to her that I hadn't come to the conclusion lightly. She knew I have difficulties with race-mixing. We'd talked about it many times. "I thought you were joking. I thought you said it was 'ironic'?" She emphasized the word as if to mock me. I explained that just because something is ironic, doesn't mean it isn't true. "So you're, what, you're a white supremacist, now? I thought you said that was 'Reddit'? You read some incel bullshit on the internet, and suddenly you don't find me attractive?" I confirmed that white nationalism was, in fact, fairly Reddit, but stated that mild ethnonationalism had become geopolitically necessary even if it meant associating with Redditors. I also denied finding her unattractive. "So if you still like me, why are you breaking up with me?" Of course I still like her, I said. She's very attractive, I said. "Then why are you doing this?" I explained to her that her racial ambiguity was attractive to a part of me that I had become resolved to slough off, a second skin forced upon me by my upbringing in a deracinated multicultural megalopolis. I explained that I found her attractive in the way that my brain found cotton candy delicious, despite the fact that it's fibreglass installation laced with Jewish corn syrup. I told her that when I kiss her now, I feel like I'm kissing a changeling, something sent to deceive me. Something artificially sweet, with an aftertaste of plastic BPAs, or overheated teflon. "Do you know how out of your league I am? I'm taller than you for fuck's sake. I literally can't believe this is happening right now. I can't believe I thought I should settle." I agreed that she was out of my league, but told her that I had been reading Hamsun's "Growth of the Soil," and that I wouldn't mind a harelip wife, provided we could start a farm together, far away from 5G radiation towers. I told her we could still be friends, and asked if she wanted to read Hamsun with me. After a few seconds she closed her Macbook and she left.

>> No.14710152

I'm dating an actress and I read Guénon. Pseuds, low iqs, anglos BTFOd.

>> No.14710182

Nah the real cope is thinking that experience of warmth from a woman's love is peak existence. It might be, but like everything else on life it's impermanent, and it can be subtracted from you. The very fact that it is valuable exposes you to suffering from its lack. This is the reason why disciplines like Buddhism exist in the first place and foster detachment from life itself. Nothing really fills you and makes you whole. You, and things, decay. It is still worth chasing for the fleeting illusions? The answer is subjective and ultimately only a human evaluation.
>done schizoing for today

>> No.14710189

ive rejected many women for their lack of knowledge and experience in literature and philosophy. might just give in though

>> No.14710190

It's all so tiring

>> No.14710193

>have the warmth of a beautiful woman besides you in bed?
That is an enjoyed experience, and one which can never be removed. But it is more in line with truth to think that the lack of achievement on one path, in this case commonly idolised by the many, can set one a'forward another perhaps better in someways and perhaps for some no better.

>> No.14710197


>> No.14710212

No, I have a gf and I still love to read.

>> No.14710213


>> No.14710215

she literally looks like a prostitute

>> No.14710224

Incredibly based

>> No.14710230

Yes. Do you feel superior now?

>> No.14710251

how is this satire though, aside from the references towards the sites what if these are a lot of intelligent persons genuine principles, beliefs and aspirations?

>> No.14710503

No, I'm a kissless virgin

>> No.14710515


there are websites where you can literally buy pussy to be delivered to you, sex and romance are nothing more than commodities in this era

>> No.14710518


>> No.14710565

Buddhism is not about detachment, but non-attachment. Big difference.
Detachment is when you pretend to be seperate.
Non-attachment just means to let go, without being seperate.

>> No.14710585

quite the opposite, I once thought this and did everything to get a petite asian qt to love me, it worked and she would do anything for me both in and outside of the bedroom, but I was filled with an overwelming feeling of derealization by the fact that this thing called love, that is supposed to be so holy, felt very contingent and perishable. now I'm back to the incel life (I left her) and now I am atleast free. freedom is the only thing that does it for me it seems, whatever that is..

>> No.14710611

A satire of satire? How deliciously modern

>> No.14710630

>everything is 'cope' except the dopamine/oxitocin rollercoaster
Yes, hormone splashes are true existence and everything else is irrelevant epiphenomena. Why stop at secks though? Heroin and other opioids give even stronger effect.
Is everything a big cope for not doing heroin?

>> No.14710663

If you experienced gf and sex you're no longer an incel

>> No.14710675

Placing that much importance on your sexual desires is your downfall.

>> No.14710695

He's no longer a virgin and can't become a wizard, but there is nothing preventing him from incelism.
If his post is legit, he is voluntarily celibate. Doing the unilateral break up and realizing your week end are better spent on books, walks and even vidya is enlightenment.

>> No.14710696
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Unequivocally based. Would that I could award you with 4chan Gold.

>> No.14710734

>realizing your week end are better spent on books, walks and even vidya is enlightenment.
There's nothing to realize because there's no objective answer, he just decided so

>> No.14710739

Euphemism for porn star?

>> No.14710752

Idk, I'll ask a girl from uni to be my girl today if it works and I let go of philosophy and literature I will let you know. Wish me luck.

>> No.14710763

so I can still have sex?

>> No.14710771

no, but not because of Buddhism.

>> No.14710896

i get moments like that on tinder every week. its kinda boring and empty after a while
most of these girls are legit idiots who are only surviving cause their parents take of them
would be nice to have a gf that was a solid match with me, but havnt found her next

>> No.14711118

t. coombrain

>> No.14711461

You won't find her on Tinder, that's for sure

>> No.14711467


>> No.14711473
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>You are wrong

>> No.14711752

>Brainwashed myself with 4chan rhetoric
>Completely fucked
>Ffw, work on & better myself A LOT.
>Actually improve wtf?
>Get with a dark-skinnned girl for a while
>Hottest body ever, so tight and well-proportioned and also a nicer (more feminine) face than most white girls I've dated.
>From a good wholesome family & upbringing too, wife material for sure.
>Actually unironically broke up with her because I was having race-related doubts which were ruining the relationship between us.
Get off this site, do not become or be a racist.
Or dont, I don't even know anymore.
I liked her a lot, maybe loved her for real, too.
Sometimes I still think of her

>> No.14711798


>black girl trying to get a half breed baby
>white guy trying to get some pussy falls in love by mistake

the endless struggle

>> No.14711799

Your use of commas is wrong.

>> No.14711823

Sounds like you got /pol/tergeists living in your head

>> No.14711982

It wasn't really like that but close enough I think.
Idk man, I don't think 'racemixing' is a bad thing per se.
Might be, I'm a normal person though as far as normal is a thing.

>> No.14712019

Reject race-mixing, brother.

>> No.14712028

"Race-mixing" is not only healthy from a biological standpoint but from a social one as well. It's the only way we can truly overcome racism and tribalism.

>> No.14712067

>wake up next to warm, beautiful wife and sleeping baby
>cat goes Mkgnao!
>retire to my study to read Joyce for a comfortable living
Feels good bros.

>> No.14712077

why should we overcome those things?

>> No.14712079

That break-up, my friend, is a mistake you will rue to the end.

>> No.14712092

True. Once we establish a one-race planet, we can end racism.

>> No.14712096

Based. We should encourage Jews to mix with African bushmen

>> No.14712103
File: 94 KB, 640x790, 1569664903134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw date mostly Mexican girls most of my life
>tfw I'm now getting married to a beautiful white woman who will bear me beautiful fair-skinned children
It really is a comforting feeling.

>> No.14712105

Because they lead to unnecessary conflict which steals our attention from more important things.

>> No.14712107

>Is all this literature, philosophy, knowledge stuff, etc, just one big cope to make up for the fact you will never have the warmth of a beautiful woman besides you in bed?

Women don't teach philosophy, or history, or the history of philosophy, or the philosophy of history.

>> No.14712116

So does relentlessly masturbating to transgender porn on the internet

>> No.14712125

She probably dated negroidals her whole life so you two should be a nice fit.

>> No.14712168

idk i meet girls with similar taste as me. but our personalities arent a good match

>> No.14712171

she actually dated jews, not memeing

>> No.14712178

>>tfw date mostly Mexican girls most of my life
>>tfw I'm now getting married to a beautiful white woman who will bear me beautiful fair-skinned children
>It really is a comforting feeling.
>tfw smash my balls with my fists, kitchen utensils, rulers etc to femdom CBT since I was 11 years old till 20 and then get off to sissy porn/self inserting as the girl till 22 and I'm a KHV
>tfw I've always been neurotic, anxiety ridden, overemotional, submissive, unassertive as a male and now as an adult male and now I get to shitpost 20/7 and sleep whenever I want
>tfw get rejected by the last girl I was infatuated with at my old job I asked out which further reinforced my learned helplessness
It really is a comforting feeling

>> No.14712211

>>tfw smash my balls with my fists, kitchen utensils, rulers etc t
>tfw I've always been neurotic, anxiety ridden, overemotional, submissive, unassertive as a male

i wonder why

>> No.14712252

It used to be relieving to do the ball smashing and I never really went that hard, I was like that before I was 11
I just stopped getting off to femdom CBT and don't even enjoy suffering for it anymore,

>> No.14712265

>posting that pic
Anon, if I ever get that thirsty, just kill me immediately pls.

>> No.14712295

>That break-up, my friend, is a mistake you will rue to the end.
Sorry, but I'm not some kind of nazi braindead moron if you think that.
She didn't really care about me or how I felt about a lot of other things in my life which I look for in people I want to spend time with.
She was the one that was going on about racial stuff.

>> No.14712334

This is a very different narrative to your first account. You are a confused young man. I wish you well.

>> No.14712467

>This is a very different narrative to your first account.
Not really but I guess I should've expanded more.
I didn't care she had a different skin tone.
At all. She kept talking about wanting mixed babies really bad etc etc.
Maybe it was just that, her want for kids so soon. I don't know.
>You are a confused young man.
Sorry if I haven't explained myself to your wishes, I'm not confused about anything though.
Things didn't work out the way we wanted and that's that I guess.
>I wish you well.
Thanks you, you too.
But unironically.

>> No.14712470


>> No.14712478
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like all pleasures sex and companionship of a woman are fleeting and will never fill the gaping void inside of you. Have sex more and you'll find that out.

>> No.14712495

Kek, faggot

>> No.14712507

Tell me more, I love it

>> No.14712553
File: 56 KB, 640x640, 79811070_1722250324576758_7208876446215963572_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, unironically. but its more complicated than "i can't get any pussy!!!" its more like "the world is so fucked and cucked, how the hell am i supposed to marry a girl and have kids without selling my soul? how can i do it righteously without fucking her with a fucking condom like a cuck because kids are so expensive to raise because those in power make it that way, plus my generation will never even own houses, so am i supposed to wage away to rent some shithole from a boomer? how could i ever just have a peaceful family? oh i can't because everything is so fucked so i have to destroy it or at least die trying"

>> No.14712706

>Pseuds, low iqs, anglos BTFOd.
>I'm dating an actress
sound like you're the one with low IQ there buddy

>> No.14712718

With the help of literature, you can make the average guy look like an ape.

>> No.14712725

Why don't all adult humans look like beautiful women? The only reason is cope.

>> No.14712730

>"Race-mixing" is not only healthy from a biological standpoint but from a social one as well.
South America, Yugoslavia and USSR are testimony to that.

>> No.14712731

But I have. Many times have I enjoyed penetrating those sweet walls. Books are far better. Take the Augustine pill.

>> No.14712744

>With the help of literature, you can make the average guy look like an ape.
could you elaborate? I read moby-dick and started and read a fair amount of the greeks and the KJV and other classics but it was a couple years ago and everyone at a warehouse job I worked looked at me like I was genuinely mentally handicapped

>> No.14712758

and yet, you never came inside raw, knowing she would bear your child. cuck.

>> No.14712803

We are apes

>> No.14712817

You bet I did. She was on bc.

>> No.14712830

>She was on bc.
doesn't count, cuck.

>> No.14712867

I always knew that there are people on /lit/ who can write

>> No.14712877

We're already gaining a lot of distance from them. Some don't like it because their favorite activities are subhuman, but it's what it is.

>> No.14712929

its pasta from /pol/

>> No.14712983

yes its boring being a loser shut in with no friends or romantic interests. I've killed so much time reading great books i've enjoyed

>> No.14712989

An intellectual is a person who's found one thing that's more interesting than sex.

>> No.14712990

based Polydoros guided you from making a poor decision. But your rhetoric is cringe. Deep down you know you made the right choice. You're just too much of a pussy to accept the pain.

>> No.14713212

same thing for me but with an Asian girl. She had the best body. But I couldn't bring another Elliot Roger into this world. I just couldn't...

>> No.14713226

I hate this MDE-esque satire-satire that’s just taking a basic cornball script and making every noun hyper specific

>> No.14713237

>a beautiful woman
Pic unrelated?

>> No.14713241

you'll thank us after the day of the rope

>> No.14713289

White girls who date black guys are taking a redpill and they can never go back to bluepilled white guys again

>> No.14713321

cringe bud

>> No.14713350

/lit/ is dead

>> No.14713392

how can something die if it was never alive to begin with?

>> No.14713588

No, it's cope for the fact that no beautiful woman in bed will ever compare with the ecstasy of beautiful literature

>> No.14713922

Look at Brazil, it's one of the most race mixed places on earth and everyone is still obsessed over race. You can't escape racism tribalism even when everyone is mixed to some degree.

>> No.14713938

I-is this the truth?
what if I find a caring and loving person who wants to stay with me forever and manage to bond with her?

>> No.14713964

>and manage to bond with her?
unless you've both waited for marriage, such a bond is highly unlikely

>> No.14713974


>> No.14713983

Euphemism for barista/waitress that has a small meltdown to be dealt with every time she doesn't land a role

>> No.14715161

thats great and youll find a lot of pleasure and meaning in that but you still gotta strive for something higher anon. but a person like that can be a foundation for your success

>> No.14715180

They're more escapism from the fact that women are complete and total shit human beings but we're still instinctively attracted to them anyway.

>> No.14715675

So how'd it go champ? You land the plane?

>> No.14716089

Your opinion is worthless. All critics must die.

>> No.14716134

Nice voice. You should try using em dashes and semi-colons to make your writing more appealing. It's kind of like adding garnishes to your dish — some people like it, some dont.

>> No.14716153

>Unironic incel shit and /pol/ trash
It's over
Board is dead

>> No.14716159
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>> No.14716166

$10 says she ran away

>> No.14716706

cope faggot

>> No.14716729

Can you incels spot polluting this board please? You killed another thread with something that's been asked countless times. The fucking answer is "Yes, sometimes, for some guys", but for most is just a hobby/an intellectual pursuit.