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/lit/ - Literature

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14707205 No.14707205 [Reply] [Original]

>Evelyn Waugh
>Gene Wolfe
>G.K. Chesterton
>Graham Greene
>John Henry Newman
>Alasdair MacIntyre

What is it about Catholic converts that causes them to produce such high-quality /lit/ material? In both literature and philosophy.

>> No.14707232

Catholic doctrine is complicated enough that intellectual types can cling to it after they trip and tumble into the pit of Self, either to prevent themselves from reaching the bottom or to haul themselves back out after they do. Gnosticism, hermaneuticism, Buddhism, Taoism-- same stuff.

>> No.14707313

it's the Holy Spirit, anon

>> No.14707623

Most of these are Anglo. Any good examples of Catholic /lit/ converts from other countries/cultures? I guess Endo from Japan counts as one.

>> No.14707640

you have to be pretty out there these days to reject the Progress and Right Side of History memes, catholic converts tend to be driven and intelligent.
you could add the recently sainted John Henry Newman as well - basically shaped the form of education that was in use until just a couple decades ago in catholic schools.

>> No.14708692


>> No.14708696

gnosticism is based.

>> No.14708714

Simone Weil and Edith Stein. Both were philosophers and phenomenologists.

>> No.14708722

I don't think the discussion should be about converts but Catholics on the whole. Dante and Shakespeare were Catholic, too.

>> No.14708754

Mortimer J. Adler, Jean Luc Marion, Michael Dummett come mind. All of them were also philosophers. Adler focused on Aristotle and Dummett was an analytic philosopher of language and metaphysics. Marion is a phenomenologist.

>> No.14708759

Dante was a Cathar

>> No.14708764


>> No.14708765


>> No.14708801

his ass

>> No.14709028
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Maria Soresina's books. Only in Italian, unfortunately. This eleven part series with English subs is on youtube though:

>> No.14709035

what is it about thomism that keeps it so persitent throughtout the ages? no one (atlest in academia) isa cartesian, leibnizian spinozan, etc.

>> No.14709040

it's attached to a religious sect

>> No.14709046

you have people who became thomists through free inquiry before being catholic (such as macintyre and edward feser)

>> No.14709072

I think part of it has to be its raw data processing power, right? I mean, consider the structure of Thomism. The arguments in the Summa. They're a pretty ruthless way to dispense with arguments and objections, right? It can't help but be appealing to anyone who's inclined towards philosophy. Form alone, format alone, probably drives people towards Thomism very often. The "It would seem" parts, the sed contras, etc.. The raw format is very powerful for investigating matters of thought.

>> No.14709088

>Gerard Manley Hopkins
>Jacques & Raissa Maritain
>Leon Bloy
>John Dryden
>Thomas Merton
>Walker Percy

strong roster desu senpai

>> No.14709097

>Leon Bloy
>"Suppose that there were people round you continually speaking of your father and mother with the utmost contempt, who had nothing to offer them but insults and offensive sarcasms, how would you feel? Well, this is just what happens to our Lord Jesus Christ. We forget, or rather we do not wish to know, that our God made man is a Jew, nature's most perfect Jew, the lion of Judah, that his mother is a Jewess, the flower of the Jewish race; that the Apostles were Jews, as well as all the Prophets; and finally that our whole sacred Liturgy is drawn from Jewish books. In consequence, how may one express the enormity of the outrage and blasphemy of vilifying the Jewish race?"

>> No.14709636

You're forgetting Donna Tartt.

>> No.14709640

And Walter M Miller jr

>> No.14710378

You can tell that this is when things get screwy. The Father of Christ is God. The first commandment, which is the basis for all, is to honor God. God is certainly most unpleased by bad sacrifice, poor worship, indifference to his gifts, the use of his name in vain, mockery of divine things, and so on. Likewise, the Mother of God the Son is Mary, who is the spouse of the Holy Ghost, and the daughter of God the Father; just as a man will take more offense at the insult of his wife or mother or sister more than at the insult of himself, we can be sure thst God is, at least in a limited sensr, more angered by insults to the Virgin Mary than insults to his person. We might consider also that Jesus allowed himself to be tortured and crucified for out sake, but by thus same plan Mary carried God in her womb and was raised to heaven without suffering death. While certainly we are called to love our neighbor, God call us to think on spiritual things before carnal things; how then have we forgotten the honor and glory owed to the spiritual Mother and Father of us all, and replaced it with a privelage given to those descendents of Christ's neighbors who rejected him? We cannot lay collective guilt on all Jewish people, but any who still hold hold to Judaism can only do so by overtly rejecting Christ. The messiah has come and is still here. He will come again soon in judgment.

>> No.14710516

They don’t, Catholics are retarded

>> No.14710563

They converted for the aesthetics because they had a taste for the aesthetic, as evidenced by their writing.

>> No.14711230

daily reminder

>> No.14711268

Yes but not on the same tier. Jews tend to do well at mundane stuff but lack the spark of creativity which Europeans possess.

> Jews can't summon forth beauty.

>> No.14711494

there's a lot of agnostic scientists who think thomism provides the best account for the problems of consciousness and quantum mechanics

>> No.14711544
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>Edith Stein

Reminder that she was smarter than Heidegger. Husserl even said that she understood his own work better than Heidegger did.

>> No.14711572

>the epistles of st. paul aren't beautiful

>> No.14711677

Of course.

And reminder that Wittgenstein thought G.E.M. Anscombe (known traditionalist Catholic) understood his work better than anyone else did.

>> No.14711850

> Biblical characters have any genetic or spiritual connection to Talmudic or Khazarian "Jews"

>> No.14711870

>"But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly" (i.e. spiritually)
>"I say then, Has God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin." (i.e. genetically)

>> No.14712311
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The Hebrews of the bible were from Scythian blood.

Jesus had golden hair and light eyes and a beautiful countenance. He was a Judean.

Modern "Jews" are grotesque inside and out and create nothing beautiful

> Your narratives are crumbling Ari