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14707488 No.14707488 [Reply] [Original]

Got rejected from an English MA program today...

>> No.14707503

Hopefully, you applied to more than one grad school, right?

>> No.14707522

On the one hand, if it rejects people, its probably a decent MA program so you chose well. On the other hand, you got rejected.

>> No.14707538

Nope. Maybe next year. I was sorta hesitant, unsure, nervous.

>> No.14707570
File: 245 KB, 396x382, 1580436357682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll be fine then. It's not the end of the world. Plus, getting back into academia after your bachelors is much easier than going into your undergrad after a break.
If anything else fails, go into teaching. It's pretty much the safest option out there.

>> No.14707583

>If anything else fails, go into teaching.
I did this. Don't do this.

>> No.14707584

Thank you, I appreciate this.

>> No.14707590

don't enter a program unless they are offering you money, anon.

>> No.14707607

Nobody actually wants to teach, but what else can you do with a BA in History/English/whatever if you live in the middle of nowhere and you actually want to put your education to use

>> No.14707624

If you don't want to teach, you shouldn't. Not just for your own mental wellbeing but the educational wellbeing of the students

>> No.14707644

for the love of god, work small bullshit jobs. work at a thrift store. become a receptionist. become a legal aid. volunteer somewhere. find a lowtier sales position. there are plenty of little bullshit jobs open to anyone with a bachelor's degree. figure out what you like. experience the working world more before you commit to academia.

>> No.14707662

of course if you don’t want to do a job you dislike, you shouldn’t, but when you live in a capitalist country where you need to pay bills and eat and live in a limited area, you unfortunately don’t have much of a choice in the matter.
moreover, a lot of teachers don’t enjoy their jobs anymore due to how poorly they’re treated and a lack of resources. if public school teaching conditions were better, this would pretty much only be an issue for autists that shrivel up and flinch whenever a child touches them

>> No.14707669
File: 299 KB, 500x375, 8D46D005-A66F-4DAF-A764-B96D637B180C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this firm handshake nonsense

>> No.14707679
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>My education is my experience.

>> No.14707692

do you really think its that hard to get a minimum wage job? the jobs i listed are incredibly easy to obtain. legal aid is the only one that might be difficult, considering the competition among the prelaw students. even then, legal aids still only have bachelor's degrees, usually in the humanities.
if, with a college degree, you somehow cant get hired as a cashier at a thriftstore, the problem is with you, not the system.

>> No.14707752
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Probably for the best. These programs turn out the same type of twee pseudo-postmodern-realist bullshit writing. If you're going for the connections and the credentials then you dont believe in your talent and are no better than a politician. Run for mayor of some forgotten MGM backlot of a town in suburban Illinois. Or become a banker if what you really want is to live like an eastside secular bourgeois jew with 'opinions' and a weinerdog, a coop with a few Brooke's brothers suits in the closet, and a feminist wife with a long nose, prominent central incisors and a pearl necklace who will cheat on you while you're cheating on her.

Otherwise, write your masterpieces come what may and then fuck off back to the abyss like anyone else who has had, has or will have that burning desire.

>> No.14707834

>this would pretty much only be an issue for autists that shrivel up and flinch whenever a child touches them
99% chance OP is one of these. The efucational system is littered with teachers who shouldn't be teachers. You should be a teacher because you have an aptitude and a passion for it. Anything else is wasting time. There are countless jobs OP can do that would be better suited to him than throwing himself on the flames of secondary education