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14705005 No.14705005 [Reply] [Original]

Any books that explain why lesbians are so often so angry and bitter?

>> No.14705011

DSM-II pre-revision.

>> No.14705040

because many women are. two women = 50% higher chance that at least one of them is hysterical

>> No.14705076

Half the population is constantly trying to fuck them despite knowing they aren't interested, you shouldn't need a book to get this mis amiga.

>> No.14705389

It's a /pol/ generated insight, so take it with a whole Himalayan salt lamp. Supposedly studies have shown that a portion of the population responds to too much cute stimulus with aggression. As in visually seeing "cute" activates a response in the brain to violently destroy the cute thing.

Not all lesbians of course, but I have a butch lesbian sister and she rejected cute consistently from birth. One of her first acts of free will was declaring she would never wear pink again. She now has a pitbull.

I think some lesbians have an awareness that they have this reaction and close the door on child bearing entirely. Why would they risk having a child when their brain would wire them to feel angry and violent towards its innocent existence? To add to this, my grandmother had inexplicable rage toward my infant mother which lead to abuse. And my dad's only sibling is a lesbian. So there was high genetic potential there.

>> No.14705430

Some factors might fool their brains into thinking they don't want dick; but you can't fool the vagina. She wants the dick.
And inner dissonance never makes anyone happy, especially those from the more emotionally driven sex.

>> No.14705437

Homosexuality is a fundamentally adharmic lifestyle and never provides true fulfillment

>> No.14705481

Society builds pipelines and incentives such that if you’re straight, white, cis, allosexual, hetero, and male, the worst you can expect is indifference to your issues. Anything else faces something between token opposition and no-holds barred cultural war bent on ruining your life.

When you’re a lesbian caught between all that, and all you’re trying to do is get through the day, but assholes are forcing you to think about and deal with systemic oppression (recent example: a good friend just got fired despite never discussing being a lesbian at work, because her boss found out from hate emails, and because sexuality isn’t a protected class in her state she’s just out of a job for EXISTING) it’s bound to sour your mood sometimes.

>> No.14705487

>Society builds pipelines and incentives such that if you’re straight, white, cis, allosexual, hetero, and male, the worst you can expect is indifference to your issues. Anything else faces something between token opposition and no-holds barred cultural war bent on ruining your life.
It's the exact opposite

>> No.14705490

Where the fuck is butterfly

>> No.14705494
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It’s because of stupid men. And stupid social norms that turn out stupid men and women. Straight or homo. Some of our own are closet trans, and I think it’s sad conditioning that makes them that way. Ours is a limited pool of partners.

Far more men are insane.

>Society never allows homosexuals true fulfillment
Some places are nice enough.


>> No.14705498

Lack of good dicking to calm their asses down. Lesbo couples rarely use strap ons

>> No.14705500
File: 123 KB, 319x310, 07903A2A-10F7-4CC5-BA56-AC34F8D91E5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck are you people still using the fucking frog?

>> No.14705505

cope harder trannie

>> No.14705537
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I relieve my sexual urges (too often alone) without it. Dick doesn’t hit the clitoris. It runs back and forth. Still, if I had a bisexual lover that wanted a strap-op, I’d be open to it.

>> No.14705569

Not only do I have to suffer the outrageous misfortune of being attracted to women, lying retarded whores that they are, but I have to live as one, making it essentially impossible to find intellectual peers or genuine friendship. If I were a gay man instead of a gay woman I could be plowing twink ass and eating my semen out of it on a regular basis.

>> No.14705581

its a nazi synbol so it represents my beliefs

>> No.14705633

Your friend got fired because her boss found out he didnt have a chance with her

>> No.14705669

Bc there are pretty women all around them but the only ones that want them are butches.

>> No.14706028

I find that incredibly depressing, almost more than some kind of innate anti-LGBT disgust.

It’d be like if you had a disgusting female ham-planet boss who, after she realizes you’re never going to be romantically interested in her, immediately fires you out of spite. You can’t help that you don’t find the ham-planet attractive, and it’s not like you’re trying to be a bad employee or even that you’re bad at your job, it’s just being treated as being wrong for the job because of who you are.

>> No.14706049

If only the medieval business model were scrapped for a more democratic one

>> No.14706061

it's bad to be lesbian though so whatever bad stuff happens is just the price of sin (not to be confused with the wages of sin, which are death)

>> No.14706139

In my experience many lesbians are voracious drinkers of pu-erh tea and it seems like something in the pu-erh reacts with the brains of homosexual women and causes them to fly into a furious berserker rage. I've seen pu-erh lesbians beat their girlfriends about the thighs with wooden dowels and then box their ears until they're red and puffy.

>> No.14706250
File: 59 KB, 713x395, F6A2117A-4B5E-476A-AD7E-4A4A2F4F5F83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck?

>> No.14706267

Based and tea pilled

>> No.14706434

S.C.U.M. manifesto

>> No.14706496

>It's society's fault we are not fulfilled.

You realize martyrs and heretics put in dungeons are often fulfilled due to their living of their convictions?

It's interesting that it's everybody else's fault for your unhappiness.

>> No.14706504

>It’d be like if you had a disgusting female ham-planet boss who, after she realizes you’re never going to be romantically interested in her, immediately fires you out of spite.

She would probably be doing you a favor. Working for such a person is no blessing.

>> No.14706707

Damn, is this why lesbian authors write so many books about male gays being gay and gaying it up with other men? Mary Renault and Margaret Yourcenar come to mind.

>> No.14706750

Just imagine never having satisfying penetrative sex.

>> No.14706781

Their sexual identity is wedded to their political identity.

>> No.14706789

>implying this isn't true for heterosexuals

>> No.14706935

No, it really isn't.

>> No.14706946
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>> No.14706956

Alan Moore’s The Watchmen.

>> No.14706964

Because they have the urge to impregnate a beautiful woman but will never be able to do so. It is a cursed existence between male and female.

>> No.14706978

Does that mean everyone on 4chan is a lesbian?

>> No.14707000

You only have to look at the political representation they receive in the form of organisations, foundations and NGOs. The women's liberation movement for example was literally funded by the CIA. Ultimately these identities are constructed (in the sense that receive functional existence) to serve as political expedients for the elites.

>> No.14707037
File: 21 KB, 400x273, dykesonbike1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine looking like this.
>inb4 not all lesbians ahoobly bloo
Gay face is more unappealing than Down syndrome. You know it's true.

>> No.14707075


>> No.14707102


>> No.14707108

penis envy

>> No.14707269

What about translesbians

>> No.14707475

Ya know, this is a plausible lesbian girl (we’re not “gay” ya dumb runt) I do unfortunately come across this sort of penis envy or near penis envy, and it’s sad and makes them rather agitated and this I think leads some to consider “transitioning”. This same dynamic probably happens in the gay community leading to their identifying as trans.

And thankfully not all men look like that either.
But far more of them do than women.
>I’d fuck a downie
Too much info, Anonymous.


This isn’t about men!

>> No.14707536

So a biological female who is a lesbian and transitions to being a transman isn't allowed to still be a lesbian? How does that work, you dumb bigot?

>> No.14707548

>discriminating against downies
>t. butch
Nice meme.

>> No.14707554

You're a man yourself

>> No.14707572

>Trannies are men
Ouch, next thread dumping on lesbians won't have me defending them.

>> No.14707595

what the hell?? a terf on 4chan?? i'm just here to talk about capitalism

>> No.14707599

op i think i'm in love

>> No.14707631

According to bug lady I'm a man so you might want to reconsider your proclamation

>> No.14707653

They’re women on hormones and lesbians, though they say they’re straight men.
I’m not bigoted. I’m sad for their confusion and self hatred. I remember the feelings when I was a young teenager. Praying to a stupid god for forgiveness

And you’re a woman with three inch clit and balls where your vag should be?

Depends on what he likes.

>> No.14707663

as a bisexual my statement still stands

>> No.14707668

Do you have a neovagina? Not memeing.

>> No.14707674
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>> No.14707680

Don’t think so. Had this one for 47 years now

>> No.14707682

you're a sweetheart anon <3

>> No.14707688

>47 years now
more like neo-classical vagina

>> No.14707694

so old. do you still dilate?

>> No.14707707


>> No.14707708

post tits

>> No.14707723
File: 910 KB, 288x248, 69391BCB-601E-4AE9-AFE1-06F5C3F2935C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My eyes are fine, thanks

>> No.14707729

you must be the most pathetic female on earth desu

>> No.14707748

>This isn’t about men!

Based Butterfly. Trannies are men.

>> No.14707759

Oh no. You let it seal itself shut. You're supposed to know how to care for your neovagina before you get it, Kevin.

>> No.14707775

If a fat ugly retard cuts off his nuts then guess what? He's just a fat ugly retard with no nuts and a creepy one at that.

>> No.14707792

I don't think you know how neovaginas are given life.

>> No.14707825

Neo-"""vaginas"" are literal knife wounds.

>> No.14707897

>how neovaginas are given life
By means of bacteriological infection?

>> No.14707922

>t. literal homosexual who thinks vaginas are icky

>> No.14707960
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>> No.14708588

check your DMs
>Ya know, this is a plausible lesbian girl (we’re not “gay” ya dumb runt) I do unfortunately come across this sort of penis envy or near penis envy, and it’s sad and makes them rather agitated and this I think leads some to consider “transitioning”. This same dynamic probably happens in the gay community leading to their identifying as trans
I'm not a tranny just because I have an IQ above room temperature, you stupid fucking tripfag. You are so fucking irritating