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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 43 KB, 640x512, 53gy2y0syla41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14703699 No.14703699 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any book out there that satirizes modern society or does everyone just write long fucking manifestos about not getting laid?

>> No.14703830

there was a guy who wrote a document before comitting suicide, it basically said everything that´s wrong with the current world, although it wasn´t a satire

Suicide note by Mitchell Heisman

>> No.14703882
File: 55 KB, 960x820, 1571165904445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been writing a novel about that exact subject for almost 7 years now. A young guy in a tiny apartment, expenses paid for by drug money. City full of yuppies, bumbling nighttime outings with his degenerate friends. Days wasted drinking beer and playing emulated SNES games on a jailbroken Wii. A girl he used to fuck is finally quitting him. Spending early hours of the morning on the internet watching porn and gore videos. Dreams of apocalyptic fire. I'm too lazy to finish it though.

>> No.14703889

any book of this sort will be instantly dated by the time it comes out

>> No.14703894

>A girl he used to fuck is finally quitting him.

instant garbage, can´t relate with that

>> No.14704244

Gulliver's Travels. Skip to part 4 to instanly destroy humanity.

>> No.14704301 [DELETED] 
File: 231 KB, 850x986, doomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14704429
File: 57 KB, 722x349, %221581264905653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ouch, my nerve

>> No.14704716

That image does make me suicidal, but it's worth reminding yourself that:
1 - Yeah she probably is a whore, and even the very few women that have bodies as anatomically perfect as that drawing will not look like this their entire lives. If this picture showed a saggier uglier woman the effect wouldn't be the same.
2 - Virgin, celibate, isolated, sexually frustrated, ugly, etc men have historically done relevant things, whereas there are statuesque men that have nothing besides a pussy count to recount of their lives. Half of the texts discussed here, whether on art, science, philosophy or religion, were written by people more akin to the guy on the bottom than the guy on the top. Saying this doesn't matter is a cope in itself.
3 - I haven't, honest to god, met a guy like the one on the top who seems to be honestly happy and has his life in order. So it's really a matter of the guy on the bottom not caring as much about it, but it requires self control and a sense of the bigger picture.

Now excuse me while I go kill myself.

>> No.14704751

Oh and:
4 - If you look up the artist of this image you'll notice it's one of those generic furry NSFW making degenerate commissions for a living. He makes a bunch of these so it seems like a personal fantasy of him.

>> No.14704757

re: 2, the sad truth is that facial attractiveness, height, etc., correlates with other traits that predict success, such as intelligence.

>> No.14704758
File: 63 KB, 1152x860, 1554042670849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Twisted World: The Story of Elliot Rodger

>> No.14704775
File: 2.43 MB, 2000x881, assorted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me honestly, from your heart of hearts, that any of these looks remotely like the fantasy man in the drawing.
Each of these have influenced generations upon generations of people, have been discussed for ages in their countries or sometimes internationally, left a huge cultural legacy, in some cases even shaped the history of the world.
The fact we get trapped by not looking past sex and beauty as the only success factor is probably something these guys didn't worry about.

>> No.14704785
File: 245 KB, 1400x1013, Solvay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you see the guy from the drawing in this picture? I don't.

>> No.14704790

Tom Wolfe's last few novels.

>> No.14704794

Everyone but the Germans probably looked like that. Especially Rousseau.

Also if you're this concerned about it (>>14704716) you should probably take a long walk and smoke some weed. Hit the gym three times a week and do some yoga, there's no reason you shouldn't feel good in your own body. Just remember, women are agents of samsara and shouldn't be taken seriously. Focus on the perfection of your own mind, body, and soul. Nothing else matters.

>> No.14704795

That book was a turgid piece of shit. Love the passion behind it, but it would have been served better by somebody who could write worth a damn.

>> No.14704798

they correlate, not causally determine, but fine. the problem is though, you're not hegel or nietzsche, and neither am i.

>> No.14704826

Confederacy of Dunces?
more like Degeneracy of New York Jews.

>> No.14704836

What the fuck is even going on with you all? Don't you have some metaphysical purpose to follow in life? Why are you sobbing and whining over some comic?

>> No.14704842

The current status of our culture allows a degenerate furry artist to claim our life is the "Bad Ending", and get his image reposted on an anonymous imageboard, on a literature forum, on a thread against this very premise.
That artists probably turns on the next second to question fat shaming or beauty standards imposed on women (just look up his other drawings), without maybe noticing the irony of what he is doing. Maybe he does it on purpose because he is also an ugly fuck and drawing porn is his only escapism.

Thing is. You need to make a conscious effort here. No one but Hegel and Nietzsche was Hegel or Nietzsche. You and me probably won't be remembered by the number of women we fucked, our how legendary our sex lives were, or our statuesque physique. But I have been working to leave some form of intellectual legacy, however small and humble it may be, and that gives my life some semblance of meaning, even amidst this constant cultural war of "you must perpetually chase sex and pussy. "
You gotta do the same.

>> No.14704858

Loneliness can make you feel silly things sometimes. I think it's important to address it, even if it is to recognize how silly it is. Someone out there might be reading this that needs to hear these words.

>> No.14704876

>Don't you have some metaphysical purpose to follow in life?
Obviously not. That's the problem.

>> No.14704877


>> No.14704879

If you think sex isnt at the heart of society then the robots have already won.

>> No.14704881

I don't know about you, but if I had actually gotten married when I was supposed to (~18-21), it would be a lot easier to focus on intellectual work. Now (30) it is just all so tiring. That said, I have intellectual projects too. Godspeed.

>> No.14704894

haha ikr haha

>> No.14704895

I really doubt you'd feel any less tired after a decade of marriage

>> No.14704907

Anon, do it. Become the voice of our generation.

>> No.14704912

It would have struggles, I'm sure, I've had a ridiculous long cohabiting relationship that approximated marriage for this awful culture, but wasting your early middle life trying to figure out something you should've settled in your early 20's is insane.

>> No.14704917

I feel like everyone is misunderstanding this picture so I'll assume everyone but me is retarded

I thought this picture is meant to represent all those whores on various paid websites and apps that usually have a boyfriend or some handsome guy that fucks them and then they sell their videos to pathetic lonely men on the internet. The bottom panel, with him saying "i could have them all" is satirizing the futility of the coomer mindset in that he isn't getting anything real. This, to me, is then deemed the "bad ending". It's not making fun of appearance, it's mocking degeneracy.

>> No.14704925

>bitching about "our culture"
Typical and tiresome. You are exactly the same as all the people you hate in this regard.

>> No.14704932

How the fuck do you squelch the desire? Every day I commute by train, I can't help but adore some random woman on the train. I want it to stop. It's honestly painful.

>> No.14704936

Jerk off before your commute

>> No.14704938

i don't hate anyone, i pity us all, but howso?

>> No.14704963

Niels Bohr alone should be inspiration to ugly guys everywhere. The man is hideous

>> No.14704976

What’s your “metaphysical purpose”?

>> No.14704992

Heisenberg and Schrödinger looked really handsome not gonna lie.

>> No.14705002

Pretty much everyone there is a massive chad except kant - and he was a volcel

>> No.14705017
File: 19 KB, 474x266, Joker should have won Best Picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't take the Internet too seriously

>> No.14705019

Confederacy of Dunces is what you're looking for, lad. Read the first few chapters and thank me later.

>> No.14705127
File: 6 KB, 250x250, soy doomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure its supposed to be a mean spirited jab at the kind of people who post >>14703699 Doomer and Doomerette memes

>> No.14705138

I have an insatiable fetish for any hair cut that stops just before the neck like this. It makes girls look like they’re in zero gravity and necks are sexy

>> No.14705164
File: 3 KB, 125x125, wutface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bodies as anatomically perfect

>> No.14705192
File: 145 KB, 460x463, 836259c955a3b1fe215159902ba36f0f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pmsl at this schizo trash

>> No.14705223

That doesn't sound like satire, but I'd read 2bh

>> No.14705284
File: 1.78 MB, 260x195, fish.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there any book out there that satirizes modern society or does everyone just write long fucking manifestos about not getting laid?
The problem with the kind of book you're asking for is that anyone who is actually intelligent and mature enough to sincerely agonize over what ails the world isn't going to write a book that broadly condemns/satirizes society. They're going to write books that address specific dimensions of society and culture, so it can be addressed in detail. "LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT SOCIETY!!!!1!" is an unfocused mess reserved for the exact kind of stunted pseuds who write long manifestos about not getting laid.

>> No.14705312

>could easily paizuri uberchad
Please tell me where you live that these are b-cups.

>> No.14705315

If he's not an incel he's not legit.

>> No.14705325

shit take. im gonna be dead after I die, who gives a fuck about what i produced or my legacy. i just wanna smash puss and cuddle with cute girls. life is to be lived, bro

>> No.14705373

>Young guy
>Tiny apartment
>Expenses paid for by drug money
>Degenerate friends
>Days wasted drinking beer

I'm not kidding anon, I literally lived liked that for about 3 years. Almost went to jail too.

>t., not a nigger

>> No.14705381

This. Jerk off in the morning.
Works for me at least. Seems like my libido is mostly replenished during the night. If I coom after waking up, my mind is free for the day. Whereas if I coom just before sleeping, I'm virtually as horny in the morning as if I hadn't.
Perhaps the whole morning wood thing is a signal to get it over asap.

>> No.14705388

They're small.

>> No.14705402

She's definitely top decile of boobs. Good for tittyfuck.
Have you been watching much anime recently?

>> No.14705411
File: 24 KB, 400x500, Compton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Arthur Compton is the guy from that drawing.

>> No.14705428
File: 6 KB, 111x153, Solvay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd fuck this guy

>> No.14705450

u must like men if u think they are big

>> No.14705455

Leon Brouillon. C-tier Slovay contributor, but the S-tier fuck-boy of the conference

>> No.14705475

The fellatio part is sick and outrageous; so sad! real clown world

>> No.14705483

That's Léon Brillouin.
C-tier is harsh, he belonged there. But I work in semiconductor research so I'm biased for him considering he was one of those that launched it.

>> No.14705484
File: 20 KB, 300x400, Friedrich_Nietzsche_-_1864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, young Nietzsche might have been kind of unattractive, but he aged into a chad!

>> No.14705506

>/ourguy/ tesla is not in the pic
nice (((conference)))

>> No.14705508

God, schizophrenics have to be some of the funniest people on Earth.

>> No.14705510


>> No.14705509

Legit school shooter look.
Questionable haircut, fucked up hairline at that age, baby-like face fat distribution, ears too far from the rest of the head, very round face with little angular definition.
Very weak shoulders too. Not saying it should be gigachad flesh shoulder-pads right angle from the neck but this is a >30 degree drop, almost feminine figure.

>> No.14705514

What's there to ask? You pretty much just summed it up already.

>> No.14705518

feel like meme images are better drawn than this shit

>> No.14705524

All wrong. Chad jaw, chad germanic hairline, chad locks, chad baby face. Domineering, aristocratic scowl. This post is a cope

>> No.14705538

let's not play fake traditionalist doomer and then submit oneself and another to such debasing practices. The hypocrisy! We must battle this from all sides.

>> No.14705543

Never said school shooters weren't based.

>> No.14705545


>> No.14705555


>> No.14705583
File: 172 KB, 750x819, Nietzsche187a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you say he became more or less attractive with age? I'd say more.

>> No.14705598

Lightning and framing change much more between these two pictures than the actual face, which is virtually identical besides the mustache.

>> No.14705618

kek he looks like the guy from hot tub time machine

>> No.14705642

I'm currently writing a Hunter S Thompson-esque story about a couple of unmotivated slightly-above-avg intelligence degenerates who take a week off of their boring office jobs to visit their friend to indulge in a drunken drug binge exploring the themes of post-historical aimlessness, the breakdown of gender dynamics, and chronic consumerism of the avg prole. It's based on my experiences as an office drone who binges psychedelics and pills on the weekends and routinely drinks till blackout with no aim

>> No.14705654

if you can write well that might be a hit anon

>> No.14705661

Everyone is ugly when they’re old, I’m sure some of those men were handsome in their youth

>> No.14705670

The only thing worse than a fake traditionalist is a real one

Best of luck but I can't help but feel this very well-trodden territory

>> No.14705673

>lol just choose a metaphysic and follow it dude lol it's so easy

>> No.14705681
File: 130 KB, 600x803, A-515776-1475158914-6878.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true, even auden (pic related) was a looker in his youth

>> No.14705686

guys at my high school effortlessly picked metaphysics all the time, it's no big deal bro

>> No.14705708

Thanks anon, I have a lot of ideas but I've hit a block and am currently having trouble getting them into writing

>Best of luck but I can't help but feel this very well-trodden territory
Is it? I haven't seen anything like this from my generation yet, it's all gen x or older

>> No.14705739

It may be easier to try to write it, at least at first, as a short story collection.

>> No.14705750

Everything below A-tier on a meme list tends to be quite debatable. I gave him C because I presumed Bragg would be B tier seeing how ubiquitous X-ray diffraction is and how esoteric Brillouin zones are. Though after having a think Bragg did just kind of stumble upon all of his stuff with the help of his dad. I'll level with you. Drop Bragg to C and upgrade Brillouin to B. Mainly because figuring out and using Brillouin Zones requires a bigger brain, and Bragg was a tenure babby.

>> No.14705766

Yeah I'm probably going to jump around a lot and then go back and smooth it over

>> No.14705786

i'm writing a poem about a young disaffected male with unpopular opinions that knows he's too mentally ill to attract a woman. it's uh fiction

>> No.14705792

Ngl doomchad is pretty hot.
Also these replies mad about people having sex are hilarious and miss the point.

>> No.14705807

THOTs love fucking professors. It would certainly be more profitable than just being an Insta THOT fucking Some Chad Over There.

>> No.14705815

Even in incel fantasy a 10/10 chad can only get a 7.5/10 with an ugly profile

>> No.14705817

you're talking about the craziest thots of all the crazy thots
i have a date with a korean former student tomorrow and i suspect she might stab me within the year

>> No.14705857

Good luck, not sure how popular poetry is but it's worth a shot

>> No.14705866

it is pretty unpopular but thanks man, likewise

>> No.14705867

I'm doing this too but in mine they all take DMT halfway through and the rest of the book steadily turns into Christian mysticism with a structure based on the Mysteries of the Rosary

>> No.14705874

>I haven't seen anything like this from my generation yet, it's all gen x or older
That's kinda what I meant. Every generation has their set of writers who "journey to the darkest heart of the American dream" or whatever, and it's always the same. The underlying problem is the same, the reaction to the problem is the same, and there's no solution -- everyone either ends up dead or finds some way to compromise with "the system." This kind of drug diary thing is played out, I can't see anyone taking it somewhere new. It almost inevitably feels like a pastiche of older counterculture tropes. Some of the alt-lit people wrote along these lines too, that's probably the most recent example I can think of.

>> No.14705888

>Is there any book out there that satirizes modern society
Watch Out, Suglia

>> No.14705889

How do I get my expenses paid by drug money with no connections

>> No.14705921

Lmao just lift and ask out girls it's not that hard. I bet you have a boring lifestyle, terrible body, and coward mentality. You have nobody to blame but yourself. You've probably actually asked out 3 woman in your life and that's me being generous

>> No.14705932

>How the fuck do you squelch the desire?
By not being a little bitch and actually talking to them

>> No.14705937

i tried to squat the gay away but it's still here

>> No.14705946
File: 163 KB, 723x666, gigachadposting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lmao just read and disavow girls it's not that hard. I bet you have a boring bookshelf, terrible intellect, and illiterate mentality. You have nobody to blame but yourself. You've probably actually read 3 books in your life and that's me being generous

>> No.14705948


What if I have nothing to talk to girls about? Me and my friends all talk about spaz nerd shit and my sense of humor is really built around that stuff.

>> No.14705956

Hairline is 100% normal and haircut was normal at the time. I bet you're a spic with a hairline touching your eyebrows that you get lined up and faded once a week

>> No.14705961

There are spaz nerd girls too. You think you'd be happy with some stacey?

>> No.14705971

I can't find them. I'm at a state uni for midwits, haven't really talked to girls since high school.

>> No.14705973
File: 150 KB, 1172x659, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14705976

common misconception, all girls are either normies or thoroughly broken. there is no cute anime in-between.

>> No.14705981

Does your uni have clubs? Are there events? Go check out some nerd shit. Anime club, tabletop gaming, whatever your stupid niche interest is

>> No.14705988

Let's be frank, the same applies to guys

>> No.14705998
File: 138 KB, 1080x1080, DE4D80FD-C009-4D6B-8CE3-55BFA802E49B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when you literally look like the incel in the pic

Books that will help me overcome the need for female affection?

>> No.14706006


>> No.14706017

>Talk to them about
They aren't men. They aren't there to be talked to. The whole point of introductory interactions is to display your sexual interest and get them to talk about themselves. Play with them like kids, that's the whole idea about flirting. Have fun and stop taking everything so seriously. Like everything your first few tries are going to be terrible because of your obvious investment in the interaction. It's a skill like everything else. You practice enough soon you'll be performing without even thinking. The words literally don't matter
It's one hour three days a week. It's not one of the other, and thinking any differently is just a massive cope for your laziness

>> No.14706020

holy shit that's gold
i've always hated the french

>> No.14706035

>Have fun and stop taking everything so seriously.
This is kind of difficult, I'm just a serious person.

Thanks for the advice though, I think youre basically correct

>> No.14706039

you can't
the genders are different but interdependent
we can't do without the softness of the feminine any less than they can do without us

>> No.14706042

yes, play the game and entertain them like a good little doggie

>> No.14706050

if you think of dates as simply asking women questions, it is not going to go well long-term, dude

>> No.14706055

came here to post this. not sure what that other anon was about.

>> No.14706058

Ive never seen such a short post that so thoroughly convinced me that it's author was an incel. If you take seriously any post on this site, please let it be this one: have sex.

Hes talking about introductory interactions, like he says in the first sentence

>> No.14706060

>the we need each other meme
Plenty of guys just need a steady diet of anime tits.

>> No.14706069

You're on the path to a drug habit hombre

>> No.14706070

even so, you need to sell a package. you can't do that just asking questions.

>> No.14706072

That is not at all what I meant with what I said. if you think getting people to talk about themselves means literally just asking them questions you have terrible conversational skills
Incel coping with his cowardness by deluding himself into thinking his created circumstances comes from pride

>> No.14706077

that's not good though

>> No.14706081

you wanna know how i know that neither of you are attractive?
if you were attractive, you wouldn't have to entertain at children's parties
now cope harder faggots

>> No.14706089

But alas they do without the softness of the 3-d feminine.

>> No.14706090

stay mad virgin

>> No.14706091

I mean it kinda is a pastische. I think every generation has a different take on this; boomers were reminiscent of the hippy heyday, gen x was just pure cynicism, millenials idk I haven't read anything by them like this and I suspect they may be too woke for this kind of thing. I think gen z has a way more rightward take than boomers did with their gay hippy shit and a less overtly nihilistic take than gen x, a take that hasnt really been captured yet.

>> No.14706095

a lot of women will treat a date like an interview if you let them. your post was making it sound like you do that
>>14706081 thanks mate, appreciate the candor

>> No.14706100

Dumb incel. Your worldview is so pathetically narrow. Either kill yourself or improve yourself, of you're not doing any of those just stop talking and crawl back into your hole

>> No.14706105

I lost my virginity when I got dragged to a club and a girl from work just started making out with me and took me home. I don't think we even talked until we were halfway to her place.

>> No.14706110

Nah In 25 years of existence I have not had any drugs nor alcohol
I suffer in silence and I try to embrace it

Coping has become hard as of late

>> No.14706120

How long ago was this

>> No.14706122

Fuck off Chad

>> No.14706123

seething unattractive losers never fail to amuse

>> No.14706129

have i mentioned that i really like it here on this toxic intellectual masturbation subreddit

>> No.14706135

>you need to sell a package
That's why I wear pants that emphasize my groin

>> No.14706138

if you're not wearing a codpiece to tinder dates you are absolutely insane

>> No.14706179

5 years ago.
I have not had sex since the 2nd fuck session with her. She wanted to be boyfriend and girlfriend but I was just accepting her offer of free sex so I stopped interacting with her after that.

>> No.14706191

Try shrooms you'll either
>Suffer more :^)
>Develop more powerful esoteric copes :^)
>Snap out of whatever trance you've found yourself in :^)))))))))))

>> No.14706192

>so I stopped interacting with her after that
Lol why? Not like you had a lot else going on, right?

>> No.14706206

You should at least have a few drinks, man. Just like a couple beers or a gin and tonic or something. I cannot conceive of how someone lives to 25 without having any alcohol, even once.

>> No.14706234
File: 306 KB, 664x672, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14706240

Why would i want somebody who's going to leave me for another man.

>> No.14706262

They are, I've checked.

>> No.14706268

I am physically attractive but supremely autistic. Interacting with women is a dysphoric slog, and having obligations to any woman didn't seem worth it to a broke 22 year old focused on school. (I was working a year long internship at the time)

I'm making a down payment on a house soon, then I'll bother courting.
>If you agree to fuck me regularly, and have my kids you can live in my house.
If that's somehow too autistic to work, I'll just do drugs until I die I suppose.

>> No.14706272
File: 30 KB, 455x800, 1580960984566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.14706279

Legit school mass beheader look

>> No.14706283

Maybe don't come on so strong

>> No.14706285

by the way lads i'm a chad

>> No.14706306

It's the essential message that will be conveyed through normal tactful means over the courtship period. I'm internet meme autistic, not a literal sociopath.

>> No.14706435

Cringe virgin cope
embarrassing. Just admit you're a little bitch too scared to talk to woman. Your attempt at coming out of this discussion with any delusion of superiority is not going to work, nobody is being fooled.

>> No.14706440

Young Ted was good looking.
It's a shame that mkultra made him a permavirgin

>> No.14706455

why do i have to be a salesman?
either i'm hot and she'll fuck, or i'm a beta bitch and she'll string me along to boost her ego.
As the King himself said, "a little less conversation, a little more sex, please"

>> No.14706458
File: 17 KB, 236x262, 5da984ba703986cdf5abfb65fb9faef3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14706474

You're adversion to this reality is exactly why you're not attractive to women in the first place
>The biggest mistake guys make when trying to meet women is being overzealous, overinvested. They are unable to differentiate a one-night-stand from a full relationship. They approach both in the same way. When you're trying to get laid, you can't be trying to show her your soul, and you can't be trying to see hers. It has to be light, fun. The "pick-up tricks" work because they delay the guy from doing what comes naturally, which is being stupid, dropping all 52 of his cards in her lap and saying, "see?! I'm worth it, I think!"

>This is why many men who actually get what they think they wanted are still unsatisfied. They meet a hot girl and it turns into a relationship, and they're upset they can't get one night stands. But if they got a one night stand, they'd be upset they couldn't convert it to a relationship (and of course it would be her fault for being a slut, not knowing what she wants, etc.) You can't have it both ways.

>Here's how the logic disintegrates: if you're at a bar and see a woman with a tattoo on her tailbone and big hoop earrings, we can all agree, given the right circumstances, she'd probably be up for a one night stand. "Yeah, but she only wants a guy who X---" Maybe, but she'd probably settle for you. "I don't want her to settle for me, I want her to want me." Then you don't really want a one night stand, do you?

>She already knows all of this. Just as you think you can tell those are implants, she's has you sized up from 100 paces.

>Here's how you succeed: you have to have confidence in yourself, while simultaneously accepting that it could just as easily have been some other guy. If you're not comfortable with that, get out of the bar.

>> No.14706475
File: 19 KB, 1231x133, loser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beta thinks i'm samefagging
cringe bud
must suck to be unattractive
keep it coming with the cope though

>> No.14706485

No I don't think you're samefagging, you're just both virgin faggots

>> No.14706493

Jesus said that?

>> No.14706500
File: 97 KB, 702x827, military_woman_usa_army_000777-html.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best way I've found, to form genuine friendships with women your own age is to proposition them for sex at the first opportunity. Even if they turn you down, they will be flattered and respect you for your honestly. Too many men believe that if they act like some kind of emasculated slave to women they will be entitled to some sort of physical or at least emotional compensation. Don't make the people around you suspect your intentions and see you as disingenuous by playing the eunuch.

Women are supposed to get married at 18-21. Men who get married at that point almost always end up fat, bald, and somewhat dead inside. Build something and at the start of your thirties you can find a nice twenty year old college girl and knock her up. That's the best deal you can reasonably expect as a man in our society, since polygamy is not accepted by most.

>> No.14706505

projection is the lowest form of cope. you can do better than that
i believe in you anon

>> No.14706535

is it true he asked some jail lady if he was good looking because he couldn't get a gf and she said he's average which means ugly?

>> No.14706540

woman get married as soon as they hit puberty. This is when they start resenting daddy and need another man to bamboozle them and take daddies place so they remain submissive.

>> No.14706558

>he thinks an unattractive man can become attractive just by lifting
Attractiveness is mostly genetics. Unless you're an obese guy hiding Chad genes under layers of fat, you will never go from noticeably unattractive to hot.

>> No.14706569
File: 8 KB, 813x143, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was me faggot,
now are you ready for this, bitch?
For this Revelation
For this News Flash
Are you sitting down, fucker?
Are you adequately prepared, shitstain?
Have you got your soda, dipshit?
Did you remember to put on a diaper, cockhead?

Well guess what
I'm actually
in fact
and as a matter thereof
not a virgin AND
it is actually
most probably
you, who is the one
that is a virgin!

>> No.14706571

Well, you at least have a good idea, anon. I'd encourage you to finish it.

>> No.14706578

depend what sort of face you have. Some faces just get absolutely destroyed by having any fat on them, or alcohol bloat or the like.

>> No.14706591

>stop taking everything so seriously
Can you explain to me what this means other than "accept mediocrity"? That's the thing - being successful with women in the contemporary environment means ceasing to think of them as human beings and abandoning any idea that they are, or can be, interesting beyond their sexual allure. If you're remotely intellectually inclined that's unlikely to be satisfying for more than an evening - and even that evening will involve a lot of downgrading of your expectations. So even if you get to the point where you can bring a girl home, you're still going to be miserable - just for a different reason.

>> No.14706601

Smart chicks fuck too you absolute goon

>> No.14706605

For fucks sake anon finish it!

>> No.14706612
File: 74 KB, 720x511, 1473709333991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smart chicks wait for marriage, plebeian.

>> No.14706614
File: 83 KB, 1172x659, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ceasing to think of them as human beings and abandoning any idea that they are, or can be, interesting beyond their sexual allure

>> No.14706648

>smart chicks
I assume this is true but I have yet to meet one

>> No.14706661


>> No.14706667

That's because they're usually married, or otherwise spoken for, by 19-20 or so.
Better luck next life.

>> No.14706674


there needs to be a followup comic with chad going to jail, and doomergirl strung out on heroin while pregnant

>> No.14706687

The dumbest of dumb chicks wait for marriage. Broken brainwashed sluts for daddy. If that's what you want I can't fault you. But your own sexual insecurity is a poor yardstick for someone else's intelligence

>> No.14706689

Why? So you can stroke your pathetic slave morality and feel like jerking off alone at night is some kind of moral virtue? Don't be so pathetic.

>> No.14706694

Yes all of the intelligent "chicks" engage in sexual activity before securing consent. This is the intelligent way to conduct oneself, of course.

>> No.14706706

>securing consent
securing commitment*, obviously

>> No.14706722


>slave morality

oh boy we got another tard thats read posts about Nietzsche for 5 minutes and thinks he knows everything

but seriously, its not a masturbation fantasy buddy, a little hint of reality is more entertaining (and would strike more nerves) than what we have here. that comic was clearly made/commissioned by some depressed zoomer. even your supposed blackpills are naive as fuck

>> No.14706723

F f f freudian slip. You want to be violently pegged by an intelligent woman. Anyway, I don't see how having casual sex has any relation to intelligence when contraception is so readily available

>> No.14706727

>There needs to be a follow-up that depicts an unlikely consequence so I can feel good while living the likely consequence of being an incel doomer

>> No.14706736


i hope she sees your post bro

>> No.14706737

You don't know "reality" in this regard either, don't pretend like you do to make yourself feel better

>> No.14706740

That's implying that pregnancy and STIs are the only negative consequences

>> No.14706752


unlike you i actually go outside, so I'm inclined to think that i may know a bit more than you. your responses prove how funny it would be for a followup

>> No.14706761

its a meme.
the 'smartest' chicks ive ever met are just book smart but when you penetrate deeper its all just a facade and they fall for the same bullshit propaganda as the rest

>> No.14706767

You who? I also go outside. Do you know any actual whores or camgirls or whatever? In my experience the ones who make a good living from it are very intelligent and self-aware, not the kind of people to get hooked on heroin or pregnant from a camshow

>> No.14706772

Have you ever considered that you might be the one who is falling for propaganda?

>> No.14706779


>do you know any prostitutes


>they're too smart to get addicted to drugs

lol, NO

>> No.14706782

>very intelligent and self-aware
pick one, and only one

>> No.14706786

you all act so 'based' and 'redpilled' yet deep down u still buy into this egalitarian shit.
No, just cause she's smart doesn't mean you'll suddenly be able to relate to her.
They are WOMEN, get it? Not MEN.
They think differently, they will always think differently, unless its a 0.00001% aspie, then, THEN you might have a slim chance in hell in connecting with her over smash bros melee or like whatever.

Otherwise forget it, its sex, its kids. It's not intellectual meeting of minds. That shits for the birds. It's in movies only.

>> No.14706794

just say "no u", don't bother dressing it up next time, its still a shitty retort.

>> No.14706796

This board is truly an unredeemable cesspool.
Fuck you all.

>> No.14706806


>buying into egalitarian shit

I think thats why the two zoomers in this thread are hitting me with such vitriol. fine, make it equal. the coomer jacks off 49 times in a single day for doomergirl's final show (48 is the limit). all his jing is depleted in that moment and he dies. i hope that makes y'all happier, lol

>> No.14706823

Hey, I'm just speaking from personal experience here. All of the sex workers I know understand what they're doing and have made peace with it, which is more than any of you faggots can say. Might be selection bias or whatever.

Why is the retort any shittier than the baseless claim?

>> No.14706830

It's not a retort, it's a serious question that anyone must apply to themselves.

Most girls I've dated have done so based on an intellectual connection with me (I'm basically incapable of getting laid if I don't flex intellectually as part of the courting process). It's obviously not only a meeting of mind (and physical attraction aside it's more of a meeting of characters and tastes anyway) but it certainly plays a big role.

Complete mutual understading is a myth though. But shared, deeply-held beliefs and cherished intellectual interests? That absolutely exists, however rare.

>> No.14706831

its only natural selection

>> No.14706832


female detected

>> No.14706843

>Might be selection bias or whatever.
and a heaping dash of naivety

>> No.14706844

Good argument you 24 year old virgin

>> No.14706846

all you did was imply that I had no experience.
I am speaking from anecdotal experience, so at least I'm bringing something to bear on the conversation. You, on the otherhand used a 'have sex incel', which isn't the all-powerful magic spell you seem to think it is, it just makes you look retarded and incapable of forming a proper response.
Was that explanation easy enough for your nitwit brain to digest? Or does baby need it dumbed down more?

>> No.14706851

>intellectual interests
you're so full of shit.
They 'say' they are interested in it and listen to you while nodding their head and saying 'yeah' 'yeah' 'yeah' or make some shallow reference to something you've said earlier.

It's nothing like speaking to a man and you know it.

Why is this so hard for people to admit?

>> No.14706868

>1 novel in 7 years
really nigga

>> No.14706869

I did not say "have sex incel" or any variation of that. If you're the "propaganda" guy, all I'm saying is that if you consistently find that smart women are just buying into some vaguely defined propaganda when you "dig deeper," then you may want to examine your own worldview to see what nonsense you have uncritically taken as fact

>> No.14706878


i was done arguing in my first post, everything else is just intentional ad hom

>> No.14706880

what about philosophy majors who still refer to classics as 'books by dead white men'?
is that my fault too, you disingenuous little fuckface?

>> No.14706881

I hope to God that you haven’t worked on only one thing in seven years of writing.

>> No.14706883

Why is it so hard for you to admit that you to admit that your dick prevents you from hearing what women actually say?

>> No.14706887

College students trying to find themselves, much like yourself

>> No.14706889

but this is what you do when you listen to their shit takes on intellectual matters and consider them equals

>> No.14706899

You start from your belief that women are inferior and work from there.

>> No.14706909

not that guy, but youre not as smart as you think you are. Chances are youre in your mid 20s and you post on 4chan. We're all being entertained here, nobody finds your attempt at sage advice compelling

>> No.14706911

incorrect. I chased the unicorn for over ten years. It's a fantasy

>> No.14706923
File: 114 KB, 399x542, a society that's this weak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are some good books, and some literature for this feel?
>have sex
fuck all of you weak niggers.

>> No.14706940

>nobody finds your attempt at sage advice compelling
shhhh he clearly doesn't know that

>> No.14706969

the funniest thing (or saddest thing, depending on perspective) about this entire argument is that this dickface pretending to be a knowitall has clearly had no interaction with women at all and is just defending the theory he's had drilled into him by media/school.

It'd be one thing if he could really point to occasions in his life where he had a real intellectual connection with a woman (the way we males do with each other effortlessly and without handholding or implictly handicapping yourself for their benefit). But no, instead its the same old "no, you are the one who is bigoted!".

Note I didn't even make a value judgment about the difference between men v woman, I just said it's there, insomuch as you have to connect with them in a different way, and that has nothing to do with 'intelligence'.

And lo, the l.pol spergs appear like slimes outside a village.

>> No.14707008

This is your incel.

>> No.14707009

You misread my tone

>> No.14707026

Okay, I guess you know my relationships with people I've met more than I do, thanks for enlightening me.
While you're at it, any idea what my father meant when he told me "good morning" a few hours ago? Maybe he was secretly trying to get me to become communist, what do you think?

>> No.14707030

yeah your non-sequitur totally invalidates my point
guess I lost this one!

>> No.14707031

>I failed for 10 years therefore nobody can succeed
Do you understand how silly that reasoning is?

Also you've tried to find a unicorn, people itt are merely saying they've known some zebras.

>> No.14707042

you've never seen one either, is the thing. no one here has.

>> No.14707070

I never called anyone bigoted, or implied it. I have plenty of interaction with women, and I will say that the instances of "intellectual connection" are as rare as they are with men. Be honest: do you feel like you can connect with most men?

>> No.14707085

Not to sink your boat, but the premise sounds a little like "The Sun Also Rises". I'd like to read yoru more modern approach to it though, anon.

>> No.14707093

You really watch too much porn if you think those are b. Those are c, maybe grazing b. Faggot, don't you know how to measure your bust?

>> No.14707095

Your problem is that, as a vapid retard, you only get the chance to talk to other vapid retards. People who are both intelligent and charismatic are naturally attracted to others like themselves and are naturally repelled from detritus. I can tell from the first sixty seconds of meeting somebody whether they're worth my time or not. If I'm paying attention I can decide even earlier than that by looking at how they behave and carry themselves.

>> No.14707098

Every woman I meet either has HPV or herpes or some other latent or active sexually transmitted disease.
Even the ones that only had 1 or 2 previous partners.

Is the only way to be in a relationship now to accept these diseases?

>> No.14707115

>Is the only way to be in a relationship now to accept these diseases?
The era of high personal standards (or really any personal standards) is long gone, my friend.

>> No.14707123

Reread he exchange. I'm talking about my personal experience and you instantly jump to a conclusion that is at the same time very vague and completely improvable (it's not the same as with a man, in some transcendental sense I suppose?) and adamantly asserted (you talk as if you know how it happened better than I do). As an aside, note that I didn't even say it was the same as with a man, just that there was genuine intellectual interest, which tend to happen when you discuss a topic for eight hours straight (but perhaps she was faking having a conversation with me for eight hours, who knows).

At this point it's clear you won't accept any counterargument because you don't want to argue about this, merely to repeat the little theory you've convinced yourself is true.

So what is the point of arguing? If I tell you they were talking as much as I did you'll say they were just parroting me, if I say they were the ones initiating the conversation, you'll say they were parroting what they heard from another guy, if I told you they taught me things, or made me discover authors you'll say they didn't really understand, only copied, and didn't really read, only skimmed or "didn't really get it". If anyone tries to make a more general argument from science or philosophy you'll say either that the science is biased by PC agenda or incapable of grasping those subtle things, or that the particular philosophy used is dishonest or plain wrong.

There is always a rhetorical way out when you refuse to accept that you might be wrong. So there, I'm cutting your work for you, I'm giving you your rhetorical excuses (and I think I've covered the bases for you, but you might want to add a couple more), so now we can stop wasting time and agree to disagree. Which was pretty much the point of my last post, but apparently that wasn't clear enough so I'm making it clear here.

>> No.14707140

Sounds like you live in a pretty trashy area. I live in a big city so lots of degeneracy and I've never had issues with STDs despite being a degenerate myself.

>> No.14707148

>but perhaps she was faking having a conversation with me for eight hours, who knows

>> No.14707155

Your partners never got tested, have they? It's probably you have the latent forms of the viruses already.

>> No.14707180

you realize that ***most*** sexually active people have or have had an STI, right?
your single data point does not invalidate the population statistics

>> No.14707182

You see? All you can do is repeat the exact unfalsifiable self-confirming and rhetorically empty point I've kindly given to you, only in all caps.

Nice use of "designed" by the way. Is it some kind of creationist schtick? You should consider offering your service as a brochure writer to the anabaptists (or whatever American christan sect), you have the right kind of mentality for that.

>> No.14707192

Designed? Jesus man, you're beyond saving. Next thing you're going to tell me is you believe them to be instinctually evil or some shit.

>> No.14707196

I don't know any statistics nor do I care. I'm only talking about the particular case of the anon who claims to never have met a women without an STI. Even if 60% of women have one you'd have to be very unlucky or not have met many women to be in his situation.

>> No.14707207

Where do you draw the line between convincingly putting up a strong enough façade to have what seems like an intriguing conversation about a serious topic for hours at a time versus "really" knowing about something? You're not making much sense, anon.
I'm not that guy but I've also dated girls who know more about the arts than most of my male friends. I went to a STEM school and now work in that field, so half of my friends are dumb redditors that talk about nothing but videogames. I had an ex who loved Kierkegaard, another who read the Cantos of Ezra Pound religiously, my current gf is reading a copy of Portrait of the Artist I got her for Christmas and updates me on her favorite passages every few days. I have literally one male friend who could recognize all three of those authors, and he hasn't read them (for the record I haven't ready any Soren either). Most wouldn't know even one.

>> No.14707226

>Even if 60% of women have one you'd have to be very unlucky or not have met many women to be in his situation.
Uh it's basic probability
Even just using the 60% figure, if you know 5 girls, the liklihood that at least one of them has an STI is 92%
If you're a degenerate, as you've claimed to be, the likelihood of you having "met" a girl with an STI is virtually guaranteed

>> No.14707230

sex drives human reproduction, and by extension, civilization. civilization can't hold if the human sex drive is warped in its expression or conception. you're missing the point entirely. things are completely out of balance.

the libido cannot be made to disappear, it can only be redirected or made sublimate. this collapse will be stupendous in its scope

>> No.14707233

Commute by car and never see any women

>> No.14707235

>Next thing you're going to tell me is you believe them to be instinctually evil or some shit.
Well, you're not wrong

>> No.14707254

But the one anon he was arguing with claimed that every single woman he'd ever met had one, not that he'd only met a single one with it. What're the odds of that, even ignoring the logistics of asking every passing acquaintance for an up-to-date medical history?

>> No.14707278

I'm assuming that was rhetorical, but for fun, using the same figures of 60% and 5 women, it would simply be the inverse: ~8%
His post was certainly hyperbolic. I just wanted to point out that you've almost certainly hooked up with at least one.

>> No.14707300

Is the same artist right? what i get from both images is to at least try.

>> No.14707332

Also isn't our own brain increase your expectation when you watch a lot of porn? evolutionary you would never have seen that pussy if you are out of her league, so you end thinking you should not accept uglier women.
those great guys were not coomers, so if you want to do great things, don't watch any porn.

>> No.14707392
File: 74 KB, 1056x1054, 1571200087286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normalfag said I need to go to the gym, so I go to the gym 5 times a week
>normalfag said I need to watch my diet, so I only eat food I cooked for myself, weigh it and track it in an app
>normalfag said I need to dress nice, so I get well fitting clothes and always look sharp
>normalfag said get a haircut and keep your facial hair in check so I get a haircut every 2 weeks and shave every day
>normalfag said take showers and smell nice, so I do
>do what normalfag said for over 2 years, acquire good body and surpass normalfag
>loneliness increases tenfold as I watch people put in half the effort and get twice the girls
>At least I look nice
Thanks normalfag

>> No.14707401

Blue board

>> No.14707404

What's the problem then? You don't talk to girls?

>> No.14707426

you forgot the only steps that matter
>be attractive
>don't be unattractive

>> No.14707447

Honestly it's pretty nice that you were tricked into physical health and discipline like that.

Personality is also a huge deal. Some people have a natural "flirty and humorous" personality which allows them to woo girls even when being average or even below average. It's much harder for spergs even when they're handsome.

>> No.14707455

Yeah hat's probable, though in fairness haven't hooked that much and I always use condoms. Still anon strikes me as rather unlucky.

>> No.14707462

>Oh no I got memed into living a healthy lifestyle

>> No.14707465

The eternal goal of every man should be to not have any kind of personal validation from women. Be an island. Adopt a monk mentality.

>> No.14707468

Consider also that as the number of women increase that 8% decrease pretty quickly (even with the very high starting number of 60%). That's why I said one explication was that anon might not have met many women.

>> No.14707515

Sex isn't for the people having it. Its for the people it creates.

Your less than an animal.

>> No.14707564

Women were not created equal to men.
They were created to give birth to young.

>> No.14707573

>do all this tedious shit that you don't care about for the sole reason of getting a woman
>"lol brah just do it for yourself"
Nigger if I was thinking about what I actually want independent of getting a woman, I'd quit my job tomorrow and NEET it up unto death. I don't give a fuck about being a manlet in of itself, I only care because everyone keeps telling me women care.

>> No.14707574

this post reads like a radiohead song

>> No.14707576

Dude, like, just don't worry, be happy. Unironically.

>> No.14707600

Honestly, blaming your shitty appearance for not getting laid is a massive cope. I used to be a fat piece of shit (about 300lbs), and had a below average sized dick because of all the fat, and I had absolutely no problems getting laid. Now, even with a decent body, I wouldn't rate myself above a 6/10, so you can imagine what I used to look like. I'm not saying that you won't be judged based on appearance, because you will. Especially when it comes to first impressions. And yeah, some might even dislike you based solely on how you look, but the majority won't give a shit if you're a decent person. The thing is that you become more attractive if someone likes your personality. I'm sure many of you have experienced this, where someone didn't look very attractive, but after finding out they're pretty cool, you now find their appearance more appealing without even realizing. I think that a lot of incels haven't really tried getting laid. Nothing beyond "if I'm friends with her for 10 years she might fuck me" at least.

>> No.14707675

What is a decent person according to you?

>> No.14707743

>Dear Diary,

>> No.14707840

I kek'd

>> No.14707856
File: 120 KB, 554x400, PARTY PEPES IN DA HOUSE TONIGHT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They removed it

>> No.14708050

so many words say so little

>> No.14708069

post tits

>> No.14708086

holy faggot

>> No.14708457

Sounds like you got called out

>> No.14708479
File: 12 KB, 480x360, 1567100580946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck my sides.

>> No.14708529

image deleted please tell me what the image was

>> No.14708965

It was the bad ending of OP's comic where the guy just buys the fake doomer thots snapchat porn featuring her chad thundercock boyfriend. Lord fucking knows how in this hypothetical situation the comic depicts; a guy would acually watch porn featuring a girl he personally knows and showed interest in but I guess that's the coomer mindset? IDK haven't left my parents condo complex in months let alone talk to people my age.

Fuck I hope the outside world really isn't like that

>> No.14708993

big b or tiny c, depends on the frame of the whore

>> No.14709106

worth the risk

>> No.14709111

Don't care about her, I'm just glad you saw it :3

>> No.14709132
File: 74 KB, 214x250, yep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the image everyone in this thread talking about.
I thought it is that one image of just having another bubble, but yeah it's not

>> No.14709143
File: 78 KB, 667x900, EOHfaawXsAEftz1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure whether it is same artist or not

>> No.14709162

based anon

>> No.14709198


>> No.14709202

Not very based, but redpilled.

>> No.14709702


>> No.14709829
File: 1.85 MB, 640x7770, meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your doomer meme

>> No.14709854

it's hard to write 'funny' when so many people you know have killed themselves and everything is how it is at the moment.

then again, it's hard not to write satire on a daily basis.

>> No.14709856

also i'd suggest Harlan Ellison, nothing much has really changed from the time he wrote.

stories like Laugh Track, Levendis and Jefftyis Five

>> No.14709862

better than any book OP was looking for

>> No.14709882

>I thought it is that one image of just having another bubble, but yeah it's not
Yeah that's what I thought it probably would be, would have probably made more sense. But I suppose chad is fine.

>> No.14709895

:dead: @ anna & justin

>> No.14709907

This is true.

Though isn't a representation more out of typical necessity than direct contact?

>> No.14709966

And you'd be right.
That was probably the intended purpose, however it unintentionally shows how women are whores for taking a mans misery and ignorance as monetary leverage.

>> No.14710018

Why don't those men just fuck each other?

>> No.14710047

Women are cringe. Men dealing with women are cringe too, except if they just beat them. That's based, by being a refusal to agree to the feminine cringe.
I fully realize this post is also cringe.

>> No.14710055

ah, the self-aware cringe commentary on cringe
very postmodern

>> No.14710071

I can go much deeper, but the topic of women doesn't deserve it.
Nice double dubs though.

>> No.14710112

I just want a nice girlfriend and live in a house and live happily ever after. Why is this such an unobtainable goal in 2020? What purpose is there to continue living when everything is just a cope?

>> No.14710126

Because you're gay

>> No.14710129

Post the full resolution one bro

>> No.14710132


see you have the desire to build, but you really need to unleash your destructive impulses instead. let it all burn

>> No.14710157

>Anyway, I don't see how having casual sex has any relation to intelligence when contraception is so readily available
typical low IQ reasoning t b h

>> No.14710173

>People who are both intelligent and charismatic are naturally attracted to others like themselves and are naturally repelled from detritus
This explains why brilliant, handsome Chads like me hate women and interact with them only as much as necessary to get what we want

>> No.14710188

this 2bh

>> No.14710207
File: 80 KB, 928x1200, EN79zERXsAE3Y2K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14710430

Women (crushing majority of them) don't want that. It's that simple.
They never wanted that. It was simpler in other times because people didn't take women wants as seriously.

>> No.14710473

> You've probably actually asked out 3 woman in your life and that's me being generous
Only betamale creeps "ask out" women. Alpha males don't need to lie and cajole to get female attention.

>> No.14710481
File: 87 KB, 613x750, Sulla the Happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

51) LI. AULUS: BONUS TIRO(!) - "Learning Good(!)"
The mad priests and performing clowns so often deceive men and women who are otherwise sober and rational; and how they fill their heads with nonsenses and fabulous impossible tales. You wonder how it is that they so often fall for these crazy things, Aulus? Hey - "Always Willing to learn 'Good Things', is Mankind."

Tam saepe nostrum decipi Fabullinum,
Miraris, Aule? semper homo bonus tiro est.*

39) XXXIX.
Sometimes I find myself hating you, Sabellus*, because you go for the Cute type; that certain acrid repugnant drab and boring sort of "Cute type", Sabellus. But did you notice that when war comes to your homeland, Sabellus, how is that you do not notice that all of those Cute types are feigning illness; they claim to be at deaths door from consumption and unable to bear arms and fight... leaving you and I to go and fight on their behalf - some use they turn out to be in the real world(!)

Odi te, quia bellus es, Sabelle.
Res est putida bellus et Sabellus.
Bellum denique malo, quam Sabellum.
Tabescas utinam, Sabelle belle!

>> No.14710490

note. *I took a lot of liberties with this translation, it reads nothing like the earlier english at all.

Why do I spend my time at my Farmstead in Nomentum when the land in that province is spent and dried up and the towns there full of unwashed idle people, they ask - you ask, "surely it cannot be good for the mind nor for sleep or relaxation to be in such in place...?"

Not true.

The Cities are always far worse for the poverty; everybody eating at everybody like a locust:

They say there that life revolves around the Masters of the Public Games, like the Games of the Bakers Guild (Ludi Piscatori) which go on all day and all night, in which a few hundred small coins may be seized from each attendee in the space of only one day - always a grand display to behold; Money Changers idling for Four Month sojourns, the Spanish hammers beating the donkeys - those being "Donkeys" clad in foreign armor - the sounds of it reverberating through the rocks (in their head).

No company fails to please Bellonas simpleminded crowd in the Amphitheater; no talking-lump-of-wood can ever fail to bring them to rapturous applause either as they were weaned from birth to pay heed to the empty rhetoric of thieves and beggars; nor can the peddler of gaudy baubles fail to take their money when they emerge squinty-eyed and full of narcotics.

To slumber a little when so many walking bellies wander around bewailing that their bread - their coin rather - was taken from them and their children mouths? I will say that the number of such people exceeds that of the stars and their endless whining reverberates all around the city, worse so on the Fish Moon when the streets are their fucking mattresses and they wake to find their friends have been disappeared by foreign pirates and sold into slavery.

You do not really know about these things and you can not really know about these things; you who in your nice Houses look down upon the worlds below; but the Country is locked within that City and turns from ripe to rotting - and not in the way that Falernian Wine is made. But the whole Country is relegated to little corners in the City; sleeping on its feet while this cancer called 'City' babbles and wails on in abrasive foreign languages, dumb and oblivious, seeking only the next amusement.

Well, before it was so foreign; when it was still inhabited by Romans, at least We Romans had the commonsense to go to our beds in the countryside when we wanted to sleep.

(imus ad villam: we go to the farm.)

>> No.14710662

>proposition them for sex at the first opportunity. Even if they turn you down, they will be flattered and respect you for your honestly.
>Don't make the people around you suspect your intentions and see you as disingenuous by playing the eunuch.
These two combine to cut me deeply. I buy what you say, but playing the eunuch is what's left for me.
I feel like I'm too far behind in social skills to get to play and find what works, it'll be seen as cheap and obvious, and I'll be ostracized.

>> No.14710710

Not that it matters so late in the thread but I'm currently writing a picaresque story about two NEETs looking for fulfillment. I'm writing a novel and a script version concurrently to see which works best. I'm torn atm.

>> No.14710714

Cheap and obvious is considerably better than the outright negative attitude. You will also pick it up over time. Seems you have low self appreciation too. Most people are insecure and considerably overestimate average people social skills.

>> No.14711565

Dope, you turned me on to something fun to read. Thank you.

>> No.14711739

>Seems you have low self appreciation too
Yes. I'm mostly feeling stuck due to the fact that I only interact at work, and (even without interacting with women) I imagine the shift in my "personality" would be jarring to others, and be come down upon by swinging dicks, putting me back into my safe, insincere place.

It's not becoming for a man to act as I do, but I don't want to engage in ego fights with other men. I desperately want to get out of my false, meek behavior, but fuck.

>> No.14711756

Ted was never mkultra'd retard

>> No.14711807

this is actually insightful

>> No.14711821

He was literally part of the MKULTRA project when he was a student at Harvard. A professor being paid by the CIA put him in a "psychological study" that fell under their umbrella.
The CIA insists he was on one of the tamer projects, and if I remember correctly Ted also backed that up (because he doesn't want people to think he was some crazed murderer, he's always insisted he's perfectly sane), but it is pretty goddamn spooky and I bet anything there are aspects of it they never want explained.

>> No.14712050

You're a fucking retard. No you literally need to actually ask them. It's called vocal language communication
Wtf? How did you jump to this conclusion? Dumb incel

>> No.14712429

>He was literally part of the MKULTRA project when he was a student at Harvard.
Except he literally wasn't lol, he participated in a psych study conducted by Henry Murray, along with 20 odd other students. He was autistic long before Harvard, saying that he was part of MKULTRA and implying that that's the reason he never got pussy is an exaggeration at best.

>> No.14712557

You don't find it even slightly odd that this is the same Henry Murray who designed the process for selecting OSS agents during the war, wrote the official OSS psych profile for Hitler, and supervised the first civilian research work on psychedelic drugs? You think he went from being a high-level spook to just a jolly old professor for the hottest decades of the Cold War?

>> No.14712605

I'm sure Murray had ties with the CIA, but if the Harvard psych experiments were directly part of MKULTRA it's unlikely any records would remain to prove it.

>> No.14712752

dead ass, ngl, no cap, dont @ me

>> No.14713041

David Lodge - The British Museum is falling down

>> No.14713041,1 [INTERNAL] 

fuck niggers