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14703794 No.14703794 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think the excessively verbose and confusing jargon of gender studies is influenced by the higher verbal intelligence of women on average?
How delightful if the failure of gender studies to dialogue with men is a failure in sex studies?

>> No.14703816

No, I don't think it has anything to do with "the higher verbal intelligence of women on average" but with the fact that academics tend to create a lot of needless jargon because they perceive the world through the needless jargon of the previous academics. Not my idea. I got it from Steven Pinker's "The Sense of Style".

>> No.14703938

women do not have introspection faculties.
this is why women suck at anything beyond trite claims and trite philosophy, which turns out is always the philosophy of the current ruling class.

TOday it is the bourgeois and their infatuation with the human rights. And when it turns out HR gives lots of freedom to women to basically have an idle life free of charge, just like the bourgeois, the only framework those people can create by looking at each other is just feminism, ie parasites trying to pass as symbioses.

>> No.14704020

one of the biggest red pills is the first time you realize that women experience literally no disconnect between saying X when it feels good to say X, and completely betraying and contradicting X five seconds later when it feels good to do that. women like to "try on" male-centric morals and virtues like children playing dress-up, but they don't actually know what it means to set up a virtue as an objective principle for oneself and then resist the temptation to break it in future moments when it stops being convenient and pleasant.

so if you ask a woman what kind of guy she values, she will blab on and on for hours about how noble she is and how she sees through superficiality and only wants sweet genuine men and etc., etc., etc. then five seconds later she'll completely contradict everything she said. the key thing to understand about women is that they don't perceive any difference here. from a man's perspective, you are thinking "but she said 'i only do X' and two seconds later she did 'non-X'?" this is because the fundamental modality of male consciousness is erecting principles and trying to follow them - even if you're a shitty man, it just means you're shitty and weak at erecting principles, not that the FUNDAMENTAL modality of principle-erection is absent. a woman's fundamental modality is "doing what i feel like." to a woman, that behavior is completely consistent: in the first instance, she did what she felt like. then she did what she felt like again. only a man perceives that the CONTENT of the actions was contradictory, i.e., would be contradictory if performed by a man. but for a woman whose primary stream of consciousness is "what do i want to do right now? :) perhaps i'll wear a ribbon in my hair tomorrow, tra lala!," no such contradiction occurred, or indeed is even possible.

>> No.14704032

damn. I think this is it

>> No.14704064
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The main trouble with women is that they often suffer from Entitlement Preference Dysphoria. (And they try to make us suffer, as well!)

>> No.14704094

Their concepts regarding language were employed by organizations like the USSR. It's weaponized form of thought control and non-speak. Essentially these were the concepts of 1984, the novel. Read a fucking book, nigger.

>> No.14704133

Women are so fucking eerie. They are like homunculi. I keep asking people if they get the same vibe as me, that the average woman is like a cringey 13 year old LARPing as an adult, and very few people agree with me or know what I mean, so maybe I'm just schizo. But that's how it seems to me. 13 year olds are not just dumber and more limited, they aren't self-aware enough to know when they're embarrassing themselves. It's like a little kid coming and acting super serious and "adult" about something, and all the real adults just smile knowingly because this is part of growing up. But that's how adult women seem to me, almost all the time, even in academic environments.

One of the weirdest things they do is the childish self-aggrandizing. The tone with which they say "I'm a WOMAN so y'all better WATCH OUT because I am NOT to be trifled with ;)" completely unironically in a fucking workplace full of adults is the same exact tone that a little child has when he goes "Um actually my mommy says I'm the smartest kid ever?" or pretends to take some political shit he saw on the internet seriously but in subtly a childlike way that reveals he doesn't understand all the stakes or context involved and he's just posturing. I don't understand how nobody else notices this. It instinctively makes you want to pat them on the head and go "Very good! Now I have a very important job for you, since you're so special. I need you to go over there and draw me a cat with these crayons. We're all counting on you!" Just so that she'll go away and stop irritating the real humans.

I even asked women who don't do it, "do you notice when other women do it?" Does it make you angry that they're infantilizing women as a whole, and lowering men's expectations? They said they have no idea what I mean. How can you not see it? It's a thirty year old woman with a PhD going "as a strong, BRAVE, talented woman ;) ;) ;)." What man jacks himself off in public like that? How can you think to yourself "I want to be the equal of a man, I want to be an equal participant in society and a fully mature human being" and then start declaring how brave and cool you are like a spoiled little fucking wiener kid?

The lowered expectations are interwoven with everything they do. Nearly any man who is capable of being honest, any man who does't have his head fully up his ass of the Twitter social shaming culture, will admit to other men that women are simply worse at everything. Men think, and honest men will say, that when they see a book or article on a potentially interesting topic written by a woman, they instantly and reflexively know that it's going to be shallow garbage. Again, it will be something that provokes that "aw, that's very good! You get a gold star!" paternalism but have no chance of competing with even middling male contributions in the same domain.

How can women live like this? Why don't the smarter women (who clearly exist) notice this and fucking crusade to stop it?

>> No.14704165

congrats, you're a cringelord

>> No.14704175

this was more or less my thought process when someone posted that Maya Angelou poem in which she literally praised herself for her sassiness, although there are multiple dimensions of lowered expectation at work there.

>> No.14704176

You aren't wrong but its always been this way. feminism has also seriously devalued women and actually regressed them psychologically to even worse primitive states. A feminist woman is one of the most enslaved human beings out there next to trannies. imagine debasing yourself to the role that was usually filled by "sassy homosexual men". thats basically what feminists are and exactly why no heterosexual guy wants one.

>> No.14704186
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>> No.14704206

sorry but this is just something you're supposed to realize at 13 or 14 or whatever, and move on. If you 'think' of this at 25 or whatever age you are and get stuck on it, you'll never be able to see women as actual human beings.

>> No.14704208

>who clearly exist
you were doing great until this part

>> No.14704212

>and move on
YOu mean consciously keep into account or else you probably turn into a guy who doesn't lift at least 3 times a week

>> No.14704223

>you'll never be able to see women as actual human beings.
they literally aren’t though

>> No.14704225

No, not really. If you have to consciously keep account of it there's probably issues underneath that are blocking you from integrating those truths into a healthy view of women.

>> No.14704234

Listen buddy, I understand what you’re trying to say here, but I would counter that It’s you who doesn’t understand. You’re going around asking women if they’re upset about other women infantilizing them? Do you even realize how embarrassing and egotistic that is. Furthermore, having confidence is hardly “jacking yourself off” and the fact that women support each other is honestly a positive thing. Consider that they work with people like you who think they’re children without so much as finding out their name and I really don’t wonder why they do that. As for being unaware, it’s more that they don’t perceive the same things as embarrassing as you do. You think buying Philosophy books and not reading them to flex on other women is embarrassing I’d wager, and while I think it’s dumb, for women it’s just something normal and nothing to be embarrassed about at all.

>> No.14704245

>Do you even realize how embarrassing and egotistic that is

>> No.14704251
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so much gold

>> No.14704257

I think your assessment of males to be hilariously off base. Do you REALLY think men live their lives like that?

>> No.14704264

>Do you think the excessively verbose and confusing jargon of gender studies is influenced by the higher verbal intelligence of women on average?
No it's just that the ideas are simple-minded and underdeveloped so they figured a bit of Orwellian obscurantism would scare people into agreement.

>> No.14704271

Gender studies is bullshit. Bullshit needs to look complicated to hide its nature.

>> No.14704277

t. Hates mom

>> No.14704296


I would cum inside all three of them

>> No.14704306


Majority of men basically never have his realization about women. They're either nihilist chads who never think things over, or they're beta males who put pussy on a pedestal

>> No.14704308

Yeah Id agree, men are just as delusional and emotionally motivated. The biggest difference I see is that men will construct rational explanations to better or worse degrees that justify their behavior or beliefs, whereas women will just spout literal gibberish when questioned, or get angry that anyone would question them.

>> No.14704375

Honestly, as far as I can tell it’s mostly the postmodernists and the queer theory scholars that are jargon filled. Everything else is in plain English.

I think these types of women aren’t seriously into the ideologies they cite. The ones who are more well-read in their ideologies tend to distance themselves from this kind of attitude.

>> No.14704746

like how shady companies obscure their corruption with corporate jargon

>> No.14704959

wow what a top notch analysis. do you also hate deleuze and think lacan is too obscurantist, or are you just 16?

>> No.14704975

What hilarious horseshit. Besides this reading like you've never known a woman over 22, men rationalize their idiotic and vicious actions constantly, but you think we have some unique access to objective virtues? :D

>> No.14704977


>> No.14705355

Read Nietzsche

>> No.14705422
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It's really contrived and not based on anything. You can conceal that with jargon and complication.
In most fields of academia when you come across alien sentence structure, references to shit nobody's heard of, and tons of made up words and concepts, that's a red flag. It's actively encouraged in the world of "_______ studies"
It's all because of non-limited student loans. Schools realized they had a blank check from the federal government to be payed in the future by young people, they started accumulating cheap shit and writing it down as extremely expensive on budgets. Lots of departments got started, lots of people get six figure jobs in HR and admin. They have to justify their position somehow. So now we have the entire world of "unconscious bias" and "gender pay gaps." A nonexistent problem to be solved by useless people with expertise in made-up bullshit.
You'll note that none of the issues raised would actually threaten the existing power structure if solved, only allocate more funds to certain specific subgroups of the liberal upper class and their sycophant aspirants.

>> No.14705451

The jargon is the product of tenth-rate bowdlerization of the high theory their professors imbibed when they were students. It's a cargo-cult attempt to rouse in the layperson the feeling of having stumbled into a highly refined field (like the feeling of trying to peruse high-level legal or philosophical discussions with zero background).

You have to realize that these people believe that shit like the Male Gaze (Laura Mulvey bastardizing Lacan bastardizing Freud) and the patriarchy and the Pink Tax are ironclad laws of the universe, on roughly the same epistemic ground as the second law of thermodynamics

Also remember that higher education today is conspicuous consumption and one shows that they have "consumed" it by displaying the correct jargon, verbal tics and keyword stuffing

>> No.14705474

You also see this sort of thing with other minority groups, like the "we're here, we're queer, get used to it!" from the LGBT crowd. I think the problem is these people equate pride to dignity, which is why they think in order not be oppressed anymore, they have to be the loudest and most obnoxious voice in the room until you get what you want.

>> No.14705477

Nah all of academia is like that. If you actually look at what the jargon means you'll find it empty or a mechanism designed to say nothing or communicate something separate implicitly, without actually committing to doing so. If someone questions you, you can just spew off some jargon or claim they don't understand so and so. It's impenetrable because it's essentially meaningless and can be adapted to anything. Problematic inquiry can be easily negated because there's nothing there.

>> No.14705507

yes it's probably a matter of identity in all these cases. the culture is to be obnoxious and visually signal membership. it's kind of sad that they lack culture and personality so much that, as you say 30yo women, have to announce these self-ressurances to others while they're often completely incompetent and ruin the whole enterprise by the social and political requirement of including them.

>> No.14705574

So he's actually correct, but the fact that he said it at all is what pisses you off? Are you just pretending to be stupid?

>> No.14705587

Doesn't that imply that men are more accustomed to rationality than women? If a man must rationalize something, it isn't just for others, but for himself. A woman would never have to rationalize anything, for themselves or for others.

>> No.14705592

This 100%, a lot of women are completely cringe but no one seems to notice.

>> No.14705602


"Men without dignity SEIZED by pride.
A common upper-middle class affliction."

-Thomas McGrath

>> No.14705609

>So he's actually correct, but the fact that he said it at all is what pisses you off?

This is surprising to you?

>> No.14705611

>Do you think that we have some unique access to objective virtues?
No, only that we're more inclined to seek them out and integrate them into our lives. Woman do it for show. It's a fashion statement to them, something to make sure they aren't at the bottom of the pecking order. It helps that pretty much any pathos will draw a woman in like flies to honey. They believe that the world should be a kinder place, but at the end of the day it is the men who are shouldered with the burden of making that decision.

>> No.14705612

>having confidence is hardly “jacking yourself off”
Literally how can you think this is confidence and not a pure cope.
Genuine confidence tends to be quiet.

>> No.14705631

Well, if we're going to talk about something let's talk about it. Even if it's an unspoken understanding of female behavior that all men share.

>> No.14705639

This. Competency speaks for itself, it doesn't need awards or parades or constant advertising.

>> No.14705659

I've realized that my communication style, and personality in general is way too masculine and I sometimes make women a little uneasy as a result. So, I'm actually trying to make my communication a bit less overly masculine. Women are better at a lot of things like language skills and relationship building. I need to start giving them more credit or I'll be destined to being this al Bundy's sort of character that I am today. I dont like that... so I've read feminist books lately, come at me 4chan, haha

>> No.14705671

Why don't they prove that they're worth it instead of just implying it. Here are a few observations.
>Their signs are supremely low effort a professional placard designer would deserve many times the compensation the girls deserve
>One of them just plagiarized the other, pathetic
>Not one of them has brought anything new to the discussion of gender pay equality, just parroting stuff other people have told them
>I am almost certain none of those girls have even started their careers in earnest, but they're complaining about how little they'll be paid in the future.

>> No.14705690

They lost any mechanism of policing themselves looooong ago.

>> No.14705706

No I understand it clearly and that's how I came to the conclusion that it's retarded

>> No.14705716

99% of woman and 90% of men have minimal mental facilities

>> No.14705717

>Besides this reading like you've never known a woman over 22
The older ones just hide it better. The mask falls off after a few days instead of hours.
Let me guess, you're dating a single mom?

>> No.14705724

Instead of arguing the points made, she adheres to shaming. Very feminine.

>> No.14705760

>Well, if we're going to talk about something let's talk about it. Even if it's an unspoken understanding of female behavior that all men share.

Whew. First, not all men share it, because many have been shamed into submission.

Second, you should realize that censorship is the first line of defense for many. Yes, those relying on deceit will react angrily to those who speak the truth. This isn't just women, it's everyone who has built their foundation upon lies. They will lie to your face and then act as if it is you who has done wrong for being honest.

>> No.14705767


The Sage does not reveal himself, which is why he is seen.

>> No.14705819

It's good to know other thinkers before me thought of this too. What other insights did McGrath have?

>> No.14705821

But you'd expect them to have a pinch of self awareness and realize that their behaviors are analogous to that of children, and make the connection that you are too old to be acting like a child, who has an underdeveloped brain.

Their actions have never faced ridicule which leads to a diminished shame response and a lack of reflection on their own behavior. This is why they adopt childish psychology, because it best serves them in this society.

>> No.14705896

Gonna need some references there Frank

>> No.14706013

>How delightful if the failure of gender studies to dialogue with men is a failure in sex studies?
It isn't. Their strategy has never hinged upon logic or facts, all they need to do is badger people and institutions relentlessly with appeals to emotion until they give in. Likewise, the best defense against this stuff isn't to engage it in argument, it's to make degeneracy illegal again

>> No.14706316

This post was written by a woman so it is invalid.

>> No.14706374

>This post was written by a woman

>> No.14706549
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This is you.

>> No.14706974

Anyone else find it strange that a woman's vagina is right against her anus?

>> No.14706984

my first gf's vagina was on her stomach just above her belly button

>> No.14707130

You sound like the woman who say men "manspread' to feel more dominant when in reality the reason is as simple as "my balls get squooshed". Everything you've said is pathetically incorrect, but it enforces your belief that women are children.

>> No.14707145

This is it, gentleman.

>> No.14707150

How will you learn different ideas from the same group of people? You'll never grow if yo

>> No.14707191

I mean, you only have one set of pelvic floor muscles whether you're a man or a woman and they have to do quite a few things.

>> No.14707202

Nice roman de Renart reference anon.

>> No.14707211

That was a copypasta buddy

>> No.14707214

Oh no. Now I'm the faggot.

>> No.14707215

> You think buying Philosophy books and not reading them to flex on other women
If that's a woman thing then all anon on /lit/ are secretly women and the few lewd answers I've received in various threads in the past 6 years turn out to be way more arousing in retrospect.

>> No.14707234

it's ok, we're all faggots here

>> No.14707274


>> No.14708052

No, the opposite. It's their inability to construct a logical ideology. Gender studies is fundamentally flawed. Gender being your performative role is retarded and invents a problem when we already have the terms "masculine" and "feminine" to describe what a culture perceives as fitting for men/women. They make up nonsense to say shit like "Athena was non binary because she has some aspects that don't fit her gender role/the archaic greek gender system" rather than simply saying she was a female goddess with some typically masculine traits.

>> No.14708150

based and thought provoking

>> No.14708158

>trite platitudes that evaded the point of the post they were replying to are based and thought provoking
you seem to be retarded

>> No.14708180

Women and men are equally capable of cultivating high intelligence. We each have advantages and disadvantages physically, psychologically, and socially. On average, we tend toward different interests and desires with regard to some things. The excessively verbose and confusing jargons of gender and queer studies are primarily influenced by the Continental philosophical tradition of spouting a bunch of bullshit to sound smart and hoping nobody notices that you aren't really saying anything truly stimulating. Judith Butler in particular is guilty of this.

>> No.14708573

Pic related?

>> No.14708590

This only happens to short men

>> No.14708605

Maybe it’s your looks