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File: 53 KB, 445x562, 10F77F01-03B8-43B8-8D78-650AE3F96FC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14702156 No.14702156 [Reply] [Original]

>”please don’t read Ernst Junger”
>”someone has to”

>> No.14702168
File: 56 KB, 550x791, 48ef77218466f4c93a18576b2ffa63bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"even if you choose to read Ernst Junger, i'll still be faithful to you"
>"that's my girl"

>> No.14702173
File: 392 KB, 1255x990, twitter screencap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sad some people don't know it's all for show. The whole of anti-modernity movements is akin to dadaisms ironic sincerity. People confuse it for real life, which the writers of the things who galvanize them have already abandoned.

>> No.14702181

this is pretty much how I explained the situation to my then gf when I was 19. I used to dazzle her with these hours-long speeches about how if you looked really closely at history Hitler wasn't that bad a guy. I used to even put on this sort of pained face about having to deal with these harsh truths about reality that associated me with bad people while being such a moral individual myself and she just bought it all up the complete fucking retard, I've never even read Mein Kampf or a single history book, I was just browsing random /pol/ threads I'd string together into diatribes for her lovingly receptive mind because I was mad about internet feminists

>> No.14702187


>> No.14702194

>Nooooo dont leave, I'll be sad for a whole week before finding another dick to ride
Women are worthless and deserve to be killed

>> No.14702200


>> No.14702205

Why are Junger threads so shit?

>> No.14702207

>The whole of anti-modernity movements is akin to dadaisms ironic sincerity
oh is it? shit, better cut off my sons dick.

>> No.14702209
File: 1.41 MB, 1252x1540, femoid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psychologist and criminologist here. Little known fact, those who are found to follow the Macdonald Triad move on from mutilating small animals to butchering woman simply because killing woman is easier on their conscience.

>> No.14702210
File: 62 KB, 1392x800, gigachad_revealed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14702219

You mean Incels will never actually rise up and seize the means of reproduction? It's just image macros and viral youtube clips forever?

>> No.14702224

incels rising up is the only one that will happen. the day of the sexbot is nigh

>> No.14702231

not if i have anything to say about it

>> No.14702242

And you'll just be a lone madman with delusions of having an army at your back. It's tragic you brainlets don't "get it" If anything ever changes, it's going to be a VERY long march, well past out lifetimes, or a sudden unlikely collapse outside our control. The current order is very stable.

>> No.14702243
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>> No.14702272
File: 47 KB, 645x729, brainlet-5a6217dcbd1c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this midwit thinks he can predict the future like some kind of fucking genie or some shit.

>> No.14702289
File: 132 KB, 607x582, FCCF78AA-7ABF-48ED-A816-0DE88764657A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the chad bvll fears the incelariat

>> No.14702293

What is Jünger mode? I can only imagine the Anarch as Gigachad, a being so based that he exists entirely outside the sociopolitical structure while accruing power within it

>> No.14702302

twitter hot takes, not even once

>> No.14702319

Stupid fucking centrist

>> No.14702327

Yeah but now they you're not in the picture she probably believes whatever shit the next guy tells her

>> No.14702333 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 343x343, AA5BB855-E8D3-4154-9763-35125796F1AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*unite the right rally*
>It’s all
>*eddit de platforms the_donald*
>*twitter shoahs right wing users left and right*
>a massive
>*infinty chan gets shut down
>*brennan tarrant happens*
>*feds scrambling everywhere*
>*gun control legislation*
>*red flag laws*
>*MSM propaganda campaigns*
Yeah... it’s all just a prank bro..

>> No.14702337

>dazzle her
women do not value autism, women value casual entertainment before casual sex

>> No.14702348
File: 13 KB, 343x343, AC4A20C1-AF55-42FF-8459-DF2B13EFB5D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unite the right rally
>”It’s all”
>reddit de platforms the_donald
>”just ”
>twitter shoahs right wing users left and right
>”a massive”
>infinity chan gets shut down
>*brennan tarrant happens
>feds scrambling everywhere
>gun control legislation
>red flag laws
>MSM propaganda campaigns
>anti semitic laws
>yellow vest movement
>Jair Bolsonaro
Yeah... it’s all just a prank bro.

>> No.14702362

t. isn't engaged to a Catholic qt3.14 from his university youth group.

>> No.14702421

>reddit de platforms the_donald

>> No.14702424

>infinity chan gets shut down
man that was depressing

>> No.14702427

>America's Ukrainian nazi puppets like Junger

>> No.14702428


>> No.14702501

Storm of steel is boring to me. Why is this? I think I watch too much war movies to begin with

>> No.14702602 [DELETED] 

this sounds like some gay shit a coward would say. it's not all jokes. not at all.

>> No.14702694

This is very naive. While right about the kinds of individuals who perpetuate terrorism or other bizarre acts, it's naive to assume that because we live in a brief time of stability and peace, that such as time lasts forever.
We can perfectly see how, in a time of grave uncertainty, that violence may erupt, or an unprecedented autocratic government may arise, be it right or left. It's just that delusional bozos think that comparatively milquetoast politicians would ever be so brazen, as if Trump would at all bring fascism, or Obama would bring communism.