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/lit/ - Literature

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14697973 No.14697973 [Reply] [Original]

How do we save the Western civilization from the postmodern neomarxist sjw discord tranny materialist jew oversocialized libtards and take back Tradition?

>> No.14697976
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Let natural selection do it

>> No.14698023
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how’s that working out for you so far?

>> No.14698031
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>How do we save the Western civilization from the postmodern neomarxist sjw discord tranny materialist jew oversocialized libtards and take back Tradition?

>> No.14698040

>postmodernism isnt just “western imperialism 2.0: this time ‘reason’ can not stop our hunger”

>> No.14698046
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>> No.14698047

The west created that trash so it gets what it fucking deserves!

>> No.14698311

Karl Marx was a racist

>> No.14698394

he was a self hating jew

>> No.14698439

In some ways. But he was also fanatically against racial slavery.
>In the United States of America, every independent workers’ movement was paralyzed as long as slavery disfigured a part of the republic. Labor in a white skin cannot emancipate itself where it is branded in a black skin.

>> No.14698467

stop living in a dreamworld, the tradition you dream of literally never existed.

join an Amish community if you really can't handle real life

>> No.14698580

Postcontinental cyberanalyticism.

>> No.14698621
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>> No.14698629
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>> No.14698638

we stop paying attention to ignorant cunts like OP who vomit made up garbage like whatever the fuck is that complaint/bogus claim. seriously fuck god damn burgerfascist completely cognitively possessed by niggers and jews: evil is in the eye of the beholder you fucking simpletons.

>> No.14698656
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>> No.14698736

Nietzsche, Deleuze, Foucault, and Spinoza are the greatest traditionalists of all time! They sought to bring humanity back to their warlike tribal roots, a true back-to-nature pre-moral tradition. They understood humans are animals with lives only worth living when we fight for ourselves and our families against all external enemies. Anyone arguing that tradition is something everybody should stick to and "play by the same rules" are simply cry babies

>> No.14698763
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you don't

>> No.14698939

what the fuck? Deleuze constantly shits on tradition (and progress). The whole Body without Organs thing is about fighting it.

>" The outside has no image, no signification, no subjectivity. The book as assemblage with the outside, against the book as image of the world. A rhizome-book, not a dichotomous, pivotal, or fascicular book. Never send down roots, or plant them, however difficult it may be to avoid reverting to the old procedures. "Those things which occur to me, occur to me not
from the root up but rather only from somewhere about their middle. Let someone then attempt to seize them, let someone attempt to seize a blade of grass and hold fast to it when it begins to grow only from the middle.""

>"Write to the nth power, the n - 1 power, write with slogans: Make rhizomes, not roots, never plant! Don't sow, grow offshoots! Don't be one or multiple, be multiplicities! Run lines, never plot a point! Speed turns the point into a line! Be quick, even when standing still! Line of chance, line of hips, line of flight. Don't bring out the General in you! Don't have just ideas, just have an idea (Godard). Have short term ideas. Make maps, not photos or drawings. Be the Pink Panther and your loves will be like the wasp and the orchid, the cat and the baboon."

>> No.14698958


Fuck little boys, nothing more traditional than the teacher-student relationship mediated by pederasty.

>> No.14699060

may you notice my slight of hand, 'tradition' is surely the millions of years of packs of humans, rhizomes of humans, making immanent evaluations according to their will to power and affirmation of life... rather than a brief window of time, say the 1780s, or 1950s, or whatever stupid golden era so-called "traditionalists" want to return to.

the Body with Organs can be a way of looking at training the body to do things where thought and rationality are unnecessary. we train a horse to be the BwO of the rider, receiving rider-waves, just as a gimp is the BwO of the dominatrix, strapped up with a girdle and chomping at the bit. Perhaps the worker is a BwO of the 9-5... it's not that the worker is exploited, but that he has allowed himself to become an Empty and unproductive BwO

>> No.14699120

I see. Sorry I misunderstood you, as I thought you were talking tradition as in traditionalism rather than the thing you said. Anyway, I still must disagree with you. I think that Deleuze completely rejects Hegels "Idea that comes back to itself to become Absolute", and in doing so, he soughts not to bring back humanity to their tribal roots but to see new forms of organization that don't necessarily mimic old ones and actively fights "old times nostalgia" thats so prevalent in most western philosophy, which is also a pretty important part of Heideggerian school of thought. To my understanding, he also completely rejected the "external" or the "internal" as binary, arborescent choices. (plus, i'm fairly certain that he wanted to abolish the familiar institution) About the BwO thing, I agree

Aynway, this is what I understood by reading him, and I might me blatantly wrong. Feel free to correct me, anons.

>> No.14699133
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>> No.14699161

I understand, for sure, 'Become-nature' rather than 'return to nature'. But my argument was directed at the traditionalists in this thread

>> No.14699172

Except they'll just import more soft brains from shithole countries to replace the rank-and-file lost from natural attrition.

>> No.14699177


>> No.14699187

Which honeypot is this?

>> No.14699443

The human species is only like 200,000 years old. What the hell are you blabbering about. Did you use to be a redditor by any chance? I think I recognize your blabbering style.

>> No.14699635

>How do we save the Western civilization from the postmodern neomarxist sjw discord tranny materialist jew oversocialized libtards and take back Tradition?

By killing piece of shits like you whose minds are poisoned with toxic ideologies

>> No.14699654

what is BwO?

>> No.14699764

But postmodernism is the way to save it sweatie

Traditions are a spook.

>> No.14699831

Body without Organs.
>what is that
An egg along which longitudes and latitudes production takes place. (don't quote me on that.)

Huh thats an interesting take.

>> No.14699863

>just as a gimp is the BwO of the dominatrix, strapped up with a girdle and chomping at the bit
Sex obsession always creeps into your guys works. Much of the problems with today's left is they are so sex obsessed they make entire archetypes to live all aspects of their lives by just for sodomy or autogynephilia

>> No.14699869

have you ever read a book?

>> No.14699896

you are a basketcase my bro

>> No.14699933

If you would have kept your eyes open, then you would realize that life is obsessed with sex and traditionalism is no exception.
Any trad institution be it state or religion heavily constraints and decides in how sex takes place.

>> No.14699966

Why even post when you have nothing to say but "i disagree"?

/pol my bro.

>> No.14699979

every state has laws regulating sex, I don't even know what you are defining a trad institution as. Leftists can't even give a analogy without taking about their fetishes and allow them to dominate their lives

>> No.14700018

I disagree my bro

>> No.14700167

Have you ever talked to non twitter leftists?

>> No.14700192

yes I have also talked to their enablers. They don't talk so much about this but their ideology leads to the mass migrations and identity politics they say they hate. The overlap between people spouting PC culture and marxist ideas is not a random coincidence

>> No.14700205

this is a characterization of Nietzsche, as I have never read him advocating the return of tribal packs of humans. He explored the instincts that make morality expressed by different people

>> No.14700337

>The preaching of chastity amounts to a public incitement to antinature. Every kind of contempt for sex, every impurification of it by means of the concept "impure" is the crime par excellence against life – is the real sin against the holy spirit of life.
– Nietzsche

>> No.14700477

yeah dude he was definitely talking about, men castrating themselves or people not being able to make an analogy without fetish dominatrix play.

Chasity in Nietzsche's time literally meant chastity. A time in which all human sexuality was suppressed. Even enjoying normal sexual reproduction was frowned upon. Not dominatrix gimps and whatever sexual acts, or lack there of, that entails. Or allowing ones life to become dominated by these fetishes.

I think public normalizing mutilating your genitals can be considered to be "public incitement to antinature"

>> No.14700489

unironically /lit/ needs to write its own books, make history.

>> No.14700539

>I too speak of a ‘return to nature’, although it is not really a going-back but a going-up – up into a high, free, even frightful nature and naturalness, such as plays with great tasks, is permitted to play with them….
– Nietzsche

>in his whole way of living, Spinoza projects an image of the positive, affirmative life, which stands in opposition to the semblances that are content with. Not only are they content with the latter, they feel a hatred of life, they are ashamed of it; a humanity bent on self-destruction, multiplying the cults of death, bringing about the union of the tyrant and the slave, the priest, the judge, and the soldier, always busy running life into the ground, mutiliating it, killing it outright or by degrees, over laying it or suffocating it with laws, properties, duties, empires – this is what Spinoza diagnoses in the world, this betrayal of the universe and mankind
– Deleuze

he doesn't generally advocate anything.. make of it what you will

>> No.14700633

so what you're saying is, Nietzsche would have wanted people to talk publicly about sex, just not men dressed in latex getting pegged, nor for that matter, philosophers explaining their ideas through humorous metaphors like sewing up the glans penis and getting whipped like a horse?

>> No.14700669

Spoiler: you don't. Traditionalism has become a movement designed to burn down the world out of spite for the impossibility of the inclusion of traditionalism in the future of humanity. And so fuck humanity if we can't have our holy hierarchies.

>> No.14700722

I think you should cite the work if you are giving a one sentence quote for context. I reread the passage in twilight to idols, which he is comparing Napoleans 'return to nature' to Rousseaue to 'return to nature'

> what I hate is its Rousseauesque morality – the so-called ‘truths’ of the Revolution through which it is still an active force and persuades everything shallow and mediocre over to its side. The doctrine of equality!… But there exists no more poisonous poison: for it seems to be preached by justice itself, while it is the termination of justice…. ‘Equality for equals, inequality for unequals’ – that would be the true voice of justice: and, what follows from it, ‘Never make equal what is unequal’

I don't necessarily disagree with all of your statement particularly concerning tradition of 1780's or so on not being the morality that Nietzsche is talking about. However I do think you are falling dangerously close to a Reductio ad absurdum that could be used for anything that pertains to humans natural wants and desires. Furthermore I don't think it is very fair to discount a return to traditionalism(not really sure what that means anyway) because they cite an author that may not perfectly match up with all their ideals during implementation. You can cite Plato's ideas without wanted to apply everything in the republic

>> No.14700778

I doubt the lgbts even get any erotic enjoyment out of the sodomy anymore. They dont have sex, they virtue signal and engage in shrill politically correct activities at the behest of george soros and their marxist professors.

>> No.14700793

not really sure how your extra quote discredits me, but let's face it, there is a shitload of nuance in Nietzsche and Deleuze which i'm fucking with for my own entertainment. If someone is interested in "tradition" as if it is some ""god given fact"" aka """natural""", then knocking most of these thinkers, whose work essentially carve out what is natural in us... aka arguing what could be a """""return"""" to """"""Tradition"""""" you will find i am quite happy with reductio ad absurdum

>> No.14700812

They're not the ones we need to be worried about. It's the super rich, the ones pulling all the strings.

>> No.14700830
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By being a disgusting, weeb chantard

>> No.14700836
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>so what you're saying is
are you memeing on purpose. If you want to know what the comment is saying reread it. If you would like to show he meant "sewing up the glans penis and getting whipped like a horse" is something that is natural sex, you should find that quote.

However that was never even the intent of the original comment. It was to say leftists are obsessed with deviant sex and it permits every aspect of their lives

>> No.14700858
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by persecution and censorship, obviously

>> No.14700884

sorry dude, i didn't realise 4chan needed moderation in order to ensure all arguments and conversations run smoothly and accordingly with the rules conjured up in your tiny brain

>> No.14700891

I just need to add on this, after strawmaning argument he made projection of his secret deviant uncosciouss desires "sewing up the glans penis and getting whipped like a horse" i

>> No.14700907

who is that to right nigga

>> No.14700910

stop saying glans penis!
You're just saying this because you want to say the words "glans penis!!!!"

>> No.14700913

you got me. you figured out my secret deviant unconscious desires (don't tell the other 4channers)

>> No.14700939


none of these are arguments, just childish insults. You're quite obviously triggered, maybe you should take a break from the computer

>> No.14700943

glans penis.

>> No.14700947

William James

>> No.14700948 [DELETED] 

stop talking about mens sexy parts! men don't have sexy parts! glans penis

>> No.14700983
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Hitler was trans

>> No.14701032

Did they happen to mention whether his glans penis remained unsewn?

>> No.14701077
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i guess he was pretty much into hardcore fetish uniforms

probably enjoyed getting his balls sewn to his inner thigh by other men too

>> No.14701581

I would rather if this wasn't on /lit. It is part of what I come here to avoid