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14697874 No.14697874 [Reply] [Original]

what's your alignment

>> No.14697879

I just remove all the pages I've read

>> No.14697885

>not just remembering what page you stopped reading at

Never gonna make it.

>> No.14697891

Lawful evil

>> No.14697899

Lawful neutral and neutral good, I have some small cute animal pointers I use.


>> No.14697911

Chaotic good

>> No.14697919

The advantage of bookmarks isn't just "remembering" but also "quickly opening up to". If you just memorize you have to flip around a bit.

>> No.14697922

>not cooming on the page you left off at

>> No.14697933

I never even bother to remember the page number. I just open to a section I know I’ve read which is close to where I ended. This way I review and remember some of the material I finished before, and gives my brain a chance to warm up and prepare for the new material I plan to read.

>> No.14697941

Depends. Chaotic good. Chaotic evil in school books. Lawful evil if I'm rereading after I forgot for a long time.

>> No.14697948


>> No.14697952

>not reading the entire book in one sitting

>> No.14697955

>not reading one sentence per day to truly absorb the meaning

>> No.14697966

"lawful evil". But why is it evil? Should not the act of leaving no trace be considered good?

>> No.14697974

>no prints were ever found so we couldn't tie him to the murder of his cheating wife

>> No.14697989

Chaotic good here. I take sticky notes and tear off the sticky part

>> No.14698002

Chaotic good nigga

>> No.14698003

Lawful good, chaotic good, lawful neutral, true neutral, neutral evil and lawful evil. I’m all over the place when it comes to book marking. Only dog ears and a FUCKING LEAF are out of bounds.

>> No.14698012

I use a dollar bill

>> No.14698018

I unironically put a magnet on the page I left off
it was the closest thing near me when I was reading a book once so it has just become my bookmark

>> No.14698048

Does anyone actually use a ribbon if there isn't one attached to the book?

>> No.14698069

Index card or cash

>> No.14698075

I used to use a piece of thread

>> No.14698081

I use an index card. I wrote "bookmark" on it with a marker.

>> No.14698088

i rip each page out as i read it so i am always on the first page

>> No.14698094

Chaotic evil lol

>> No.14698101
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I use money

>> No.14698116

>lawful good, cjhaotic good, occasionally lawful and neutral evil

>> No.14698143


based answers. I always tear of the price tag, stick it on the receipt and keep it for bookmarking.

>> No.14698149
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what about paperclips??

>> No.14698197

Chaotic evil

>> No.14698936
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Why yes, I tear out the pages of Hemingway's short stories and fold them into bookmarks; how could you tell?

>> No.14698945

That takes like under 10 seconds

>> No.14698953

>Having a working memory is evil

>> No.14698956

What's wrong with dog-earing it? I always do that for my books and it works fine

>> No.14699003
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A mix between chaotic good and chaotic evil.

>> No.14699017

Don't know if this makes me autistic. I usually read until the end of chapters. So when I start to tire I always make sure to get to the end of the chapter. I once read a 600 page book in my native language and couldn't stop until I was finished even though I was dog tired. My mind was like, if you stop now you won't remember so they won't be any chapters and all this work would have been for nothing.

>> No.14699018

I tear out each page after I've read it because I'm not a retard, so I can just open the front cover.

>> No.14699034

chaotic good all day every day I only dog ear the bitch if I see an important paragraph on the page that i want to reread in the future (only gay niggers write/take notes on a book)

>> No.14699036

Nothing. When you realize the physical book isn't a sacred object and can be digitized completely without any information loss, a "book" as an object becomes worthless and even destructive.

>> No.14699046

where my /chaoticevil/ gang at

>> No.14699123

memorizing the page number is god-tier. im chaotic good btw

>> No.14699130

chaotic chaotic

>> No.14699135

chaotic retard

>> No.14699145

are trading cards scrap paper?

>> No.14699168

neutral good, middle school edition

>> No.14699301

chaotic good.
don't use a receipt though; don't touch them ever, in fact. that thermal ink is extremely bad for you.

>> No.14699310

>that thermal ink is extremely bad for you
really? how so?

>> No.14699319

i guess train tickets are chaotic good?

>> No.14699356

BPA/BPS exposure, other toxic substances too. unironically, wear a glove—or use something between the receipt and your skin at least—if you must handle one.

>> No.14699375

It doesn't even matter what card it is? What I'm using a shadowless Charizard? Or a Black Lotus?

>> No.14699387

chaotic good

>> No.14699398

true neutral and chaotic evil. sometimes neutral evil but not for long periods of time i.e. overnight, because it'll warp the spine.

>> No.14699399

lawful evil

>> No.14699413

lmao ok schizo
take your meds

>> No.14699590

What the fuck is a sentence pointer

>> No.14699612

chaotic good, patrician edition
neutral good, the cool kid in the group of middle school nerds edition

>> No.14699697
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who here /biological/
There's a patch of wildflowers near me that I pluck occasionally for bookmarks. They get pressed while I read through my books. Leaves work well too.
The flowers will die anyway. Might as well preserve them while using them to my advantage.

>> No.14699763

how is that schizo? those are both harmful chemicals found in the ink covering receipt paper. everyone freaked out about it being in their plastic crap, but no one even seems aware that they are found in the receipts they handle all day.

>> No.14699812

Alternatively chaotic good and lawful evil

>> No.14699836

Fellow chaotic goods out there, what miscellaneous items do you find yourself using?
For me, it’s
>old post-it notes
>my phone
>nearby blankets and charging cables
>strand of my own hair

>> No.14700266

chaotic evil / true neutral

>> No.14700284

I like to write notes of the book I'm reading on index cards and use those as bookmarks.

>my phone
>nearby blankets and charging cables
>stand of my own hair?

are you ok anon??

>> No.14700305

i use playing cards

>> No.14700455


>> No.14700503

lawful evil

>> No.14700511

chaotic good and neutral evil

>> No.14700524

me too bro

>> No.14700562

Chaotic Good, mainly bus tickets

>> No.14700573

Not on the list, but i use a pencil which is then used to highlight passages i like while i read.

>> No.14700581

chaotic good, i use a $1 check i got at my bank for using their mobile deposit

>> No.14700599

once I lend to my grandmother a book and she would open it 360°, making both covers touch each other, put a lot of pressure such that it would close by itself and then proceed to store it like that, with the page she was reading to the outside, in her purse. Absolutely wrecked the binding. My mother still gives me a hard time for never letting my gramma touch my bookshelf again every time they visit me.

>> No.14700608

This is what I do. Even tho I use and e-reader I still go chapter by chapter and remember that way

>> No.14700619

I mean the first two are for when I’m just stepping away from the book for a bit, and I only use hair when I’m really out of options

>> No.14700639

correction: it *wouldn't* close by itself

>> No.14700888

What's using an old magic the gathering card, usually one that matches the theme of the book?

>> No.14700892

autistic retard

>> No.14701312

Where do Yu-Gi-Oh cards fall on this chart?

>> No.14701328

True neutral but I was chaotic good for a couple of weeks a few years ago.
I like to collect bookmark, normal ones, like those you get for free at bookstores. I still have bookmarks I got from buying books when I was a kid, and one my teacher gave me in primary school (I think I was around 10).

>> No.14701331

Post some cards matching with books.

>> No.14701333


>> No.14701341

Why the hell is memorising the page number "evil"? If anything putting scrap pieces of paper that might potentially rub off on the pages is "evil".

>> No.14701346

This except I write notes on them

>> No.14701445


>> No.14701454

Yup, I use a pair of sunglasses I used during the eclipse

>> No.14701492

who the fuck reads physical media? the lighting ruins it and the spine always makes the book want to close. Read on a tablet or a phone you hipster fags.

>> No.14701521

The true /lit/ bookmark is a long strip of LSD

>> No.14701651
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I just spit in the book.

>> No.14701724

I used to do memorizing like a pleb until I read the same three pages of Absalom, Absalom! one hundred times over the course of a week. I still remember it was:
>Just like father

>> No.14701742

And it takes under one with a bookmark.

>> No.14701777
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>grab a free complimentary deck of cards COMPED from the casino gift shop on my way out from losing 20 buckeroonies after an hour of blackjack
>have 52 brand spanking new bookmarks
why doesn't everyone do this?

>> No.14701781

No because I have an at least rudimentary grasp of statistics.

>> No.14701801

I don't gamble to win money, I gamble for the dopamine hits I get and the exaggerated sense of control that blackjack gives a player. I know I'm going to lose money every time I go in. It's just fun to make the bets.

>> No.14701830

I just guess where I left off the last time.
Whatever I miss I wasn't meant to read.

>> No.14701851

lawful good > true neutral > chaotic good > lawful evil. Depending on circumstances.

>> No.14701852

I am batman.

>> No.14701856

I'm considering the leaf possibility.

>> No.14701858

I usually fall under true neutral but I have fallen under chaotic good and chaotic evil if it is a crappy school textbook.

>> No.14701866

lawful evil, chaotic neutral

>> No.14702090

LEterature bros unite
Imagine ruining your vacuum-seals by letting air inbetween the pages. fucking gross

>> No.14702101

I use a Magic the Gathering card that is thematically appropriate to the book I'm reading.

>> No.14702105

I switch between chaotic good and lawful evil.

>> No.14702112
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>> No.14702127


>> No.14702214

It would take me over ten seconds to locate a bookmark after I lose whatever object I use within a few uses

>> No.14703033


>> No.14703038

Chaotic good, but it's all downsized poker cards.

>> No.14703057

>he lets bound paper cuck his time

>> No.14703086
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i use church cards and scrap papers.

>> No.14703159

This, but with a first edition that you stole from an auction house.

>> No.14703389
File: 28 KB, 220x276, 220px-Aureolus_Theophrastus_Bombastus_von_Hohenheim_(Paracelsus)._Wellcome_V0004455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you're a) literally gulping down your mashed receipts or b) rubbing them on your arms all day there's no 'real' danger, because dosage matters i.e the quantity of BPA that is going to enter your body is so small that its effects will be nil.
Just wash your hands after touching a receipt, going as far as using gloves is not bad per se, but very overkill. What you should do is not consume products with BPA in the packaging.

From an article in Nature:

>Braun notes that for people who handle only a couple of receipts a day, thermal paper is unlikely to be a major source of exposure. Pregnant women working as cashiers should be careful though, he suggests. "I would err on the side of caution and avoid exposure we think might be harmful."


>> No.14703408

I just read the whole book in one go

>> No.14703417

You are lifetimes ahead of me

>> No.14703437

I am lawful good because I purchase Everyman's Library whenever possible.

>> No.14703461

Nothing evil about memorizing page numbers

>> No.14703482

I find myself starting books on flights a lot, so I use the plane ticket. Since it has a date, I know how long it has been since I started.

>> No.14703488

been using pens recently

>> No.14703610
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I see you're men of taste as well

>> No.14703620

>wants to save time
>read a book
Pick one.

>> No.14703658

I guess I'm chaotic good. I don't use receipts; I use folded over sheets of paper. And when I see a word I don't know or that I think has an interesting etymology, I write it on the paper, and then I eventually look it up and record its etymology and definition.

>> No.14703718

бaзиpoвaный и кpacнoпилюльный

>> No.14703855

I just open the book to a random page every time I read and try to guess at what the story is

>> No.14703880
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I don't even read

>> No.14704327

same... my only real reason to post is to make other people feel bad

>> No.14704369

Lawful evil or lawful good, but I was chaotic evil in my youth.

>> No.14704376

I use Magic the Gathering cards

>> No.14704726

I draw along the top of the book with a marker pen up to the page that I'm on. If I'm rereading then i use a different color. You're only marking the very top edge of each page so it doesn't actually ruin the legibility.

>> No.14704736
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HELP What if I remember the page number until I get far enough into the book that I can't remember, and then I start using a receipt?

>> No.14704744

Every evil one and chaotic good

>> No.14704769

Facedown or random scraps of paper

>> No.14704898

this is what library receipts are there for

>> No.14705300


Until the power goes out due to widespread Coronavirus-precipitated war, you asshole.

>> No.14705323

Chaotic evil, but friend gave me Wittgenstein bookmark yesterday and I'm happy as fuck. Also e-book because I'm blind and therefore need to customize font size.

>> No.14705368

lawful evil

>> No.14705525

No, but half my books have one because I don't buy poor people editions.

>> No.14705535


>> No.14705557


>> No.14705795

Chaotic good, true neutral and neutral evil depending on where i am and what i have/how long i am putting the book down

>> No.14705812

memory persists even when you turn your computer off, anon

>> No.14705882

Portuguese people are so disgusting

>> No.14706218
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>> No.14706320


I use my bookshop loyalty card.

>> No.14706361

I don't use any bookmarking method, I just vaguely remember the page or proportion of the book's length I was at, then skim until I find the last sentence I remember reading.
I the worst case I misremember and reread a few lines, no big deal.
Dunno what that makes me in that alignement, perhaps extreme chaotic good.

>> No.14706370

Lawful neutral, but is that implying that people use the search function? My ebooks just automatically open where I left off.

>> No.14706403

chaotic evil. i do not care

>> No.14706414

Why have you posted a picture of paracelsus?

>> No.14706508


Blackjack for the camaraderie and free drinks is the most reliably enjoyable casino experience.

>> No.14706526

chaotic evil I guess, they're my books to ruin.

>> No.14706568

neutral evil and chaotic evil. they're just books

>> No.14706581

a $2 bill

>> No.14706637

Every time I finish a page I rip it out, so the page up up to is always at the start.

>> No.14706791
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I use old train tickets so I guess that’s chaotic good, bits of paper or card work just as well as a ‘real’ bookmark plus they’re free and it doesn’t matter if you lose them
I can remember the page number anyway but it’s easier to immediately open the book to the page I need with a mark than flicking through

>> No.14706845

Magnetic Bookmark

>> No.14707785
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I use tarot cards

>> No.14707817
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>Not ripping the pages out and eating them as you read

>> No.14707988

Either chaotic good or chaotic evil. Mostly chaotic evil desu

>> No.14708982


>> No.14708990

Chaotic good usually. They give too many receipts anyway.

>> No.14709328

True and lawful neutral.

>> No.14709349

whats it called when you dog ear the page so the corner points to the word you stopped reading at?

>> No.14709363
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70% chaotic good 20% true neutral 10% neutral evil. Literally never done any of the others.

>> No.14709379

lawful neutral

god damn

>> No.14709662

i just close the book and then figure it out later

>> No.14709665

hah! faggot.

>> No.14709693

But I am none of these

>> No.14709705

Neutral evil

>> No.14709723


>> No.14709730

chaotic good

>> No.14709792

Same, just use library receipt

>> No.14709799

why do people use money ?

>> No.14709944
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Where my toilet paper chads at

>> No.14710108

I have like a general sense of where I was, flip around til I find the page that looks right, scan for words or phrases I know I haven't read yet, etc.

>> No.14710160

Me too. I use train tickets which I acquire while reading on the train.

>> No.14710531

Chaotic evil >:D