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14693934 No.14693934 [Reply] [Original]

I don't understand why having a different view of things automatically makes one a "schizo". Reductionism hasn't really moved much in the last few decades, and I don't really see why returning to traditional modes of thought automatically implies an "illness", or something wrong. What do you guys think?

>> No.14694229

My diagnosed schizophrenic friend (let’s call him Tim) didn’t take his meds and snuck into my other friends house and video recorded him. Tim also goes off on private tangents about killing that friend sometimes because tim really likes the girl that my friend was dating at the time. Schizo is an umbrella term so I’m sure this doesn’t represent everyone but this is my personal negative experience with schizos

>> No.14694250

the man who thinks for himself,with his own opinion,not influenced by anything or anyone,is a piece that does not fit in this puzzle, i like to think diferently,and the consequence of that: loneliness and marginalization

>> No.14694260


> a different view of things automatically makes one a "schizo"
R.D Laing and Thomas Szasz said something similar, that is:

> [To] Szasz, disease can only mean something people "have", while behavior is what people "do". Diseases are "malfunctions of the human body, of the heart, the liver, the kidney, the brain" while "no behavior or misbehavior is a disease or can be a disease. That's not what diseases are.
Article on Szasz: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5353517/

While Laing says that mental illness does exist, he say that it is a (natural) reaction to a hostile (unnatural) environment. (article on Laing: https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/6E8EA5F4AB7F3795B1E61F5D2078749C/S0955603600098238a.pdf/r_d_laing_revisited.pdf))

Though, the thing is that some visions and experiences are really strong and you know... while one tries to make the best with one's nervous system (example: remember to wash or comb yourself), one encounters difficulty in interacting with other, and not everyone is on your side, or worse, is against you, and in all societies there were groups that were persecuted.

Useful books:
- Operators and Things by O'Brien
- The Center Cannot Hold by Saks
- The Divided Self by Laing

>> No.14694264

Same anon here. I probably shouldn’t blueball you so here’s how everything turned out. Tim moved elsewhere and had an argument with the girl. Nobody talked to him or even seen him after that argument

>> No.14694278

it can lead to dangerous thoughts and losing loved ones. personally, i think it gives me an edge to seeing things differently. like now i save nazi memorabilia not because i am a nazi but i want to preserve historical artifacts from schizo lefties. its like when dumb feminists start throwing away books by white men. they are the real nazis

>> No.14694279

if you are talking about schizophrenia - you become dysfunctional and homeless

>> No.14694296

This actually.

>> No.14694331

OP here. Thank you for the replies. What I meant by schizo is what you guys are getting to call people on the fringes. I am perfectly functional and have never had a single hallucination. I simply am drawn to different schools of thought. Hell, we could go all the way back to the times of Pythagoreans, the Mathematici and the Acusmatici. I think both types of thinking are valid in some way that we don't yet understand, I am simply trying to embrace both. Call it cognitive dissonance and whatever, but I still think valuable insight can be gained from them.

Thank you for the suggestions. I will definitely read these. I am not trying to self medicate or "explain my delusions", because I genuinely have never hallucinated or doubted the reality of the world and the people in it.

I am simply fascinated by an underlying mystery that surrounds everything and science simply does not satisfy me anymore. I find it difficult to tread on things like these without thinking I'm slowly going insane because I very much doubt that. I may be on the spectrum but I still function as a normal person and can have and have had fulfilling relationships with others. I am in control and have developed discipline over my body and thus mind, but I still fee like I am not in control of things outside me, and that is what I wish to understand more.

>> No.14694342

I was more poking fun at the fact that anyone with a slight inclination for studying something different is automatically classified as actually schizophrenic. Whereas I might simply just be a highly functioning autistic.

>> No.14694344

no the real nazis are the guys who controlled germany from 1933-1945. the dumb feminists are just dumb feminists

>> No.14694350
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It poses a risk of danger to others, in particular one that cannot be easily understood, predicted, and mitigated.

>> No.14694355

That is some heavy reading. I've only read The Doors Of Perception. Do you actually relate to that though? In proposing ideas that are hard to refute and are immediately dismissed as schizo-babble?

>> No.14694400

What do you mean by traditional modes of though?
Neurological disorders are a spectrum
Being "schizoaffective" doesn't mean you are a schizophrenic
Schizoaffective thinking is characterized by tangential and loose thought association (among other things)
An actual schizophrenic literally cannot even follow their own trains of thought.

>> No.14694413

You're thinking schizotypal. Schizoaffective is schizophrenia with bipolar

>> No.14694428

yes sorry am drunk

>> No.14694432

Schizo here
Autism and schizophrenia blend into each other at extremes like leftism and right wing

>> No.14694436

I'm schizoaffective and it hasn't even made me popular or a lolcow on the internet despite lots of writing I've done. It also lead to being homeless for two years, a rather spectacular suicide attempt, poverty, getting expelled from college, and other bad things. I don't think there is that much wrong with my thought processes but it would still be better for me if I could think the way I used to be able to think prior to the great happening.

>> No.14694440
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>Why is being a schizo a bad thing?
Yes, people here use "schizo" as a pejorative but literally nobody means it literally here. Mental illness on this website is extremely romanticized. In fact, people in general fallaciously associate "madness" with "intelligence" in spite of the fact that schizos tend to have a significantly lower IQ than the general population. They tend to have a lifespan about 20 years shorter than the average person in a given population as well. Being a schizo is a horrible existence that you should not desire.

>> No.14694444

>I don't really see why returning to traditional modes of thought automatically implies an "illness", or something wrong
Might not make you schizo per se but certainly is intellectually dishonest and makes you a reactionary shitbag most likely

>> No.14694449

because no matter how much you want to romanticize mental illness, it's really not fun or interesting or based. It's a drag, you sound like a narcissistic retard. I'm serious, there are more precious gems of wisdom in the thoughts of the severely mentally disabled than there are in the pressured speech verbal diahrrea that schizos produce.

You want to know why it's bad? Because it's unpleasant. Nobody feels at ease listening to a schizo. At a base level, it's disgusting people. Nobody wants to hear a schizo ramble on about the numerological connections between migration patterns of rainbow trout and the US consumer product safety commission's twitter account. It's fucking garbage, interjected with fragments of a conversation you're having with yourself. And that's the benign shit, don't get me started on the gross bullshit schizos get up to when they get manic.

It's not a god damn personality quirk.

>> No.14694455

>why is being schizo a bad thing
>why do people who have a different view are considered "schizo"
If you ask the second question, it implies that in your conception being a schizo is different than simply having a different view (otherwise it would be equivalent to asking why birds are categorized as "birds", a pointless question). Supposing that your conception of its meaning is the normative one - "being insane" - it is considered bad because it makes you dysfunctional and generates a great deal of suffering.

>> No.14694478
File: 266 KB, 1842x564, romanticizing mental illness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because no matter how much you want to romanticize mental illness, it's really not fun or interesting or based. It's a drag, you sound like a narcissistic retard. I'm serious, there are more precious gems of wisdom in the thoughts of the severely mentally disabled than there are in the pressured speech verbal diahrrea that schizos produce
This is a take I wish I'd see more on here. Pic related is the last time I saw something similar. Schizophrenia is sad, and desiring it is some debased level of narcissism that I can't fathom.

>> No.14694495

Thank you for the clearup. I'm a newfag. This was all a newfag post. Sorry for bothering you guys, I'll do some more reaserch before posting again.
I am sorry for using that word. I never meant to "romaticize" mental illness. I just didn't appreciate being called a schizo for simply reading the Kybalion or the book of Zorah. I will do my research and deepen my vocabulary. I think this thread has gone far enough. I no longer associate with that word. Thank you guys so much for helping me sort this out, I never meant to show myself as something I am not. And neither do I want to be labelled as such too.

>> No.14694516
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Fair. I didn't mean to call you a narcissist either, I just forgot to add my qualifier,
>or just a misunderstanding of schizos in general

I've been called a schizo here many times. I actually prefer it to most insults because it never seems totally malicious to me. More like,
>i dont understand what u just said, ur talking crazy
which is pretty passive, as opposed to
>are you retarded? nothing you said makes any sense, kys
which makes my blood boil every time

>> No.14694529
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Let the Gaians preach their silly religion, but one way or the another I shall see this compound burned, seared, and sterilized until every hiding place is found and until every last Mind Worm egg, every last slimy one, has been cooked to a smoking husk. That species will be exterminated, I tell you! Exterminated!

>> No.14694532

I agree! I'll try to see it that way next time someone calls me that. I just find it hard, because I enjoy talking and I would like to have a conversation with as many people as possible right? But I guess that is simply impossible, some people simply reach a point where they are not interested. Thank you for the conversation everyone.

>> No.14694534

Its hard to live a normal life under capitalism if you have schizophrenia

>> No.14694541

What system do you think would allow them to lead a normal life?

>> No.14694546
File: 32 KB, 150x150, AlphaCentauri_G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reading ur reply
if only you were a femanon

>Symbols are the key to telepathy. The mind wraps its secrets in symbols; when we discover the symbols that shape our enemy's thought, we can penetrate the vault of his mind.

>> No.14694557

anarcho-communism, obviously.

>> No.14694561

Something where there is less pressure to earn your own living if you have a mental illness. Maybe Deleuzianism

>> No.14694573

I suspect schizophrenia is almost entirely a modern phenomenon. Everything about the modern world is conducive to it.

>> No.14694574

Its not about leading a normal life according to the current status quo. But just something where they dont end up as hobos or at least if taken care of if they do want to become some kind of wandering hobo. Its not an easy problem since they can be a danger to themselves but our current method of just feeding them meds and trying to get them to work normal jobs doesn't work for a lot of them

>> No.14694579
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sure doesn't.

>> No.14694587
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Is this a good book on the subject? I read some of it and found it interesting but dude needs to just get to the point instead of going on with examples.

>> No.14694594

Is this Dune? Are you fellas quoting Dune? I've been doing psychedelics and I find that I relate a lot to
>>Symbols are the key to telepathy. The mind wraps its secrets in symbols; when we discover the symbols that shape our enemy's thought, we can penetrate the vault of his mind.

I guess I'm gonna give it a read. They don't call DMT spice for nothing.

>> No.14694596

He killed himself because he went off his meds though. Not saying he was happier on them though

>> No.14694609
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i remember listening to a mark fischer lecture on how society creates and fraudulently deals with mental illness. he ended up killing hanging himself a few years ago, so in retrospect he was a firsthand account of his own ideas. also he's in the interesting Nick Land circles, if that's your thing

i assume he's written about the subject, but here's the lecture, at least i think it's the right one,

>> No.14694635

"schizo" is mostly of course hyperbole and also a great "i won the argument now" line. its basically a meme if youre just talking about 4chan. but to follow on this, i do genuinely think that people are becoming increasingly schizophrenic with the internet. see something like gangstalking. once, a small problem with a few select people, now when you introduce them to a community of like minded fellows, the world conforms to their vision, and now that they are confident in their assumption it gains influence, and exponentially... etc

>> No.14694636
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no i mean to say you're right, in that clearly the meds/work solution didn't work for terry

Dune is great, worth reading on while on Spice, but that's actually a 1999 computer game called Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri. there's not many games i like but that's one of them.

If you want a book that expounds on that idea then read Gene Wolf's Shadow of the Torturer. On the first chapter he says basically the same thing,
>We believe that we invent symbols. The truth is that they invent us; we are their creatures, shaped by their hard, defining edges.
And it's a major theme throughout the book.

>> No.14694664

Since we're on the topic of suicide in this thread. I've decided that I'm gonna kill myself by the time I turn 40 if I haven't found a decent reason to carry on. Just wondering if I should tell family and friends beforehand, or if I should leave it as a morbid surprise. The problem with telling them is that I might find something that makes me reconsider in the next decade or so, and they will also most likely try everything they can to change my mind. But I also think that not telling would be doing them a disservice. They kind of deserve to know, and it would hopefully make it less painful in the end. Any suggestions?

>> No.14694685

the great ouroboros! Thanks, I'll put it on my list.
I understand now. Psychedelics have allowed me not to embrace what I believe too hard. I am still open to having my mind changed if new evidence comes up. But we have to tackle the problem of taboos. I guess calling a schizo is easy as it's just showing others that X person has touched the taboo. It's a denigratory term, just like how "faggot" is used on other boards I assume. This board has been incredibly fascinating for me.

I think any life is valuable, but at the end of the day you have authority over yourself and the decision to stop playing the game is yours. I think you should not tell people that you are going to do it. Perhaps write a letter, and store it, or set a dead man's switch, or something of the like. Talking to others about killing yourself only alienates yourself further from them. Don't talk to anyone about it and you will see that you will stop thinking about it eventually. I have two attempts. I have finally accepted my place in the game and have decided to accept it. I also know how bothersome and humiliating unwanted help is so I will not try to. But please, do not bring it upon others yet, if you are contemplating it in however many years. You'd be doing a bigger disservice by telling them I think. Stay strong anon.

>> No.14694691
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>Any suggestions?
I think Umberto Eco only started writing in his mid/late-40s and if he wrote any of his books any sooner they probably wouldn't have been nearly as good. In spite of being past his mid-life crisis years, he still spends years (a decade for some) researching the topic of a book before writing anything down.

I guess what I mean to say is that, and this probably won't help, with a change in perspective adulthood really only starts getting good in your 40s. You have work experience which means you have options, and complete mobility if you don't fall for the buy-a-house meme, and savings, and an ever-increasing crystallized intelligence if you don't suffer from dementia.

But if you're set on suicide, I wouldn't tell anyone. Nobody will take you seriously until you're actually dead.

>> No.14694701

>Nobody will take you seriously until you're actually dead.

This was the hardest thing to accept for me. It was me I was not taking seriously. Or rather, I was taking too seriously. That hit home.

>> No.14694730

addendum: schizo has also taken on a partisan connotation, it is common to see mostly neoliberals call conservatives that talk about something like "global warming is a lie, or theyre putting gays into movies to turn my children gay" schizos. And now further-than-liberal lefties are also revelling in the bliss that is conspiracy, eg: jeffery epstein didnt kill himself, the dnc is sidelining bernie in iowa by manipulating the election"
hard to not take a side, my first instinct is to say that the opposing side has retarded conspiracies and that ours are seeded in truth.

>> No.14694743

I guess people here call others schizos for that reason. I don't want to show others that they are wrong, I want to be right myself. And I have to contemplate different ideas from both sides, political, philophical, whatever fucking else. I really do think Queer theory is a thing, and it's funny that I came to that conclusion because I'm a conservative.

>> No.14694754

Thanks for the replies. I'll keep it quiet.

>> No.14694772

all of them are usually seeded in some truth, they come from the fact that something is wrong, they might just not come to correct conclusion as to why and usually this is picked (when on a large scale) by the ease of swallowing. Germany did have problems, versailles was fucked up. the Jew and million year reich is so abstract and so very palettable.

>> No.14694837

I don't think any intelligent leftist would actually want to destroy nazi artifacts, since it was a legitimate part of history, and keeping that story alive could help to dissuade other people from going down the same path in the future, its the reason why holocaust museums exist. People that actually want to destroy that kind of stuff are, and I use this term without irony in this case, virtue signallers

>> No.14695231

Operators and Things is a shit book and it's obvious that retarded woman made everything up. It's awfully strange how she stopped being crazy the moment the doctors mentioned electroshock therapy. Really makes you think. An attention whore and nothing else.