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File: 44 KB, 450x609, Xi_Jinping_2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14692678 No.14692678[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Chinese President Xi Jinping declares people's war on the coronavirus outbreak. (The National) (Reuters)
Literature for this feeI?

>> No.14692692
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City of Ash and Red

>> No.14692822
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On fear mongering big nothing burgers?

>> No.14692831
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>> No.14692843

The problem isn't the fatality rate but how fast it's spreading

>> No.14692850

i'm also looking for more pandemic suggestions other than camus' the plague

>> No.14692859
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>nothing burgers
we dont use language like that here its a void sandwich u nazi

>> No.14692871

Death in Venice
Narcissus and Goldmund has a black plague part

>> No.14692888
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Yeah more people will get it but it will follow the trends of all these outbreaks and level out and decline.

>> No.14692951

Never heard of SARS but corona is gonna kill millions, its our generations spanish flu

>> No.14693409

zoomers get out please

>> No.14693418
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>> No.14693429

>Never heard of SARS
oh you're underage then

>> No.14693437

Underage b&

>> No.14693449

It was a coronavirus outbreak in the 2000s that was handled terribly

>> No.14693459

Everything is going to be fine.

>> No.14693461

>innocent viruses
yeah shoot'em

>> No.14693497

>its our generations spanish flu
Already came and went. This isn't 1920 anymore

>> No.14693511

the point is that because of how easily contagious it is it has the threat of reaching global proportions and that would just completely destroy 3rd world countries that have large populations of people with compromised immune systems who have little access to a healthcare

>> No.14693530
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>> No.14693531

Its been two months and hasn't even left China despite literally millions of travelers. You happeningfags are way too gullible

>> No.14693556

Its less fatal than the normal flu which already exists in the 3rd world and kills far more people

>> No.14693589

The Fifth Pest by John Greenson, about how the real pests during the Four Pest campaign were the chinese starved to death along the way

>> No.14693597

I didn't say it was going to happen you illiterate retard, I said that given how contagious it is it has the possibility of becoming a global issue. This also isn't even a conspiracy theory I made up or got from /pol/ either, it's literally the reason the WHO gave for why they decided to declare it a global health concern.

>> No.14693614

the WHO declares global health concerns every other year. Literally who cares.

>> No.14693617

It will put them out of their misery.

>> No.14693631
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>> No.14693665

/lit/ has declined

>> No.14693760
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>600,000,000 quarantined
>500,000 sick
>25,000 dead
>spreading exponentially
>could cause worst global economic crisis in history
Stop posting about this double nothingburger. It's literally nothing. Just a flu.

>> No.14693786
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Like this guy say.

Literal nothing.

Mobile execution box just funny joke.

China is future.

>> No.14693836

Tin foil hat time: China did this to themselves to create the infrastructure to deal with an actual dangerous pathogen in the future. Similar to how a vaccine creates antibodies, this viral outbreak is creating the future response infrastructure. The virus has to be serious enough to be deadly, but harmless enough to not kill too many. It is accomplishing its goal perfectly.

>> No.14693843

Read Cody Lundin if you want to survive in the city. Bit of a hippie and some silly humor but the information is the best for urban survival. (Perhaps there are other good ones now, but it's not something I focus on.)
Read Mors Kochanski for a foundation and wilderness/rural survival.
Seed saving books, animal husbandry, folk medicine/knowledge, carpentry and general repair, gutting books, fishing, tool repair etc. are the best books to have for anyone rural. No list because they often have to be for your location/region.

Keep in mind that any serious societal collapse could mean that wild animals get wiped out in a matter of weeks. So have goats, chickens, and other animals if you are able.

>> No.14693873
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just made this

>> No.14693898
File: 55 KB, 600x429, 9th floor layout of the Hotel Metropole in Hong Kong, showing where a super-spreading event of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) occurred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if homosexuals could infect normal people with homosexuality as easily as pic related

>> No.14693899

Possible, but very unlikely. This could wreck the global economy, and they will be completely destroyed.
Most likely the numbers of infected and dead are completely fabricated. And basically any expert that is not owned by WHO/IAEA says 10-100 times their listed numbers.
Also a bit suspect that all of the released numbers have exactly 2.1% mortality rate. Pandemics don't work like that.
And Frank Plummer turned up dead.

>> No.14693912

Why hasn't it spread though? it should be all over the world by now if it's that infectious

>> No.14693976

Saw a headline a few hours ago decrying that Corona surpassed the global death rate SARS had

>> No.14694024

Novelization of Resident Evil.

>> No.14694056
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How many of those have you read? Because it kinda just looks like to looked up "corona virus" on amazon desu.

>> No.14694063
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*blocks your path*

>> No.14694119

Why would it? From what we know it takes 1-3 weeks to spread and spreads to 4 people on average. It began in December sometime, although officially it was contained until the beginning of January. Barely a month later and 600 million are in quarantine.
The first case outside of China was only a week and a half ago, something like that. And now there are 375 cases.
In a month it has been far more deadly than the SARS epidemic which lasted a year. For it to infect most of the globe in a week or two is just expecting the impossible. One has to think in terms of every two weeks (or shorter if it turns out that the incubation period is less) and multiples of four. If the number keeps going up by multiples of 4 every two weeks then we are fucked, or at least the regions in which those rates occur.

Between Jan 25 and Feb 8 cases went from approximately 2,000 to 37,500 which is a multiple of 18. That's the best case scenario, and there was just a report of a super spreader infecting over 50 people, so it is likely the 4 number is simply based off of fudged Chinese numbers.
Watch the global and US numbers in two weeks, then again in four. That will give an idea whether or not it will be SHTF or something containable.

>> No.14694130

none. i was looking for books to read that are related. made it for myself and decided to share

>> No.14695496
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>> No.14695502

>25,000 dead
OK schizo

>> No.14695512

>not trusting the fucking CCP is schizophrenia

>> No.14695523
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>therefore I will make up my own sources based on what the tin foil hats are saying

Read the theory

Its already reaching its peak at 900 deaths and is already starting to slow down. This whole thing will be completely forgotten in a month and we will be laughing at you just like we are laughing at the WW3 fags

>> No.14695532

>country on the verge of economic collapse will quarantine 600 million due to 500 dead
Zero chance.
Plus even the head of WHO just said 'we're only seeing the tip of the iceberg.'

>> No.14695534

the bigger picture is that even a conservative fatality rate of 1% has the potential to tens of millions if this becomes a pandemic

>> No.14695537

Guys, im really scared, there are lot of chinese at my college. And I was wrestling with one of them.

Also, based Xi Jinping, love me a people's war.

>> No.14695541
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>> No.14695542

I don't think so, china are losing their shit

>> No.14695556

The Quarantine's aren't that big of a deal. Its basically like if you were from Colorado but weren't allowed to leave the state because of a travel ban.

>> No.14695561

According to who? some /x/ tier thread on /pol/?

>> No.14695570


Its already over. Meanwhile the normal flu has killed 10x the amount of people during the whole event

>> No.14695592

>bro it's jsut like a travel ban
they are welding cages over people's doors so they can't leave their homes

>> No.14695595

I really want to wish something would happen but you retarded reddittors hyping this are making it hard

>> No.14695599

only person in the entire thread posting relevant information. Nice job everyone else declaring that the virus either is or is not a problem, you've truly been insightful

>> No.14695602

the normal flu is everywhere anon, that's the reason why. it's exponentially less deadly than ncov

>> No.14695614

Because they were trying to leave a quarantined city and Chinese police don't fuck around

>> No.14695620

He dead

>> No.14695632

>only person with relevant information
>also the most questionable sources and trusting some fear mongering arm chair "expert"

>> No.14695636

the virus is a problem desu

>> No.14695642
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Ok Chang.

>> No.14695645
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Yeah but the worst of it is over and the infection rates have already been dropping

>> No.14695647

>person with virus is scared as they are quarantined as to not spread it around
wow, real damning evidence.

>> No.14695652
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But you just said it was the same as a fake quarantine.

>> No.14695662

implying the numbers are real

>> No.14695665

Jan 26, shill.
My own estimates have been within the range of these experts every time. But please show proof that China's numbers are to be trusted.

>> No.14695667

Its literally from the epicenter of the outbreak. The Chinese government is going overkill but if you are saving 1,000 or so lives for it then its worth it in the end. And your new webm is just them trying to kill the germs in Wuhan, whats so strange about that

>> No.14695676
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If you don't trust China then trust Japan, Singapore, Thailand or South Korea. Or are you going to claim every country is trying to cover it up

>> No.14695679

>bro it's like a travel ban, nbd
>bro it's a quarenteen, what do you expect?
hope they are paying you well for your service to the party

>> No.14695682
File: 348 KB, 505x509, ruhrohscoob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is under control, the virus is under control, do not let fear-mongering foreign agents and Hong Kong separatists disrupt social order, thank you for your cooperation

>> No.14695683
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Go ahead and cry end of the world then. There have been people like you every single outbreak but it turns out we didn't all die from Zika or Ebola

>> No.14695691

Ok shill.
Keep believing that the death rate follows a simple pattern of exactly 2.1% mortality and 600 million are locked down because of a 'flu'. I'm sure the tens of thousands quarantined in arenas without any medical will do just fine.

>> No.14695697

And what are you trying to prove with those numbers? You realise that this means it is spreading at an incredible rate, right?

>> No.14695702
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>some random dude on twitter with a vaporwave name
Yeah, im sure Sudbury is also burning bodies too right? Fake news

>> No.14695705


May it kill every single CPC member. Every last one, in all their millions. May it put down and overthrow the false communist state of China, the one single most wicked entity in existence.

>> No.14695707


Its been slowing down at a pretty quick rate. only +0.8% new cases when in the past few weeks its been over 20%

>> No.14695709

based retarded shill

>> No.14695715

Not an argument. Sulfur dioxide isn't that uncommon, especially in china where they burn coal.

>> No.14695722

>b-but its not real communism

>> No.14695746


By "false communist state", I did not mean that "chinese communism doesn't count as communism", a matter which is admittedly open to debate, whatever one's opinion.

What I meant was that the present government having de facto control of the Chinese mainland, whether communist, or not, or whatever adjective one wishes to append-that state, call it what you will, is illegitimate and void, and ought to be put down and destroyed at all events. That is what I meant. And if this virus can do it (it won't, but a man can dream), good.

>> No.14697280


>> No.14697408

>a perfectly calculated linear graph
>after there are no more test kits
Seems reasonable...

>> No.14697486
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This except the Communist version

>> No.14697493

t. gets all his data from /pol/ happening threads

>> No.14697507

the growth is quadratic, for some reason

>> No.14697514

hi reddddddddit

>> No.14697540

>no! you can't call out my made up stories! you absolutely have to be from reddit!

>> No.14697559
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The Chinese are optimistic that the virus is already on the decline. Infection rates haven't been growing and there hasn't been a single death in a week. Even Xi has taken to the streets showing that it's not serious anymore

>> No.14697563

>The Chinese are optimistic
The absolute state of /lit/ lmao.

>> No.14697573

If you don't like it then go back to /x/ and cry about how everyone is already dead with them

>> No.14697575
File: 188 KB, 1196x698, confirmed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Chinese admitted they have no more test kits.
Your shilling is too obvious, chink.

>> No.14697583

>won't trust national statistics
>trusts a literal who from twitter
Yeah fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.14697584

>photo in empty street after ten fog trucks gas it
>immediately rush back to isolation

>> No.14697595

>national statistics
Ok Li.

>> No.14697604

>random twitter poster
ok retard

>> No.14697835


>> No.14697852

>Its been slowing down at a pretty quick rate. only +0.8% new cases when in the past few weeks its been over 20%

Its 8%, not 0.8%. Also the increase is quite steady at about 3000 cases per day. The drop in percentage is only because the total number is also growing.

>> No.14697886

This. Coronavirus is a meme.

>> No.14697938

Threads like this are an amazing reminder of how Americans know jack shit about what china is or is like. Another great example is how every foreign company completely collapses when it enters the chinese market. The chinese are really a rising threat to american order and they're completely alien. China is cthullu

>> No.14697994

>trusting a government that puts millions in concentration camps
ok nazi

>> No.14697996

There aren't any concentration camps in China.

>> No.14698005

back to /pol/ with your islamophobia

>> No.14698027

Rated under.

>> No.14698333



>> No.14698374

Its not just a problem in China that others have already stated. If you want go purely off the data from the other countries where the virus is

>> No.14698381

If it really was as contagious as /pol/ claims the % would still be rising. Take the other viruses as a case study and you will know more about how these pandemics go about

>> No.14699290

So are these chinese glowies or just accfags in this thread?

>> No.14699298

Are you saying ptg is spreading rumors and china is telling the truth?

>> No.14699322

binary retards be like either it literally kills everyone and ends the world or it's not worth worrying about

>> No.14699357

except these are totally anomolous to the amount of coal plants in the area. there could be some sort of major offgassing from plants in two of the worst affected areas of China, but much more likely they are burning wildlife and pets to help reduce transmission rates. The USSR did the same thing to help stop radiation spread after Chernobyl. Or they are burning a couple dozen thousand human bodies and the death toll is more than they lead on.

>> No.14699366
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>> No.14699460
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>If it really was as contagious as /pol/ claims
why are you focusing on what /pol/ thinks? this literally makes you a bigger retard than they are
>Take the other viruses as a case study and you will know more about how these pandemics go about
not the sort of lines you want to see

>> No.14699464
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>they're completely alien
you got one thing right

>> No.14699515

Rich coming from the place that cant even afford to give its citizens access to clean water lmao

>> No.14699534


>> No.14699606

The symptoms don't manifest for the first week or two. A lot of people are infected and don't even know it yet.

>> No.14699633

It also seems like once you do show symptoms it's just a cough, it takes weeks for it to kill people. So there could be loads of people who think they just have a cold

>> No.14700146
File: 44 KB, 641x641, D0Ydp2KVAAAmeA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google: "mutating virus"

>> No.14701027

Viruses get less deadly after mutating because surprisingly killing your host isn't a good way to spread

>> No.14701108

You fags post the same script over and over again.

>> No.14701204

As long as they're not bioweapons...
And the Canadian involved in the theft to China has turned up dead. Interesting times.

>> No.14701258
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>Its already reaching its peak at 900 deaths and is already starting to slow down.
1016 deaths already, number of daily deaths has been going steadily up.
Oh look, they've said to just burn the bodies over a week ago, when daily deaths were around 60. Is that too much to handle, or is the virus that dangerous?
As for confirmed cases supposedly slowing down:
And there are many more reliable sources confirming suspicions that /pol/ had weeks ago.
The best bit was on a WHO conference last Friday, when they've said:
>masks useless
>don't buy masks
>we need masks
Sure doesn't sound suspicious.
>This whole thing will be completely forgotten in a month and we will be laughing at you just like we are laughing at the WW3 fags
Tell me, how many confirmed cases there were when China quarantined 50 million people?
How many there are now?
How many are quarantined?
Isn't Shenzhen under partial quarantine now too?
The city that produces most of world's electronics?
In a month we'll be at the forefront of biggest global economic collapse, plus Corona-chan will be spreading in the west as fast as she's spreading in China now.
Shill all you want now, if you survive you're gonna get killed over a can of beans.