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14691256 No.14691256 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14691264

Stealing Land’s tweets and putting them on /lit/... shameful

>> No.14691266

God you bronies need to fuck off.

>> No.14691278
File: 1.59 MB, 1300x1200, EFPMseLUUAEyUFR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zizek decisively lost the argument, as Leftists always do. Thank God we tortured and executed all of them in my country. There is still a pit outside of La Corchuela where you can see where they buried the leftist prisoners alive in cement. Some of their fingers just barely extend from the top, which was covered by a grate which is now submerged in the concrete.

They say that some of them crawled on top of the others, biting and kicking to stay alive just a bit longer, drowning their fellows. I've got to tell you, that thought makes me very happy. Because in the end, they all drowned in agony, knowing that their "comrades" had betrayed them, except for the last one, who died knowing that he had betrayed everyone else just to die last.

Real courage, from real leftists. The courage to gnaw your best friend's face off for another thirty seconds of life. Exactly what I'd expect from thieves.

>> No.14691308

you'd do the same thing idiot

>> No.14691313

I would not band together with criminals to try to steal a country. I would not burn down churches and steal from farmers. I guess we'll never know how I'd react if I were justly punished for the crime of being a bandit, since I'm not one.

>> No.14691324

>Thank God we tortured and executed all of them in my country.
spain has a leftist government

>> No.14691328

Only a bandit revels in his sadism

>> No.14691335

>The country with a fucking king has a leftist government

>> No.14691350

No, that’s a normal human emotion. Open a history book sometime. Man has always enjoyed viewing violence.

>> No.14691362

Weaklings always make excuses for why they wouldn't take what they know is theirs.

>> No.14691366
File: 207 KB, 708x1060, 67D07945-EF59-4CB4-BEDB-8D1F87AEB3DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is why taking money from Koch Industries to be a frontman for their sociopolitical agenda isn’t a good idea for lily-livered Canucks


>> No.14691369

That sent black helmeted goons to crack some Catalonian heads not too long ago.

>> No.14691398
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Oh but we had no trouble taking what was ours. I'm sure you've heard of the slogan "you will give birth to fascists."

I'm pretty sure every good little leftist woman in Spain was familiar with it around that time too. They let the Moroccan troops rape them to death. You thought the Soviets did a number on Germany, at least they didn't import niggers to rape their prisoners.

And, unlike the Germans, these whores deserved it. Good little leftists, finally getting that universal fraternity they wanted. And, if you are familiar at all with the works of Vallejo-Nájera, you will know that this was not merely limited to women. Oh no. Those strapping Africans were perfectly willing to sodomize left-wing men as well. That's a bit gruesome, I wouldn't have gone that far, but I guess they were into it.

>> No.14691399

>the coked-up chad vs the beta benzo addict
lmao yeah zizek is definitely the more worse off of the two after their debate

>> No.14691408

More excuses. You will always be prey to men like us, who partake in the endless war for dominance. People like you, who find their own little safehole away from the need to fight, will always find out that they are not so safe after all.

>> No.14691412

>Stealing Land
>Thread about Communists
Getting those noggins joggin here

>> No.14691431
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Yeah nigger I'm shaking in my boots. What's going to happen, is the Mondragon Corporation going to come down here on horseback and burn down Toledo?

>> No.14691446

Like I said, you think you're safe. You don't realise that you're being cucked even now. You're like the weak kingdoms who paid off the Norse to stop invading them, only to get conquered the next year.

>> No.14691456
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Yeah amigo, the grandchildren of the people who disassemble their babies in the womb with pliers are going to come and steal my car.

Oh no wait, they won't because they're dead.

>> No.14691458

>She said Russian doctors are not influenced by pharmaceutical companies to treat the side-effects of one drug with more drugs, and that they “have the guts to medically detox someone from benzodiazepines.”
:| God America blows

>> No.14691476

You poor fool, they already own your car. I didn't say it was only communists who take what is theirs. After all, communists are taking BACK what is theirs from somebody, aren't they?
I have no love for communists, because they want to take what I own. But I recognise their desire to take what is theirs. I have respect for them. People like you, who try to seek shelter from me and those like me, bring me nothing but disgust.

>> No.14691495

>peterson spent all of his patreon money from the nerds partying, now he has to go to a gulag in russia for treatment


>> No.14691943

13th Rule For Life
>when shit gets too real, put yourself in an induced coma

>> No.14691949


>> No.14691982

>communists are taking BACK what is theirs from somebody, aren't they?

>> No.14691994


>> No.14692020

>please someone quote this some day
use deodorant

>> No.14692035
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>You will always be prey to men like us, who partake in the endless war for dominance.

>> No.14692080

>ad hominem ad hominem ad hominem
So are you going to provide us with an actual argument or just masturbate?

>> No.14692126

> implying Peterson is not a leftist
An absolute new low for /lit/.