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14686775 No.14686775 [Reply] [Original]

Are we really expected to believe that the wizards in this series never get exposed by muggles even with cameras and government spies 'n' shit?

>> No.14686778

They’re fucking wizards, bro. Which part of this don’t you understand?

>> No.14686782

they literally brainwash any muggles who learn about them. It's kind of disturbing

>> No.14686819

Half-Blood Prince confirmed that the Wizarding world is a global conspiracy that controls all of the muggle governments as puppets.

>> No.14686844


But what about the footage? What about LIVE recordings?

>> No.14686897

The Muggle government knew of the wizarding world. They weren’t going to out them

>> No.14686934

why the fuck are all the useful disciplines relegated to some shitty elective "muggle studies"?

>don't take mathematics beyond fifth grade
Surely their banking systems and economy require this? Or are they content to get robbed by the goblins?

Why do they think the abstraction of numbers, spaces, and geometry are specific to muggles.

>don't take biology
are wizards not human? On what intuition do their magic use when they suffer from an autoimune diseases and cancer and need a spell to cure it but their spells can't distinguish between their own cells and enemy virus and bacterial cells because they don't even have such a concept?

>don't have language arts, literature, music theory, history, politics, economics
what the fuck is wrong with them? Do they just read books made by human authors because their own are stuck at a fifth grade level?

>no psychology
yeah I guess they can just use some love potion when their marriage runs into problems right?

>> No.14686949

Why are little children allowed to carry wands when you can instantly kill someone with one spell? How did a liberal like rowling write this? does she think we should give 11 year olds guns?

>> No.14686962

No, it's a YA novel written by a women who claimed literally all of Africa AND the Middle East has a single school for wizards while the UK gets its own, you convert the population of the UK to how many students Rowling herself said attend Hogwarts and can make the assumption that if those two continents have the same ratio of wizards to non-wizards than we get a school with over two million students.

Rowling didn't put much thought into her worldbuilding.

>> No.14686968

Not to mention that is a statistical impossibility that not a single wizard ever would try and out magic to the world for personal gain or because they want to use magic to help muggles. Especially since so many wizards are Muggle-born.
All it takes is one Wizard apparating during a live recorded event and doing magical impossible shit, and the cat is out of the bag. This many people with different interests can't possibly keep such a big secret forever.

>> No.14686976

why does harry look like a qt anime girl in that art

>> No.14686978

Only responsible wizards may use wands.

A gun, on the other hand, CAN BE USED BY ANYONE OH NOEZZZ!!

>> No.14686979

The actual killing curse is difficult to use (you need to have serious malice and REALLY want to end the person's life to use it)

There are of course a wide variety of spells that could kill you if used creatively, but a little boy just isn't likely to go home and start burning people to death. Plus, wizards canonically are not fucking smart enough to use spells that way. Remember in the first book where Hermione says that most wizards don't have an once of logic or practical skills? They live life on easy mode so as a result most of the wizards are actually pretty terrible at basic shit. They're not compitant enough to pull off murder.

>> No.14686985

Fucking this, it makes no sense. Magic is useful and all, but a functional advanced society needs the populace to have a basic understanding of those subjects you mentioned.

>> No.14687004

HP magic system works on some super hand wavy logic. Basically someone intuits something and every single detail is taken care of for you. There must be some kind of magic diety working his ass 24/7 for every command anyone makes.

>but you don't even have a clear picture of it in your head, clearly the lack of art and design courses in the wizard curriculum has not done you any favors
>okay I did it, but it's not structurally sound because you don't have even a middle schooler's understanding of physics since you dropped out at fifth grade
>ok but since it isn't I have to keep it up with magical energy 24/7 or it'll collapse on you, who's paying for that magical energy? Clearly you expended a flat amount of mana up front. Ah forget about it.

>> No.14687039

The thing that upsets me the most and completely ruins my suspends of disbelief is that Hogsmede is stated to be the ONLY all-wizarding settlement in all of Britain.

>> No.14687051

I know right? If wizards are so insular and hate muggles so much, why don't wizards all congregate into wizard-only communities? Why do they build houses in places where their only neighbors are muggles they refuse to interact with?

>> No.14687065

The dysgenic effects of magic would be unreal. It would spawn a race of complete retards

>> No.14687068

are there any laws protecting muggle women from wizards who will turn into them via polyjuice to masturbate or make sex tapes

>> No.14687070

Was it ever established if muggles have a finite pool of magical energy that needs to be recharged over time? Or can they just keep casting infinite magic as long as they don't get tired?

>> No.14687093

It gets even weirder since Rowling once claimed that there are 3000 wizards in all of Britain, which seems pretty low.

>> No.14687117

I could never figure out how they know if magic is being performed like when Harry is tried for using the Patronus in the fifth book. Do they have some sort of Orwellian panopticon that is scanning all of Britain and registers every spell cast?

>> No.14687137

Harry Potter's year only had 40 students, meaning that on average only 40 wizards are born in the entirety of Britain every year. Those are indeed some pretty low numbers.
Quite frankly, considering the fact that wizards are so long-lived and don't die of the things that kill muggles, they should have had a huge reproductive advantage over the muggles and should have had a higher population centuries ago.

>> No.14687147

Yeah, like what the fuck

You have this entire sub-society who lives in secrecy who are perfectly capable of making certain areas inaccessible to Muggles with magic. People who think Muggle studies is a joke, who don't know what a telephone or a gun is. You're telling me these people just blend in, and no one ever finds out there are these inept fucks walking around? None of the wizards WANT more all-magical settlements? What about Goblins and Hags and things like that who CAN'T live with Muggles?

The more I think about it the more I think that yeah, a fuckton of Muggles probably DO know about wizards but the ones that do know to keep their mouth shut about it.

Modern wizarding society has laws against muggle abuse. (They would have to, the muggle-borns would insist.) My guess would be that it has not always been this way. Aaand also just because that's the law doesn't mean people don't do it. There is no way for the wizarding government to detect when an adult wizard does magic against a muggle. Wizards are probably a bunch of kidnappers 'n' shit, it's fuckin creepy to think about.

Casting spells doesn't require any energy from the wizard's part. It breaks the law of conservation of mass, though sometimes it also just works around it. When Dumbledore for example materializes a chair from nothingness, that chair will RETURN to nothingness. It will soon crumble into nothing if left alone. That's also why you can't create food from nothing. You COULD, but that matter would soon disappear. Which could fucking kill you if those atoms made it into your cells already.

The "Trace" that wizard minors have is confusing as shit

>> No.14687149

There is a "trace" on all underage wizards, that detects if any magic is performed in their presence, even if the kid wasn't the one to do it. But once they turn 17, the trace is gone, and shithead young men can probably rape and obliviate as many muggle girls as they want without ever getting caught.

>> No.14687157

Weren't the Weasley's considered to be degenerates because they had so many kids? Or was it because they were poor?

Speaking of which, how can Wizards be poor unless the legal guardians are drug addicts or just irrationally lazy? THIS SHIT DOn'T MAKE NO SENSE LADS?

>> No.14687158

I don't think that really matters because wizards don't have extended youth. Dumbledore lived to be 115 which just means he was a real old fuckin man for like 50 years.

What I don't get is how the ability to perform magic is a DOMINANT GENE. Wizards marry off with muggles occasionally. How can there NOT BE more wizards if 99% of all children with at least one wizard parent are wizards too?

>> No.14687171

>Weren't the Weasley's considered to be degenerates because they had so many kids? Or was it because they were poor?

It was because they were "too fond" of muggles, even though they themselves came from two pureblood lines. The other purebloods hated them because they hate muggles.

No god damn clue how wizards could be poor DESU.

>> No.14687183

Reminder that dark wizards are a necessary evil. Their magic is just so damn convenient it's easy fall into a utilitarian faux-paradise trap like in Brave New World where anything they could want is a hand wave away and there are no daily struggles to put life in perspective.
Their lack of dynamic life experience is compounded by their lack of progression in literature and the arts: their range of emotions is not only clamped they have a stilted language for expressing it.

I'm surprised they haven't devolved into amortentia abuse already.

>> No.14687187

Yeah, with magic, wizards don't need to worry about food or housing. The only things they would actually need to pay for are magical items they can't make themselves.

>> No.14687206

The entire wizarding economy doesn't make any sense if you stop and think about it too much about it. Especially since Gringotts doesn't work like a modern bank, it's just a place where you pay to put treasure in a vault, meaning they're a bank that can't invest the money into other things like real banks do.

>> No.14687369

>Especially since Gringotts doesn't work like a modern bank, it's just a place where you pay to put treasure in a vault, meaning they're a bank that can't invest the money into other things like real banks do.
Funny, the other day a libertarian I know was ranting about how he hates modern banks like that that use the money you put in to invest in other things and something something unconstitutional, something something jews; and how he wishes that all banks were just a place to store money and nothing else.

>> No.14687400

I might be economically illiterate but I will never be convinced banks aren't a giant scam. "just let me invent money out of nowhere haha, don't worry bro. and then ill lend it out and charge interest on my imaginary money''. I refuse to accept this memery

>> No.14687415

Worst part is that even though they only have a 6th grade level of English, they're expected to write super long essays for their magical subjects.

>> No.14687422

>Surely their banking systems and economy require this? Or are they content to get robbed by the goblins?
>Banks in wizarding world are controlled by goblins.
>Goblins are greedy motherfuckers.
>Goblins play victims going on about "muh bad wizards starting wars", they even have an immortal inside agent at Hogwarts polluting children's minds.
>Goblins have long noses.
Should I continue, or do you get the picture?

>> No.14687447
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>You think undergrad essays are bad, remember that one time I TA'd for hogwarts?

>> No.14687455

it's a bit higher because no one much was fucking during the war. but generally yeah. being a wizard is really fucking rare
what bothered me the most out of anything is how the buildings are all fucked up jumbles. crooked, mishapen, unaligned. think about how the "staircases move" in hogwarts. is the stone liquid? think about the logistics, especially at the pivot points.
voldemort said wizards were getting weaker magically because of interbreeding with muggles. ...wizards WERE actually getting weaker magically. think about hte founders of hogwarts. compare that with mcgonnagal and flitwick. do you think they could magic up a castle like that out of nothing? or think about harry's parents. they made the marauders map in like 3rd year at latest. at 3rd year harry could barely float a feather. his mom made that magic fishbowl for slughorn where the flower petal turned into a fish. harry, at the same age, could he do that? and harry is supposed to have gained part of voldemort's power, he should be MORE powerful than the average kid. and he's a fucking fuckup. voldemort was right and wizards were getting weaker.

>> No.14687457

Try thinking about how insurance works.

>pay us X and we'll pay X+Y for you

I mean car insurance/homeowner's insurance etc. makes sense because most people don't use it but with health insurance (in the US) basic shit costs hundreds and specialized shit costs thousands. Like *most* people can't afford healthcare without insurance so how the hell can it work

>> No.14687473

>what bothered me the most out of anything is how the buildings are all fucked up jumbles. crooked, mishapen, unaligned
That's a movie thing, I don't think the books ever describe wizard buildings as being like that.

>> No.14687498

another thing. where harry sees a vision of sirius being tortured in the dept of mysteries and dashes off to go rescue him. even though hermione warns him it's probably a trap. why didn't he just CONTACT sirius to see if he actually was or was not captured by voldemort first? it would have taken 5 minutes tops to confirm that. it's the most basic thing he could have done, the very most obvious thing to do.

every step of every book there were constant absurd lacks of judgement and logic, constant plotholes.
pretty sure they did bro. especially the weasley shack.

>> No.14687499

>they only have a 6th grade level of English
That's assuming they even went to a muggle school, which most of them probably didn't because most wizards wouldn't want their kids interacting with filthy muggles and their nonsense muggle "science" or "math".

>> No.14687515

It's a shack though, of course it's fucked up and mishapen.

>> No.14687531

they have MAGIC. why can't they build a nicer house with it? magico shapo carvo woodo. boom, nice house.

>> No.14687533

I've noticed literally everything about the series would've made more sense if the entire world was magic and wizardry instead of just a small part that hides in plain sight.

>> No.14687538

Well the big villain of the series was conceived that way (though it was his mother who magically date-raped his father). So it happens and it has pretty far-reaching consequences sometimes.

>> No.14687545

I can't think of any urban fantasy series with this "secret society of magic people" trope whose masquerade makes any sense or is in any way plausible in the 20th/21st century.

>> No.14687555

Thee are a few important things wizards are incapable and/or forbidden from making out of thin air, including food and money. >>14687147 explains well the food part, as for money, the very idea collapse if anybody can just make it any amount of it on the spot. So at the very least a wizard has to pay for food or grow it, and it can't pay with imaginary money. That probably applies to anything the body consumes.

>> No.14687564

Everybody gets the picture, it was made clear even in the movies, so millions of people have actually *seen* that picture.

>> No.14687570

Not even that it couldn't work, it's that Rowling is a moron and can't make the trope work in her series.

>> No.14687574

All they have to do is use magic to either sell stuff to muggles or steal money from muggles, then use that money to buy food.
Or just use magic to steal food from muggles directly, or plant the food and use magic to make it grow super fast.

>> No.14687602

Well at least with something like The Magicians wizards still lived like muggles just with magic on the side. Rowling really didn't set up a plausible reason for why wizards are like the Amish with magic. Or why anything to do with muggles is rationalist garbage completely anathema to their mystical way of life and must be kept wholly separate.

I'm getting pissed just think about it. There must be some fanfic where we capture some wizards and just rub their noses in with how superior muggles are in every way. You have wizard chess? Well I bet your players are shit because your Elo pool is tiny and human chess books are off limits. That's probably why any muggle patzer could've solved your chess puzzle. What's that? Moving images. Yeah we have that technology. Have fun trying to do anything entertaining with it when you don't have actors.

>> No.14687624

There's Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality, which is basically "what if Petunia married an OC who raised Harry Potter to be a rationalist" where Harry points out how fucking stupid and illogical everything in the Wizarding world and how intellectually incurious wizards are about anything, even magic itself.

>> No.14687632

Aren't wizards hiding because they'd get fucking bodied by the normies?

>> No.14687636

HP is pretty much the Learned Elders of Zion when you think about it

>> No.14687641

sounds too autistic even for me

I was thinking a splinter cell type muggle agent who infiltrated their defenses with modern technology and raped their women.

>> No.14687645

Yeah, because of guns, but wizards started hiding centuries before guns were a thing. If wizards had waged war on the muggles earlier, muggles would have been fucked.

>> No.14687651

Yes. So I don't know where this air of superiority and disdain comes from.

>> No.14687653

How would you improve Harry Potter if you could start from scratch? Would you leave Voldemort as is or have equally strong villains for each book for HP to defeat?

>> No.14687670

I would completely overhaul the magic system, nerfing everyone, and giving some characters affinities to certain types of magic so that there's more variety.

>> No.14687686

They probably liked it that way desu. Also wizards seem to be inclined to traditionalism in daily matters, even when they are politically progressive. Arthur Weasley is pretty much the only wizard interested in technology and tinkering in the whole series, and everyone think he's a weirdo. Well there's also the department of mysteries but they seem more into deciphering ancient magic that bringing new methods to the population.

I don't think it's that strange honestly. If we imagine wizardry as a handful of rare mutations that got fixed in a handful of small populations accross the globe, in those populations it could have produced an effect akin to access to an easy-mode all-purpose tehcnology.

That could imply a lot of entertainment, more complex social relations and bonds that distract from reproduction (because to operate magic you need to follow a lot of weird and rather unnatural rules) and probably contraception as well. And look at what those factors have produced in contemporary society, a drastic reduction of fertility.

And that's all you need to keep a population at low level for a very long time (you just have to be close enough to the rate of renewal). So my point is magic could reasonably have enforced a kind of very early demographic transition in wizards, and if wizards have liked it that way (since their societies are overall balanced, conservative and not easily threatened) there's little reason it would have changed.

The issue of muggle abuse is a bit different, but it's also possible that the development of social and contractual rules necessary to make magic work have deepened the wizard's sense of respect for law. They're not particularly smart but their societies sure are intrincate. So you have a self-domestication process not unsimilar to the one that produced the contemporary western european population. Small populations and easier surveillance make the trend even snarker.

The wizarding community of every country is basically like a somewhat wilder Liechtenstein. That also explains why one particularly powerful criminal with a few dozen thug could become a nationawide threat. In Muggle society Voldemort is only a fraction of the threat of Capone who only ever threatened the area around one big city. But in that area were perhaps more Muggles than there are wizards in the world, so the scale are somewhat consistent.

>> No.14687688
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Have a protagonist who's actually interested in magic for one and not someone who's content with being a mediocre C student.

Two: don't sort human beings into Heros, Nazis, Nerds, and Slackers

malfoy's redemption arc should've been treated with more sincerity and humanity and not some half-hearted "I'm catholic so I have to throw this in here" bit.

>> No.14687705

Ivory tower complex. Reminds me of that scene in Barbey d'Aurevilly's Happiness in Crime, where the narrator briefly describes an aristocratic fencing hall, and note that people who use it have a shared contempt for those who are actually dangerous in real combat but cannot fence by the rules.

There's also the more recent and nonfictinal example of Chinese martial art "master" who are convinced they can take on professional boxers even though their discipline as degenerated to simple theatrics due to underexposure to competition. I think it's quite fitting really.

>> No.14687729

>Add different extremist factions besides the death eaters; groups who want to mingle both muggle and wizarding technology, anarcho wizards who hate all forms of government, Wall street wizards who manipulate the economy with magic
>Make Ron the actual protag and Make Harry ineffctual in the later books because he's too valuable as the chosen one to do any of the dirty work
>Remove Hermione altogether
>Voldemort is less of a cartoon man and is more of a Machiavellian politician that everyone loves

>> No.14687734

I really fail to see how guns would do anything. The wizards could wipe out the muggles before they evne realized what was happening

>> No.14687743

Especially since they can easily use Imperio on all Muggle world leaders.

>> No.14687744

But the witch burnings and inqusitions of the middle-ages and the early modern era surely messed up the wizards with little repercussions for normie humanity.

>> No.14687759
File: 196 KB, 1024x1536, fem_draco_malfoy_by_sladkoslava_daj6zjo-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oi, my eyes are up here pot'uh
>Wussat you half blood tramp? You want to see my golden snitch? You're going to have to catch me first

>> No.14687760

Make Draco a girl, who is first Harry's bully but later love interest. Also she ends up being Volderment's kid and final horcrux. She commits suicide at the end to kill Voldemort. But only after having one last steamy fuck with Harry in the Whomping Willow, penetration shown.

>> No.14687767
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>wots this you got in your bag? a lock of my hair? I swear if you've been polyjuicing into me again my father will hear about it.

>> No.14687768

Given how rich the author got through writing this my first improvement would be to make myself the author or at least the publisher.

Also agree with >>14687688 about everything especially the houses, malfoy and the treatment of Slytherin in general. Slughorn is basically the only decent Slytherin and he comes late and his decency is not much emphasized. Rogue is a criminal-turned-hero and the reveal is one of the best part of the books but he's still a jerk and his jerkiness is overdone.

>> No.14687777

Would make for an entirely different seriesas it changes some cores elements but could be interesting.

>> No.14687781

>>Voldemort is less of a cartoon man and is more of a Machiavellian politician that everyone loves
absolutely based.

>> No.14687791

I wonder if any Hogwarts students actually live in Hogsmeade and din't need to take the fucking train.
On that topic, why the fuck do kids go on a train instead of using the floo network to go to Hogsmeade? And why does the train leave from King's Cross and not from literally anywhere else that wouldn't attract attention from muggles?

>> No.14687796

>treatment of Slytherin in general.

If you think about it, they're basically taking 11 year olds and telling them "this is your big 5 personality trait , you're going to get along with THIS group of people so might as well live with them and have reduced exposure to the other groups. This will manifest later on as your politcal affiliation so we're going to reinforce this tribalism with quidditch rivalries and the House Cup ". And they're wondering why a war over identity politics occured.

>> No.14687797

Can you imagine being a wizard living in Scotland but being told you have to go all the way to London to get on a train that takes you back to Scotland?

>> No.14687800

is there anything good at all about the series? it does play on the expectation of the kids (readers).
>year 1: snape looks bad. turns out he's good and the bad guy is the defence prof
>year 2: defence prof is a bastard, though not the ultimate enemy
>year 3: defence prof is...innocent! it's a misunderstanding 14 years late! the hyped up bad guy is innocent, the innocent sounding guy is the bad guy!
>year 4: defence prof is bad guy!
>year 5: defence prof is now government lackey, is a cunt
>year 6: defence prof is snep nao
she flip-flopped expectations about snape several times.
as rudimentary as this is, it's something at least. easy to see how it would be enjoyable to read.

>> No.14687801

The house system is fucking retarded. Real British boarding schools have houses, but kids are sorted in at RANDOM or based on academic ability, not personality traits.

>> No.14687819

>why the fuck do kids go on a train instead of using the floo network to go to Hogsmeade?
Rowling hadn't thought of that when she wrote the first book(s). Notice how everything escalates as the series progresses; magic doesn't need specific movements of the wand or spoken words anymore, brooms are practically replaced by that ghostly flying form, hell, forms of travel in general keep getting replaced by more efficient versions out of what I can only assume was laziness on Rowling's behalf.

>> No.14687828

Are you guy's petty bitching is just like GRRM's comment about Aragorn not having tax policies. HP is about friendship not some in depth treatise about magical systems and muggle wizard politics. Get over it.

>> No.14687831
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this shit was really beyond the pale

>> No.14687856

>Ahem. Ding ding ding. Your attention please. I hereby decree, with the powers bestowed upon me as headmaster of Hogwarts, a 100 point privilege tax on all houses containing a blood purity of 75% or more!

>> No.14687860

Harry Potter occupies such a massive space within contemporary pop culture that it's become impossible to ignore. It's strayed too far from its childrens lit-lane to be able to hide behind a simple "it's for kids, it doesn't need to make sense!" (which also assumes we should feed our children incoherent literature that teaches them nothing).

>> No.14687871

This calls for a classic


>> No.14687879

That might work for food, assuming wizard can consume muggle food without some allergic reaction (who knows, if they've been consuming magically grown food for centuries). There is also the issue of staying inconspicuous but I guess they have solution for that too.

I doubt Rowling really thought this out, but iirc all the poor wizard we see have some really big issues like being absolute inbed morons, creeps that nobody want to associate with or even degenerates who have lost most their magic power.

But really I think the most consistent is to keep in line with my hypothesis here >>14687686, that wizardry is a mutation that got fixed in small isolated population and that those population coasted through life without much contacts for generations with very little contact with muggles until rather recently (so perhaps around the 17-18th century).

Pretty much, and the fun thing is they don't really care about influencing muggle events as long as they're left alone.

Not sure, given the extremely lopsided number and the difficulty of using aggressive spells like Imperio. There's an issue of willpower among other things. It was considered an achievement for the death-eaters to successfully use that spell on one important ministry employee. To really puppet big governments they would need to use imperio on dozens of peoples in each country and in a short timeframe. This would basically mobilize all their competent forces and one fuck up could bring the whole operation down. Since they're not paticularly smart and ignorant about muggle mentality and security measures, this is very likely to happen more than once. Ironically the muggle-born are their best assets here, but how many are there?

The real issue is the stealth method avalaible to wizard, if at some point they can be somewhat reliably detected they're toast. And it takes only a small mistake for the muggles to wipe out a 300-hundred persons village and reduce the wizard population of England by 10%.

>> No.14687933

She really nailed the atmosphere imo. The reason we're arguing in this thread is because the worldbuilding is vague enough to leave plenty of obvious flaws but consistent enough that a kid can be taken in and get a clear impression of it. The questioning only comes later. The same applies to characterization and identification with characters btw.

I don't think it's planned ahead, that was pretty much her first book, but she intuitively (and pretty much unwittingly) figured out the expostion/suggestion compromise for kids. Goes a long way towars the tremendous success of the book.

The alternative, trying to do "serious worldbuilding", always fails because it attracts nerds who will always find some pretty big flaw. Even Tolkien didn't go quite all the way through and he was pretty much academically trained into having the right tools for it. Not to mention his most popular books leave the general mythos mostly at the background.

Yes that's pretty disturbing when you think about it. But wizards love their old traditions and blood seems to be a much bigger deal than it was for muggles at the same time. Like if a third to a half of all people stayed fascist (or even pro-feudal aristocracy) throughout the 90s.

It's funny to analyze. Personally I'm not complaining, I'd like to understand how the series was so successful. There must be something to learn from it, it created the modern YA industry almost on its own. If you want to write a nice fantasy that makes you rich so that you can be free to spend 30 years writing the Spanish sequel to Zettels Traum you must understand how Harry Potter works.

>> No.14687979

>always fails because it attracts nerds who will always find some pretty big flaw.
fair enough. i write novels myself and i always have this 4chan critic voice in the back of my head picking everything apart for the slightest logical flaw or factual innacuracy. at some point i have to shut it off if i want to get anything done.

to be fair it's easier to criticise a book than to write one. even giving that, the retardation in HP just floors me sometimes. really the only good parts were the atmosphere. imagine riding around on a broom over the hogwarts grounds and rural scottish scenery. it's comfy af.

>> No.14688010

>Surely their banking systems and economy require this? Or are they content to get robbed by the goblins?
It is like regular human and the jews

>> No.14688219

>cover that spoils the final scene

>> No.14688896

>snape is loyal servant of voldemort
>asks one and only one thing in return for helping him for years, killing for him, and giving him the prophecy: don't kill his oneitis
>voldemort goes out and immediately kills his oneitis when it would have been extremely easy for him to just petrificus totalus her or stun her or some shit
>never stops to think, after this, that snape might be sore at him and planning to betray him
>is supposed to be a genius
did voldemort have autism?

>> No.14688965

>imagine riding around on a broom over the hogwarts grounds and rural scottish scenery. it's comfy af.
Yeah that's the main appeal. Plenty have tried it but few have succeeded so much, especially with so little substance. I believe this is the keystone of a well-made fantasy story. It's the only thing that allow Harry Potter to be put in the same league as Tolkien or the His Dark Materials series in terms of success. And I'm not sure there is a really clear "trick" or recipe to achieve it.

Maybe that's the inter-universal constant. Middle Earth has the dwarves.

>did voldemort have autism?
Pretty much, or rather high-level sociopathy. One of the key point of the story is that he literally can't understand love or sacrifice. Attraction he can get, and he can be really attractive, but the idea of facing death for someone else (or for any reason) is beyond him.

Hence his whole seven Horcrux business, which in magic terms is like building the LHC when most dark wizards stop at a ten-foot copper coil. Nobody in the setting tried as hard to evade death as he did.

So he doesn't think Snape would dare cross him, because crossing him means almost certain death.

Overall he's much more a magical genius than a tactical one, in typical wizard fashion. His power plus his charisma and ruthlessness and his thorough magic research was enough to carry him for the most pat.

>> No.14688980

Forgot to add that with what are basically six separate lich phylacters he was probably feeling pretty safe from aggression.

>> No.14689019

I think besides the obvious appeal of magic, she was most kids first exposure to a story that combined fantasy with the tribulations of school life:social circles, popularity, bullying, rivals, girls/dances, sports, teachers hating you etc

Formalizing cliques into houses is what made it appealing even if they're a bad idea irl.

I shit on Harry for being mediocre at magic but with the inundation of litrpgs and this recent isekai fad and obsession with "leveling up", it might have been better not to be too focused on that aspect of acquiring magical power.

>> No.14689028

Absolutely, the school life aspect and the house design is were the audience targeting comes into play, though again I doubt it was a market-oriented decision on her part. She was very broke and essentially writing to cope at the time. I wonder sometimes if some aimless autist from /lit/ will happen to stumble on a goldmine that way. Not a mine of the same size for sure, but maybe enough to be heard about outside the darker parts of this Creole racoon-roasting reunion.

>> No.14689033

what about supposed ufo and ET recordings?

>> No.14689045

because he was prepubescent jailbait in that chronology

>> No.14689086

This, outing the wizards would unironically violate the NAP

>> No.14689471

technology doesnt work around magic

>> No.14689479


>> No.14689723

That's the amount of "big" magical schools out there, I've heard talk of smaller, lesser-known magical schools here and there.

>> No.14689936

>all these clueless mudbloods ITT

>> No.14689960

Don't forget when she put a school named after a german literary movement in the Scandes and populated it with students and teachers from the balkans and eastern Europe.

>> No.14689991

when is the Wizarding world going to decolonize itself and stop using Latin vocabulary for spells?

>> No.14690009

>Can straight up magic matter into existence, even living beings like fucking snakes can just be magically brought into existence by a fucking second year student
How the fuck has the wizarding economy not just straight up crashed at this point, presumably learning to create gold out of nothing wouldn't be that tough of a spell compared to creating fucking life so you'd think pretty much every wizard could just spawn themselves money.

>> No.14690029

Glowniggers don't exist in the HP universe.

>> No.14690063
File: 115 KB, 791x800, 1553819256268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get sorted into Slytherin
>Pretty much everyone in the school, even faculty, hates you by default now
>Half your house also probably hates you
>Your only role models are genocidal maniacs with a snake fetish
>Lose the house cup every single year even if you got the most points because "fuck Slytherin"
>Half your house mates are probably in a death cult
>Everyone fully expects you're gonna become a murderer or genocidal maniac the second you leave
>Even after you graduate the fact that you were sorted into Slytherin will pretty much follow you for the rest of your life, and everyone even several decades later is still waiting for you to turn into a dark wizard at the drop of a hat
Is being a Slytherin suffering?

>> No.14690065


>> No.14690066

>poor people only live in filth because they like it that way
why does the left like her again?

>> No.14690082
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>Teach the Ravenclaw door a basic middle school level math problem
>Sit back and laugh as pretty much the entire house has to sleep in the hallway

>> No.14690089

Slytherin is the house of self-actualization and success. Nothing to be ashamed of.

>> No.14690168

You raise a good point, do Japanese wizards also use latin for their spell incantations? Because that wouldn't realy make sense.

>> No.14690358

Ironically, the harry in that is just as intellectually incurious.

>> No.14690767

>like this the whole time
>rowling tries to retcon because "uhhh snape was good" and literally making one of the only things old harry says "slytherin isn't that bad :)" contrary to all 7 books
>tries to make slytherin about being "ambitious or some shit"
anyway wouldn't being sorted into houses with like minded people be annoying as fuck and just turn into an echo chamber?

>> No.14690822

Remember when Hermione had to erase herself from her parents memories, only for it to never be mentioned ever again?
Ron got to keep his family, even if a couple did die.
Harry lost basically no one of any importance.

Hermione had it the worst.

>> No.14690846

Don't forget the whole "W-well Slughorn was a good guy" which pretty much just translates to "Slughorn never murdered everyone" because apparently not killing anyone pretty much deserves a gold star by Slytherin standards.

>> No.14690892

Yes, yes well done /lit/, well done. However...

>> No.14690915
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>> No.14691037

>Harry lost basically no one of any importance.
both sirius and hedwig died, plus dumbledore. he was extremely close to all three. but the hermione thing is fucked up. i'm pretty sure you can't UNobliviate someone.

>> No.14691381

>grows up without parents with his muggle relatives that are complete cunts
>is always in the spotlight because he was the one who survived
>lost countless of friends throughout the series
>"bro harry had it easy"

>> No.14691447


>> No.14691501

unironically might steal this for a fanfic desu

>> No.14691519

I didn't have to check to know that this subversive piece was written by a liberal Jew, but I did anyway. What a surprise. I'll bet he's a transhumanist.

Yep! Now next up he's going to be in some sort of open relationship.

>> No.14691546
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Alternative Interpretation:

>Get sorted into Slytherin
>Zero white guilt, period
>Your house is a hardcore racial Mannerbund
>Your role model is the greatest wizard to ever live, everyone else is too afraid to say his name, which automatically makes your entire house badass
>Lose the house cup because liberal faggots are still asshurt over Voldemort, but your house still produces the best wizards because you're all ambitious as fuck and work together against everyone else
>100% of your housemates are in a death cult
>You dream for the day you can finally put Moonman's "Green Flash and a Thud for Every Mudblood" and go around killing muggles for fun, all your friends do to
>Everyone will know you were a Slytherin, which is good because Slytherins run everything because they're the only people who are competent, ambitious, AND work together, so you have an immediate in wherever you go
>Get together with some of the boys and string up some mudbloods at the World Cup
>Can talk to fucking snakes

And then, the big one,
>Voldemort fucking returns just as you graduate

>> No.14691951
File: 381 KB, 960x720, autisAM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hogwarts suffers 7 major terrorist attacks in 7 consecutive years and does virtually nothing to improve security
>Hogwarts is placed immediately next to the most dangerous forest imaginable, full of giant spiders, rape horses, and vampires, but can't be bothered with so much as putting up a fucking chainlink fence
>Hogwarts administration decided to give a pubescent girl a fully functional time machine that she could (and does) use improperly just so she can overload herself with more classes than their are hours in the day
>Hogwarts had a year-long fiasco where children were being fatally assaulted during the night, but made no practical or magical effort to monitor the halls
>Hogwarts is named fucking Hogwarts
>Hogwarts still has a house named after Slytherin, a guy who's overwhelmingly regarded as unambiguously evil, who openly advocated for the genocide of a people who now commonly attend Hogwarts, and whose giant, secret murder snake was recently found roaming the halls murdering and paralyzing children
>Hogwarts administration willingly endangered students by agreeing to take in a prized immortality stone, knowing that there are terrorists who will kill to get it, and guard the stone with what amounts to fucking magic minigames
>Hogwarts has become such a clusterfuck of secret magic bullshittery over the past 1000 years that there are entire rooms, dungeons, etc. that no one knows exists, many of which are incredibly dangerous, yet there has been no known efforts to definitively map the school
You're better off being a hooker in Somalia than a student at Hogwarts.

>> No.14692031

>have preteen and teenage students play a game with constant physical injuries, where 2 canonballs fly around purposely trying to hit them at full speed, more than sufficient inertia to break bones
>flying through the air with zero protection at 30 mph, bashing into other players like it's fucking bumpercars, everyone flying every which direction in pandemonium
>students literally "disappear, but turn up in a month or 2"
>every other game one of the students gets a grade 3 concussion resulting in a blackout
>players regularly get knocked off their broom and fall the equivalent of 4 stories with no intervention

>> No.14692105
File: 183 KB, 686x1024, EP08xXKWsAA-Pyx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One map of the school exists, and it was made by a werewolf, who is now a teacher at the school

>> No.14692705

True Suffering Mode: Mudblood Sorted into Slytherin

>> No.14693230


>> No.14693295

sorry, meant to imply only muggle heritage, not 1/2 muggle

>> No.14693339


>> No.14693866

Dumbledore mentions in the sixth book that he was able to dig a "real" memory out of someone, possibly Voldemort's uncle or grandfather, despite that they were once fed fake memories. I think the idea was that the real memories could remain "underneath" the planted ones

>> No.14694030

All that proves is that the UK and Ireland have a higher ratio of wizards to muggles than Africa and the ME (as you say), or less organised formal education in some countries compared to others.

>> No.14694043

ouff, but they have magic remedies and healing

>> No.14694110
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>Bix Nood's African School of Witchcraft and Niggardry
I want to see it. Do it, Rowling. Why are you scared?

>> No.14694353

Set the time period to the renaissance era, remove wands and magic words. Make it sexy and gory, 10/10 pulp novels for ages 16+

>> No.14694356

The books are set in the 1980s

>> No.14694383

Slytherin is the best frat though

>> No.14694394

The series is successful because it followed the heros journey and jungian archetypes to a t.

>> No.14695210

You want to give them weapons when they are young to weed out the psychos when they can't do much damage

>> No.14695249

>with cameras
>tfw wrote a novel-lenth story that started as a response to this question in HP
>in the end the kicker is the kids themselves expose wizardry to the whole world on live TV
>has been sitting on my harddrive untouched for 3 years
what do?

>> No.14695267

>Replace every instance of the word "wizard" with "jew" and it will make sense.