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14682454 No.14682454 [Reply] [Original]

I still don’t get it. Can someone explain this to me like I’m 8?

>> No.14682464

Hegel had no idea what he was writing after awhile. Listen to what Schop said about Jim

>> No.14682469


>> No.14682487

He wrote in a way that literally defies summation. If he truly, truly can be understood then people who can understand him are such a minority that you can dismiss any Hegel fans as pseuds almost instantly. Here's my best attempt:

>The spirituality of brown people is too arcane and vague, let me filter it through western academia and add lots of words

Like when you hear people who dismiss philosophy as just overcomplicated twaddle, Hegel is exactly that

>> No.14682503

it was just a prank

>> No.14682515


there's a lot of parts not to get

>> No.14683612


Now, Anon, I'd like to tell you a little story, about the kind of boy I once was, and the man you can become. You see, lad, you're still little now. But growing up, doesn't just mean getting bigger bones and longer arms; Sure, some people grow big or grow old, but never really grow up... No, you will have to grow as a person. And it's gonna be a lot of work, you're gonna have to drudge and carry on through the sludge and fudge.

At times you'll feel alone, like you're the only person in the world, and there's no-one you can trust but you and what you see, hear and smell.

At other times, you will stop believing in yourself, you'll call out to the gods to help you, but you'll realize those powers you think are outside you, actually really are also within you. Even if you're strong and tough, buddy, you'll shed some tears.

It will be painful, growing up. There's gonna be blood once in a while. You might think that you know what every one else wants, and what you want is best for everyone, so all the others have to listen to you.

You'll feel that's eventually that's not right, that's not what a grown up is supposed to be like. Everyone feeling like they're better than the person next to them, like they're the saints and you're the sinner, or you're the saint and they've gone down the wrong roads.

No, anon, there comes a time that a person in his life, realizes he's not that much better than the others, the others aren't that much better or worse than him. He'll forgive those who do him wrong, and he can expect the same from other people who have grown up.

You'll feel more and more synchronized with the world and everyone in it. You'll realize that everything you think is outside of you, is also inside of you. You will be what you know, and you will know what you are when you realize you are the universe experiencing itself, at the highest peak ever attained. Everything in the universe that exists that is different from you, is part of what you are. Everyone who is not you, is part of who you are. And everything you are can only be, because everything that you are not, is part of you.

But, Anon, these phrases may sound empty, because you can't grasp them yet. And you will never understand if you keep standing at the same spot. You have to traverse the road. It's up to you to walk the path. You've already started, so good luck, buddy.

>> No.14683636

>3rd time's a charm.
Summed it up in one sentence for you.

>> No.14683786

my offer still stands

this is the worst possible reading of hegel that I nevertheless think can be maintained to some degree, but no one serious works in this vein anymore (if they ever did)

>> No.14683792

Explain Hegel. Oh wait you can't. Have sex

>> No.14683819


>> No.14683857

>Can someone explain this to me like I’m 8?
No. An eight year old cannot understand Hegel. Just keep reading m8, read the newer Pinkard translation.
>He wrote in a way that literally defies summation.
Idiot who didn't even get past the first two pages of the preface.

>> No.14684902

You ARE 8. Think of your mind as the literal figure of 8. Kant considered it statically, ie. as something with a kind of infinitude inside it, but limitations that prevent it from reaching full infinitude, the Absolute. Hegel considers it as a motion, composed of positive and negative moments (relations to "inside" and "outside", which are really just the Subject relating itself to itself) that necessarily tends to a complete infinitude.

>> No.14684913

Schopenhauer never gave an argument, just a bunch of ad hominems

>> No.14684927

philosophical systems and culture are the progressive evolution of truth. Spirit and its development is just a seed's inevitability to become a bud and then a flower/fruit

>> No.14684931

is just like a seed*

>> No.14684934

Read the Philosophy of Right. Hegel was just making shit up along the way during the PoS (Piece of Shit)

>> No.14684947
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>tfw filtered by the title
>tfw don't even understand what the title means

>> No.14685732

you mean the preface where he explains you can't teach/learn philosophy from a preface?

>> No.14685855

>this is the worst possible reading of hegel that I nevertheless think can be maintained to some degree, but no one serious works in this vein anymore (if they ever did)

In that the PoS is interpreted as the development of consciousness from naive sense certainty to absolute knowing? That the PoS is about the interplay between the particular and the universal; about difference-in-identity; in that Hegel believes that a philosophical system should incorporate all preceding philosophy into its own, lets say, categories? Where's the issue exactly

>> No.14685857
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>> No.14685979

not him but you turned it into a psychological reading which is very cringe and not what Hegel meant when he wrote it

>> No.14686117

I see, but I don't understand it as psychological development of individual self-consciousnesses, I'm tried to make it relatable it to an 8 year old, but I agree it comes across wrong.

>> No.14686190


>> No.14686192

Start with the ancient Egyptian mystery cult of Osiris and Iris.