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File: 45 KB, 448x700, godman.be-as-you-are.448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14683805 No.14683805 [Reply] [Original]

>The Self is Pure Consciousness. Yet a man identifies himself with the body, which is insentient and does not itself say, “I am the body.” Someone else says so. The unlimited Self does not. Who does? A spurious “I” arises between Pure Consciousness and the insentient body and imagines itself to be like a phantom. The phantom is the ego or mind or individuality. All the sastras are based on the rise of this phantom, whose elimination is their purpose. The present state is mere illusion. Its dissolution is the goal and nothing else

- Ramana Maharshi

>> No.14683807

>Sri Ramana is a true son of the Indian earth. He is genuine and, in addition to that, something quite phenomenal. In India he is the whitest spot in a white space. What we find in the life and teachings of Sri Ramana is the purest of India; with its breath of world-liberated and liberating humanity, it is a chant of millenniums...

- Carl Jung

>> No.14683816

In the way Ramana is contextualizing it, he refers to "pure consciousness" or "self" as your natural state, free of the illusory division of "I" which he claims is spurious and fraudulent, the false self which identifies with the body due to an error in the human condition.

>> No.14683846

>>The Self is Pure Consciousness.
Asserted gratuitously and gratuitously refuted.
>>Yet a man identifies himself with the body,
not necessarily and even if true irrelevant.
>>which is insentient and does not itself say, “I am the body.”
Even cells have a sense of self as defined by the polarization and depolarization of their membrane potential.
>Someone else says so.
Asserted gratuitously and gratuitously refuted.
>The unlimited Self does not.
Asserted gratuitously and gratuitously refuted. Proved wrong since Jesus said that He's the Truth the Life and the Way.
>>Who does? A spurious “I” arises between Pure Consciousness and the insentient body and imagines itself to be like a phantom.
Asserted gratuitously and gratuitously refuted.
>>The phantom is the ego or mind or individuality. All the sastras are based on the rise of this phantom, whose elimination is their purpose. The present state is mere illusion. Its dissolution is the goal and nothing else
Conclusion doesnt follow from the premises. Even admitting that the Ego isnt from the body and isnt in contact with phenomenic truth you'd still have to demonstrate that its emwrgence is a bad thing, which here is STILL Asserted gratuitously and, therefore, gratuitously refuted.

>> No.14683856
File: 6 KB, 240x240, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Proved wrong since Jesus said that He's the Truth the Life and the Way.

>> No.14683858

You didn't debunk anything he said.

>> No.14683860

if the Unlimited señf, even conceivably, can say I, this poo in looer is wrong. Actual divine nature of Jesus notwithstanding.
I didnt think i had to explain that to an intellectual such as you.

>> No.14683863

i debunked everything because he didnt say anything of substance or importance and i pointed it out.

>> No.14683867

You haven't debunked anything. Go back christcuck. Keep worshipping a guy on a stick

>> No.14683870

LOL no but delude yourself if you must

>> No.14683871

>idol worshippers seething
You'll cringe even more in hell.

>> No.14683874


Take meds

>> No.14683876

WOW THE AUTOCORRECT *HELL I guess I'll go take meds now ..

>> No.14683877

cant even read?

>> No.14683881

yeah sure, the "autocorrect".
I think we all know what this means.

>> No.14684165

Soul is one and many.
Soul is freedom.
Each soul is an image in an infinity of mirrors. While the Form of Soul is every soul in an ineffable way, each soul is not every other soul but rather truly individual—because soul is freedom. When we rise we do not lose ourselves.
Understand physics and metaphysics becomes a breeze.

>> No.14684191

so THIS is the power of anglo-christianity

>> No.14684384
File: 4 KB, 227x250, 1566084869428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lordy jeebus will save me! Praise him!

>> No.14684569

fight me, barbarian.
I'll semd you two "intellectuals" back to: >>14683860
You people look pretty deprived of actual arguments.

>> No.14684610

God is not fucking real. What you have to look forward to is Nothingness and the Maitreya.

>> No.14684657 [DELETED] 

>In India he is the whitest spot in a white space.
Maybe he meant the brightest poo in an outdoor loo.
I'd say remove Maitreya but you can't experience nothingness either.
>Death is not an event in life: we do not live to experience death. If we take eternity to mean not infinite temporal duration but timelessness, then eternal life belongs to those who live in the present. Our life has no end in the way in which our visual field has no limits.

>> No.14685643

I can't refute it because it's true

>> No.14685678
File: 455 KB, 1200x800, Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't understand:

What actions can I complete more efficiently with his teachings?
If I eliminate my "phantom", how will my thoughts and behaviors change?
What kinds of thoughts to replace the "phantom" with something better?

Is believing "I am the body" a bad thing? It seems true: I can see my body attached to my field of vision whenever I look at it, and I can see it from mirrors. I can trust neuroscientists, and my own experiences with breathing, drinking, pain, pleasure, etc, that if my body (including brain) changes, my consciousness changes: put the right chemicals into our bodies, and we'll lose consciousness and fall asleep and remember no experience until waking up after a predictable time. Chemicals alone can change personalities. Lose parts of our brains, and personalities change.

His self is also dependent on his body which includes his brain. Or does he not breathe etc?

He says there's 3 things: Pure Consciousness, I, Body. He says "I" is "Pure Consciousness" unified with "Body". Sounds like a useful word: sounds like "I" is true to what we are: unifications of our minds and bodies.

Why does he want to dissolve "I"? What is he left with, if only pure consciousness remains? Catatonic psychosis?

What is he trying to do with this?

>> No.14685708

>The Self is Pure Consciousness
Prove it, great teacher of street shitting.

>> No.14685729

Nothingness and Emptiness have been refuted already you nihilist