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/lit/ - Literature

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14681747 No.14681747 [Reply] [Original]

most /lit/ anime?

>> No.14681757

death note

>> No.14681771
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>> No.14682001


>> No.14682010

There's no other.

>> No.14682015

Serial Experiments Lain and Eva

>> No.14682021
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Anime is not /lit/. Kill yourself.

>> No.14682308
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Alexander Senki and Aoi Bungaku

>> No.14682335
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prove it

>> No.14682340
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Should add Gankutsuou and Bungou Stray Dogs to that as well.

>> No.14682348


>> No.14682350
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kemono friends

>> No.14682353

It's Utena you faggots, can we stop having this thread

>> No.14682357
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I don't know what's wrong with me. I love and hate anime with the same intensity at the same time. On the one hand it appeals to my inner child, I love seeing the bright colors and the big eyes and and the cheerfulness but on the other hand it makes me go chimp brain and I want nothing more than to smash their little deformed heads against a wall

>> No.14682405
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Uta koi.

It's a show focusing on Heian period poetry.

>> No.14682414

Tatami Galaxy; half of you homos are the protag. xD

>> No.14682428

I once heard that anime (as well as MLP: FIM and others) appeals to the autistic for this reason. Colorful images and easily parseable, exaggerated social interactions are a balm on the sperg’s ailing brain.
But it seems as if you’ve either gone too far into the realm of backpacks with wheels and over-enunciated t’s (ever notice that they do that?) or not far enough, and so even your pacifier tastes bitter.
What a life!

>> No.14682434
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>> No.14682436
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We got a chart.

>> No.14682445

Good to see my boy Ping Pong on there.

>> No.14682453
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>> No.14682461

I watch anime and I totally agree.
Don't ever find philosophy in anime it's sophist and dogmatic media.
Use it only for entertainment.

>> No.14682477

is lain landian?

>> No.14682492

Kaiji, Musishi, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop Texhnolyze, Akagi, One Outs, unironically FMA because of how well researched it is in esotericism

>> No.14682496

Boogiepop Phantom
Tatami Galaxy
The general works of Miyazaki, Takahata, Oshii, and Ikuhara.

>> No.14682510

I don’t know much about his philosophy, but the aesthetic (group in with Deus Ex and Aeon Flux - looking over the precipice into the 2000’s) is similar. Close your eyes and listen to this:

>> No.14682517


>> No.14682532

golden age Japanese cinema is more /lit/ then the anime I have seen

>> No.14682620

shit that's nostalgic

>> No.14682628


>> No.14683009
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>> No.14683052

Bernard Jou Iwaku.

>> No.14683109
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>> No.14683200

Unironically the most respected ones
> Code Geass - ethics in politics
> Berserk - Nietzschean ethics
> FMAB - Platonism and Scientism
> Psycho Pass - will vs NPC

>> No.14683211

LoGH and Evangelion immediately come to mind. Tatami Galaxy, too, in a uniquely Japanese way. On the more obscure side of things... probably Belladonna of Sadness, if you’re opening to non series-length OVAs. That’s probably one of the most /lit/ OVAs I know of. That, and Perfect Blue.

Are you open to visual novels? Read Umineko.

>> No.14683505

A lot of it is shit but I enjoy the melodrama more than I do the constant self aware nihilism of western cartoons which in the long run is far more detrimental.

>> No.14683537
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Ishuzoku Reviewers

>> No.14683543
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the one and only bernard

>> No.14683582
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I see you too are a man of culture

>> No.14683672
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You are neither a child, nor a childlike elder, therefore, you are a manchild, ever in intuitive conflict with the perverse angloid notions of adulthood instilled into you since youth, yet, due to unselfconfidence/unselfcertainty, not willing to commit to reconciling your essential self.

Good anime excels in idealization, idealizing excellence, and ultimacy, within the forms of an imaginally exhalted reality, therefore, it is inspirational and exemplar, and its preciation reserved only for the youthful Spirit.

>> No.14684662
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>But it seems as if you’ve gone too far into the realm of backpacks with wheels

>> No.14684696

Fuck off retard

>> No.14684698


>> No.14684733

>most /lit/ <juvenile escapist fantasy for manchidlren>?

>> No.14684825
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Yoshikazu Yasuhiko made plenty of great short manga based on western history, some of them were already listed in the chart posted earlier
His manga, "Jesus", is a stellar rendition combining the different stories from the gospels but with a secular view on things, though he still leaves some of it open to interpretation
It's got beautiful art with amazing use of watercolor, however, the only scans of it that exist are unfortunately very low quality
Bits of the greatness of the art still shines through though
Isn't that Harry Potter or any other of its ilk?

>> No.14684844
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Also, it's read left to right making it more comfortable for western readers

>> No.14684853
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>> No.14684892
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Jesus himself is depicted as a great ethical teacher and learned healer, but also a man conflicted about his place in the world (hence why he has those moments of asking his disciples who he is and what that means to them) and people on all sides are trying to make use of him for their own benefit

>> No.14685170

>the realm of backpacks with wheels

>> No.14685512

>Good anime excels in idealization, idealizing excellence, and ultimacy, within the forms of an imaginally exhalted reality, therefore, it is inspirational and exemplar, and its preciation reserved only for the youthful Spirit.
So true. Anime is for Nietzscheans.

>> No.14685518
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Berserk actually strikes me as a love note to Gnosticism at times. Incredibly /lit/ and my favorite anime.

>> No.14685531
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>> No.14685565
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I hadn't watched much anime in the past decade because it seemed to all be moe shit. I had about 5 friends throughout the years demand I watch LOGH, back in the day I thought it looked boring and old so I didn't watch it. Over the past decade it was an anime and I really didn't think 110 episodes of a medium I didn't much respect anymore was going to get my rocks off. I was wrong. I was so utterly wrong. LOGH was fucking fantastic. It was moving. It had depth to characters and ideological intrigue. It had action, but it knew how to pace itself. It ended in a satisfying way. (Looking at you game of thrones). It was grand in scale. It was absolutely fantastic. Sure, it wasn't as in depth as reading a philosophical or theoretical text directly, but for a show that knew its themes and stuck to them it did a great job of dealing with the human element of war and political systems. It's been difficult explaining the show and why its so good to normies and I've had to basically break it down to
>Its about handsome space nazis, the space pope, and an alcoholic dad and whether it is better to have the best dictatorship or the worst democracy, but with space battles where 1,000,000 people die.
As soon as I finally convinced someone to watch it, they took down all the episodes on youtube.
As far as literary merit. I have yet to see another show that tackles as much as this one did with the same feeling as finishing a thick fucking novel.

>> No.14685578

Did you know it's possible to live without watching garbage of any origin?

>> No.14685610
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>"Hey pseudointellectual /b/, what are some anime for smart people? No books or literature please."

>> No.14685662

Based. We watched this all the time with my sister when we were kids. Good memories.

>> No.14685794
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You miscomprehend; Nietzsche is an embodiment of the subarchetypes of the spoiled adolescent, and of the hubristic man, compelled in their actions by primal urge; anime is optimal for spiritualists/contranaturalists, and optimists, not for materialists/naturalists, and pessimists.

>> No.14685897

You're talking about of your ass, dude. Popular MAL rating =/= 'respected'. Even general Geass fans will acknowledge it's a goofy mess.

>> No.14686010

>let’s all get deported!
Code goose is truly the literary masterpiece of our time.

>> No.14686222

That's not funny.

>> No.14686430

What anime are you talking about?

>> No.14686462

Anime is garbage.

>> No.14686619

no, read theory incel, and, have sex, incel

>> No.14686659

Only true answer, cool guys will remember.

>> No.14686982
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I was referring to anime in general, that is: the ambit of anime, due its imaginal fertility, is capable of being optimally cultivated, and properly preciated, only by the aforementioned.

>> No.14687035

This. The rest of you have shit taste and are obviously 13

>> No.14687049

Nice reddit post

>> No.14687056

>...due its imaginal fertility...

>> No.14687091
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>> No.14687223

>Subway samurai rebukes Ronin for shamefur dispray of idolatry.

>> No.14687586

I put sincerity into a post and give more explanation for my choice compared to every other post and it’s a Reddit post? I guess so?
Here’s some spacing for (you)

>> No.14687608

t. seething incel trying to look normie

>> No.14687626
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Why hasn’t anyone said Evangelion yet? Am I posting with a bunch of brainlets?

>> No.14687646

Care to explain?

>> No.14687722


>> No.14687745
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Obviously Animated Classics of Japanese Literature, since it's animated adaptations of actual literary works.

>> No.14688009

It's been mentioned twice before. It's such an obvious and (in)famous pick i don't think it's even worth mentioning.

>> No.14688019

Your diction reeks of Reddit. Your butthurt here merely confirmed it.

>> No.14688424

absolutely based show

>> No.14688540

He just posted a list of his favourites. Fucking One Outs of all shows

>> No.14688552

yes, I don't actually watch anime I was hoping to get some (you)s but I failed

>> No.14688883

seethe harder faggot

>> No.14689159

More like /d/'s and /h/'s.
I want to bury my face in that as well as be that, unironically speaking.

>> No.14689252

Trigun, Narutaru, Lain, Devilman Crybaby, and maybe Paranoia Agent though they really fucked up its ending

>> No.14690562

>though they really fucked up its ending
Thank god someone else isn't sucking Kon's cock. His works are great, but the ending to Paranoia Agent and Paprika really shat the bed.

>> No.14690785

Big O

>> No.14691370

Haven't seen anyone mention From the New World yet. Wouldn't call it /lit/ necessarily, but it has much more depth than your typical anime. Kind of like a Japanese influenced 1984.

>> No.14691671
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haibane renmei

>> No.14691858

sayonara zetsubou sensei

>> No.14691879

Anime is for incels, incel

>> No.14691891

>Bungou Stray Dogs
you've been gnomed by fan service

>> No.14692032

What the fuck are you talking about? Gnomed?

>> No.14692196

Gnomed = tricked, fooled: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6n3pFFPSlW4

>> No.14692204

why not use "tricked" instead of some cringeshit meme?

>> No.14692216

Christian themes and symbolism. I just like how much it conflicts with shonen. Probably not that deep, but Wolfwood was a fucking bro

>> No.14692270

Imagine sincerely asking this question on 4chan of all places

>> No.14692324

the index ln is fucking kino

>> No.14692599

How am I seething? You're the one who blatantly got upset when accused of being reddit.

>> No.14692615

>Steel Ball Run if we’re counting manga
>the uzumaki anime that comes out this year
>Stardust Crusaders
>Fist of the North Star
>Cat Soup
>Angels Egg

>> No.14694026
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truly based

>> No.14694072


>> No.14694089

Replace the A in art with H and it's accurate.

>> No.14694101

jojo is poor writing, so it is definitely /lit/

>> No.14694149
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the absolute state

>> No.14694155


>> No.14694162

none. watch mishima's patriotism.
anime rots the mind. even those that attempt any depth are unbearably pedestrian for an audience familiar with western literature.
if you watch want to watch anime then watch it, but do not try to justify it by claiming it has any literary value.