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File: 438 KB, 1600x900, 20PETERSON1-videoSixteenByNineJumbo1600-v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14680726 No.14680726 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14680742

Punished Peterson

>> No.14680753

looks like someone skipped cleaning their room and went straight for the drugs

>> No.14680757

Benzo addiction? Christ, what a fucking pantywaist.

>> No.14680767

A hero denied his virgin.

>> No.14680775

Memes and politics aside I really feel for the guy and his family and I think the response this has gotten from the public has been disgusting
Benzo addiction and cancer diagnosis in a spouse are fucking brutal on their own, to say nothing of going through both simultaneously

>> No.14680777

Unrelated but any books where the hero denies/rejects his virgin?

>> No.14680783

Insane considering less than a year ago was the great Peterson vs Zizek sandwich making competition. Hope he gets well soon and am kinda morbidly curious at what direction his talks will take once his wife dies/his near death.

>> No.14680787

Goddamn I hope he dies a painful death but at the same time don't want him to be a martyr for altrighters everywhere. Such a dilemma for me

>> No.14680789

I think the reaction from Uoft students was kinda bad, especially considering its where Peterson used to teach

>> No.14680790
File: 797 KB, 1080x675, 1580976052293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you had to make fun of his dirty room, didn't you? It was soo funny. I hope you're happy 4chan. You are agents of chaos.

>> No.14680792
File: 13 KB, 225x225, Wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually really like Peterson, even if he is a brainlet about Foucault.

He is a good writer too, and a good speaker, and he tries to be a good person. The big problem he has (I think) is that he is suicidally depressed and his life has apparently been hell his whole life. His philosophy seems to be self-therapy more than anything else.

But in a debate with 99.9% of /lit/ users he would absolutely trounce them.

>> No.14680794
File: 21 KB, 515x497, 1580754880247[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the snake oil salesman, the counterfeit daddy for the lost manchildren of the internet.
Total prick $$$$

>> No.14680800

Holy shit he is actually dying? WTF

>> No.14680801

It just goes to show the utterly pseudoscientific nature of psychology and psychiatry. Feeling nervous? Just start taking high-dose benzos three times a day. What could go wrong?

>> No.14680806

Peterson is based at his field of clinical psychology, and has some cool ideas. I admire him as a speaker too.

Sorry that I don't join the /lit/ bandwaggon and don't hate him. Hope he recovers soon.

>> No.14680811

>His philosophy seems to be self-therapy more than anything else.

Isn't this true for all writers who write genuinely about painful things?
I know I do.

>> No.14680814

Almost anyone being prescribed them would take higher doses if they learned their wife was dying

>> No.14680816

Finance fag here. Why would anyone take Benzo's if they're so addicting and could fuck you up?

>> No.14680817

>in a debate with 99.9% of /lit/ users he would absolutely trounce them.
Have that many /lit/ users not read Marx?

>> No.14680825

He should have just smoked weed, dropped acid, and started hrt. This shit is textbook dysphoria yo

>> No.14680826

Drugs are for stupid people but also for the intelligent failures

>> No.14680828

Yes, specially the ones who regularly comment on Marx.

>> No.14680830

This is all a larp to portray him as a distraught and torn artist type. He's probably on a coke bender from his book sales and doner money.

>> No.14680833

I don't want this entertaining clown to die

>> No.14680837

You overrate the intelligence of the people here.
Also, it is one thing to read Marx, another to understand him: I read parts of the Grundrisse and it seemed too Hegelian for me to understand without a few re-readings.

But that aside, the reason Peterson would win is just that he is much quicker mentally then most people, so even if he is not right he can sophistically wrap circles around other people.
Example: https://vimeo.com/270887689

>> No.14680841

Benzos are highly addictive. There is no happy ending for long-term users.

>> No.14680842


>> No.14680843

His daughter is pretty,
She is humorous,
Have at thee!
Although she is serious,
She is humble,
She wears a nightcap,
Do not bite!
Her father is on the mend,
But warning to ye

>> No.14680847
File: 145 KB, 1280x1197, 1575655155796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Net worth of $3,000,000
>$35,000 speaking fee for speaking in psychology ebonics for a couple hours
whoa I feel so sorry for him

>> No.14680849

Whats the betting some kike slipped him some bad shit on purpose to stop him from waking people up?

>> No.14680850

You can't be serious.

>> No.14680854

It is actually somewhat difficult to get a professorship at Harvard.

>> No.14680856

cringe and gay
his daughter is a genetic deadend with weird gross diseases

>> No.14680859

Just saying I don't blame him. The best thing would have been not being prescribed them at all

>> No.14680861

Not in psychology.

>> No.14680871


zizek's wake is cruel

>> No.14680872

Given his holier-than-thou sanctimony about 'personal responsibility' etc, I absolutely blame him. You don't have to be a psychologist to know regular benzo use is bad news.

>> No.14680876

What does this have to do with finance? Anyway Benzo's are really relaxing if you have anxiety and mostly fine if you are taking the dosage your doctor is telling you. Almost half of americans over a certain age take them

>> No.14680882

Dependence, not addiction.

>> No.14680883
File: 127 KB, 334x346, 1539655162154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When's the funeral?

>> No.14680886

I was on them for ages and had no trouble going off them. Literally just don't take more than 3mg a day and when you are going off them just limit your intake

>> No.14680889

This probably isn't true, statistically.
I know the Harvard Philosophy Department accepts about 6 out of 300 applicants, and the teachers are typically smarter then the students: I imagine the Psychology department, although less difficult, is somewhere in that range. So probably you do have to be smart to teach psychology at Harvard.

>> No.14680893

*for graduate studies.

>> No.14680910

Marxists in these replies wishing death on a harmless guy aren't making communism look any better. It's clear you guys don't care about convincing other people of your viewpoint or making the world a better place. So what are you guys doing this for, is this an outlet for your petty frustrations? You don't actually care about the world or its inhabitants, you just want to talk about murdering people?

>> No.14680911

Psychology is a bullshit discipline, is the difference.

>> No.14680923

Source on almost half of Americans over a certain age?

>> No.14680941

Not the same anon. Idk what age he's talking about but I know benzos are popular in nursing homes (ie. ages 80+). This is moreso for sleep aid and for agitation as opposed to anxiety though.

>> No.14680943

>muh marxist boogeyman
peterson is cringe and not /lit/, and he is spammed constantly here by newfag redditors and schizo polfags, people are just happy it might finally be over

>> No.14680949

People still post about DFW often 12 years after his death. Peterson discussion will persist. Regardless, wishing death on someone because they are talked about on an image board is incredibly petty. You should not let yourself get infuriated over such petty things, I can't imagine something like this being healthy for anybody.

>> No.14680962

regardless of your thoughts on him I hope he makes it.

>> No.14680969

people are just memeing, do you unironically have autism?

>> No.14680973

When I see the father of any woman I can't be attracted to her anymore, it's too weird, it's like you're having sex with a female version of him.

>> No.14680981
File: 48 KB, 670x1094, 1573417617328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>virgin benzo addict vs chad crack sniff

>> No.14680982

You need to examine your pro-life intuitions. They're not as intellectually well-founded as you might believe.

>> No.14680991

You may not be a man if you don't get turned on by the idea of defiling someone else's property

>> No.14680994

>Marxists don't actually exist!!!!
Then who are the people cheering for Marx's violent, bloody revolution? Are they real Marxists or not? Do you deny the existence of "real Marxists" because there are no good role models for Marxism? Or are you admitting that "Marxists" are people using any movement as an excuse for violence? The Marxists were in the audience.

>> No.14680999

Addendum: Anonymity =/= Absence
Someone who wears a mask is not non-existent. Hide your Marxism in shame. No Marxist is proud enough to admit themselves to the world.

>> No.14681003

Take ur meds m8

>> No.14681010
File: 86 KB, 347x577, 1578853088152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14681012

Are you drunk?

>> No.14681016

He found the Marxists

>> No.14681017

>Marxists continue to deny their own existence while simultaneously cheering for bloody revolution
Like, who are you people trying to fool?

>> No.14681022

Dependence is "physical" addiction.

>> No.14681028
File: 195 KB, 717x880, 1430185413713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14681039

Peterson is hardly harmless. He's one of the most popular gateways to the Alt-Right.

>> No.14681041
File: 1.26 MB, 1920x2563, 1111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>could only get drugs in russia

>> No.14681044

>r gateways to the Alt-Right.
you sound like a fretting 60 year old woman

>> No.14681053

Propagandists like Peterson are worthless scum

>> No.14681055

Better than that flamboyant bitchboy ITT fretting randomly about 'murder'.

>> No.14681060

>But that aside, the reason Peterson would win is just that he is much quicker mentally then most people, so even if he is not right he can sophistically wrap circles around other people.

>> No.14681066
File: 198 KB, 977x715, peterson lacan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think the response this has gotten from the public has been disgusting
Surely the Pooperson family is above all that

>> No.14681069

can't disagree about that desu

>> No.14681077

And philosophy isn't? Philosophy is the granddaddy of all bullshit.

>> No.14681079

take that back peterson is not an anxious academic defeated by circomstance, he got addicted on anti anxiety medication for reasons beyond his control!
>also projection dont real cause freud is stupid

>> No.14681085


>> No.14681091

Thanks for the schizo containment thread bro. Hopefully they'll stay out of my plotinus discussion. Cheers!

>> No.14681095

>it's serious until it isn't
Sincerity recedes further into the shadows to the sounds of a vacuous memetic laugh track

>> No.14681108

yeah yeah whatever go to reddit nerd

>> No.14681109
File: 406 KB, 900x600, jordan-peterson-lenin-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peterson is a Marxist you retard. He is more obsessed with the Soviet Union than Zizek. His house is filled with memorabilia. It's mostly the praxis of Stalinism he disagrees with

>> No.14681115

Peterson really needs to teach his daughter some oratory.

>> No.14681120
File: 143 KB, 1374x1067, x-FBBroCtq9nhiXbu1muN5bb-isVySDk1uifNBsTjDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Says this yet all his diagrams are based on Lacan

>> No.14681122

I don't want him dead, I just want him rehabilitated through manual labour

>> No.14681140

Do you have meditated upon thoughts or can you only speak in meme fragments?

>> No.14681165

this desu

>> No.14681177

Will he come back a Russian Orthodox?

>> No.14681181

pure meme speak desu

>> No.14681202

Show me the Marxists in this thread. Anon, where are the Marxists?

>> No.14681230

Oh no I feel so bad my favourite demagogue has issues. Whose ass am I going to kiss now?!

>> No.14681231

I think he's clumsily calling out the Marxists as not real Marxists but angry mob men ready to lash out at the world under the banner of any ideology that rewards such behavior.

>> No.14681245

What is the over-under on him having a spiritual awakening vs doubling down on boomernomics?

>> No.14681250
File: 22 KB, 414x741, images (76).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happens when you turn metaphysics into a spiritual materialism. Don't waste your life like this guy, unable to deal with any hardship when death and dukkha hit hard. Embrace dhamma, whether if it's the path of Yajnavalkya, Mahavira, Makkhali Gosala or Siddharta Gautama. Open your fucking eyes before the samsaric fire burn them to ashes.

>> No.14681257

He was always a bootleg Mircea Eliade and other bigger comparative mythology guys.

You could smell the depression from the very first time he appeared.

>> No.14681261

>gets addicted to drugs
>goes on an all-meat diet
>doesn't clean his room like a real bucko

>> No.14681268

It was a brain fart. Peterson has had like 3 of these in his hundreds of hours of online content. Stop cherrypicking.

>> No.14681271

every retard has their opinion on this, but i feel bad for the guy, used to be a fan and follow his advice, felt like it helped. i don't trust him anymore but i hope he recovers

>> No.14681282
File: 330 KB, 680x797, 1565609735214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not the drug's fault, choice and precious vessels, though they are, it's the user's. Anyone who blames a physician for their drug addiction should be beaten to a pulp.

>> No.14681294

No it wasn't a brainfart he just went with the woke conservative position. It showed that he never thinks about any of his positions,.

>> No.14681297

Peterson is a fucking awful debater. Get over yourself.

>> No.14681303

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do. He may as well concern himself with his shadow on the wall. Speak what you think now in hard words, and to-morrow speak what to-morrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said to-day.--'Ah, so you shall be sure to be misunderstood.'--Is it so bad, then, to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood.

>> No.14681305

> 10 prozac coins have been deposited into your account by big pharma
Keep it up anon!

>> No.14681308

Who is better than him? Don't say Zizek.

>> No.14681310


>> No.14681314

Christopher Hitchens was pretty good at debating. Had kind of retarded views on a lot of stuff but he could speak well on his feet.

>> No.14681315


>> No.14681323

Watch me blow your mind with my greatness: 2+2=5.

>> No.14681325

Why do psueds care about debating so much? It is the closest thing to a plebian sport. If you are actually concerned about saying something of value, you have to write it and if you want to learn a subject, it won't be from listening to some off-the-topic ramblings, it will be from a well constructed, argumentative book. Debating is more about tricking the opponent into falling into some trap instead of actually getting to a better understanding of the subject.

>> No.14681327

The audio of this video is purposefully done in order to hypnotize you

>> No.14681332

I never thought this guy would be so controversial, but I guess the liberals here can't stand anyone right of center.
>Peterson was alt right
Oh sure, not wanting to be forced to call trannies by their pretend pronouns is right wing now.

>> No.14681335

I don't really disagree, I was just saying Hitchens was good at it

>> No.14681341

Have you ever seen a formal debate? You could get undergrads in a college debate club that would utterly destroy Peterson.

>> No.14681342

>the liberals here
You have to go back, bucko.

>> No.14681343

He lost many debates and used many bad faith techniques

>> No.14681353


>> No.14681354

I can’t be the only one who recognizes the whole JBP debacle is an elaborate psyop

>> No.14681357

Peterson is too impatient!

Revelations will be soon

>> No.14681358

Never said otherwise. Debating isn't about producing knowledge, it's about making a performance. And Peterson is bad at it.

>> No.14681359

The entirety of 4chan hated Peterson, it was quite something to behold in 2017-2018. /pol/ hated him for refusing to talk about Jews and leading people away from white nationalism, and our Marxist friends hated him for having no idea what Marxism was and being a beacon for conservatism.

>> No.14681360

Holy shit, you faggots still vilify a guy for admitting a mistake on a fucking TV show even when you know that most of your idols would never swallow their pride enough to ever do that.

Either way, the clause about private businesses catering to anyone for any reason was NOT the right decision. It was NOT the cause of the improvements in society, it was a consequence of improvements in society. People didn't stop being racist because someone passed a law. People stopped being racist and then demanded that their representatives pass a law.

>> No.14681365

Too bad Foucault was a faggot degenerate who got aids!

>> No.14681371

Im sure he did lose many debates, I only saw a couple and was just impressed by his eloquence
>bad faith techniques
Never mind I don't care about a single thing you think

>> No.14681375

Group identity for Jews but not for Whites is such a solid foundation to build on.

I can't imagine why anyone would distrust this man.

>> No.14681378

>Never mind I don't care about a single thing you think
So you're one of them too huh

>> No.14681379
File: 409 KB, 1447x2048, 1577800175134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hypocrite. Dumb. Foolish man.

>> No.14681381

This appeals to me. Tell us more anon.

>> No.14681386

good night sweet prince

>> No.14681393

Every single time I see someone use that phrase it's a whiny little dipshit that doesn't want to defend his own views, and is inventing a reason he doesn't have to by accusing his opponent of dishonesty. It's pathetic behavior.

>> No.14681398

Psychotropic drugs, as used in psychology and psychiatry, are a massive scheme. The human psyche is too complex and the effects of the drugs too unknown for these to be in the level of the rest of medicine. Even in the medical field at large, drugs are understood to be give and take. They often have side effects, that are accepted pragmatically. Never accept drugs from these peddlers. Psychology and psychiatry are better than quackery, but not by much, especially when most of the research behind can't be replicated. Future generations will remember these disciplines (at least in the therapeutic side) on the level of phrenology and alchemy.
Peterson is the most famous living psychologist, and he's addicted, and the drug is an aid in the destruction of his life. We all get that he's going through a tumultuous time, but that doesn't excuse the use of these drugs.

>> No.14681407

There is no irony or contradiction. Psychologists are not psychopharmacologist, retard. In fact, he is more prone to believing hyperbole and erroneous theories (muh serotonin deficiency) than the average layman. Psychiatry is the only eugenic field of medicine left.

>> No.14681419

Equating opinions/beliefs to math is a great way to delude yourself into believing that an objectively correct belief exists and that you possess it.

>> No.14681420

Probably not

>> No.14681423

You must not debate if you think that lol

>> No.14681434


>Money bad

>> No.14681441

If you can't point out why someone's argument is weak, that's on you not them. this 'bad faith' shit is just embarrassing and is itself a bad argument, it's basically a form of ad hominem. Just point out what you disagree with, stop crying about supposed ulterior motives.

>> No.14681448
File: 45 KB, 300x339, 300px-Resurrection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The love of money is the root of all evil

>> No.14681460

Because here’s something else that’s weird but true: in the day-to-day trenches of adult life, there is actually no such thing as atheism. There is no such thing as not worshipping. Everybody worships. The only choice we get is what to worship. And the compelling reason for maybe choosing some sort of god or spiritual-type thing to worship–be it JC or Allah, be it YHWH or the Wiccan Mother Goddess, or the Four Noble Truths, or some inviolable set of ethical principles–is that pretty much anything else you worship will eat you alive. If you worship money and things, if they are where you tap real meaning in life, then you will never have enough, never feel you have enough. It’s the truth. Worship your body and beauty and sexual allure and you will always feel ugly. And when time and age start showing, you will die a million deaths before they finally grieve you. On one level, we all know this stuff already. It’s been codified as myths, proverbs, clichés, epigrams, parables; the skeleton of every great story. The whole trick is keeping the truth up front in daily consciousness.

>> No.14681461

You see nothing wrong with bringing up 10 irrelevant things without addressing the point at hand? Have you never seen christian apologetics?

>> No.14681464

You completely misunderstood the point, dumbass. The post says,
>psychology and psychiatry
Psychiatrists prescribe drugs. Some psychologists prescribe drugs, too. A psychologist might also recommend psychiatric treatment.
>There is no irony or contradiction.
>"dude, there's not a hint of connection between JP, a psychologist giving dogmatic life advice, also being addicted to brain altering drugs that nearly drove him mad."
>"dude, so what if psychiatrists on pharmaceutical benefits prescribe drugs with crazy effects in a poorly understood fields. Psychology is technically a different thing, so that refutes that!"

Jordan Peterson is part of the modern mental health system, and he's emblematic of it.

>> No.14681468

Of course I see something wrong with it, and I have to deal with people doing it here all the time. The answer is to point out that those 10 things are irrelevant, and focus in on the portion of what he said that is addressing the topic, or else restate your earlier point if he didn't reply to it.

>> No.14681471

Eh, not always. He was cool here for months before reddit got here and he became normie popular. After that, 4chsn fully against him. Any popular has to be bad according to this place.

>> No.14681475

>Step 1: Wash your penis
>Step 2: Clean your room
>Step 3: Lift weights
>Step 4: Do a shitload of benzos
>Step 5: Die
I wonder why he only ever went up to 3 in the books?

>> No.14681481

>he thinks debates are ever done in good faith

>> No.14681487

i don't give a shit about money and i'm still pretty evil.

>> No.14681496
File: 73 KB, 590x388, Captura de pantalla_2020-02-07_22-16-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish he recovers. Beyond ideology.

>> No.14681501

And you misunderstood mine: psychologist are not trained in medicine and any prescribing action is extremely limited and is not permitted in most jurisdictions. They do not understand drugs, and as a result are the most likely to misuse, misunderstand and sugar-coat them. It's ironic that Mr. Personal Responsibility himself, and his entire family, blames the drug. If drug addiction happened to a psychiatrist, he would be the first to admit, that it was he that erred rather than a iatrogenic complication. Iatrogenic addiction is bullshit, even in regards to more addictive drugs like opioids.

>> No.14681506

>the sweet irony of him going to russia to save himself

that folks is called jungian synchronicity

>> No.14681509

Twitter screencap and linking posters should be permanently banned from /lit/. Twitter is the epitome of midwitry.

>> No.14681512
File: 46 KB, 617x497, images (77).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samsara is a fire that burns all, causes affliction and suffering without bounds. You must understand that it is your own mind that produces such ailment. Instead, act to bring more beings to he great enlightment of nirvana or moksha. This will only come forth if you're prepared to take for yourself all the suffering of the ignorant and unprepared beings through an ultimate act of compassion. The pure path is formless. No mind. No eyes. No forms. No fire. No nothing.

>> No.14681513

What's the synchronicity of it? Do you know what synchronicity even is?

>> No.14681514
File: 86 KB, 640x640, 1572376171737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pumping yourself with medicine is cool breh and totally healthy for you!! trust my psychotherapy degree!

>> No.14681522

Physician, heal thyself.

>> No.14681523

So turns out he was just another crazy drug addled hollywood psycopath. Im not surprised

>> No.14681524


yep and im not going to waste my time explaining it to you. read jung's books dude. not here to spoonfeed dumbasses

>> No.14681526

Man I really feel for this guy even though I never personally got much value from him.
He says some basic self help stuff and the media vilifies him as a gateway to Hitler, and you could see his mood deteriorate in public rapidly, he would stop making jokes and smiling so much, he became serious and confrontational, and now people want to debate how they should feel about his life being in a shambles with his wife dying on top of it.
It's just amazing really. All for the sake of people feeling that they're right and he's wrong.

>> No.14681528

I remember when Nick and Spandrell were fanboying him and I just could not understand how the fuck they bought into his esoteric boomerism

>> No.14681529

It has nothing to do with the study of any medicines.

>> No.14681531
File: 549 KB, 1865x859, 1580143645820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is the woman not covered?

>> No.14681533

You wouldn't call these people good debaters right?

>> No.14681534

i agree, but i like selfie, suicide. granted, logo was kind of trying too hard with the prose and ended up looking like a pseud, but at least he actually tried instead of just writing some edgy my diary desu like all the other twitter fags.

>> No.14681535

is he a marxist? iirc he hadn't read the manifesto until he debated zizkek

>> No.14681536


This attitude blows my mind. Struggling with addiction somehow seems to make everything a person does bad or invalid in some people's eyes. Scary stuff.

>> No.14681542

Fuck off Abdul, 4channel is haram.

>> No.14681543

You clearly haven't read Jung yourself. All it takes is a sentence to explain what makes this a synchronicity. I don't know if I'm missing context or if you're misusing the word.

>> No.14681544
File: 427 KB, 650x431, watson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Struggling with addiction somehow seems to make everything a person does bad or invalid in some people's eyes.
if that person is trying to be a leader and tell other people how to live their lives, then yes.

>> No.14681547

I read the collected works and I'm not a Marxist.

>> No.14681548

no you are not anon. but my interpretation is milder. i think he went into this whole mess only to sell the book. he saw an oportunity and he took it, and now tries to sell a product, instead of just being the wisdom of an old man.

>> No.14681549

No I wouldn't. Maybe I flew off the handle at you when you weren't doing what I thought you were. There is a type of person I encounter over and over who says they don't need to justify their beliefs or respond to opponents because the opponent is arguing 'in bad faith'. That is what i was hostile about. That's just justification to not reply to anyone who is saying stuff you don't like.

Like it's just highly convenient for them that they don't have to reply to the people disagreeing with them because these people happen to be dishonest actors.

>> No.14681553

He was PRESCRIBED the drugs by a professional. He was taking them in the recommended doses. He gave fairly cutting life advice even though he himself needed psychotropics, it seems.
>If drug addiction happened to a psychiatrist, he would be the first to admit, that it was he that erred rather than a iatrogenic complication. Iatrogenic addiction is bullshit, even in regards to more addictive drugs like opioids.
Ah yes, drug peddlers are just paragons of virtue and owning up to their mistakes. Angels among men. Your faith is definitely well placed and substantiated.

>> No.14681554


fuck off

>> No.14681558

Why would you follow the philosophy of a man riddled with anxiety?

>> No.14681564

Feel bad for the guy. Took on a diseased public mind, roasted his soul for it. Individualism at its democratic moment

>> No.14681567

Because otherwise we'd also toss out Nietzsche and Kierkegaard on that same basis

>> No.14681571

so basically you're writing off any responsibility JBP has for his own life onto some other guy who gave him the drugs. would you blame a heroine dealer for someone's heroine addiction? deep down they both know its wrong, that its just a way to run from your problems, the only difference is that JBP was too pussy to hop on heroine and went with the good goy option.
and sure, people fall on hard times, they make bad decisions, you respect that and hope the best for them, but the difference is that JBP is going around acting like he has all the answers, and here he is, exposed, no better than a common junkie.

>> No.14681572

Why am I such a coomer for anime girls?

I don't even watch porn with real people

>> No.14681573

fuck off slut

>> No.14681574
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As we should.

>> No.14681578

Why respond if you have nothing to say? It's clear you're avoiding confronting anything I've said because it would only put you in a deeper hole. What makes the situation a synchronicity? I was genuinely curious.

>> No.14681580

because you're a patrician, anon.

>> No.14681585


>> No.14681594

lmao imagine takign advice for a benzo addict. what a retard... everybody knows psuch meds suck, specially benzos

>> No.14681595

im not the anon that was agresively responding to your question. yes, ive read jung, he talks about synchronicity in a very particular fashion and its often a term that people do not understand or confound with simpler ideas akin to "coincidences". when you read jung you have to take into consideration that the guy is pretty fucking aware he is not talking a phenomena that you can prove in a rational or scientifical way. i dont want to get into that subject because its a long and tedious conversation, but the gist of it is that acording to jung, in a sense, what you experience as reality, if not in a strict sense identical, the very nature of the experience itself, is profoundly gorunded in these aprioristical phenomena he called archetypes. they are not even "phenomena", they are outside of our cognitional capacity. this idea is not really a new idea, there is plenty of philosophy that has delved around such subject for centuries before his books, he only applied it to psychological studies.
to understand sync you have to take that into consideration. you can say sync events are somewhat akin to different materializations of certain ideas that are carried out into the world, in your own life. an idea burried deep within you that commands your whole life, and you get to experience it over and over and over, shaping your life and your way of interacting with reality itself.
now you get my post?

>> No.14681604

All of this re the drugs makes me even more reluctant to take anything that's prescribed to me. I started going to therapy a little over a month ago and went in with the idea that I would not take any ssris or anything of the sort. This makes me even more sure of that.

>> No.14681606

Yeah lol. I’m not huge on Peterson but the vulture tier behaviour of some of his critics has been pathetic. Needlessly cruel and uncharitable.

>> No.14681615

Daily reminder new to take jewpills of any kind, whether they be painkillers, depression meds or any sort of anti-psychotics.

t. schizo

>> No.14681625


Same vibe I got. Sounds like Peterson wrote the thing himself. Very unnecessarily dramatic.

>> No.14681637

fellow schizo here, i literally lost my mind and eventually i just got back to normal. you just gotta not be a bitch and deal with your shit like a man. stick to tobacco and whiskey if you must, but never take some shit concocted in a laboratory by some nerd

>> No.14681638

Peterson wouldve liked the Neoplatonic texts. Hes leans on the right path but hasnt read the right texts

>> No.14681641

Didn't watch but I'm sure his 98% beef diet has nothing to do with it

>> No.14681645

If he experienced paradoxical effects, he should have immediately contacted his physician.

>> No.14681651

Daily reminder to never listen to schizos.

>> No.14681675

Honestly this; Even if i don't mean harm to the poor Peterson.
Once one has fully integrated Marx and Hegel, not much can fuck with you. You are almost invulnerable from human psychological harm.

>> No.14681681

t. schlomo

>> No.14681690

Memerson was always reddit

>> No.14681692

>Once one has fully integrated Marx and Hegel, not much can fuck with you. You are almost invulnerable from human psychological harm.
Marx and Hegel directly contradict each other

>> No.14681701

what's with all these people who revel in their sickness?

i had a great aunt who at one point, almost suddenly, went from a normal person to a cripple who wore diapers. someone who was always sick, always at the doctor, overly emotional, someone who would ruin any social event and make others uncomfortable. everyone was relieved when she died. she was a tortured soul, and not by the illnesses, but by something deep inside of her that drove her to become an invalid.

their goal isn't to overcome. they've found a new comfort in their sickness. they take more and more medicine, they focus more and more on their pain, and almost by sheer will fall deeper into the abyss. i don't pity these people. anyone who constantly finds themselves at the doctor or on some kind of medication needs to really take a step back and think about if they are willing themselves into ruin.

>> No.14681714

not gonna lie, she's fucking hot

>> No.14681715

Bloody revolution wen?

>> No.14681717


And? Nietzsche contradicts himself and is based beyond belief. Consistency is a spook.

>> No.14681718

What a bunch of leftist cucks in this thread. JFL at all these useless idiots who want to change the world but can't even change themselves.
>Didn't believe in a problem that gays and injected drug uses who shared needles had
How far into Das Kapital did you get? It's so fucking long.
Oh and for anyone who hasn't heard this yet: think about it logically.
This thread was clickbait btw. He's fine.

>> No.14681723

SSRIs are completely different to benzos. There are some with basically no withdrawal symptoms at all, like escitalopram (which really helped with my OCD and depression). I definitely respect your preference against medication but at least make it an informed decision, you should weigh up the real benefits they can bring (not to say that you should ever feel compelled to take meds if the pros outweigh the cons in a purely mathematical sense—it’s all up to you in the end). You can always wean off them, especially with the ones that don’t create such a dependence.

>> No.14681724

It would unironically benefit him. Put this guy in a gulag, and he would stop with his suicidal and depression crap.

>> No.14681726

Probably like 90% of people would stop being depressed if you enslaved them

>> No.14681729

to give you an example. jung somewhere discussed a case he was following about a woman in her mid thirties, that came to him an started to do a bunch of drawings. the details are not important, he talked mostly about the drawings as an example of a psychological process of something akin to "a search for an inner truth". the woman had issues she needed to resolve. later in life, he discovered that the woman died of breast cancer.
the drawings where mandalas, egg shaped mandalas. the suggestions of birth/rebirth/death/creation/etc where "there" in the drawings of this woman (according to his views, which i somewhat agree upon). it all comes down to what the woman decided to do with that information. but jung says that we, deeply and truthfully, dont have a saying in that. that in a sense, what we are is already in a really fuzzy and very generaly broadly sense, "determined" by these sets of archetypes. we just live them over and over and over and over. and that we are often prone to make mistakes, because the "truth" is outside of our comprehension. hence the mysticism surrounding this ideas, since the only thing that is left is to make a "leap of faith" into something incomprehensible and somehow find a way to life through it, some kind of satori moment withing yourself.
from a jungian standpoint, you could make an argument about the type of death she carried and the way she conducted herself in life.
she was single and had trouble relating to men. she was never pregnant. maybe the drawings meant that she should create life but she didnt listen. medicaly, we now know that some female medical conditions relating to cancer have a better prognosis if the women gets pregnant at some point in life, because of the "jumpstart" effect that occurs with the hormonal changes in organic sense. sync would be related to how one early decision affected a very later outcome, the way this events "meet" inside our consicous experience.

>> No.14681731

You need to read more Holocaust and gulag literature

>> No.14681732


>> No.14681741

What makes you certain that something ‘deep inside her drove her to become an invalid’? Is that just a cope because you are scared of the idea that external circumstances could do that to a person?

>> No.14681743

Good point about the drugs, however, phrenology and alchemy are based.

>> No.14681755

After I suffered a bad relationship it affects me much less. After working a terrible job, less terrible jobs aren't bad at all. You're actually correct. Bring back the draft.

>> No.14681783

people were hurting each other before money. money is just a medium that separates the specific value of a thing from the thing itself to enable more efficient trade. people do bad things because there is value to something. that value is still there in a barter based economy, just tied specifically to items and services rather than being an entity of its own. usury is evil though.

>> No.14681787
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these people are evil
only evil people get sick
time to repent sinners

>> No.14681795

Why do you blame a man for the assaults upon his conscience he allowed the public mind to hurl?

>> No.14681796
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>You need to read more Holocaust and gulag literature
*ahem* I think you mean fiction

>> No.14681799

this was a preternaturally kino event.

>> No.14681803

yes. addicts are weak—barely human, really. like nigga just don't eat the pills it's not hard.

>> No.14681807

is there a jojo edit of this

>> No.14681817

He allowed it to effect him

>> No.14681822

i don't know but there should be

>> No.14681823

>cutting life advice
>clean your room
anime rots the mind, just as all mindless escapism and entertainment focused media does.

>> No.14681830

the industrial revolution and its consequences etc.

>> No.14681842

this makes you a fucking monkey, not a man

>> No.14681845

You know money and barter only exist since the neolithic revolution right?

>> No.14681863

>take your Jewpills and be a good wagie!

>> No.14681870

Chomsky is a shit debater, which is why he doesn't do debates (he lies, saying it's because he thinks they're not intellectually enriching, but neither is repeating oneself ad infinitum about visitors from Mars and yet he still does it).

William Lane Craig is the best living debater. I am an atheist and his arguments are weak, but he knows all the rhetorical strategies to fuck you up in a live debate.

>> No.14681877

Nick Fuentes is the best debater on youtube

>> No.14681884

>William Lane Craig
Have you watched his debate with Sean Carroll? He got fucked so hard in the asshole

>> No.14681888

Also the best booger eater

>> No.14681892

like clockwork, the desTINY sycophants

>> No.14681903

wes watson is fucken based

>> No.14681905

His daughter is a thot who Peterson raised. Imagine taking his advice for anything.

>> No.14681939

lmao'ing @ all the toxic redditors in the comment section now suddenly acting positive for their beloved pseud monkey

>> No.14681994




>> No.14682012
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>> No.14682013

> they “have the guts to medically detox someone from benzodiazepines.”

Sounds like what she means is "stupid enough to cut someone off cold turkey" which is an insanely bad idea for benzo addiction. The standard is to slowly taper, and I mean over months or even years so the body can adjust. Not doing this can result in fatal seizures depending on the severity of the addiction.

>> No.14682023

divine intervention

>> No.14682025
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maga amrite

>> No.14682032
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>235 posts
>95 posters
How many "people" ITT do you think dilate? I know >>14682025 does.

>> No.14682038

taken out of context. nice try shill

>> No.14682040

surely his snake oil selling daughter could've prevented all of this by putting him on the Lion™ diet?

>> No.14682060

What snake oil, tourist? All his books but the new one are free on his website, tranny. All his lectures are free, faggot. Does he not actually have any degrees in his field and years of study, tranny? How is it snake oil, tranny? I think it would do you some good to listen to his advice, dilator.. Remember to donate to Contra and Chapo on Patreon, comrade tranny.

>> No.14682066
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OH NO NO NO. Wait a moment there sonny Jim.
Are you by any chance, Mr. Peterson, telling me that you are suffering from some kind of illness or some shit that is making you sad? Oh boohoo bucko. Clean your room. Be a man. Take responsibility. Do what you preach.
Anxiety is not so bad huh? Chemical dependency not so bad huh?

This is why Buddhism, Stoicism, all of these self improvement fads by daddy figures, Peterson, Nietzsche and his ubermensch, are so full of shit. This shit only works when life is treating you well on average, which is the situation of most first world white people. When it decides to treat you a little worse all you powerful supermen bend over like absolute sacks of shit. Hypocrites. Laughable.
Maybe he will choke on the pages of the bullshit he vomits for your men about self improvement.

This is why pessimism is the only correct worldview, and why it's dishonest to even call it pessimism. It's just realism, and the reality is life can absolutely destroy you no matter how many times you clean your room. All of you lying pieces of shit should be more humble in front of life and just pray it doesn't put you on your knees like it did to your daddy figures, lest you end up like Peterson here, running to be saved by Russians he so despises, or Nietzsche, having mental breakdowns and dying miserable of some kind of STD or brain cancer.

>> No.14682072
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>> No.14682078


>> No.14682080

i'm talking about his daughter, retard; kys regardless

>> No.14682082
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based blackpiller

fucking animal

>> No.14682083


>> No.14682091
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>> No.14682100
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>> No.14682101
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>> No.14682108
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>> No.14682121

digits and he endures a slow agonizing death.

>> No.14682123


>> No.14682136

there's some truth to that.
i developed an extremely rare, bizarre, and debilitating nervous system disorder when i was younger. most people develop it gradually, but mine turned fullblown over three months.
i was almost bedridden. i had to drop out of university. i couldn't work.
so i tried to find something I could do, and just focus on that. i spent an entire year obsessively reading and writing. trying to just be productive in any way
i joined an online support group. then i dropped out because it was what you described. a lot of people who reveled in being sick and make it their identity. they focused exclusively on what they couldnt do.
i eventually found a combination of meds that worked for me. after several painful years, im now a mostly functioning human again. ive worked fulltime. i go to university.
i think a lot of the people in that support group are going to stay sick forever, because theyve lost interest in pushing themselves.
i had to do things that were painful and difficult to acclimate to normal life. i had to accept the full responsibility of being human being again.
its hard to pick that responsibility back up

>> No.14682143

Proof that all commie tourist faggots are discord trannies. You will never ever pass, mate. You will never ever be a woman. You will never ever even come close. Kill yourself like your comrades do, faggot.

>> No.14682147

>thinking this is an argument

>> No.14682148

I'm not a tranny I just masturbate to them. You know Jordan Peterson disagrees with your views right he is quite liberal.

>> No.14682156

awesome. do post an update when he dies.

>> No.14682157

Imagine having this little insight about life. I feel sorry for people like you, I hope reality never hits you, because you are definitely not ready for it.
I imagine your aunt thought exactly the same way you do.

>> No.14682158

I don’t give a fuck about him. I’m sick of you fucking /leftypol/ refugee reddit tourist twitter commie discord tranny faggots. Fucking kill yourself, or at least go back, faggot.

>> No.14682161

Not an argument

>> No.14682164

is there a reason why he couldn't just go an expensive rehab? they have doctors there who specialize in things like benzo withdrawal.
normal benzo addicts end up in Malibu or wherever. they dont end up in Russia

>> No.14682167

I never lost faith in him. He's a good guy.

>> No.14682170

Dilate, faggot.

>> No.14682172

Not an argument

>> No.14682182 [DELETED] 

You probably had family, money, a dog, good medical support, lack of aggravating circumstances, or whatever other things you take for granted that allowed you to survive through those grueling 7 years and dropping out of college and shit.
Most of the people you look down on are just those who don't have the same facilities to survive the situation.
I can't understand how people can go through life changing circumstances like this and yet learn so little. Why can't you be more humble and more empathetic towards those that can't overcome things as easily?
To actually imply anyone likes or wants to be sick like that makes me sick.
Imagine someone saying that of you at the lowest point of your life during those 7 years.
You're being that person now.

>> No.14682185

I know Nazis are young men who are lost and find a community of people who support them but you don't need to be racist to have a sense of worth. You can be loved without having to submit to the hateful ideology.

>> No.14682198
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>Have that many /lit/ users not read Marx?

>> No.14682206

you're partially right. if someone said that to me at my lowest, i wouldve been enraged.
and my phrasing was a little callous. i think i came across as colder than i am.
i can try to explain better:
recovering from any illness is hard. recovering requires pushing yourself a lot. recovering is also degrading.
when i was good enough to work, i worked as a janitor. because thats the only job a NEET can get. i was still in debilitating pain, and i was cleaning toilets.
the responsibility of being an adult is GRUELING. being sick can be an excuse to drop it. being sick means you never have to clean a toilet again.

and, to be clear:
im not saying that everyone who's sick is choosing to be sick. or that people deserve it. no deserves it.
im just saying, its not uncommon for people to stand in the way of their own recovery

i take it, based on your response, you might be working through some sort of disability too. i wish you the best of luck

>> No.14682213

Your average nazi barely qualifies as being racist. He just hates nonwhite people, he doesn't really know anything about race differences. In fact knowing a lot about race differences necessitates learning quite a lot about human biology in general, to the point where National Socialism or White Nationalism begin to look mighty retarded.

>> No.14682214


>> No.14682222

My girlfriend took SSRIs for an extended time and now literally can't orgasm at the level she used to, who knows how it affects her daily psychological health (diminished serotonin response). Fuck drugs, seriously

>> No.14682223

Yeah looking at IQ and crime statistics really does get the noggin joggin’.

>> No.14682225

im too scared to click just post it no balls

>> No.14682226
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Sounds like the guy got a taste of his own medicine.

>> No.14682227

Race realists are just as retarded watch their debates with Destiny

>> No.14682230

>unironically citing destiny

lmao holy shit dude dont post anymore

>> No.14682232


>> No.14682233
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>> No.14682235


>> No.14682239

As if Destiny wouldn't shit on you and anyone who talked to him. His calls are open if you want to try.

>> No.14682248

There's so much more to it than just IQ and crime stats though. That's the type of thing nazis actually are aware of, although they just know the white/black disparities and try to explain away Jews and East Asians.

If you start looking at humans as animals that evolved, with mostly distinct subpopulations, and of course sexual dimorphism, an entirely new sort of perspective emerges. For one thing it's always a constant flux. White English aren't even the same as they were 300 years ago, let alone 'white people' being what their ancestors were 5000 years ago. And within any group like White English you have a great deal of variation, and many uncomfortable general tendencies unrelated to racial diversity. The animal quality in humanity really comes to the fore. Which is not to say we can just reduce it all way and forget about culture and so on. Only that it adds a lot to the picture that makes naive conceptions like the Aryan race, and 19th century meme political concepts like Nationalism, seem ridiculous. Well and that applies to a lot more stuff as well, it is really a different outlook.

>> No.14682250

destiny is on a literal correlation-causation fallacy tier thinking, you're a fucking retard if you think he is smart

>> No.14682252

Curious cause I don't go on /pol/ enough to talk to transphobes if you had to choose would you rather fuck a passing mtf or ftm?

>> No.14682257

So debate him. He accepts everyone. You'll finally be the guy to end his career.

>> No.14682259

Didn’t read. Go back, self-hating, nigger-loving faggot.

>> No.14682268

i cannot imagine a functioning man posting that.
i really cant picture anybody with friends and family typing the words, "NOOOOOOOOOOO! NOT MY GF'S ORGASMS! NOT HER HECKIN CUMMERINOS!", then going through his pics and clicking on his favorite reaction image, then doing a captcha, then posting it.
you had multiple steps to consider your behavior.
i genuinely wonder about your life. do you wander around yelling at dogs and grabbing women's ankles? are you banned from your public library?
i dont think your post was even that bad, its just bizarre. a normal human being would never think to respond that way. it would just never occur to them

>> No.14682269

I'd fuck either if they were attractive, I don't really care. I'd rather just fuck a normal girl, but Im not really squeamish

>> No.14682272


>> No.14682276

Nice bait

>> No.14682279

No such thing as passing.

>> No.14682281

Can you answer the question or did I btfo you?

>> No.14682288
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You would never accept passing but if you had to choose between this MTF or >>14682108 which would you pick?

>> No.14682299

He has millions of dollars and is a cognitive psychologist who made bank off of self help books. You’d think he would follow his own advice

>> No.14682310
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>> No.14682315
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>> No.14682327

Clean your room... also, get addicted to benzodiazepines...

>> No.14682328
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What is it about Peterson that attracts all these seething wojakposting teenagers? No other figure I know attracts this much hatred from mouthbreathers.

>> No.14682342

Don't wanna answer?

>> No.14682363
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It means you have a taste for the ideal

>> No.14682373

>is a clinical psychologist and a professor of psychology
>wrote self-help books telling young people how to supposedly avoid getting depressed and lost in life
>literally wrote a thesis on alcoholism
>made millions of dollars off all of this

>tries a fad diet to try coping with depression (it fails) in spite of supposedly knowing and writing the rules for life
>ends up getting addicted to benzos to cope with depression and nearly dies from ODing

Really makes you think, huh.

>> No.14682383

He has ties to the CIA and Kissinger if I remember correctly

>> No.14682395

Anime pron is like the cubism of coomers. You blur the figure and curve and gradient into the idealized non spatial picturelogue

>> No.14682409

>this much seething over a wojakpost
It is to laugh

>> No.14682420
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>What is it about Peterson that attracts all these seething wojakposting teenagers?
It was mostly his condescending insincerity that did it for me.

>> No.14682425

He was addicted to this shit for 8 months. He tells everyone else to take responsibility for their lives and to clean their rooms, but couldn’t figure out within an 8 month period that the drugs may be making him worse? He never bothered seeing a physician about it? He made millions of dollars off of telling people this shit that he himself doesn’t even follow himself.

>> No.14682429

the fact that you care this much is hilarious

>> No.14682433

Could this be fake?

>> No.14682438

i know its embarrassing that i care, but im genuinely wondering. i cant even pretend to be apathetic anymore.
and i know its a meme, i get that. but if you exposed a normal person to that meme, they still wouldnt respond to that post that way.
please tell me someone else understands what im saying

>> No.14682442

well when he said "clean your room" what he really meant was "take adderal so you have the focus and drive to clean your room." he's a drug advocate.

>> No.14682443
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>this much seething over a minimalist post
He certainly got Schopenhauered.

>> No.14682446

I get it but you are like a little babby. 20% of posts on /tv/ now are even worse than the one that bothered you

>> No.14682449
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>please tell me someone else understands what im saying
We understand. We just don't care.

>> No.14682462

I agree. its not even that bad. its not particularly meanspirited. its just fucking bizarre. its such a strange sentiment to share.
imagine a person saying that in real life. imagine anyone saying it in any context, and you realize its absolutely insane
try reading both comments, back to back, outloud

today just isnt my day i suppose

>> No.14682471

anon, most "normal persons" are okay with pregnant mothers going to a privately owned chain franchise funded by the government to get their developing babies ripped limb from limb and sucked out just so they can go around getting ridden like the town bicycle for a few more years with no consequences. yes, those people will probably get weirded out by an ironic cuck post, but why would any sane person care about the sensibilities of a lunatic? just because the lunatics are the majority? its not a fucking divine revelation that normies don't have a sense of humor. its because they're evil.

>> No.14682474
File: 87 KB, 750x711, 1560832091342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope this liberal shit eating jew and nigger lover dies

>> No.14682476
File: 884 KB, 990x1146, 20200207205549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're just mad because you know SSRIs aren't the reason your gf isn't coming as hard anymore

>> No.14682481

they ignored him for he told the truth

>> No.14682483

Mutt’s law.

>> No.14682502

im not the original ssri poster. im assuming he left. somehow the wojak meme hurt me more than him.

i dont think thats enough of an explanation. because its not like having a sense of humor will make you like that joke. even the edgiest, angiest comedians like Ari Shaffir wouldnt say that, because its got practically no punchline.

i feel like a person's brain would actually have to be broken to sit down and take the energy to write that
i think ive made the mistake of subvocalizing while browsing /lit/ and my brian couldnt handle it

>> No.14682509
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>somehow the wojak meme hurt me
It's nice to feel wanted.

>> No.14682516

>even the edgiest, angiest comedians like Ari Shaffir wouldnt say that
uh... you mean a total fucking normie?

>> No.14682539

well im glad someone got something out of this

>> No.14682587
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>> No.14682639
File: 467 KB, 1348x764, das Mädchen hinter der Theke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have we ever done a meme deconstruction thread that tied the effectiveness of the memes to their underlying dialectical principles?

>> No.14682782

absolutely based

>> No.14683001

i could always just do that in the next life

>> No.14683449

Why does Peterson make people angry instead of not care like every other gay e celeb..

>> No.14683484

Spammed too much

>> No.14683732

anime, not even once

>> No.14683961

Boomer alert