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14677636 No.14677636[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

red pill me on buddhism

>> No.14677653

Good lifestyle to adopt if you live in a third world shithole and have come to terms with the fact that your life is meaningless, but not applicable to prosperous first world countries.

>> No.14677659


Don't be a pooson Anon.

>> No.14677670

Anti-consoomer ideology, so it doesn't stick much in the West. Westerners prefer Stoicism (much easier).

>> No.14677695

>Stoicism (much easier).
Pop-Stoicism which is - stop caring about captalism ruining your life just wage like a good slave - sure.
Actual Stoicism is just as difficult as buddhism.

>> No.14677715

I don't know: Buddhism requires to leave the householder life, while Stoicism recommends to be part of the city. It comes down to which is harder. You abandon much more of your possessions in Buddhism.
Then again, I remember some monk saying his nightmares were him not being a monk and being a regular guy.

>> No.14677729

Stoicism is more similar to Vaishnavism, where you are encouraged to live integrated in society, but constantly build virtue, not let yourself be consumed by the extremes of emotions and strive to dedicate all your action for the betterment of the worlds, rather than egoistic personal gain.
For your usual consoomer, this os just as unimaginable as living the monastic life.

>> No.14677730


I just find Buddhism to be very dishonest. They are not scorning material items because they have reached some kind of "state of enlightenment," they are scorning them because they know they will never get them. And this is both defeatist and a disgusting ideology to have. It's like those guys who can't get laid, so they adopt MGTOW, although we all know that the second that a girl offers to fuck him, his new found "morals" will go out the window in a heartbeat.

Same thing with Buddhists. Give me a black card with no limit, and 2 plane tickets to Vegas, and in 48 hours I will have that Buddhist committing the most degenerate hedonist acts and forgetting his "ideals" before the weekend is up.

>> No.14677742

Thanks, I didn't know about Vaishnavism.
The point is to build discipline and right view to see through such 'temptations'; at least to see their vacuity and impermanence. That said, Buddhism is very clear on the fact that it is hard if not impossible.

>> No.14677753


Well the reality is that 99% of humanity lead lives of suffering and poverty. Most existence is full of suffering and disappointment to all but very few. Also mortality is universal, and nothing lasts so attachment to anything is futile

>> No.14677760

Created the greates techniques for training the mind. Especially modern traditions with it's analytical, western style of teaching. Stuff like Visuddhimagga is the most glorious autism in the history of religions.

>> No.14677786

Why do I feel like you are projecting here? I'm not even Buddhist and pleasures like this are not inaccessible to me. Yet I find myself avoiding them with disgust. Not all people are alike.

>> No.14677790

This, but the exact opposite.
Buddhism, as it's core, is only for the (male) uppet class of warriors

>> No.14677822

Scorning pleasures you can't have is the most childish thing you can do. That's literally what kids do.
A man acknowledges that there are things out of his reach, and instead of pretending he doesn't want them and throwing in the towel like a little bitch, he works hard to achieve them.

>> No.14677826

You seem to think that only those who could not have the pleasures renounce them, which perhaps is true in your case, but regarding others, it's evidently not the case.

>> No.14677851

>he works hard to achieve them
Anglo bugman detected.

>> No.14677973

the pill is empty

>> No.14678014

True, kids on /lit/ have an opinion on buddhism (as with most other things) based on what "redpill" they heard by other underage retards on this board, so they don't even know the basic history of buddhism, how it originated from someone in the warrior class, and almost all early converts were brahmins/ksatriya.

OP get to reading proper texts and ignore retards, no there's not single line redpill on everything sorry. If you don't like that you have to spend time, then just don't since nobody requires you to be knowledgeable.

>> No.14678021

Not much better.

Heres the break down. Its radical nihilism, deprogramming and reprogramming to the level where existing as a plant becomes the highest achievement. Jesus was a more profound teacher by far.
This doesn't have anythig to do with ideology. It has to do with the quality of the "men", i.e. no quality at all.

Loot at buddhism this way. Its a method or set of methods or techniques. Problem is it literally leads nowhere. I would say Hinduism is better but the idolatry in it cancels it out.

Monotheism is what your looking despite any icky feelings you might have towards it- thats just your arrogance.

>> No.14678034

You're just a degenerate

>> No.14678038

>greates techniques for training the mind.
Just call it meditation lol

>> No.14678048

Meditation is an empty buzzword by now thanks to the hard work of retards.

>> No.14678115

it is the most true philosophy (esp. madhyamaka)

but not very actionable

>> No.14678128

Do these training techniques allow me to launch fireballs or visualize highly detailed cunny?

>> No.14678140

Hello, Mephistopheles

>> No.14678157

Daniel Ingram wrote a chapter on siddhis (powers) in Mastering The Core Teachings of Buddha, and afaik Ajahn Lee's talks about it in one book. So you could start there.

>> No.14678171

>they are scorning them because they know they will never get them
They are scorning them because they will never get them permanently. If you think this is defeatist as opposed to honest then you're just simply a retarded person.

>> No.14678179

Also even Culadasa mentions them briefly in The Mind Illuminated in an appendix on Jhanas when he suggests what to practice after 4th jhana

>> No.14678193

>it is the most true philosophy (esp. madhyamaka) but not very actionable
That is what makes it the greatest religion. Your "actionability" in the world is a layer you as an individual have to stack on-top of the religion. Madhyamaka neither pushes you this way or that. It's not a bunch of copes that "akshually God wants you to reconquer the Holy Land" but rather if you want to go reconquer it then do it but leave Madhyamaka out of it.

>> No.14678195

what? wasnt the founder of buddhism a rich prince that renounced his status and wealth? idk much about buddhism but i dont think its only for coping poorfags

>> No.14678224

But nowadays warriors (soldiers) are almost exclusively working-class.

>> No.14678229

You just want me to get you a black card with no limit and two plane tickets to Vegas, don't you
Well I shan't

>> No.14678235

>Buddhism, as it's core, is only for the (male) uppet class of warriors
How is it for warriors though? I know Zen developed into a highly martial religion but i'm not even certain how and why that happened. Half the suttas are about telling the interlocutor to abide by ahimsa.

>> No.14678252

>most true philosophy (esp. madhyamaka)

>> No.14678400


>> No.14678463


>> No.14678568
File: 43 KB, 550x412, headless-statues-of-buddha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>daddy's boy grows up
>social responsibilities come
>the boi is not ready to face them
>projects his social inability on the world
>runs away
>travels the world without being restrained by the need to earn his living in it
>eventually his world vision dissolves in the lack of any external social coherence to maintain it
>his mind starts building a vision based on pure experience, unbound by social prescriptions
>translates this into stories that borrow elements of the social world of the common man
>is divinized by the ignorant mass
>achieves his lifetime without ever having had to face those social responsibilities
>gets tired and commits suicide by eating an indigestible meal
>his life story is used by tradition to keep the ignorant mass as its source of wealth

the true path to liberation is not joining a mass cult but engaging yourself in your own discovery, outside of all social limits. this cannot be induced intentionally, but it cannot be avoided when it comes either.

discard buddhism and all other isms and face your own void. the mind will take over and give you what you need. the rest is for you to see for yourself.

>> No.14678653

Siddharta Gautama was historically a renowed general trained in war since the age of 7 and with over 15 years of real combat experience in the field, please kill yourself faggot and be more humble
You know nothing, your opinions are worthless, and since the 60s milions preached the whole "just fill your own void" bullshit justifying it with jewish psychology
Buddhism requires hard work, and an attitude towards sacrifice, strength, willpower, and courage, this is written in the pali canon
I'm not even a buddhist and I want to chop your fucking head off

>> No.14678680

>Buddhism requires hard work

yeah, and that work can only be done following sects and prescriptions that put you under the lead of someone else.

you already speak within the social field where all knowledge is used to dominate others.

go ahead and keep chopping heads. when you die, you will have to face them all, for which the social prestige you got in the process will be of no use.

also, i never said fill the void. just face it. (it cant be filled).

>> No.14678685

Literal cope
Just say that you have no idea of what you're talking about and disappear from this thread and possibly from this life forever

>> No.14678707

Meditate and find it out for yourself.

>> No.14678709

>the lack of arguments

yeah ok, keep using internet to vent your frustrations. that only makes them bigger for their explosion later irl.

>> No.14678713

After learning that his wife was raped and murdered the Buddha did not even shed a single tear or feel any emotion just pushing on to enlightenment. You can not get that strength and hardness from Stoicism.

>> No.14678725

>You can not get that strength and hardness from Stoicism.
If you don't even try then no, the Buddha is hardly unique in his reaction.

>> No.14678728

Enlightenment is renouncing the entire world. That's the exact opposite of being led around by others.

>> No.14678733

You would cry like a child if your wife was rapes and murdered. Don't kid yourself.

>> No.14678749

And I never claimed anything else, about me that is. If you think the Buddha is unique for not getting emotional in that situation and the only way to emulate his reaction is to follow his teachings well, I don't even know what to tell you since our worlds are so far removed from each other.
Broaden your perspective about people because while it's impressive, it's not very unique all things considered.

>> No.14678820

Only male members of the warrior class were allowed to be buddhist while the buddha was alive, he himself was an ex-warlord with dozens of military campaigns on his back

>> No.14678864

>were allowed
by whom?

>> No.14678872

already did didnt do anything for me.

>> No.14678886

Sariputta (foremost chief disciple and Buddha's right hand man) was a former brahmin before being ordained into the order and becoming an arhat.

>> No.14678888

Devadatta was a warrior? I don't think this is true. He clearly was against the Caste system.

>> No.14678893

theres no evidence of his existance in the first place.

>> No.14679141

It doesn't really matter: even if there was solid proof he existed, you would find plenty reasons to doubt its teachings. Its a matter of faith, like with any other religion.
>Who is without attachments, has realized the truth and is free from doubts, merging into the Nirvana, has attained the goal - him do I call a Brahmin. (Dhp 411)
Brahmin has a different meaning in the Suttas, it's a moral distinction rather than a social one.

>> No.14679278
File: 498 KB, 450x207, fail1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at all the faggotry on this thread, all I can think is that
"What we have here is a failure to communicate..."
Buddhanon here, let me explain Buddhism as I understand it...
Buddhism addresses the question of suffering. It examines suffering (NOT pain, that is different) and determines that the reason that you suffer is because you desire something and cannot have it. In other words you have created a picture inside your head of something that is different from what you are actually experiencing, and you suffer because you are not experiencing what you have created inside your head. That which you have created is not actually, physically real. It's just something you made up in your head, a thought. It's an illusion. So you are suffering because of an illusion.
Seeing past this illusion, we are "liberated" from the delusion that what is inside our heads is more real than that which we actually encounter and endure.
Keep in mind, too, that Buddhism was not designed for laymen. It was something that a forest dwelling ascetic came up with for other forest dwelling ascetics.

When it is adapted for lay use it usually becomes a support system for the Sangha. This is like mission control, staying on the ground, but helping the astronauts in their vehicle to attain escape velocity and get to the other side of the gravity well.

On a personal note, I as a Buddhist layman do my best to keep five precepts, I do this by
1.Not killing or injuring others
2.Not stealing
3.Not committing adultery
4.Not lying
5.Not drinking alcohol

The last is the most difficult for me, I will admit!

>> No.14679280

A post so reddit it looks like you copypasted it from there

>> No.14679309

>just be good bra
>just ignore the fact that reality is an illusion bra
>don't you love the shitty world God built for you bra
>you know if you don't believe in Him you'll go to Hell literaly until the end of time, right bra

>> No.14679324

Going to hell is not dependent on believing or not.

>> No.14679330

You mean the highest a man should aim for in his life is as much senseless hedonism as he can afford?
You've been so consistently refuted by so many great thinkers I'm sure this has to be bait

>> No.14679415
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Wow! Really? Never been there. I am at work, just wrote this off the top of my head, then after posting it realised that no one ITT really gives a fuck about Buddhism anyway...

>> No.14679509

All that proves is that Buddhism is a religion for warriors that no longer wants to be warriors though. Wouldn't exactly call that a religion for warriors.
What happens when a barbarian storms into your house to rape your wife? Will you break the first precept?

>> No.14679516

>Will you break the first precept?
Yeah, a arhant actually can kill out compassion. It spares the wannabe killer a whole lot of bad kamma. The issue is not violence in itself (or at least, it is not only the violence), it's the intent.

>> No.14679662

I still don't fully understand the precepts, I guess it is because i'm from a post-Christian country.

The precepts are stressed a lot but then the Buddha goes and; if not outright says it implies it, says that insight and knowledge is what actually "saves". This obviously implies that the precepts are only there because they're CONDUCIVE to enlightenment/society as opposed to having some unbreakable ontological authority. But then you have all the modern monks that seems to preach nothing but severe world-denying morality to people.

An interesting story from the suttas is that guy that is living off killing people and he collects fingers of people he kills for his necklace. When he meets the Buddha he have 999 fingers but he still realizes Nibbana. Not by opposite(good) moral action but through understanding. Another interesting story is when the soldier comes and ask the Buddha to join his community but the Buddha tells him that he should finish his service first which implies that the Buddha did not believe his life as a warrior would hinder his progress and that he should do his duty.

Buddhism keeps pulling me in but then its apparent moral dogmatism push me right out again. Not that I have a problem with morality or whatever. I don't kill or drink etc. Always lets out all the animals that sometimes finds their way into my apartment, such as spiders and wasps. lel

>> No.14679669

where do i start with buddhism?

>> No.14679749
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With the wings to awakening. Get it here for free under "Treatises".

>> No.14679779

Just read a meditation manual, The Mind Illuminated, With Each and Every Breath, Right Concentration, Wisdom Wide and Deep, The Progress of Insight...

>> No.14679815
File: 286 KB, 533x800, Seraphim Rose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something vogue and trendy for Westerners that haven't discovered Eastern Orthodoxy yet (which is far superior theologically to Buddhism).

>> No.14679822

The problem with Orthodoxy is that it is Christian. No amount of muh essence/energy distinction will ever change that.

>> No.14679839

you started larping as as an orthobro last year because of ecelebs and /lit/ memes. by this time next year, you will have found another religion to larp as.

>> No.14679846

Damned straight. I shoot them repeatedly until they are dead. I am only a lay person, after all!

>> No.14680051

Enlightenment is beyond words. It is stated quite clearly that words/teachings are as close as possible to the truth without being it. Language is an unperfect tool for this.
The precepts are a way to get good kamma because good kamma creates situations more conducive to enlightenment. See the crystal salt image: having good kamma by following the precepts means any bad kamma (a crystal salt) will melt into a river and the water won't be salted. Not creating good kamma means your crystal salts will melt in a glass of water, and you'll drink salt water.
But Kamma is just physics. It happens that good kamma helps with the practice, but "becoming good" is not an end of the practice; the point is to stop becoming.
You have to remember the Buddha taught a lot of people, and each time adapted his teaching to the student. That's why there are what appears as inconsistencies.
Unironically, you should post the same thing on r/buddhism. There are idiots there (like here) but the subreddit harbors a few academics, or other people very advanced in their practice. They will answer to you better than I did.

>> No.14680058

Walpola Rahula, What the Buddha taught for a general overview. Then go with the dhamma talks and the suttas.

>> No.14680727

Dhamma teachers talk about Nibbana in ways that sound similar to the way a severely depressed person talks about why they want to commit suicide. "I am suffering so much in my life that the solution is to end my life." Similarly, the endless cycle of birth, death and rebirth is Samsara or endless suffering. Nibbana is a way to end this suffering by stopping living altogether.

>> No.14681160
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"Alright if there is anything such as a non-dual state or have gone beyond mind why the hell are you describing that state as long bliss beatitude you are selling your own brand of cigarettes fooling us all and telling us all it is nicotine free but they are also cigarettes" - UG Krishnamurti

>> No.14681197
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>Whatever pursuit you are indulging in, somewhere along the line it has to dawn on you that it is not leading you anywhere. As long as you want something, you will do that. That want has to be very, very clear. What do you want? All the time I ask you the question, "What do you want?" You say, "I want to be at peace with myself." That is an impossible goal for you because everything you are doing to be at peace with yourself is what is destroying the peace that is already there. You have set in motion the movement of thought which is destroying the peace that is there, you see. It is very difficult to understand that all that you are doing is the impediment, is the one thing that is disturbing the harmony, the peace that is already there

>If you are freed from the goal of the "perfect" ,"godly", "truly religious" then that which is natural in man begins to express itself. Your religious and secular culture has placed before you the ideal man or woman, the perfect human being, and then tries to fit everybody into that mold. It is impossible. Nature is busy creating absolutely unique individuals, whereas culture has invented a single mold to which all must conform. It is grotesque

>Political institutions and ideologies are the warty outgrowth of the religious thinking of the man; in a way responsible for the tragedy of mankind. We are slaves to our ideas and beliefs, and we torture ourselves in the hope of achieving something. All our experience, spiritual or otherwise, is the basic cause of our suffering... The body is not interested in anything "you" are interested in; that is the battle that is going on all the time.

>The fact is that we don't want to be free. What is responsible for our problems is the fear of losing what we have and what we know. All these therapies, all these techniques, religious or otherwise, are only perpetuating the agony of man.

>> No.14681276

based libcuck

>> No.14681285

So is the understanding of a fool.

A rich man forsook his riches in search of truth.
He found what all true seekers have found.
That the truth is not of this world.
That this world is a deception at best and a cruel punishment at worst.
We will not find what all living things seek here, we will not find finality.

Or so is this fools understanding.

>> No.14681478

>which is far superior theologically to Buddhism
why be crypto non-dualist when you can just openly admit obvious truths without fear of being crucified by your coreligionists?

>> No.14681480

>Buddhism addresses the question of suffering.
Prove to me that suffering exists.
Prove to me that "wanting" to escape it is not a "desire" to be vanquished.

>> No.14681928


>Prove to me that suffering exists.

But it doesn't. "No suffering and no end of suffering..." - Heart Sutra.

>Prove to me that "wanting" to escape it is not a "desire" to be vanquished.

It is. Buddhism talks about this at length.

People in this thread missing the mystical, contradictory nature of Buddhism designed to break you out of familiar forms of consciousness and totally alter your relationship with phenomenal and transcendental realities. Sad.