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14676637 No.14676637 [Reply] [Original]

how can right wingers ever recover from this devastating book. the author, in just over 100 pages, shows that logic supports left wing argumentation, rather than right wing argumentation.

>> No.14676650

Logic is neutral and supports literally infinitely many valid arguments

>> No.14676654

I don't even now what this is but I love cover. Based Hume.

>> No.14676657
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Is that HUME? Does the book refute this?
>I am apt to suspect the Negroes to be naturally inferior to the Whites. There never was a civilized nation of any other complexion than white, nor even any individual eminent either in action or speculation. No ingenious manufacturer amongst them, no arts, no sciences. On the other hand, the most rude and barbarous of the Whites, such as the ancient German, the present Tartars, still have something eminent about them, in their valor, form of government, or some other particular. Such a uniform and constant difference could not happen in so many countries and ages, if nature had not made an original distinction betwixt these breeds of men. Not to mention our colonies, there are Negro slaves dispersed all over Europe, of whom none ever discovered any symptoms of ingenuity; though low people, without education, will [229] start up amongst us, and distinguish themselves in every profession. In Jamaica, indeed, they talk of one Negro as a man of parts and learning; but it is likely he is admired for slender accomplishments, like a parrot who speaks a few words plainly.

>> No.14676670

>shows that logic supports left wing argumentation
This. It's been scientifically proven (and philosophically proven, see Hegel for example) that science and the objective nature of the universe has a progressive left-wing bias. It's why the world keeps getting more progressive.

>> No.14676681

I-I mean facts do care about your feelings until it is culturally convenient that they don’t!

>> No.14676686
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>be me
>be right wing
>go on 4chan
>get informed I'm devastated
How could this happen to me?

>> No.14676688

>the left-right dichotomy
This is embarrassing on more than one level. Also, quit spamming.

>> No.14676689

>that science and the objective nature of the universe has a progressive left-wing bias
> It's why the world keeps getting more progressive

>> No.14676690
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That's why we sometimes need to kill reason and give a little space to life.

>> No.14676696

hume more like coom

>> No.14676704

Zero Books = Zero Looks

>> No.14676705

I don't even read, I win every argument because I'm attractive

>> No.14676720

What about Gnon?

>> No.14676755

Lmao Burgis got btfo by Dave Smith and Gene Epstein multiple times

>> No.14676851

He looks like the kind of guy to watch his wife get fucked.

>> No.14676909

Zero books?
More like zero times had sex.

>> No.14676930

It's funny how nobody brings up the racism and prejudice of historical figures more than the same conservatives who would otherwise be triggered by this type of attitude

Oh you want to use the thought of any person ever in human history? Here's what he said that is at odds with our modern thinking:

>> No.14676990

>It's funny how nobody brings up the racism and prejudice of historical figures more than the same conservatives
i guess the whole calling everybody you disagree with a nazi thing escaped you, but everyone with half a brain can see that any conservative using that argument only seeks to ridicule the left by using their logic against them. Of course its an irrelevant hyperbole but its the same irrelevant hyperbole the left uses to deligitimize the right constantly.

>> No.14677053

Is that Ben Shapiro or Nick Fuentes? lol.

>> No.14677058

Hey I wasn't the guy who put Hume on the book cover

>> No.14677068

I thought we all agreed with Hume about the inferiority of the negros

>> No.14677071

Shapiro. This was being shilled before Fuentes became known.

>> No.14677087

Don’t you people understand that the modern lefts obsession with foreigners and savages is just a manifestation of the death drive, a biological culling of the unnecessary and the unenlightened. That’s why /pol/ fags feel so threatened, they realise that they are so far from a G*d that his punishment is coming for them. Gog and Magog arising appears the earth can be made fertile for the new man.

>> No.14677170


Read what google allowed me to read and found no compelling arguments, just some professor stating Ben Shapiro doesn't argue in proper logical order. Was hoping for some data or facts to back up these arguments but I guess not.

>> No.14677194

thank you for dropping in shlomo

>> No.14677205

The death-drive (Thanatos) is the drive of the unknown so I guess what you’re saying isn’t wrong. It’s just funny you would assume the death-drive would manifest itself so directly. Secondly we might like to remember also that the death-drive isn’t the drive TO death, but rather it is the drive OF death.

>> No.14677707

So this book is just Burgis attacking libertarian centre right retards like molymeme and Shapiro? Hard pass

>> No.14678337

Makes sense to me!

>> No.14678351
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>you need data to back up logical arguments

>> No.14678357

>In Jamaica, indeed, they talk of one Negro as a man of parts and learning; but it is likely he is admired for slender accomplishments, like a parrot who speaks a few words plainly.
This literally sums up the entire left today.
Nothing in the sub-bogroll pages of the OP's book could ever possibly recover from this one statement by based Hume.

>> No.14678363

>conflating Freud kikery with greek mythos

That's going to be a double-Y Yikes from me there, old buddy.

>> No.14678379 [DELETED] 


>> No.14679168


>> No.14679200

>Now that the authoritarian “socialism” of the Soviet bloc has receded into the historical rearview mirror, the prospects for the real thing have started to look more promising than they have for a long time. Even so, we face a steep uphill battle.
>He or she—let’s be honest, he
oof he got em
>An angry black man who might be meant to represent Barack Obama says, “Trump is Hitler!” An angry elephant says, “Never Trump!” An angry Megan Kelly says, “Trump is a misogynist!” Other, less recognizable figures yell, “Trump is a racist!”, “Trump went bankrupt!”, and “My feelings!” As a smiling Molyneux punctures them all, he proclaims, “Not an argument!”
Talking about internet memes in real life, kek.

>> No.14679320

>Talking about internet memes in real life, kek.
Does this book involve refuting Ben Garrison comics? This is the intellectualism the left is so proud of?

>> No.14679332

Hume -while being a freethinker- was a political conservative Tory, who feared the influence of the masses.

>> No.14679335

Ben has the typical religious arguments that don't sound any different from all the other authoritarian God believers who don't even understand what goodness or divine justice is. Smart people can systemize things well. So what, smart people can build fancier prisons for themselves. Good job.

>> No.14679340
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He got fucking btfoed by the omniliberal

>> No.14679360

>now that the authoritarianism that has constituted all instances of socialism that have ever really existed is gone, we can start the “””real””” socialism, for serious this time guys

>> No.14679381

Is he the greatest thinker alive?

>> No.14679510

Why even ask of course

>> No.14679521

Which ben?

>> No.14679548
File: 327 KB, 1228x1126, cultureofcritique.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just read it.

>> No.14679576

So this is the result of spending most of your life reading theory

>> No.14679681

>If everyone at the bottom of capitalism’s economic hierarchy was somehow able to simultaneously move up in that hierarchy, no one would be left to harvest crops or drive food to grocery stores. We’d all starve to death. (In a socialist society, on the other hand, we could have the kind of “balanced job complexes” Michael Albert and Robin Hanhel talk about. Necessary grunt work could be spread around to allow everyone more time to do more interesting things with their lives.)
It's not like new humans are created and filter themselves up and down the pyramid.

>> No.14679689
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I like how even if you can't read or can't recognize Shapiro, you can still recognize it's a leftist book because of that stupid finger-to-mouth "shhh" gesture.
The only times I've seen that "joke" used is in leftist comics like pic related. Why do they like to use it? What does it mean to them?

>> No.14679695

>To the extent that Shapiro’s point is that it’s important to get the factual premises of moral and political arguments right, I agree—and I wish he would do a better job of acting on his own advice. To the extent that what he’s saying is that leftists can’t reason our way to our policy preferences by extrapolation from unmixed factual premises, this too is correct. To the extent, however, that his implied point is that this is a difference between the left and the right, he’s full of shit.

>> No.14679717

It is an expression of total control without seeming like the evil bad guy. That is leftism.

>> No.14679720

It means that they think of you as a child who just needs some education to be brought up and enlightened like the filthy savages of the Solomon islands they see you as.

>> No.14679748

Is that his dick rising in the last panel, or did she wrap her leg around him?

>> No.14679754

Ressentiment. They're powerless in real life, so they puff themselves up. They treat people who they disagree with like children because they believe they have it all figured out, after all the government and academia and the media told them that they're right so how could they be wrong.

It's a power play, by spoiled children aping adults. This is what they think power looks like, because they have none.

>> No.14679772

God I hate this, the original speaker shouldnt be saying something so broad in the first place that this yes overdone correction needs to be stated at all. Its alnost like theyre not being genuine

>> No.14679827

>Let’s take Nozick’s slightly creepy analogy between sex and capitalism seriously.
In his book on right wing logical fallacies he actually has the cheek to poison the well.
>When a relatively normal person tangles with such a creature in online spaces, they’re not likely to devote the time and energy that would be required to carefully and thoroughly address these accusations one at a time. Instead, they might respond with a bit of snark or by simply cutting their losses and ending the conversation.
Be honest, does this sound like the behaviour of a trumptard "logicbro" or a SJW empathylet?
>This is, of course, what the right-wing logicbro wants. It allows him to do a victory lap, relishing in the way his “butthurt” opponent has been demolished by the power of his logical skills.

>> No.14679871

Once postmodernism gets to the point where it becomes relitively widespread, it in a way becomes modernist as it is the general consensus, but it has trouble critiquing itself, so it just pretends it is still a trend outside of the zeitgeist of society and immune to it, and instead props up a scapegoat of their predecessors modernity so as to keep larping and beating around the bush. its not intentional, its just mentally convenient.

>> No.14680023

What's the point of this book? Every intelligent person already knows that leftism makes more sense. The rest are too stupid to be convinced, so he'd just be preaching to the choir.

>> No.14680031

>He doesnt now most leftist products are to make leftist feel as superior as possible, even when they already know they are right.
Its not even a question about if they are correct or not anon.

>> No.14680095

If the point is to influence public policy, then yes. I don't give a fuck about some jewish lawyers fighting each other over wordplay. Give me data or give me death.

>> No.14680097

Using the word "left" already makes him a brainlet. I thought this book was supposed to be logical refutations from a smartypants.

>> No.14680116

what did you expect from a guy who puts ben shapiro on the cover?

>> No.14680139

He's the greats of all Mid-Wits